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You are on page 1of 123 OSCILLATIONS JUNE 02 4 (a) (i) Define simple harmonic motion. (ii) On the axes of Fig. 4.1, sketch the variation with displacement x of the acceleration of a particle undergoing simple harmonic motion. [4] Fig. 4.1 (b) A strip of metal is clamped to the edge of a bench and a mass is hung from its free end as shown in Fig. 4.2. clamp metal strip mass—_ Fig. 4.2 256 The end of the strip is pulled downwards and then released. Fig. 4.3 shows the variation with time tof the displacement y of the end of the strip. Fig. 4.3 & 0 oO 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 us Fig. 4.4 On Fig. 4.4, show the corresponding variation with time ¢ of the potential energy E, of the vibrating system. [3] (c) The string supporting the mass breaks when the end of the strip is at its lowest point in an oscillation. Suggest what change, if any, will occur in the period and amplitude of the subsequent motion of the end of the strip. period: 257 Nov 02 3 Asstudent sets out to investigate the oscillation of a mass suspended from the free end of a spring, as illustrated in Fig. 3.1. ‘spring oscillation ‘of mass. Fig.3.1 The mass is pulled downwards and then released. The variation with time t of the displacement y of the mass is shown in Fig. 3.2. The mass is pulled downwards and then released. The variation with time t of the displacement y of the mass is shown in Fig. 3.2. Fig.3.2 (a) Use information from Fig. 3.2 (i) to explain why the graph suggests that the oscillations are undamped, 258 (ii) to calculate the angular frequency of the oscillations, angular frequency = rads (iii) to determine the maximum speed of the oscillating mass. speed = .. (b) (Determine the resonant frequency f of the mass-spring system. Hz (ii) The student finds that if short impulsive forces of frequency # are impressed on the mass-spring system, a large amplitude of oscillation is obtained. Explain this ‘observation. JUNE 03 3 An aluminium sheet is suspended from an oscillator by means of a spring, as illustrated in Fig. 3.1. electromagnet Fig. 3.1 An electromagnet is placed a short distance from the centre of the aluminium sheet. The electromagnet is switched off and the frequency f of oscillation of the oscillator gradually increased from a low value. The variation with frequency f of the amplitude a of vibration of the sheet is shown in Fig. 3.2. Fig.3.2 260 Appeak on the graph appears at frequency fy. (a) Explain why there is a peak at frequency f. (2) (b) The electromagnet is now switched on and the frequency of the oscillator is again gradually increased from a low value. On Fig. 3.2, draw a line to show the variation with. frequency fof the amplitude a of vibration of the sheet. (3) (6). The frequency of the oscillator is now maintained at a constant value. The amplitude of vibration is found to decrease when the current in the electromagnet is switched on: Use the laws of electromagnetic induction to explain this observation. (4) 261 NOV 03 2 (a) The defining equation of simple harmonic motion is wx. (i) Identity the symbols in the equation. (ii) State the significance of the negative (-) sign in the equation. (3) (b) A frictionless trolley of mass m is held on a horizontal surface by means of two similar springs, each of spring constant k. The springs are attached to fixed points as illustrated in Fig. 2.1. Fig. 2.1 ‘When the trolley is in equilibrium, the extension of each spring is e. The trolley is then displaced a small distance xto the right along the axis of the springs. Both springs remain extended. (Show that the magnitude F of the restoring force acting on the trolley is given by F=2kx. (2) 262 (ii) The trolley is then released. Show that the acceleration a of the trolley is given by n2kx m a= 2) (ii) The mass m of the trolley is 900g and the spring constant k is 120Nm~". By comparing your answer to (aXi) and the equation in (b)(ii), determine the frequency of oscillation of the trolley. frequency = .. Hz [3] (c) Suggest why the trolley in (b) provides a simple model for the motion of an atom in a crystal. 263 JUNE 04 4 Avertical spring supports a mass, as shown in Fig. 4.1. Fig. 4.1 ‘The mass is displaced vertically then released. The variation with time tof the displacement y from its mean position is shown in Fig. 4.2. 42 ylom 4“ Fig. 4.2 264 A student claims that the motion of the mass may be represented by the equation ¥ = yosinoot. (a) Give two reasons why the use of this equation is inappropriate. 1 (b) Determine the angular frequency «of the oscillations. rads [2] angular frequency (c) The mass is a lump of plasticine. The plasticine is now flattened so that its surface area is increased. The mass of the lump remains constant and the large surface area is horizontal. The plasticine is displaced downwards by 1.5cm and then released. On Fig. 4.2, sketch a graph to show the subsequent oscillations of the plasticine. [3] 265 NOV 04 3 The vibrations of a mass of 150g are simple harmonic. Fig.3.1 shows the variation with displacement x of the kinetic energy E, of the mass. Fig.3.1 (a) On Fig. 3.1, draw lines to represent the variation with displacement x of (i _ the potential energy of the vibrating mass (label this line P), (ii) the total energy of the vibrations (label this line T).. 2] (b) Calculate the angular frequency of the vibrations of the mass. angular frequency = 266 (c) The oscillations are now subject to damping. (Explain what is meant by damping. [2] (ii) The mass loses 20% of its vibrational energy. Use Fig. 3.1 to determine the new amplitude of oscillation. Explain your working. amplitude = .. 267 JUNE 05 4 Atube, closed at one end, has a constant area of cross-section A. Some lead shot is placed in the tube so that the tube floats vertically in a liquid of density p, as shown in Fig. 4.1. tube, area of cross-section A lead shot ‘The total mass of the tube and its contents is M. ‘When the tube is given a small vertical displacement and then released, the vertical acceleration a of the tube is related to its vertical displacement y by the expression where gis the acceleration of free fall. (a) Define simple harmonic motion. (b) Show that the tube is performing simple harmonic motion with a frequency fgiven by te | feo ay M (3) 268 (©) Fig. 4.2 shows the variation with time f of the vertical displacement y of the tube in another liquid. Fig. 4.2 (i) The tube has an external diameter of and is floating in a liquid of density 950kgm™?. Assuming the equation in (b), calculate the mass of the tube and its contents. mass = (ii) State what feature of Fig. 4.2 indicates that the oscillations are damped. 