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Glad to meet you = Pleased to meet you = Nice to meet you

photo = photograph = picture = snap-shot
jeopardy = danger
painter = artist
How old are you ? = What’s your age ?
a sense = a feeling
looking glass = mirror
to ring someone = to call someone = to phone someone = to telephone someone
quick = fast
an orchard = a fruit garden
to put up for the night = to stay the night
to take care of somebody = to look after somebody
to acquire = buy or obtain (an asset or object) for oneself
can = to be able to
wide = broad
some friends come to see us = some friends come to visit us = some friends come to our place
mild = soft
to rise = to come up
to set = to go down
a fortnight = 2 weeks
from time to time = everynow and then
to take place = to happen
to find out = to discover
to map out the route = to plan the route
a wealth of information = a lot of information
to some extent = to some degree
two students absent = two pupils short
to set off for = to leave for
to go on doing something = to continue doing something = to keep on doing something
in the middle of the night = at midnight
deliberately = on purpose
at first = in the beginning
to move out = to leave a house or a flat
to be keen on = to be crazy about
obviously = apparently
to leave something = to put something down
to read something through = to read something carefully
to go over to = to come up to
daunting = intimidating
to provide = to supply
I suppose so= I think so
to some extent = to a certain degree
fillet = sirloin
a duty = a responsibility
to be dumped = to be left out = to be thrown away
to cope with = to manage with
to be on a diet = to avoid eating
course = dish
perfect = ideal
unharmed = not injured
to put on weight = to become fatter
in an instant = in a glance
to be depressed = to feel miserable = to feel unhappy
pull up here = stop here
basically = fundamentally
certainly = of course
concealed = hidden
exactly = precisely
to come to = to recover
to take the risk = to run the risk = to risk
to run out of = to be used up = to become no longer valid
to protect = to preserve = to keep
to overdo things = to do more than necessary
in the course of = during
I think so = I believe so
in fact = as a matter of fact
to be in for = to expect
to say something = to mention
simultaneously = at one and the same time
to fear = to be afraid of
farewell = goodbye for a long time
in one breath = at the same time
to coin a word = to make up a new word
to raise money = to collect money
to give up = to surrender
to seek = to search = to look for
to ruin = to destroy = to terminate
fame = glory
to blaze a trail = to mark a path
to have a sensation for = to have a feeling for
pardonable = excusable
in a way = to a certain extent
to be at a liberty = to be free
the fact is …. = the point is ….
face to face = facing each other
to be dripping with water = to be wet all over
close at hand = nearby
a tagret = an aim
by accident = by chance
to take into one’s head = to decide = to make up one’s mind
to catch a glimpse = to have a look = to see briefly
to contemplate = to intend = to watch with interest or pleasure = to think over
imperturbable = not excitable, calm
to distract = to draw away (an attention )
on the contrary = by contrast
to exhaust = to use up completely = to tire out
to finish = to come to an end
a capital fellow = an excellent person
concealment = keeping secret, in hiding
to pay a compliment = to say pleasant to s.o.
to revive = to come back
to compromise = to make an exception
nonplussed = perplexed = bewildered = confused = puzzled
to gain credit = gain respect

to be cordial = to be sincere ( frank, polite )
to press = to force
to steal off = to creep off
at a gulp = at one go
to supply = to add = to complete
to stick out for = to demand
disease = illness = sickness
to force s.o = to make s.o. do
injunctions = orders = instructions
footfalls = steps
to contract = to catch a disease
coincidence = by chance
shred = piece
to corroborate = to prove
to drive away = to deter
to take away = to remove
to get away with = to escape
insanity = madness
insane = mad
to decide = to make up one’s mind
inadequate = insufficient
complacency = self-satisfaction = to be greatly pleased with
to light a fire = to start a fire = to build up a fire
to dress up as = to mask as
freedom = liberty
soldier = warrior
stewardess = hostess
defenceless = vulnerable
to cope with = to manage with
to entrance = to fascinate = to put a spell on s.o
humble = modest = shy = ordinary
unique = one of a kind
fair enough = not too expensive
to be tired of = to be fed up with
not counting = not including
manmade = artificial = not natural
brochure = pamphlet
to be famous for = to be known for
to go over to = to come up to
to have faith on s.o = to believe s.o.
to perspire = to sweat
to feel miserable = to be depressed = to feel unhappy
irritating = annoying
tired = worn out
tiller = landowner
absolutely = totally
to preserve = to protect = to keep
to colour up = to blush
to perceive = to realize = to understand
to be accustomed to = to be used to
to come by = to visit = to drop in
to devote one’s life to = to give one’s life completely to
to raise money = to make money = to collect money

to assemble = to get together
that’s so nice of you = that’s very kind of you
fragrant = sweet smelling
awful = terrible
to chase = to pursue = to catch up with = try to obtain
to switch on (off) = to turn on (off)
must = have to, has to
a present = a gift
rarely = seldom
fate = destiny
in all places = everywhere
woods = a forest
to step in = to come (walk) in
fashionable = up to date
contemporary = modern
item = title
frequently = often
to slump = to fall ( drop ) heavily
sole = one and only
careful = cautious = solicitous
massive = solid
to transmit = to broadcast = to send out
to turn up = to appear
to hold up = to delay
to do up = to fasten
complex = complicated = intricate
known = familiar
an outfit = a set of clothes

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