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Litigation www.

Volume 259—NO. 29 Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Heeding the ‘Wake Up’ Call on

Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 34
by Caitlin L. Bronner

n 2015, the Federal Rules of Civ-
il Procedure were amended to
change, among other things, the
procedure for responding to docu-
ment requests under Rule 34(b). Effec-
tive as of Dec. 1, 2015, parties may
no longer lodge general objections to
document requests propounded by Forrest, No. 14 Civ. 1304 (PAE)
their adversaries but must, instead, (AJP); 14 Civ. 1307 (PAE) (AJP),
“state with specificity the grounds for 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 28102,
objecting to the request, including the at *2 (S.D.N.Y. Feb. 28, 2017),
reasons.” In addition, Rule 34(b) now Magistrate Judge Andrew Peck

requires practitioners to state in their issued “a discovery wake-up
objections whether any responsive call to the Bar in this District”
materials are being withheld, and, by about the need for practitio-
virtue of a simultaneous amendment ners to change their “form file” to noted the need to update the language
to Rule 26, it is no longer permissi- comport with the 2015 amendments used in discovery responses to reflect
ble to object on the grounds that a to Rules 34 and 26. In particular, Mag- the 2015 amendment’s shift toward a
request is not reasonably calculated istrate Judge Peck noted that it was new discovery threshold. Id. (“Gen-
to lead to the discovery of admissible no longer permissible for practitio- eral Objection I also objects that the
evidence. ners to incorporate general objec- discovery is not ‘likely to lead to the
Despite the passage of more than tions to discovery responses into discovery of relevant, admissible evi-
two years since these amendments their responses to specific requests. dence.’ The 2015 amendments deleted
went into effect, many practitioners Indeed, “General objections should that language from Rule 26(b)(1), and
are still unaware of them. In Fischer v. rarely be used after December 1, 2015 lawyers need to remove it from their
unless each such objection applies to jargon”) (citation omitted). Magistrate
each document request (e.g., object- Judge Peck further cautioned against
Caitlin L. Bronner is a partner at Ingram Yuzek
Gainen Carroll & Bertolotti, practicing in the commer- ing to produce privileged material).” objecting to a request as “overly
cial litigation and construction and design groups. Id. at *7. Magistrate Judge Peck also broad and unduly burdensome,”
Tuesday, February 13, 2018

an objection which he character- was intended to “end the confusion Hassan Hakim & Sarwar, No. 16-cv-
ized as “meaningless boilerplate.” that frequently arises when a produc- 81600-MARRA/MATTHEWMAN, 2017
Id. at *8. ing party states several objections U.S. Dist. LEXIS 31491, at *4 (S.D. Fla.
Notwithstanding the passage of and still produces information, leav- March 6, 2017) (pursuant to Fed. R.
nearly a year since Magistrate Judge ing the requesting party uncertain Civ. P. 34, “Plaintiff was required to
Peck issued his “discovery wake-up whether any relevant and responsive produce the documents requested ‘or
call” in Fischer, the problems outlined information has been withheld on the state with specificity the grounds for
in that decision have persisted within basis of the objections.” Id. (citations objecting to the request, including
the Second Circuit. Indeed, as recent- omitted). the reasons.’ Plaintiff did neither”)
ly as December 2017, Magistrate The failure of practitioners to (citation omitted).
Judge Cott reiterated that objections adhere to the 2015 amendment to It has been more than two years
on the basis of “undue burden” are Rules 34 and 26, as addressed by since Rule 34 was amended, and
no longer permissible in light of the Magistrate Judge Peck in Fischer, is practitioners need to be mindful of
specificity requirement under Rule 34, a problem in numerous other circuits this amendment. General objections,
as amended in 2015. See Edwards v. as well. See, e.g., Team Contrs. v. Way- objections based on “undue burden,”
Hearst Commc’ns, No. 15-CV-9279 (AT) point NOLA, No. 16-1131 Section “E” or those predicated on the claim that
(JLC), 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 207540, at (2), 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 118653, at discovery requests are not reasonably
*20 (S.D.N.Y. Dec. 18, 2017) (“Hearst’s *5-6 (E.D. La. July 28, 2017) (rejecting calculated to lead to the discovery
response to Edwards’ Request 34 is “General Objections” as improper); of admissible evidence, are no longer
unsatisfactory. Its objections do not Berenson v. Adm’rs of the Tulane Educ. permissible under Rules 26 and 34(b),
provide any basis for its assertion Fund, No. 17-329 Section “R” (2), 2017 and the cautious practitioner would
that the request is overly burden- U.S. Dist. LEXIS 118651 (E.D. La. July do well to heed Magistrate Judge
some, and run afoul of Rule 34 … .”) 28, 2017) (same); Cratty v. City of Peck’s warning and update his or
Similarly, in November 2017, Magis- Wyandotte, No. 17-10377, 2017 U.S. her “form file” accordingly. Going for-
trate Judge Donna Martinez rejected Dist. LEXIS 200194, at *5 (E.D. Mich. ward, the consequences of not doing
the plaintiffs’ objection to certain dis- Nov. 8, 2017) (“the objections that the so could be dire. As Magistrate Judge
covery requests in City of Hartford requested evidence was not relevant Peck concluded in Fischer, “[f]rom
v. Monsanto Co., in light of the 2015 to the ‘subject matter’ and would not now on in cases before this Court,
amendment to Rule 34. No. 3:15cv1544 ‘lead to admissible evidence’ refer to any discovery response that does not
(RNC), 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 181651 an outdated version of Federal Rule comply with Rule 34’s requirement to
(D. Conn. Nov. 2, 2017). In particular, of Civil Procedure 26(b)(1)”); Sobol state objections with specificity (and
Magistrate Judge Martinez found that v. Imprimis Pharms., No. 16-14339, to clearly indicate whether respon-
the plaintiffs’ discovery responses, 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 184478, at *11 sive material is being withheld on the
which had been made “[s]ubject to (E.D. Mich. Oct. 26, 2017) (“Impri- basis of objection) will be deemed a
and without waiving” their objections, mis’s general objections violated waiver of all objections (except as
were improper because: “[a]lthough the specificity requirements of Rule to privilege).” Fischer, 2017 U.S. Dist.
this is a widespread practice, it leaves 34”); Caballero v. Bodega Latina Corp., LEXIS 28102, at *9.
the requesting party uncertain as to No. 2:17-cv-00236-JAD-VCF, 2017 U.S.
whether the opposing party has fully Dist. LEXIS 116869, at *4-5 (D. Nev.
answered its request and, impor- July 24, 2017) (“the 2015 amendments
tantly, is not contemplated by the deleted the ‘reasonably calculated’
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure … language from Rule 26(b)(1), and liti-
.” Id. at *4, n.1. The court reached this gants need to ‘remove it from their
conclusion in light of the December jargon.’ But old habits die hard”)
2015 amendment to Rule 34 and the (citations omitted); Terrell v. IRS (In
Reprinted with permission from the February 13, 2018 edition of the NEW YORK
advisory committee notes thereto, re Terrell), 569 B.R. 881, 888 (Bankr. LAW JOURNAL © 2018 ALM Media Properties, LLC. All rights reserved. Further
duplication without permission is prohibited. For information, contact 877-257-3382
which clarified that the amendment W.D. Okla. 2017) (same); Sream v. or # 070-02-18-15

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