269 JUNE 06 4 Apiston moves vertically up and down in a cylinder, as illustrated in Fig. 4.1. cylinder wheel Fig. 4.1 ‘The piston is connected to a wheel by means of a rod that is pivoted at the piston and at the wheel. As the piston moves up and down, the wheel is made to rotate. (@) (i State the number of oscillations made by the piston during one complete rotation of the wheel. number = 0) (i) The wheel makes 2400 revolutions per minute. Determine the frequency of oscillation of the piston. .. Hz ff] 270 (b) The amplitude of the oscillations of the piston is 42mm. Assuming that these oscillations are simple harmonic, calculate the maximum values for the piston of (the linear speed, (ii) the acceleration. acceleration = (c) On Fig. 4.1, mark a position of the pivot P for the piston to have (i) maximum speed (mark this position S), (1) (ii) maximum acceleration (mark this position A). ty 2 NOV 06 3. Two vertical springs, each having spring constant k, support a mass. The lower spring is attached to an oscillator as shown in Fig. 3.1. mass NY oscillator. oS Fig.3.1 ‘The oscillator is switched off. The mass is displaced vertically and then released so that it vibrates. During these vibrations, the springs are always extended. The vertical acceleration of the mass mis given by the expression ma=—2kx, where xis the vertical displacement of the mass from its equilibrium position. (a) Show that, for a mass of 240g and springs with spring constant 3.0Nem™, the frequency of vibration of the mass is approximately 8Hz. [4] 272 (b) The oscillator is switched on and the frequency fof vibration is gradually increased. The amplitude of vibration of the oscillator is constant. Fig. 3.2 shows the variation with f of the amplitude A of vibration of the mass. Fig. 3.2 State (i) the name of the phenomenon illustrated in Fig. 3.2, (ii) the frequency f at which maximum amplitude occurs. frequency = . Hz [1] {c) Suggest and explain how the apparatus in Fig. 3.1 could be modified to make the peak on Fig.3.2 flatter, without significantly changing the frequency f, at which the peak ‘occurs. 273 Nov 07 3A spring is hung from a fixed point. A mass of 130g is hung from the free end of the spring, as shown in Fig. 3.1. spring | mass 130g Fig. 3.4 ‘The mass is pulled downwards from its equilibrium position through a small distance d and is released. The mass undergoes simple harmonic motion. Fig. 3.2 shows the variation with displacement x from the equilibrium position of the kinetic ‘energy of the mass. 3.0. 1 x ; 1.0 Fig. 3.2 274 (a) Use Fig. 3.2 to (i) determine the distance d through which the mass was displaced initially, a om [1] (ii) show that the frequency of oscillation of the mass is approximately 4.0 Hz. 6] (b) (i) On Fig. 3.2, draw a line to represent the total energy of the oscillating mass. [1] (li) After many oscillations, damping reduces the total energy of the mass to 1.0m4J. For the oscillations with reduced energy, 4. state the frequency, frequency 2. using the graph, or otherwise, state the amplitude. amplitude cm [2] 275, JUNE 08 3 A tube, closed at one end, has a uniform area of cross-section. The tube contains some ‘sand so that the tube floats upright in a liquid, as shown in Fig. 3.1. NNN When the tube is at rest, the depth d of immersion of the base of the tube is 16cm. ‘The tube is displaced vertically and then released. ‘The variation with time fof the depth d of the base of the tube is shown in Fig. 3.2. 7 d/cm 16 15 Fig. 3.2 (a) Use Fig. 3.2 to determine, for the oscillations of the tube, (the amplitude, amplitude = ii) the period. 8 (i) 276 (b) (i) Calculate the vertical speed of the tube at a point where the depth dis 16.20m. speed = ems [3] (ii) State one other depth d where the speed will be equal to that calculated in (I). a cm [1] (©) (Explain what is meant by damping. The liquid in (b) is now cooled so that, although the density is unchanged, there is friction between the liquid and the tube as it oscillates. Having been displaced, the tube completes approximately 10 oscillations before coming to rest. On Fig. 3.2, draw a line to show the variation with time tof depth dor the first 2.5 of the motion. 13] 27 Nov 08, 3 The needle of a sewing machine is made to oscillate vertically through a total distance of 22mm, as shown in Fig. 3.1. 22mm needle at its maximum height 8.0mm } cloth Fig. 3.1 The oscillations are simple harmonic with a frequency of 4.5Hz. The cloth that is being sewn is positioned 8.0mm below the point of the needle when the needle is at its maximum height. {a) State what is meant by simple harmonic motion. (b) The displacement y of the point of the needle may be represented by the equation y=acosat (Suggest the position of the point of the needle at time t= 0 onl] (il) Determine the values of Loa mm {1}, rads“ [2] 278 (c) Calculate, for the point of the needle, () its maximum speed, speed = (ii) its speed as it moves downwards through the cloth. 279 JUNE 09 4 Avertical peg is attached to the edge of a horizontal disc of radius r, as shown in Fig. 4.1. peg disc, Fig. 4.1 The disc rotates at constant angular speed «. A horizontal beam of parallel light produces a ‘shadow of the peg on a screen, as shown in Fig. 4.2. || parallel beam of light II Fig. 4.2 (plan view) Attime zero, the peg is at P, producing a shadow on the screen at S. At time f, the disc has rotated through angle 4. The peg is now at R, producing a shadow ata. (a) Determine, (i) interms of «and t, the angle 6, (1 (ii) in terms of «, tand r, the distance SQ. 280 (b) Use your answer to (a)(ii) to show that the shadow on the screen performs simple harmonic motion. (c)_ The disc has radius r of 12cm and is rotating with angular speed w of 4.7rads~'. Determine, for the shadow on the screen, (i) the frequency of oscillation, frequency = (ii) its maximum speed. A seven MS [2] 281 NOV 09 P41 4 The variation with time t of the displacement x of the cone of a loudspeaker is shown in Fig. 4.1. x/mm Fig. 4.1 {a) Use Fig. 4.1 to determine, for these oscillations, (i) the amplitude, AMPMAUME = eeeeseeeeneeneee MM [A] the frequency. frequency = (b) State two times at which (i) the speed of the cone is maximum, time (ii) the acceleration of the cone is maximum. time . 282 (c) The effective mass of the cone is 2.59. Use your answers in (a) to determine the maximum kinetic energy of the cone. kinetic energy = (d) The loudspeaker must be designed so that resonance of the cone is avoided. (i) State what is meant by resonance. - (2) (ii) State and briefly explain one other situation in which resonance should be avoided. Nov 09 P42 3 The variation with displacement x of the acceleration a of the centre of the cone of a loudspeaker is shown in Fig. 3.1. 750: 750 Fig. 3.1 (@) State the two features of Fig. 3.1 that show that the motion of the cone is simple harmonic. (2) (b)_ Use data from Fig. 3.1 to determine the frequency, in hertz, of vibration of the cone. frequency = Hz (3) 284 (c) The frequency of vibration of the cone is now reduced to one half of that calculated in (b). ‘The amplitude of vibration remains unchanged. (On the axes of Fig. 3.1, draw a line to represent the variation with displacement x of the acceleration a of the centre of the loudspeaker cone. fl 285 JUNE 10 P41 3° (a) State what is meant by (oscillations, (ili) simple harmonic motion. (2) (b) Two inclined planes RA and LA each have the same constant gradient. They meet at their lower edges, as shown in Fig. 3.1. ball BK Fig. 3.1 ‘A small ball moves from rest down plane RA and then rises up plane LA. It then moves. down plane LA and rises up plane RA to its original height. The motion repeats itselt. State and explain whether the motion of the balll is simple harmonic. 286 JUNE 10 P42 2 Along strip of springy stee! is clamped at one end so that the strip is vertical. A mass of 65g is attached to the free end of the strip, as shown in Fig. 2.1. springy eg. 65: steel 8 clamp, Fig. 2.1 ‘The mass is pulled to one side and then released. The variation with time t of the horizontal, displacement of the mass is shown in Fig. 2.2. 2 displacement Jom 1 A Fig. 2.2 The mass undergoes damped simple harmonic motion. (a) ()_ Explain what is meant by damping. 