Cost-Benefit Analysis

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Attending University in Canada vs.


Strengths and Opportunities

● Courses are not recognized and student had to return to 2nd year
with University of Nairobi credits as electives
● Even if they have a full degree and qualifications, employers will
ask for ‘Canadian experience’

● Zeinab is anxious and doesn’t want to live by herself anymore

● Living together best scenario to protect her mental health

● Kenyan tuition is the same as Canadian tuition

Cost ● OSAP will provide bursaries and scholarships so that they can
attend Canadian university without any student loan debt

● Canadian system is very easy to navigate, Zeinab will be there to

assist to make sure they make smart career decisions
● ex. what courses to take, how to find research opportunities, how
to maintain high GPA for grad school, securing scholarships

● Applying to programs that include co-op or practicum

Job experience ● FSWEP: working in government part-time as student
● Lab research/volunteering with hospitals

● Spending money and time on degree only to be told isn’t useful in

Canada without volunteering or doing internships for free
● Saving money and time by getting diploma and applying directly
to programs and getting admission scholarships

Retirement ● Aabo is retiring soon, secure ourselves within the next 5 years

● Zeinab doesn’t want to live alone, needs to feel safe physically and mentally
● Don’t want time and money to go to waste with subpar unaccredited education
● Yusuf and Yahya will choose strong programs with clear path to employment
Attending University in Canada vs. Kenya

Weaknesses and Threats

Completing Gr 12 ● Hybrid model, online courses with offline support, they will be
at Adult HS able to get high grades and apply to good programs

Lifting Mohamed ● Planning on getting a lifter eventually, less risk for back injury

● Commitment we will make, schedule our lives around Salah

● attending halaqas at Darasunnah and seeking knowledge

● If Yusuf and Yahya wanted to be gangsters, they could do that in

Bad influences Nairobi from the comfort of their own home
● Read adhkar and tawakkul, tarbiyah is complete

● Became more unhealthy since moved from Eastleigh

● We will make sure to prioritize health and fitness, will be more
conscious because of social interactions
● Zeinab will cook healthy meals, send updates through Whatsapp

● 3 months of vacation every year so we can visit Nairobi

● Deqa will visit us or we will visit Deqa as well

● Hooyo and Aabo were doing so much at our age: travelling the
world, raising children
● Zeinab became mature when Deqa went to Romania, a change
in environment is needed

● In order for Yusuf and Yahya to become functioning adults, they need to be placed in
an environment that requires them to take on additional responsibility
● Whether they are 20 or 25, they will eventually be coming to Canada and when faced
with difficult situations, they will have to make the right choices for themselves
● Yusuf, Yahya, and Zeinab will agree to any requirements set by Hooyo and Aabo to
ensure that living together doesn’t have negative impacts on their health and deen
● Zeinab’s mental health is on the line so please consider this, jazakAllahu khayran

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