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Hypotheses and Null Hypotheses

Scientific predictions are written as hypotheses.
ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS H1, a statement of a relationship between 2 variables.
NULL HYPOTHESIS Ho, a statement of NO relationship between 2 variables.
NB, don't write H, or H, in the exams; they are only used at uni

H1 Students will recall fewer words in a hot room than a 'normal' temperature room.
H0 There will be no difference in the amount of words students recall, irrelevant of room

Can you make the Alternative Hypotheses from these Null Hypotheses?
H₁ .
H0 There is no relationship between foot size and height.

H₁ .
H0 There is no relationship between blood pressure and time in a red room.

H₁ .
H0 Eating breakfast will not affect students' maths test scores.

H₁ .
H0 People will eat the same amount of popcom irrelevant of whether the film is action, comedy or

H₁ .
H0, Participants will recall the same amount of words whether music is playing or not.

H₁ .
H0 Children will eat the same amount of vegetables whether they are 'natural' colours or not.

H₁ .
H0 Gender will not affect people's time taken to do a jigsaw.

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