287 (ii) Suggest, with a reason, whether the damping is light, critical or heavy. - (2) (b) (i) Use Fig. 2.2 to determine the frequency of vibration of the mass. frequency Hz [1] (ii) Hence show that the initial energy stored in the steel strip before the mass is released is approximately 3.2mJ. fl (c) After eight complete oscillations of the mass, the amplitude of vibration is reduced from 1.50m to 1.1m. State and explain whether, after a further eight complete oscillations, the amplitude will be 0.7cm. 288 NOV 10 P41 3. Astudent sets up the apparatus illustrated in Fig. 3.1 in order to investigate the oscillations of a metal cube suspended on a spring. lk puey LI— variable-trequency oscillator thread ‘spring metal cube Fig. 3.1 The amplitude of the vibrations produced by the oscillator is constant. The variation with frequency of the amplitude of the oscillations of the metal cube is shown in Fig. 32. 20: 15: amplitude /mm 10; 2 4 6 8 10 frequency/Hz Fig. 3.2 (a) (i) State the phenomenon illustrated in Fig. 3.2. [1] (ii) For the maximum amplitude of vibration, state the magnitudes of the amplitude and the frequency. amplitude = frequency = (b) The oscillations of the metal cube of mass 150g may be assumed to be simple harmonic. Use your answers in (a)(il) to determine, for the metal cube, (i) its maximum acceleration, acceleration = .ms* [3] (i) the maximum resultant force on the cube. FOFCE = oeeeesecessscsssesstesstsssteeseee N [2] (ce) Some very light feathers are attached to the top surface of the cube so that the feathers extend outwards, beyond the vertical sides of the cube. The investigation is now repeated. On Fig. 3.2, draw a line to show the new variation with frequency of the amplitude of vibration for frequencies between 2Hz and 10Hz. 2) 290 NOV 10 P43 3 Acylinder and piston, used in a car engine, are illustrated in Fig. 3.1. cylinder piston Fig. 3.1 The vertical motion of the piston in the cylinder is assumed to be simple harmonic. The top surface of the piston is at AB when it is at its lowest position; it is at CD when at its highest position, as marked in Fig. 3.1. (a) The displacement d of the piston may be represented by the equation =~ 4.0 cos(2201) where dis measured in centimetres. (i) State the distance between the lowest position AB and the highest position CD of the top surface of the piston. distance = ....., om [1] 291 (ii) Determine the number of oscillations made per second by the piston. number = ...... seeesnsnsssnsnsenseseserseesessnene [2] (iii) On Fig. 3.1, draw a line to represent the top surface of the piston in the position where the speed of the piston is maximum, ty (iv) Calculate the maximum speed of the piston. 292 (b) The engine of a car has several cylinders. Three of these cylinders are shown in Fig. 3.2. x Y z ketRevise Fig. 3.2 X is the same cylinder and piston as in Fig. 3.1. Y and Z are two further cylinders, with the lowest and the highest positions of the top surface of each piston indicated. The pistons in the cylinders each have the same frequency of oscillation, but they are not in phase. ‘Ata particular instant in time, the position of the top of the piston in cylinder X is as shown. ( _Incylinder y, the oscilations of the piston lead those of the piston in cylinder X by a phase angle of 120° (2x rad). ‘Complete the diagram of cylinder Y, for this instant, by drawing 1. alline to show the top surface of the piston, (1 2. an arrow to show the direction of movement of the piston. i 293 (ii) In cylinder Z, the oscillations of the piston lead those of the piston in oylinder X by a phase angle of 240° (4x rad). Complete the diagram of cylinder Z, for this instant, by drawing 1. aline to show the top surface of the piston, a) 2. an arrow to show the direction of movement of the piston. 0 (ili) For the piston in oylinderY, calculate its speed for this instant. speed = ..... coms (2) 294 JUNE 11 P41 3 (a) Define simple harmonic motion. [2] (b) A tube, sealed at one end, has a total mass m and a uniform area of cross-section A. The tube floats upright in a liquid of density p with length L submerged, as shown in Fig. 3.1a. Fig. 3.14 Fig. 3.1b The tube is displaced vertically and then released. The tube oscillates vertically in the liquid. Atone time, the displacement is x, as shown in Fig. 3.1b. ‘Theory shows that the acceleration a of the tube is given by the expression 295 (i) Explain how it can be deduced from the expression that the tube is moving with simple harmonic motion. (ii) The tube, of area of cross-section 4.5cm?, is floating in water of density 1.0 x 10°kgm3, Calculate the mass of the tube that would give rise to oscillations of frequency 1.5 Hz. om @ (4) 296 JUNE 11 P43 5 A bar magnet is suspended vertically from the free end of a helical spring, as shown in Fig. 5.1. ‘spring magnet coil < Fig.5.1 One pole of the magnet is situated in a coil. The coil is connected in series with a high-resistance voltmeter. ‘The magnet is displaced vertically and then released. ‘The variation with time tof the reading V of the voltmeter is shown in Fig. 5.2. Fig. 5.2 297 (A) (i) Name the phenomenon illustrated on your completed graph of Fig. 5.3. (i) State one situation where the phenomenon named in (i) is useful. Nov 11 P41 3 Abar magnet is suspended from the free end of a helical spring, as illustrated in Fig. 3.1. helical —__ spring magnet—__| ceil = \ Fig. 3.4 ‘One pole of the magnet is situated in a coil of wire. The coil is connected in series with a ‘switch and a resistor. The switch is open. ‘The magnet is displaced vertically and then released. As the magnet passes through its rest. position, a timer is started. The variation with time t of the vertical displacement y of the magnet from its rest position is shown in Fig. 3.2. 20: ylom 1.0: Attime t = 4.05, the switch is closed. 298 (a) Use Fig. 3.2 to (i) state the evidence for the magnet to be undergoing free oscillations during the period t =0 to t= 4.0s, [1] (ii) state, with a reason, whether the damping after time t = 4.0s is light, critical or (ili) determine the natural frequency of vibration of the magnet on the spring. Hz [2] frequency = 299 NOV 11 P43 3 (a) Define simple harmonic motion. (2) (b) A horizontal plate is vibrating vertically, as shown in Fig. 3.1. cube, mass 5.89 plate vertical oscillations frequency 4.5Hz Fig. 3.1 The plate undergoes simple harmonic motion with a frequency of 45Hz and amplitude 3.0mm. ‘A metal cube of mass 5.89 rests on the plate. Calculate, for the cube, the energy of oscillation. energy J (3) (c) The amplitude of oscillation of the plate in (b) is gradually increased. The frequency remains constant. Atone particular amplitude, the cube just loses contact momentarily with the plate. (i) State the position of the plate in its oscillation at the point when the cube loses contact. (2) 300 (ii) Calculate this amplitude of oscillation. amplitude = ~m (2) JUNE 12 P41. 4. Asmalil metal ball is suspended from a fixed point by means of a string, as shown in Fig. 4.1 Fig. 4.1 The ball is pulled a small distance to one side and then released. The variation with time tof the horizontal displacement x of the ball is shown in Fig. 4.2. x/em 4 -6: Fig. 4.2 301 ‘The motion of the ball is simple harmonic. (a) Use data from Fig. 4.2 to determine the horizontal acceleration of the ball for a displacement x of 2.06m. acceleration = ms? {3} (b) The maximum kinetic energy of the ball is Ex. ‘On the axes of Fig. 4.3, sketch a graph to show the variation with time f of the kinetic ‘energy of the ball for the first 1.0 of its motion. kinetic energy Ex [3] 302 JUNE 12 P42 2 Aball of mass 379 is held between two fixed points A and B by two stretched helical springs, as shown in Fig. 2 mass 37g Fig. 2.1 ‘The ball oscillates along the line AB with simple harmonic motion of frequency 3.5Hz and amplitude 2.8cm. (a) Show that the total energy of the oscillations is 7.0m. i) (b) At two points in the oscillation of the ball, its kinetic energy is equal to the potential energy stored in the springs. Calculate the magnitude of the displacement at which this occurs. displacement om [3} 303 {c) On the axes of Fig. 2.2 and using your answers in (a) and (b), sketch a graph to show the variation with displacement x of (i)__ the total energy of the system (label this line T), a) (ii) the kinetic energy of the ball (label this line K), 2] (iii) the potential energy stored in the springs (label this line P). 