How To Install WordPress On Windows 10 (Localhost)

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How to install WordPress on Windows 10

WordPress CMS can work on your computer. One of the main reasons for this is that in this
way you can test WordPress before placing it on the server, or you can do the programming
(creating themes, plugins…) and creation in WordPress without investment (FREE) in hosting,
domain and accompanying services.
WordPress installed in this way will be fully functional and behave like any other site.

If you need to install WordPress on your web-hosting using Windows 10,

please read this article: WordPress Windows 10 install

If you need cheap and fair hosting, you can find it here: Hosting for WordPress

To save space and time, WordPress, hereafter in this text we’ll call WP.

The difference between WP installed on the server and WP

installed on your computer?
In essence, there is no difference. When you install WP on a server (a regular website) is
stored on a server that you rented (or bought). When you install WordPress on your
computer it is on your computer.

“When you approach WordPress, which is installed on the server, you type in the browser:…


“When you approach WordPress, which is installed on your computer, you type in the
browser: http://localhost:29238/directory-example/…”

The key thing is the address. Localhost, in this case, is your computer.

WordPress installation on Windows 10

WP on Windows 10 operating system can be installed easily. The whole process is
automated and all the dependencies are downloaded automatically. This guide (step by step
with pictures) explains the whole
installation process without any action
on the editing the site, themes, and

Step 1: Download WordPress package

for Windows – WordPress for

Go to this page:

Click on the button Install WordPress. Save the package that will be offered.

Step 2: Start the installation of WordPress

Click twice on the package that you just downloaded.

Allow this app to make changes to your PC, click on Yes (this is standard procedure when
installing programs on Windows):
In the window that opens (as in the picture beneath), click Install:

Step 3: Define your database and password

Here you can select the database (if you are already on your computer). If the computer
does not have a database installed, leave the default option on What type of database would
you like to use? field (It will automatically install MySQL).

Enter the new password, re-type and remember your password (or write it down
Step 4: Prerequisites for WordPress on Windows 10

Here you will be shown what the application has to be installed. Check the box to agree to
the terms (if you agree) and click I Accept to to continue.

Step 5: Installation of dependencies

The application will install all required dependencies automatically. It may take several
minutes depending on the speed of your internet.
Step 6: Configure

In each of these fields, enter a unique phrase that will ensure the strength of your protection
with authentication. Do not use single quotes, backlashes and dollar character. When you
finish, click on Continue.

Step 7: Finish

Here you can see applications that are installed. To copy data about the database click on
Copy to clipboard. Open Notepad and paste it. Save the text document somewhere. Click on
Step 8: Finish WordPress installation in your browser

The installation process will launch your browser to be the complete installation of WP. It
looks just like the picture below. Approved language and click on Continue.

Step 9: Basic site and user info

One more minute and it’ll be over.

Enter the title of the site (may be changed later).

Enter the name of the administrator, it is necessary for login to WP (double check and
write somewhere aside).
Enter a password for the administrator (double check and write somewhere aside).
Enter an email address for the administrator (also double check).
Click on the Install WordPress to finish everything we started.

If you see a message like on the picture below that means you have successfully installed
WordPress. Click on the Log In to log in into WP dashboard.
10. Test & WordPress Dashboard

When you click on the Log In (picture above) you’ll see a login form on the WordPress
dashboard. Enter the information you specified (username and password) in step 9 to login
to the WP Dashboard.

When you click on the Log In, you will be forwarded to the control panel:

Important – Microsoft WebMatrix

Every time you want to start WordPress, first you have to start a Microsoft WebMatrix. This
is a program installed in the process that is described in this text. So first start a program
Microsoft WebMatrix, and then Reload the address locally-installed WordPress.

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