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Use this army sheet for Austrian armies in the Napoleonic Wars from 1809 to 1815. Changes from the previous version are in red.
INFANTRY UNITS Figures Weapon (Range) Fire Melee Tenacity Special Rules Points
Grenadiers 18-30 Musket (12") 3 5 5 Skirmishers, Square 30
Line Infantry 24-36 Musket (12") 3 4 4 Skirmishers, Square 22
Landwehr 24-36 Musket (12") 2 3 3 Landwehr, Square 12
Insurrectio Infantry 24-36 Musket (12") 2 3 2 Landwehr, Square 8
Grenz 24-36 Musket (12") 4 3 4 Light Infantry, Square 26
Jaegers 24-36 Rifle (18") 4 3 4 Light Infantry, Square 28
Infantry Detachment 6-8 Musket (12") 2 2 2 Light Infantry 9
Jaeger Detachment 6-8 Rifle (18") 2 2 2 Light Infantry 11
CAVALRY UNITS Figures Weapon (Range) Fire Melee Tenacity Special Rules Points
Hussars & Uhlans 9-14 Sabre or Lance - 4 3 Carbines, Light Cavalry 22
Insurrectio Hussars 9-14 Sabre - 3 2 Carbines, Light Cavalry 16
Chevaulegeres 9-14 Sabre - 5 3 Carbines, Light Cavalry 24
Dragoons 9-11 Sabre - 5 3 Heavy Cavalry 22
Cuirassiers 9-11 Sabre - 6 4 Heavy Cavalry 28
Cavalry Detachment 3 Sabre - 2 1 Carbines, Light Cavalry 10
ARTILLERY UNITS Cannons Weapon (Range) Fire Melee Tenacity Special Rules Points
Field Artillery 1 Cannon (48") 1 2 2 Cannister 20
Heavy Artillery 1 Cannon (54") 1 2 2 Cannister, Heavy Artillery 24
Horse Artillery 1 Cannon (36") 1 2 2 Cannister, Horse Artillery 20
Austrian Generals: The army leader be given the Archduke Charles special rule for 20 points or the Joseph von Radetz rule for 15 points.
In addition, leaders can have the cautious special rule. Add 10 to the number of points that can be spent on units in an army for each
cautious brigade leader it includes and add 20 to the number of points that can be spent on units in an army with a cautious army leader.
Elite Units: Units can be elite. An elite unit can have up to 1 added to its fire value for 3 extra points (or 9 extra points if artillery), up to 1
added to its melee value for 2 extra points, and up to 1 added to its tenacity for 4 extra points.
Large & Understrength Units: Cavalry and infantry units apart from detachments can be fielded as large or understrength units. Double
the number of models in a large unit, add 1 to their tenacity value and add 2 to their points value. Halve the number of figures in an
understrength unit. Reduce the Melee and Tenacity values of understrength units other than militia by 1 point each and their points cost
by 5 points. Reduce the Melee value of understrength militia by 1 point and their points cost by 1 point.
Any Card Act On Initiative. Once per action phase, you can play any card to allow 1 unit from a brigade that failed an activation test in
that phase to carry out an action.
KING Medals and Pensions. Play this card in a melee phase. Pick 1 Austrian brigade. Add 1 to the melee value of Austrian infantry
units from that brigade for the rest of the phase.
QUEEN Well-horsed. Play this card in a melee phase. Pick 1 Austrian brigade. Add 1 to the melee value of Austrian cavalry units from
that brigade for the rest of the phase.
JACK Patient and Well-disciplined. Play this card after an Austrian unit fails a valour test. Change the failed test to a successful test.
In addition, add 1 to valour tests for Austrian units for the rest of the turn.
10 Capture. Play this card in your fate phase. Pick 1 enemy controlled objective. If you control it at the end of the game, it counts
as 2 objectives when determining the winner of the game.
9 Surprise Attack. Play this card before a unit makes an assault. That unit can carry out 1 move before it assaults.
8 Inspiration. Play this card after a friendly player fails a valour test or fortitude test. The test is passed.
7 Directed Fire. Play this card when an enemy unit is chosen as a target in the fire phase. Add 1 to the fire value of the unit
attacking that target. In addition, artillery units on a hill can trace a line of sight to the target across units that are not on a hill.
6 Deadly Attack. Play this card after a friendly unit fails 1 or more hit tests. Reroll the failed hit tests.
5 Stubborn. Play this card before a unit carries out an action. Remove 1 loss marker from that unit (even if it has only 1 loss).
4 Breakthrough. Play this card at the end of your melee phase. Pick 1 brigade. Units from that brigade can make 1 move (they
cannot assault, retreat or double).
3 Confusion. Play this card at the start of an enemy turn. The enemy cannot automatically activate a brigade that turn and any
enemy reinforcements due to arrive that turn arrive 1 turn later.
2 Tide of Battle. Play this card immediately. Shuffle all your discarded fate cards (including this one) back into your fate deck.
Ace All Out Attack. Play this card at the start of your melee phase. Add 1 to the melee value of friendly units that are within 12" of
your army leader in that phase.
