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Security Method Description of Method Pros Cons

Password Users must enter a password to Familiar to most users. Can be forgotten or
Protection/ account access the website or they will Provides basic security. easily guessed. Some
creation have to make an account to enter elderly users may
the website. struggle with password

Two-Factor Requires users to provide a Adds an extra layer of Requires users to have
Authentication second form of identification security. Can be access to a secondary
(2FA) (e.g., SMS code, email configured to be user- device or method of
confirmation) in addition to a friendly. communication, which
password. may be challenging for
some elderly users.

Biometric Uses unique physical Convenient and difficult May be more

Authentication characteristics (e.g., fingerprints, to replicate. Doesn't expensive to
facial recognition) to authenticate require users to implement. Some
users. remember passwords.
elderly users may have
difficulty with the
technology or be
uncomfortable with
biometric data.

CAPTCHA Presents users with a challenge to Effective in preventing May be confusing or

prove they're human (e.g., automated attacks. Can frustrating for elderly
identifying objects in images). be implemented with users, especially those
various levels of with vision or
difficulty. cognitive impairments.

Activity Tracks user behaviour on the Can identify unusual May raise privacy
Monitoring website to detect suspicious patterns or unauthorized concerns among users,
activity. access quickly. especially if not
clearly communicated
or if data is

Best Method: Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is considered the best method as it adds a
significant layer of security without being overly complicated for most users. It balances
security and usability relatively well.
Worst Method: Biometric Authentication may be considered the worst method for elderly
care websites due to potential difficulties with technology adoption and concerns about
privacy and consent related to biometric data.

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