2] 8: x/em Fig. 2.2 (a) The arrangement in Fig. 2.1 is now rotated through 90° so that the line AB is vertical and the ball oscillates in a vertical plane. ‘Suggest one form of energy, other than those in (c), that must be taken into consideration when plotting new graphs to show energy changes with displacement. [1] 304 NOV 12 P41 4 Abiallis held between two fixed points A and B by means of two stretched springs, as shown in Fig. 4.1. ball A B Fig. 4.1 ‘The ball is free to oscillate horizontally along the line AB. During the oscillations, the springs: remain stretched and do not exceed their limits of proportionality. The variation of the acceleration a of the ball with its displacement x from its equilibrium position is shown in Fig. 4.2. 15: ‘alms 0- Fig. 4.2 305, (a) State and explain the features of Fig. 4.2 that indicate that the motion of the ball is simple harmonic. [4] (b) Use Fig. 4.2 to determine, for the oscillations of the ball, (i) the amplitude, amplitude om [1] (ii) the frequency. frequency = . Hz [3] (¢) The arrangement in Fig. 4.1 is now rotated through 90° so that the line AB is vertical. The ball now oscillates in a vertical plane. ‘Suggest one reason why the oscillations may no longer be simple harmonic. 306 NOV 12 P43 2 A-small frictionless trolley is attached to a fixed point A by means of a spring. A second spring is used to attach the trolley to a variable frequency oscillator, as shown in Fig. 2.1. trolley variable frequency oscillator p Sad Fig. 2.1 Both springs remain extended within the limit of proportionality. Initially, the oscillator is switched off. The trolley is displaced horizontally along the line joining the two springs and is then released. ‘The variation with time t of the velocity v of the trolley is shown in Fig. 2.2. 0.3: vims 0.4 -0.1 0.2: -03. Fig. 2.2 (a) (i) Using Fig. 2.2, state two different times at which 1. the displacement of the trolley is zero, time sand time 2. the acceleration in one direction is maximum. time: ‘sand time 307 (il) Determine the frequency of oscillation of the trolley. frequency = Hz [2] (iii) The variation with time of the displacement of the trolley is sinusoidal. The variation with time of the velocity of the trolley is also sinusoidal. State the phase difference between the displacement and the velocity. phase difference (1) (b) The oscillator is now switched on. The amplitude of vibration of the oscillator is constant. The frequency f of vibration of the oscillator is varied. The trolley is forced to oscillate by means of vibrations of the oscillator. The variation with f of the amplitude a, of the oscillations of the trolley is shown in Fig. 2.3. & Fig. 2.3, By reference to your answer in (a), state the approximate frequency at which the amplitude is maximum. frequency = Hz [1] 308 (c) The amplitude of the oscillations in (b) may be reduced without changing significantly the frequency at which the amplitude is a maximum. State how this may be done and give a reason for your answer. You may draw on Fig. 2.1 if you wish. JUNE 13 P41. 3 Aball is held between two fixed points A and B by means of two stretched springs, as shown in Fig. 3.1. Fig. 3.4 ‘The ball is free to oscillate along the straight line AB. The springs remain stretched and the motion of the ball is simple harmonic. 309 The variation with time t of the displacement x of the ball from its equilibrium position is ‘shown in Fig. 3.2. Fig. 3.2 (@) (i) Use Fig. 3.2 to determine, for the oscillations of the ball, 1. the amplitude, amplitude = 2. the frequency. frequency = (ii) Show that the maximum acceleration of the ball is 5 2ms-2. (2) 310 (b) Use your answers in (a) to plot, on the axes of Fig. 3.3, the variation with displacement x of the acceleration a of the ball. alms? x/102m Fig. 3.3 2) (¢) Calculate the displacement of the ball at which its kinetic energy is equal to one half of the maximum kinetic energy. 311 JUNE 13 P42 3 Amass of 78g is suspended from a fixed point by means of a sprit ), a8 illustrated in Fig. 3.4 spring. mass 789 Fig. 3.1 ‘The stationary mass is pulled vertically downwards through a distance of 2.1m and then released. ‘The mass is observed to perform simple harmonic motion with a period of 0.69s. (@) The mass is released at time t= 0. For the oscillations of the mass, () calculate the angular frequency «, rads [2] ii) determine numerical equations for the variation with time tof 1, the displacement xin cm, (2) 1 312, (b) Calculate the total energy of oscillation of the mass. J [2] NOV 13 P41 3 Ametal ball is suspended from a fixed point by means of a string, as illustrated in Fig. 3.1. 313 The ball is given a small displacement and then released. The variation with time ¢ of the displacement x of the ball is shown in Fig. 3.2. 2.0: x/em 1.0 Fig. 3.2 (a) (i) State two times at which the speed of the ball is a maximum. time ..$ and time (ii) Show that the maximum speed of the ball is approximately 0.08ms~*. (21 314 (b) The variation with displacement x of the potential energy Ep of the oscillations of the ball is shown in Fig. 3.3. 25: Ep: 15 1.0 0.5 oO 05 1.0 15 x/em Fig. 3.3 (i) On the axes of Fig. 3.3, sketch a graph to show the variation with displacement x of the kinetic energy of the ball. 2 (ii) The amplitude of the oscillations reduces over a long period of time. After many oscillations, the amplitude of the oscillations is 0.60cm. Use Fig. 3.3 to determine the total energy of the oscillations of the ball for oscillations ‘of amplitude 0.60cm. Explain your working. energy ~ S[2) 315, JUNE 14 P41 4 A student investigates the energy changes of a mass oscillating on a vertical spring, as shown in Fig.4.1. spring aa Fig. 4.1 The student draws a graph of the variation with displacement x of energy E of the oscillation, as, shown in Fig. 4.2. Fig. 4.2 (a) State whether the energy E represents the total energy, the potential energy or the kinetic energy of the oscillations. (1) 316 (b) The student repeats the investigation but with a smaller amplitude. The maximum value of E is now found to be 1.8mJ. Use Fig. 4.2 to determine the change in the amplitude. Explain your working. change in amplitude = NOV 14 P41 4 (a) State what is meant by simple harmonic motion. (b) A small ball rests at point P on a curved track of radius 7, as shown in Fig. 4.1 curved track, radius r Fig. 4.1 The ball is moved a small distance to one side and is then released. The horizontal displacement x of the ball is related to its acceleration a towards P by the expression x a= where gis the acceleration of free fall. (i) Show that the ball undergoes simple harmonic motion. 2) 37 (ii) The radius r of curvature of the track is 28cm. Determine the time interval z between the ball passing point P and then returning to point P. 2s (3) (€) The variation with time t of the displacement x of the ball in (b) is shown in Fig. 4.2. t= Fig. 4.2 ‘Some moisture now forms on the track, causing the ball to come to rest after approximately 15 oscillations. ‘On the axes of Fig. 4.2, sketch the variation with time t of the displacement x of the ball for the first two periods after the moisture has formed. Assume the moisture forms at time t = 0. (3] 318 NOV 14 P43 1 A\light spring is suspended from a fixed point. A bar magnet is attached to the end of the spring, ‘as shown in Fig. 1.1 spring bar magnet ‘cardboard cup Fig. 1.1 In order to shield the magnet from draughts, a cardboard cup is placed around the magnet but does not touch it. ‘The magnet is displaced vertically and then released. The variation with time t of the vertical displacement y of the magnet is shown in Fig. 1.2. 