Canister This unit can reform into a square formation, and from a square
The following rules apply to a unit that has the canister special into any other formation, if it does not move or retreat as part
rule: of the same action. Set the unit up in a square or oblong shape
• Add 1 to its fire value if the range to the target is up to 12". with its figures facing outward. The following rules apply to a
• Add 2 to its melee value if the target unit is at least partially unit in square formation:
in its front arc. • It is a deployed unit that has a move distance of 3".
• It counts as 2 units instead of 1 when it lends fire support if • It cannot assault.
the range to the target is up to 12". • Add 1 to the attack value of artillery that shoot at it.
• It counts as 2 units instead of 1 when it lends melee • Halve its fire attack value and add 1 to its melee attack
support. value.
Carbines • At the start of each melee phase, before fights take place,
This unit can use its carbines to skirmish (see the Skirmishers roll 1 dice for each cavalry unit that is in contact with 1 or
special rule). Carbines have a fire value of 1 and a range of 12" more enemy squares. Add 2 to the dice roll for a unit if all
(which includes the modifiers for skirmishing). the squares it is in contact with are shaken. On a 1-3 the
cavalry unit suffers 1 loss and must immediately retreat; on
Heavy Artillery
a 4-5 the cavalry unit must retreat but suffers no losses; on
Add 1 to hit rolls if the attacker and all units lending support are
a 6+ it remains in contact with the square and fights at full
heavy artillery. Heavy artillery has a move distance of 6" when
limbered and 1" when unlimbered.
• A square that loses a melee automatically routs.
Heavy Cavalry
Reroll hit rolls of 1 for melee attacks made by this unit, as long Skirmishers
as all supporting units also have this rule, and the target is not When this unit shoots, the commanding player can choose to
occupying defendable terrain. use the unit’s skirmishers. If they do so, the unit’s fire value is
halved and its range increased by 6", and it can carry out any
Horse Artillery
action in the same turn apart from an assault. A unit can only
This unit has a move distance of 18" when limbered and 9"
when unlimbered. In addition, it can carry out an action even if use skirmishers to lend fire support if the attacking unit is also
it has fired in the same turn. Enemy infantry cannot use an using skirmishers.
assault to move into contact with horse artillery unless they LEADER SPECIAL RULES
start within 6" of the horse artillery unit. Archduke Charles
Landwehr You can reroll failed activation tests for friendly Austrian
This unit cannot move in the same action phase that it reforms. brigades that are within 36" of this leader. In addition, the CIC
Light Cavalry for an army with this leader can choose for reinforcements from
This unit has the Open Order special rule. In addition, add 2 to 1 Austrian brigade to arrive 1 turn early.
messenger tests for this unit. Cautious Leaders
Subtract 1 from activation tests for a brigade led by a cautious
Light Infantry
leader. A cautious army leader can only be used for automatic
The following rules apply to a Light Infantry unit:
activation once per battle and their presence does not provide a
• It has the Open Order and Skirmishers special rules. +1 bonus for brigades taking a fortitude test.
• Add 2 to messenger tests for it if it is a detachment or part
Joseph von Radetz
of a brigade that consists only of light infantry units.
Add 1 to the melee value of Austrian infantry units that are
• Its losses are halved in the fire phase if it is in defendable
within 6" of this leader.
• It can occupy and then exit defendable terrain on the same
turn if it starts and finishes more than 18" from any enemy
Open Order
This unit can be set up in a deployed formation called open
order instead of line or attack column. It must be set up in 1 or
2 ranks with a gap of ¼" to ½" between ranks and files. The
following rules apply to a unit that is in open order:
• Halve the losses it suffers in the fire phase.
• It has a move distance of 8" if it is infantry and of 18" if it is
• If it is light infantry its movement is not affected by rough
• Subtract 1 from its melee value unless it is in cover.
• It only adds 1 to a unit’s melee value if it lends melee
• It can move across figures from a friendly unit that is also in
open order even if they are not from the same brigade.
Elite Units: Units can have more than 1 value increased, but no
single value can be increased by more than +1. So you could add
1 to a unit’s fire and melee values, but not add 2 to its fire
Horse Artillery: The ability of unlimbered horse artillery to move
9" represents the crew quickly limbering and then unlimbering
the artillery rather than them manhandling it to the new
Lances: I have not given special rules to lances because they did
not appear to have been any more effective than sabres; the
lance was deemed to be better at first contact, and the sabre
better in the swirling melee that followed. As these two things
cancel out, I have given the two weapons the same combat
Open Order: If figures are mounted on a multiple base, the gap
between the base and an adjacent base on the same row should
be a ¼" to ½" for each figure in the front rank of the base. Note
that a line of sight cannot be traced through the gaps of a unit
in open order, and that if a unit is in open order and in cover its
losses are only halved once (see rule 1.0.1).
Squares: This rule is also used to represent formations such as a
closed column or Austrian battalion masse. Note that a square
can only lend support if a quarter of its front rank can see the
target. Also note that a square cannot be outflanked (as
attacking units will always be in the front arc of some of its front
rank figures).

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