POM Prelim QP 2023-24 Sem 1

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Doc No: ADYPU/SOM/F-065

School of Management Issue Date: 1st Sept 2021

Revision No: 0
Prelims-Question Paper Revision Date: NA

Name of the School: School of Management

Program: MBA Sem: III

Course: Principles of Management Course Code: MG101M

Maximum Marks: 20 Duration: 2 hours

Instructions to Students:
1. Read the Case properly and answer the questions in the end of the case

A Case Study on Strategic Planning Excellence:

Within the field of business administration, management concepts are essential for guiding firms
toward success. This case study explores the strategic planning component of management by
looking at how XYZ Inc., a multinational company, successfully used planning concepts to
produce outstanding results. The case is set in the backdrop of XYZ Inc., a prominent player in
the technology industry, which is having difficulty adjusting to the quickly shifting dynamics of
the market. The management of the company realized that in order to take advantage of
opportunities, manage risks, and maintain long-term growth, a strong strategic plan was required.

Situational analysis is the first step of the case study, where XYZ Inc. evaluated external
opportunities and dangers in addition to its own internal strengths and weaknesses. The
management team identified critical areas for development and innovation by carefully
examining rival strategies, market trends, and upcoming technology. The following phases of
planning were built upon this thorough examination.

XYZ Inc. showed a remarkable dedication to the goal-setting concept in the planning stage.
Objectives that were time-bound, quantifiable, and in line with the organization's overall goal
and vision were set. The management group made sure that these objectives were openly shared
across the company, giving workers a feeling of direction and purpose.

When XYZ Inc. modified its strategic plan in response to changing market conditions, it was
clear that the second principle—the creation of a flexible planning process—was in place.
Understanding that the technology industry is dynamic, the corporation included performance
measures and regular feedback systems to evaluate the plan's efficacy. XYZ Inc. was able to
Doc No: ADYPU/SOM/F-065
School of Management Issue Date: 1st Sept 2021

Revision No: 0
Prelims-Question Paper Revision Date: NA

adapt to shifting market conditions with more agility because to this iterative strategy, which also
enabled the business to make timely modifications.

Moreover, XYZ Inc. carefully followed the resource allocation concept. The management team
made prudent decisions when allocating financial, human, and technical resources to ensure best
use in accordance with strategic goals. This wise use of funds allowed XYZ Inc. to make
investments in infrastructure, hiring new staff, and research and development, making it a leader
in the field.

These wise planning guidelines let XYZ Inc. not only overcome obstacles in the business but
also become the dominant player in the market. The corporation saw improvements in
profitability, brand recognition, and market share. The fact that XYZ Inc. was able to
successfully use planning concepts highlights how important strategic planning is to
accomplishing corporate goals and maintaining competitive advantage.

1. How did XYZ Inc. conduct a thorough situational analysis, and how did this analysis inform
the subsequent stages of the strategic planning process?

2. How did transparent communication of goals contribute to employee engagement?

3. Examine how XYZ Inc. demonstrated flexibility in its planning process. Provide examples of
how the company adapted its strategic plan in response to changing market conditions.

4. How did XYZ Inc. allocate resources effectively, and what role did resource allocation play in
the company's ability to invest in innovation and talent acquisition?

5. How can other organizations learn from these successes and apply similar planning principles
for sustainable growth?

******End of Question Paper*****

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