20 ylom 1.0: Fig. 1.2 319 The mass of the magnet is 130g. (a) For the oscillations of the magnet, use Fig. 1.2 to (i) determine the angular frequency «, oe. rads" [2] (ii) show that the maximum kinetic energy of the oscillating magnet is 6.4mJ. (2) (b) The cardboard cup is now replaced with a cup made of aluminium foil. During 10 complete oscillations of the magnet, the amplitude of vibration is seen to decrease to 0.75cm from that shown in Fig. 1.2. The change in angular frequency is negligible. (i) Use Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction to explain why the amplitude of the oscillations decreases. - 3) (ii) Show that the loss in energy of the oscillating magnet is 4.8mJ. (1 320 (c) The mass of the aluminium cup in (b) is 6.2g. The specific heat capacity of aluminium is 910Jkg*K-1, The energy in (b)(ii is transferred to the cup as thermal energy. Calculate the mean rise in temperature of the cup. temperature rise = NOV 14 P43 4 (a) State what is meant by simple harmonic motion. (b) A trolley is attached to two extended springs, as shown in Fig. 4.1. spring trolley Fig. 4.1 321 The trolley is displaced along the line joining the two springs and is then released. At one point in the motion, a stopwatch is started. The variation with time tof the velocity v of the trolley is shown in Fig. 4.2. Fig. 4.2 The motion of the trolley is simple harmonic. (i) State one time at which the trolley is moving through the equilibrium position and also state the next time that it moves through this position. oS [1] 322 Gi) The amplitude of vibration of the trolley is 3.2cm. Determine 1. the maximum speed va of the trolley, % = oms7' [3] 2. the displacement of the trolley for a speed of Yevp. displacement = em (2) (c) Use your answers in (b) to sketch, on the axes of Fig. 4.3, a graph to show the variation with displacement x of the velocity v of the trolley. Fig. 4.3 323 JUNE 15 P41 4 (a) Foran oscillating body, state what is meant by (i) forced frequency, (ii) natural frequency of vibration, i) (iii) resonance. (b) State and explain one situation where resonance is useful 2 (c) In some situations, resonance should be avoided. State one such situation and suggest how the effects of resonance are reduced. 324 JUNE 15 P42 4 (a) State what is meant by simple harmonic motion. (b) The variation with time tof the displacement x of two oscillators P and Qis shown in Fig. 4.1. 4 3 [oscillator P joscillator Q 2.8 Fig. 4.1 ‘The two oscillators each have the same mass. Use Fig. 4.1 to determine {i)_ the phase difference between the two oscillators, phase difference = (ii) the maximum acceleration of oscillator Q, ‘maximum acceleration = ms* [2] 325, (itt) the ratio maximum kinetic energy of oscillations of Q ‘maximum kinetic energy of oscillations of P ~ PALO = eens EB] (c) Use data from (b) to sketch, on the axes of Fig. 4.2, the variation with displacement x of the acceleration a of oscillator Q. (c)_ Use data from (b) to sketch, on the axes of Fig. 4.2, the variation with displacement x of the acceleration a of oscillator Q. Fig. 4.2 Nov 15 P41 4 (a) Distinguish between free oscillations and forced oscillations. free oscillations: ence itenstennniennntennense forced oscillations: ...... (b) A trolley is held on a horizontal surface by means of two stretched springs, as shown in Fig. 4.1. spring trolley spring oscillator Sxed point Fig. 4.1 One spring is attached to a fixed point. The other spring is attached to an oscillator that causes horizontal oscillations of the trolley. ‘The oscillator vibrates with a constant amplitude of vibration. The frequency of vibration of the oscillator is gradually increased from a very low value. The variation with frequency f of the amplitude x, of vibration of the trolley is shown in Fig. 4.2. Fig. 4.2 327 Use Fig. 4.2 to state and explain (i) the value of the natural frequency of vibration of the trolley, (ii) whether there are any frictional forces acting on the trolley. (€) The oscillator in (b) is now stopped. The trolley is given a horizontal displacement of 4.7cm along the line of the springs. The trolley is then released. Use information from Fig. 4.2 to estimate the maximum speed of the trolley. .. ms“ [2] NOV 15 P43 4 (a) Define simple harmonic motion. 328 (b) A tube, sealed at one end, has a circular cross-sectional area A of 4.9x 10-4m?. Some sand is put in the tube so that the total mass Mf the tube and its contents is 70g. The tube floats upright in a liquid, as shown in Fig. 4.1. tube cross-sectional area A liquid 4.9x104m? sand Fig. 41 (2) (c) The tube in (b) is displaced vertically and then released. The variation with time t of the distance his shown in Fig. 4.2. a 20: hiom 19 18 0 17 16 15 Fig. 4.2 ‘The system oscillates with simple harmonic motion of angular frequency w given by the expression 329 The system oscillates with simple harmonic motion of angular frequency w given by the ‘expression wo? = PAD mM where gis the acceleration of free fall. (Use data from (b) to determine 1. the time t, 2 thetime 4. t= 8 [1] (ii) Determine the loss in total energy of the oscillating system between time t= 0 and time te ty loss in energy = 330 MAR 16 P42 4 An object of mass 80g oscillates with simple harmonic motion. The variation with time ¢ of the isplacement x of the object is shown in Fig. 4.1. 20. xsem 10. Fig. 4.1 (@) Use Fig. 4.1 to determine the amplitude and the period of the oscillations. amplitude om period = (b) Use Fig. 4.1 and your answers in (a) to calculate the Kinetic energy of the object at time 120.198, Kinetic energy = JUNE 16 P41 3 (a) State, by reference to displacement, what is meant by simple harmonic motion. 331, (b) A mass is undergoing oscillations in a vertical plane. ‘The variation with displacement x of the acceleration a of the mass is shown in Fig. 3.1. Fig. 3.1 ‘State two reasons why the motion of the mass is not simple harmonic. 1, (©) Ablock of wood is floating in a liquid, as shown in Fig. 3.2. oscillation ‘hod. [of block Fig. 3.2 ‘The block is displaced vertically and then released. ‘The variation with time t of the displacement y of the block from its equilibrium position is, shown in Fig. 3.3. 