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BALANCE SHEET as at March 31, 2023 (core Note Pee | archs1,2023 | _ March 31,2022 Tae 1 Non-current assets (3) Soper, pant and equipment 3 saaasi a7s4622 (0) Col ren proaess 3 Rosise Waisea2 (6) Rightafuse sets ‘ saa 1 S388 (a) Goode Sh ° {e) Other tangible set 5 re 70085 20503 {f) tangible sets underdevelopment 5 Fae 51456 Sates (G)_fnandal assets tovesment 6 £0 4413890 aaaoias {) toa 70 Sapo Sass (i) Dera assets 0340 13321 (h)Other ancl 5 ote 220338 inst TH Nonreurent tax assets ne) Yen076 ‘ta namcoren abe 190,608 65 Gurren assets (a) Inventors a Fee 99298 (B) Financial sets Investments 6 0 9611 i) ade eeesbies 12 Fes 328030 (i) Cashed cosa equivalents 1s Fos Jens (i) Other balances th bons 1 tes e370 fa) toons 7 Feo 236801 (i) Dervave atte 5 (the banc oe ata ne “otateurret assets 26957 Equity andliabiities, MEguity (a) Equity share capital 15 Re 12240 12237 (b)_Otherequity 7S 1335751 547139 Tota equity 13479751 72543326 W_ Non-curent abilities ‘a)_Financal labile 1) Borrowings 18 Fe 308088 202081 Oi) Lease abies 364833 372590 i) Derivative labities - “018 (iv _Other nancial abies 98 7881 823 {BL Provisions 2 RB 358525 268500 (c)_Retiement benef ebligatons 21 Fee 197933 231591 ()_Defered income 2 #85 035 o78 (e)_Detered tax lables inet) 9 F683 8415, 308757 {f)_ Others 23 FS 387850 4387.29 Totalnon-curretiablites 3255661 2887.3 V_ Current bites (@) Financial ables 6) Borronings| 188 738812 1198466 (i) Lease abies S405 S24 ti)_Trade payables Fe (a) Total outstanding dues of micro and sal enterpises 79187 67820 (b) Total outstanding dues of ceitors othe than micro and snl enterpises 1725053 241294 Tv) Derivative labs 6558 8148 (v)_ Other fancies 19 Fe 506.15, 513754 (BL Provisions 20 FB ‘0804 ‘oe? (Retirement benefit obligations 21 fet 0351 11458) (6). Deferred income 2 Fas 7 78s (e) Curent tox ables (net 17498 1068 (0)_Other ables BRS 117256 1250253, Total curent abilities 4643730, 33,6643 Total equity ities 23379142 21,966.22 Notes forming part ofthe nancial statements ec ave) STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS ‘esr ended “Year ended forthe year ended March 31,2023 Panes wa | rom eerre tax 200192, 409085 Adusiments fer Depreciation ndarrarisaton expense ‘Saas 5863.89 Dhidend income (23538) (24397, (Geiny/los onsale of propery, pant and equipment inducing intangible 6300 (1728) assets (nt of lass onassetsscrapped/writen off) Exceptional (income /expenses 7a Ed (Gino en cancelation offorwards swaps and options 058 (3905) Interest incame and income fom curentinvesiments (2as2s@ 2557) Finance cos 379214 279208 Foreign exchange (guiness 284296 cor (Othernon

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