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Metacognitive Reading Report

In this article by Val Plumwood is talk about sex/gender distinction. Gender is a
term that has social and cultural contrasts instead of biological ones, the term that is
used in this is masculine and feminine.
What the three things that you significantly learned from the reading? Elaborate
The first thing the I significantly learned from the reading is the part in the objections to
distinction because it shows the way the distinction should be treated and how sex and
gender were not distinct. The second thing that I learned from the reading is the part in
the context of the distinction and that is the sex-role theory. The third things that I
learned from the reading is the part of what is gender wherein Connell considers as it
were to reject is that of sex as putting limits or constraints on conceivable social sex
courses of action.
What are the three things that are still unclear to you? Elaborate them.
The three things that are still unclear to me is under the degendering like degendering 1
and degendering2, the other thing that are also still unclear to me is

What are the three things that you used to think about the topic? Elaborate them.
The three things that is used to think about the topic is before I don’t know what the
difference of gender and sex, how distinction is important and how it impact our life.

What are the three questions that you want to ask about the reading article?
Elaborate them.
The three questions that I want to ask about the article is about the feutures of
masculinity and feminity. The second one is about the objection to the distinction while
the last question I want to ask is the intentional body rather than the imaginary body.
Therefore, I conclude that this article gives me a new knowledge about sex and gender.
It changes me on how I view are society and how can I be better for the future.

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