332, Fig. 3.3 Use data from Fig. 3.3 to determine (i) the angular frequency w of the oscillations, 333, (ii) the maximum vertical acceleration of the block. maximum acceleration = rnonmarrmecertner MBS 2] (iii) The block has mass 120g. The oscillations of the block are damped. Calculate the loss in energy of the oscillations of the block during the first three complete periods of its oscillations. energy loss = J (3) JUNE 16 P42 4 A metal block hangs vertically from one end of a spring. The other end of the spring is tied to a thread that passes over a pulley and is attached to a vibrator, as shown in Fig. 4.1. pulley | vibrator spring block Fig. 4.1 334 (a) The vibrator is switched off. ‘The metal block of mass 120g is displaced vertically and then released. The variation with time t of the displacement y of the block from its equilibrium position is shown in Fig. 4.2. Fig. 4.2 For the vibrations of the block, calculate i) the angular frequency «, fads" [2] (ii) the eneray of the vibrations. ONEEGY = erence [2] 335, (b) The vibrator is now switched on. ‘The frequency of vibration is varied from 0.7fto 1.3f where fis the frequency of vibration of the block in (a). For the block, complete Fig. 4.3 to show the variation with frequency of the amplitude of vibration. Label this line A. (3) amplitude 07 1 1.3f frequency Fig. 4.3 (c) Some light feathers are now attached to the block in (b) to increase air resistance. The frequency of vibration is once again varied from 0.7f to 1.3f The new amplitude of vibration is measured for each frequency. On Fig. 4.3, draw a line to show the variation with frequency of the amplitude of vibration. Label this line B. 2] (Total: 9] 336 NOV 16 P41 3 To demonstrate simple harmonic motion, a student attaches a trolley to two similar stretched ‘springs, as shown in Fig. 3.1. spring trolley Fig. 3.1 The trolley has mass m of 810g. The trolley is displaced along the line of the two springs and then released. The subsequent acceleration a of the trolley is given by the expression = 2k =m ‘where the spring constant k for each of the springs is 64Nm-" and xis the displacement of the trolley. (a) Show that the frequency of oscillation of the trolley is 2.0Hz. 3 (b) The maximum displacement of the trolley is 1.6m. Calculate the maximum speed of the trolley. speed = ms* (2) 337 (c) The mass of the trolley is increased. The intial displacement of the trolley remains unchanged. ‘Suggest the change, if any, that occurs in the frequency and in the maximum speed of the oscillations of the trolley. frequency: ...... ‘maximum speed: Total: 7] NOV 16 P42 4 Amass hangs vertically from a fixed point by means of a spring, as shown in Fig. 4.1. LLLLLLL A, spring. mass ft I Fig. 4.1 ‘The mass is displaced vertically and then released. The subsequent oscillations of the mass are ‘simple harmonic. 338 ‘The variation with time fof the length Lof the spring is shown in Fig. 4.2. 0.4 02 0.3 04 05 06 ts Fig. 4.2 (a) Use Fig. 4.2 to {i) state two values of tat which the mass is moving downwards with maximum speed, t= and t= oS] (ii) determine, for these oscillations, the angular frequency «, o= rads [2] (iii) show that the maximum speed of the mass is 0.42ms~'. (2) 339 (b) Use data from Fig. 4.2 and (a)(ill) to sketch, on the axes of Fig. 4.3, the variation with displacement x from the equilibrium position of the velocity v of the mass. 0.5: 0.4: vims-- 0.3: 0.2: 0.1 0: 0.4 0.2. “0. 0.4 0.5 Fig. 4.3. Ss) (Total: 8] MAR 17 P42 3 Auniform beam is clamped at one end. A metal block of mass m is fixed to the other end of the beam causing it to bend, as shown in Fig.3.1 metal block equilibrium position NN displaced position Fig. 3.1 ‘The block is given a small vertical displacement and then released so that it oscillates with simple harmonic motion. ‘The acceleration a of the block is given by the expression =-ky where k is a constant for the beam and x is the vertical displacement of the block from its ‘equilibrium position. 340 (a) Explain how it can be deduced from the expression that the block moves with simple harmonic motion. (2) (b) For the beam, k= 4.0kgs"®. Show that the angular frequency of the oscillations is given by the expression .0 (2) (c) The initial amplitude of the oscillation of the block is 3.0¢m. Use the expression in (b) to determine the maximum kinetic energy of the oscillations. ‘maximum kinetic energy = J (3) (d) Over a certain interval of time, the maximum kinetic energy of the oscillations in (c) is reduced by 50%. It may be assumed that there is negligible change in the angular frequency of the oscillations, Determine the amplitude of oscillation. ‘amplitude = .m [2] 341, () Permanent magnets are now positioned so that the metal block oscillates between the poles, shown in Fig.3.2. metal block beain permanent magnets Fig. 3.2 The block is made to oscillate with the same initial amplitude as in (¢). Use energy conservation to explain why the energy of the oscillations decreases more rapidly than in (d). {3} {[Total: 12] JUNE 17 P42 2 Abar magnet of mass 180g is suspended from the free end of a spring, as illustrated in Fig. 2.1. Zz Fig. 2.1 342 ‘The magnet hangs so that one pole is near the centre of a coil of wire. ‘The coil is connected in series with a resistor and a switch. The switch is open. ‘The magnet is displaced vertically and then allowed to oscillate with one pole remaining inside the ‘coil. The other pole remains outside the coil. At time t= 0, the magnet is oscillating freely as it passes through its equilibrium position. At time t=3.0s, the switch in the circuit is closed. ‘The variation with time tof the vertical displacement y of the magnet is shown in Fig. 2.2. 20: 15: ylom 1.0: os: 2.0 Fig. 2.2 (a) Determine, to two significant figures, the frequency of oscillation of the magnet. frequency = (b) State whether the closing of the switch gives rise to light, heavy or critical damping, 343, (c) Calculate the change in the energy AE of oscillation of the magnet between time t= 2.7s and time t= 7.5. Explain your working. J[6) [Total: 9} JUNE 17 P42 3 Abar magnet of mass 250g is suspended from the free end of a spring, as illustrated in Fig. 3.1. Zz spring magnet Fig. 3.4 ‘The magnet hangs so that one pole is near the centre of a coil of wire. The coil is connected in series with a resistor and a switch. The switch is open. ‘The magnet is displaced vertically and then allowed to oscillate with one pole remaining inside the ‘coil. The other pole remains outside the coil. At time t= 0, the magnet is oscillating freely as it passes through its equilibrium position, At time t=6.0s, the switch in the circuit is closed. 344 The variation with time f of the vertical displacement y of the magnet is shown in Fig. 3.2. Fig. 3.2 {a) For the oscillating magnet, use data from Fig. 3.2 to calculate, to two significant figures, (i) the frequency f, f Hz [2] (ii) the energy of the oscillations during the time t= 0 to time t= 6.0s. energy = JI 345, NOV 17 P41 2 (a) State, by reference to simple harmonic motion, what is meant by angular frequency. - (b) thin metal strip is clamped at one end so that it is horizontal. Aload of mass Mis attached to its free end. The load causes a displacement s of the end of the strip, as shown in Fig. 2.1. clamp. £1 Fig. 2.4 The load is displaced vertically and then released. The load oscillates. ‘The variation with the acceleration a of the displacement s of the load is shown in Fig. 2.2. 4.0: 0; 10 -08 -06 04-02 0 02 04 06 08 10 alms? Fig. 2.2 346 (i) Use Fig. 2.2 to determine 1. the displacement of the load before it is made to oscillate, displacement = om, 2. the amplitude of the oscillations of the load. amplitude (ii) Show that the load is undergoing simple harmonic motion. (ili) Calculate the frequency of oscillation of the load. frequency NOV 17 P42 3 (a) (i) Define the radian. oe N R tf l2} (ii) State, by reference to simple harmonic motion, what is meant by angular frequency. 