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Drive sale: CTA – call to action, Nike website has a call to action in their landing page, that prompt

to purchase the product.

Build trust: The Nike website also comes with a customer service page, where customers can report their
problems. They also spend billions in ensuring that their Brand name is trustworthy.

Educate customers: The Nike website has many educative page in their website featuring their product
specifications, they also showcase their charity works that builds a good public image to their followers.

Showcase work: using their website Nike showcase most of their product to let the customers know
which product they have available, ranging from shoes to sports bra.

Offer sales and discounts: to advertise their products Nike offers discount on their products.

Promote social media channels: Links to their official social media page can also be found in the Website,
promotions and advertisement link are Also posted.

What is the primary call-to-action (CTA) for website visitors?: you can find in Nike homepage a shoe, with
a price, and a customer can click they page to buy the shoe instantly

What is the secondary CTA for website visitors? There is a free shipping order, that might prompt a buyer
to buy a particular product for that service.

Sell its purpose (Nike Purpose)Links to an external site. Nike purpose is to break down barrier and build
community to change the game for all

Use visual elements to create a consistent brand image: Nike has a consistent brand image which can be
found below

Find an example of content marketing for Nike and add the link to your document.
Advertising their Air Jordan 1 on their website https://www.nike.com/w/jordan-1-shoes-4fokyzy7ok

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