P5 Notes 1

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Paper 5 Set A 1 Lee Suit Lin /MCKL/012-6679171

Question 1 Written Answer Template

*Break your answer into sections with headers, use point form.

A) Diagram

Use ruler, draw a clear diagram (show relative positions of apparatus)

Label all apparatus (including the table!)

B) Defining the Problem

Independent variable: __________________

Dependent variable: ___________________

Constant variables: ___________________ (list 2-3 other possible variables)

C) Methods of Data Collection

1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the

diagram above.

2. Vary the independent variable by Include details how to vary

_______________ Take preliminary readings to ensure
workable range of variables
Any safety considerations?

3. Measure the constant variable by ____. Include details how you would know the
constant variable is unchanging.
Measuring instrument(s) used

4. Measure the independent variable by Include details on method & technique for
______________. reliable results
*Clearly describe procedure in a logical sequence Measuring instrument(s) used
Any safety considerations?
Any limitations/suggestions?

5. Measure the dependent variable by Include details on method & technique for
______________. reliable results
*Clearly describe procedure in a logical sequence Measuring instrument(s) used
Any safety considerations?
Any limitations/suggestions?

6. Repeat procedure to obtain an average Details of averaging method to reduce

value for ________ (dependent variable) uncertainty from random errors

7. Repeat steps ________ to _________ Mention how constant variables made sure
for different values of ______________ they are kept constant as steps are repeated
(independent variable)
Paper 5 Set A 2 Lee Suit Lin /MCKL/012-6679171
D) Method of Analysis

1. In the given equation, Identify IV/DV symbols

p is _______, q is ________, and Identify constants
_______________ are constants.

2. Include math steps to linearize equation. Put equation in linear

e.g. Taking log on both sides, log(y) = n log(x) + log(k) form Y = mX + C

3. Plot a graph of _______ against _______

4. If the above relationship is true, a straight line graph will be Include expressions for
obtained where the gradient is equal to _______ and the y- Gradient
intercept is equal to ______________. y-intercept
Constant to find

(constant to find) = ________(expression)_________.

E) Any Additional Details

* already be included in Section C

List at least 2 safety considerations

List at least 3 suggestions to improve accuracy/reliability of results
Any other steps you missed in Section C.
Finding Uncertainties

Same concept as 2.

Same concept as in 1.

Finding Uncertainties from the graph:


All intercepts
and gradients
are of worst
fit lines
Significant figures and decimal places

Rules are the same except for log and ln. If raw data is in 3 s.f then your calculated value
should also be 3 s.f or 4s.f.
For log and ln, the significant figures in the raw data should correspond to the number of
decimal places in the calculated value. For example if L is 3 significant figures so log(L)
should be 3 or 4 decimal places.

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