347 (b) A thin metal strip, clamped horizontally at one end, has a load of mass M attached to its free end, as shown in Fig. 3.1 eS p—— oscillation of load Fig. 3.1 ‘The metal strip bends, as shown in Fig. 3.1 When the free end of the strip is displaced vertically and then released, the mass oscillates in a vertical plane. Theory predicts that the variation of the acceleration a of the oscillating load with the displacement x from its equilibrium position is given by c me) * where L is the effective length of the metal strip and cis a positive constant. (i) Explain how the expression shows that the load is undergoing simple harmonic motion. {2} (ii) For a metal strip of length L = 65cm and a load of mass M = 240g, the frequency of oscillation is 3.2Hz. Calculate the constant c. 348, MAR 18 P42 3° (@)_ Amass is undergoing simple harmonic motion with amplitude x. The maximum velocity of the mass has magnitude v,. (On Fig. 3.1, show the variation with displacement x of the velocity vof the mass. v7: % Fig. 3.1 4 (@)_ Explain what is meant by the natural frequency of vibration of a system. [1] {b) Ablock of metal is fixed to one end of a vertical spring. The other end of the spring is attached to an oscillator, as shown in Fig. 4.1 oscillator mee Fig. 4.1 349 The amplitude of oscillation of the oscillator is constant. The variation of the amplitude x, of the oscillations of the block with frequency f of the oscillations is shown in Fig. 4.2. Fig. 4.2 (i) Name the effect shown in Fig. 4.2. (ii) State and explain whether the block is undergoing damped oscillations. (c) State one example in which the effect shown in Fig. 4.2 is useful. JUNE 18 P42 2 Ametal plate is made to vibrate vertically by means of an oscillator, as shown in Fig, 2.1 sand direction of __—— Plate oscillations | ___oscilator Fig. 2.4 350 ‘Some sand is sprinkled on to the plate. ‘The variation with displacement y of the acceleration a of the sand on the plate is shown in Fig. 2.2. Fig. 22 (a) (i) Use Fig. 2.2 to show how it can be deduced that the sand is undergoing simple harmonic motion. (il) Calculate the frequency of oscillation of the sand. Hz (2) 351, (b) The amplitude of oscillation of the plate is gradually increased beyond 8mm. The frequency is constant. ‘Atone amplitude, the sand is seen to lose contact with the plate. For the plate when the sand first loses contact with the plate, (i) state the position of the plate, (ii) calculate the amplitude of oscillation. JUNE 18 P42 4 (a) State two conditions necessary for a mass to be undergoing simple harmonic motion. 1 a (b) A trolley of mass 950g is held on a horizontal surface by means of two springs attached to fixed points P and Q, as shown in Fig. 4.1. trolley mass 950g spring Fig. 4.1 352 The springs, each having a spring constant k of 230Nm-', are always extended. The trolley is displaced along the line of the springs and then released. The variation with time tof the displacement x of the trolley is shown in Fig. 4.2. Fig. 4.2 (i) 1. State and explain whether the oscillations of the trolley are heavily damped, critically damped or lightly damped. 2. Suggest the cause of the damping. 353 (ii) The acceleration a of the trolley of mass mmay be assumed to be given by the expression m 1. Calculate the angular frequency « of the oscillations of the trolley. fads [3] w= 2. Determine the time t, shown on Fig. 4.2. NOV 18 P41 3 AU-tube contains liquid, as shown in Fig. 3.1 Fig. 3.4 Fig. 3.2 354 ‘The total length of the column of liquid in the tube is L. ‘The column of liquid is displaced so that the change in height of the liquid in each arm of the U-tube is x, as shown in Fig. 3.2. The liquid in the U-tube then oscillates with simple harmonic motion such that the acceleration a of the column is given by the expression where gis the acceleration of free fall. (a) Calculate the period T of oscillation of the liquid column for a column length L of 19.0¢m. (b) The variation with time tof the displacement x is shown in Fig. 3.3. 42.01 x/om +1.0: Fig. 3.3 355, ‘The period of oscillation of the liquid column of mass 18.0g is T. ‘The oscillations are damped. (i) Suggest one cause of the damping. [1] (ii) Calculate the loss in total eneray of the oscillations during the first 2.5 periods of the oscillations. energy loss = NOV 18 P42 4 AUstube contains liquid, as shown in Fig. 4.1. Fig. 4.1 Fig. 4.2 356 The total angth ofthe liquid column is L. ‘The column of liquid is displaced so that the change in height ofthe liquid level from the equilibrium position in each arm of the U-tube is x, as shown in Fig. 4.2. The liquid in the U-tube then oscillates such that its acceleration a is given by the expression ce where gis the acceleration of free fall. (a) Show that the liquid column undergoes simple harmonic motion. (2) (b) The variation with time tof the displacement x is shown in Fig. 4.3. 42.0: x/om +10 Fig. 4.3 357 Use data from Fig. 4.3 to determine the length L of the liquid column, Le... evrnnennneee [3] (c) The oscillations shown in Fig. 4.3 are damped. (i) Suggest one cause of this damping. (ii) Calculate the ratio total energy of oscillations after 1.5 complete oscillations total i energy of oscillations Ati = ener [2] [otal: 8] 358 MAR 19 P42 3 cylindrical tube, sealed at one end, has cross-sectional area A and contains some sand. ‘The total mass of the tube and the sand is M. ‘The tube floats upright in a liquid of density p, as illustrated in Fig. 3.1 tube cross-sectional area A sand liquia ——~censity equilibrium position (a of base of tube Fig. 3.1 The tube is pushed a short distance into the liquid and then released. (a) (i) State the two forces that act on the tube immediately atter its release. Mt (ii) State and explain the direction of the resultant force acting on the tube immediately after its release. (2) (b) The acceleration a of the tube is given by the expression Ss where x is the vertical displacement of the tube from its equilibrium position Use the expression to explain why the tube undergoes simple harmonic oscillations in the liquid 359 (c)_ For a tube having cross-sectional area A of 4.5cm? and a total mass M of 0.17kg, the period of oscillation of the tube is 1.3s. (i) Determine the angular frequency « of the oscillations. rads" (2) (ii) Use your answer in (i) and the expression in (b) to determine the density p of the liquid in which the tube is floating. sone kgm [3) JUNE 19 P41 3 Ahollow tube, sealed at one end, has a cross-sectional area A of 24em? ‘The tube contains sand so that the total mass Mof the tube and sand is 0.23kg. ‘The tube floats upright in aliquid of density p, as illustrated in Fig. 3.1 ‘The depth of the bottom of the tube below the liquid surface is h. 360 ‘The tube is displaced vertically and then released. The variation with time tof the depth his shown in Fig. 3.2 8 hlom 0 02 04 06 08 1.0 12 14 ts Fig. 3.2 (@) Determine: (i) the amplitude, in metres, of the oscillations amplitude = 361 (i) the frequency of oscillation of the tube in the liquid frequency = (ili) the acceleration of the tube when his a maximum. acceleration = {b) The frequency f of oscillation of the tube is given by the expression (Apa) av (i?) where gi the acceleration of free fal. M Calculate the density p of the liquid in which the tube is floating. PE corner nene KG [2] (c) The oscillations illustrated in Fig: 8.2 are undamped. In practice, the liquid does cause light damping. (On Fig. 3.2, draw a line to show light damping of the oscillations for time t= 0 to time t= 1.48. 1} [Total: 10] 362 JUNE 19 P42 3. Aspring is hung vertically from a fixed point. A mass M is hung from the other end of the spring, as illustrated in Fig. 3.1 spring massM— Fig. 3.1 The mass is displaced downwards and then released. The subsequent motion of the mass is simple harmonic. ‘The variation with time tof the length L of the spring is shown in Fig. 3.2. 16: Liem 14 12: 10: us Fig. 3.2 (@) State: (i) one time at which the mass is moving with maximum speed time = s [i] (ii) one time at which the spring has maximum elastic potential energy. time = sft] 363 (b) Use data from Fig. 3.2 to determine, for the motion of the mass: (i) the angular frequency « (il) the maximum speed maximum speed = (ili) the magnitude of the maximum acceleration. ms" [2] maximum acceleration = 364 (©) The mass M is now suspended from two springs, each identical to that in Fig. 3.1, as shown in Fig. 3.3. TOOEOUG mass M1 Fig. 3.3 Suggest and explain the change, if any, in the period of oscillation of the mass. A numerical answer is not required. (21 (Total: 10) Nov 19 P41 4 Amass is suspended vertically from a fixed point by means of a spring, as illustrated in Fig. 4.1. eecccecapeeeeee spring Fig. 4.1 365, ‘The mass is oscillating vertically. The variation with displacement x of the acceleration a of the mass is shown in Fig. 4.2. 15: Fig. 4.2 (a) ()) State what is meant by the displacement of the mass on the spring. (1) (ii) Suggest how Fig. 4.2 shows that the mass is not performing simple harmonic motion. (b) (i) The amplitude of oscillation of the mass may be changed. State the maximum amplitude x9 for which the oscillations are simple harmonic. 29S nen Mf] 366 (ii) For the simple harmonic oscillations of the mass, use Fig. 4.2 to determine the frequency of the oscillations. frequency (©) The maximum speed of the mass when oscillating with simple harmonic motion of amplitude X98 Yo Hz [3] (On Fig. 4.3, show the variation with displacement x of the velocity v of the mass for displacements from +x, to ~x9. Fig. 4.3 ic) Total: 8} NOV 19 P42 4 Aball of mass Mis held on a horizontal surface by two identical extended springs, as illustrated in Fig. 4.1. ball mass M oscillator fixed point Fig. 4.1 367 (One spring is attached to a fixed point. The other spring is attached to an oscillator. ‘The oscillator is switched off. The ball is displaced sideways along the axis of the springs and then released. The variation with time t of the displacement x of the balll is shown in Fig. 4.2. 15 x/om 10 0s Fig. 4.2 (a) State: (what is meant by damping (ii) the evidence provided by Fig, 4.2 that the motion of the balll is damped. (b) The acceleration a and the displacement x of the ball are related by the expression (ia) where kis the spring constant of one of the springs. ‘The mass Mof the ball is 1.2kg. (I) Use data from Fig. 4.2 to determine the angular frequency « of the oscillations’ of the ball rads“ [2] 368 (il) Use your answer in (I) to determine the value of k. Nm" [2] (©). The oscillator is switched on. The amplitude of oscillation of the oscillator is constant, ‘The angular frequency of the oscillations is gradually increased from 0.7. to 1.3, where wis, the angular frequency calculated in (b)(\). (i) On the axes of Fig. 4.3, show the variation with angular frequency of the amplitude A of oscillation of the ball. o7e 100 130 angular frequency Fig. 4.3, 2) (li) Some sand is now sprinkled on the horizontal surface. The angular frequency of the oscillations is again gradually increased from 0.7m to 1.30. State two changes that occur to the line you have drawn on Fig. 4.3. 1 a Total: 10} 369 MAR 20 P42 3 (a) Abody undergoes simple harmonic motion. The variation with displacement x of its velocity vis shown in Fig. 3.1. Fig. 3.4 (i) State the amplitude x, of the oscillations. i) Calculate the period T of the oscillations. 8 BI (ili) On Fig. 3.1, label with a P a point where the body has maximum potential energy. [1] 370 JUNE 20 P41 3. The piston in the cylinder of a car engine moves in the cylinder with simple harmonic motion. The piston moves between a position of maximum height in the cylinder to a position of mi height, as illustrated in Fig. 3.1. um, cylinder cylinder maximum height minimum height Fig. 3.1 ‘The distance moved by the piston between the positions shown in Fig. 3.1 is 9.8m. ‘The mass of the piston is 640g. ‘Atone particular speed of the engine, the piston completes 2700 oscillations in 1.0 minute. (a) For the oscillations of the piston in the cylinder, determine: (i) the amplitude amplitude = ce om [1] the frequency Hz [1] (iii) the maximum speed maximum speed = nnn MST [Q 371 (iv) _ the speed when the top of the piston is 2.3cm below its maximum height. speed ms" [2] (b) The acceleration of the piston varies. Determine the resultant force on the piston that gives rise to its maximum acceleration. (otal: 9] JUNE 20 P42 4 Adish is made from a section of a hollow glass sphere. The dish, fixed to a horizontal table, contains a small solid ball of mass 45g, as shown in Fig. 4.1. ball surface mass 459 of dish Fig. 4.1 The horizontal displacement of the ball from the centre C of the dish is x. held at rest with distance x = 3.0cm. 372 ‘The ball is then released. The variation with time f of the horizontal displacement x of the ball from point C is shown in Fig. 4.2. Fig. 4.2 ‘The motion of the ballin the dish is simple harmonic with its acceleration a given by the expression =4(9) a=) where g is the acceleration of free fall and Ris a constant that depends on the dimensions of the dish and the ball. (@) Use Fig. 42 to show that the angular frequency « of oscillation of the ball in the dish is 2.9rads*. th 373 (b) Use the information in (a) to: (i) determine R (ii) calculate the speed of the ball as it passes over the centre C of the dish. mst [2] ‘speed = (c) Some moisture collects on the surface of the dish so that the motion of the ball becomes lightly damped. On the axes of Fig. 4.2, draw a line to show the lightly damped motion of the ball for the first 5.0s afer the release of the ball. BI (Total: 8] NOV 20 P41 3 Apendulum consists of a metal sphere P suspended from a fixed point by means of a thread, as. ilustrated in Fig. 3.1 metal sphere P. Fig. 341 374 ‘The centre of gravity of sphere P is a distance L from the fixed point. ‘The sphere is pulled to one side and then released so that it oscillates. The sphere may be assumed to oscillate with simple harmonic motion. (a) State what is meant by simple harmonic motion. ~ [2] (b) The variation of the velocity v of sphere P with the displacement x from its mean position is shown in Fig. 3.2. ims"! vis" 9 4 10. 10 x/om 50:2: 70.3" Fig. 3.2 Use Fig. 3.2 to determine the trequency f of the oscillations ot sphere P. Hz [3] 375, (c) The period T of the oscillations of sphere P is given by the expression real) where g is the acceleration of free fall. Use your answer in (b) to determine the length L. L -m [2] (a) Another pendulum consists of a sphere Q suspended by a thread. Spheres P and Q are identical. The thread attached to sphere Q is longer than the thread attached to sphere P. Sphere Q is displaced and then released. The oscillations of sphere Q have the same amplitude as the oscillations of sphere P. ‘On Fig. 3.2, sketch the variation of the velocity v with displacement x for sphere Q. fea) [Total: 9) Nov 20 P42 3. Asimple pendulum consists of a metal sphere suspended from a fixed point by means of a thread, as illustrated in Fig. 3.1. 127m Fig. 3.1 (not to scale) The sphere of mass 94.09 is displaced to one side through a horizontal distance of 12.7¢m. The centre of gravity of the sphere rises vertically by 0.90cm. ‘The sphere is released so that it oscillates. The sphere may be assumed to oscillate with simple harmonic motion. 376 {a) State what is meant by simple harmonic motion. (b) (i) State the kinetic energy of the sphere when the sphere retums to the displaced position shown in Fig. 3.1. ood M1] kinetic energy = (i) Caloulate the total energy E; of the oscillations. od 22) E,= (iii) Use your answer in (ii) to show that the angular frequency « of the oscillations of the pendulum is 3.3rads~*. 1) 37 (c)_ The period T of oscillation of the pendulum is given by the expression 1) T=204{5) where g is the acceleration of free fall and L is the length of the pendulum. Use data from (b) to determine L. 378

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