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Seas the Future

Climate change and the ocean

Climate change and fish problems
• Microplastics
• Decline in types of population
• Decline in amount of fish
• Trash on beach
• Surfers against sewage -
• Destructive fishing practices - (bottom trawling, cyanide fishing, blast
fishing, bycatch, ghost net, muro-ami, overfishing, gillnets, poisons
and explosives, traps and pots)
• In your groups, decide what you would like your exhibit to focus on. Think:
• žWhat are you passionate about?
• žWhat do you think is an important issue worth exploring?
• žWhat is your vision for the exhibit and the surrounding portfolio?
• 3. Identify a campaign name (perhaps you want to create a logo). Log this on the
• 4. Using the internet, look up images that you can use on your mood-board. What
reflects the aesthetic of your vision?
• Seas the future
• Shell shocked
Mood board
• More than 90% of the excess heat generated by greenhouse gases has been absorbed by the
ocean. Means that there are rising sea levels and the elevated temperatures of the ocean means
that hurricanes and typhoons are more intense. 'A Guardian calculation found the average
heating across that 150-year period was equivalent to about 1.5 Hiroshima-size atomic bombs per
second.' (global warming of oceans equivalent to an atomic bomb per second, the guardian)
• "A quarter of the world's freshwater fish are at risk of extinction" New York Times, 2023
• The colour of the world’s oceans has changed due to human induced climate change
• Mass coral bleaching- heat stress
causes the coral to lose colour,
• Covid saw improved coastal water quality, cleaner beaches, enhanced fish density, and reduced
underwater noise have been reported in most countries. Shows that there is a direct correlation
between human behaviour and the effect on the ocean, pollution, heat damage on the coral,
increased water temps,
Questions to add in podcast
• What organisation’s aim is
• Role in organisation
• How to help, contribute… everyday things we can do
• Marine and coastal ecosystem
• Local areas being affected
• What role do oceans play in mitigating climate change?
• Any particularly succesful moments you achieved
• Any upcoming events or campaigns viewers are interested in?
Need for presentation
• 10 min
• Exhibit focus
• Campaign name and logo, exhibit moodboard
• Market research on previous examples of activism/exhibitions
• Content overview, team roles, sources
Sketch ideas/key words
• What shape? Circle/square/traingle etc
• Whale – spout shooting water
• Wave
• Crab (or something else) swept up in the wave
• Background? Sun/sand/birds?
• Dark or light blue
• Some of the letters can be sea creatures (s is seahorse, etc)
• Seaweed wrapped around the letters
Feedback from presentation
• Why is it we have shit in the oceans (at
a local level) – political,
ideological choice
• Penryn campus – marine biology lab –
• What is the call to action?
Roles & Deadlines
Production Communications Production
manager director designer Task Deadline
George Presentation 2/02
Infographic Isabella Vidhatri Gabriela
Infographic 16/02
Exhibit George Gabriela Isabella Exhibition 13/03
Video 28/03
Video George Vidhatri Isabella Podcast 28/03
Sakura Blog 28/03
Podcast Vidhatri Gabriela George
1 – Production Managers
• Create a plan, a programme, a work structure, deadlines, and contingency plans
• Clarify roles and responsibilities
• Ensure all tasks are completed on time
• Ensure paperwork is completed
• Final checks

• Isabella – infographic
• George – exhibit
• Sakura & Gabriela – video
• Vidhatri – podcast
2 – Researchers
• Gather and analyse data, read articles, identify and verify sources, and develop interview/survey
• Organise, fact-check and reference research
• Ensure there is a sufficient range of interesting and relevant information, presented accurately
and appropriately, contributing appropriately to the brief

• Sakura & Isabella – podcast

• George – video – Research.xlsx
• Gabriela – exhibit – Research.xlsx Research file 2
• Vidhatri – infographic – Research
• General – Research.xlsx
3 – Communications Directors
• Direct the aesthetic of the product, suggest appropriate illustrative elements
• Ensure the material is appropriate in tone for the audience and brief
• Provide enough content for the Production Designers
• Represent the information received from the Researchers correctly and accurately

• Isabella – exhibit
• Sakura & George – infographic
• Gabriela – podcast
• Vidhatri – video
Infographic poster
• Timeline- deadline the 16th feb
• Isabella – production manager
• Vidhatri - compiling the research going on the inforgraphic, to be checked with sakura and george
on placement ect. Statistics, local and general, to be imputed and organised by the others
• Sakura and george - design the infographic, proof reading and checking over the texts and the
• Gabriela - oversee the design of the infographic and proof-read/check over the research
• Decided on the template by end of seminar, after that it's just adding in the research and some
minor organizing
Infographic - design choices
from george and sakura
• Logo and name
• Facts about ocean
• Animated creatures
• Different shades of blue for background of posters and little
sea animals can be coloured
• Whatever research vidhatri has found
• What are the destructive fishing practices (pick the worst
ones, what they mean)
• Big depressing statistic (Our oCEANS R DYING kind of thing )
Exhibition – Timeline
• The infographic poster needs to be completed and checked BEFORE deadline (16/02 at 5pm over
email) so it can be printed in time for the exhibit

• Finish on the 9th of March (allowing any problems 4 days to be fixed depending on the day we
are allocated

• You don't have to wait until the 'start date' of your role to start on your tasks, but preferably no later
• The sooner each person finishes their roles, the longer everyone else has, the smoother it will go, and
the easier it will be

Researcher (Gabriela) 08/02 - 09/02

Communications director (Isabella) 09/02 - 23/02
Production designers (Sakura & Vidhatri) 24/02 - 09/03
Final checks/optimistic deadline 09/03
Exhibition – Production Manager: George
• Create a plan
• Clarify responsibilities with each person
• Check-in occasionally to ensure progress is being made, and deadlines on track
• Look into all the relevant paperwork and ensure it is completed in time
• Please everybody let me know if you would like me to create a 'shift timetable' so
we each spend a reasonable amount of time at the exhibit (it would also probably
be nice to have a break to see the other exhibits)
Exhibition – Researcher: Gabriela
• Please start looking into existing exhibitions/student stalls (these do
not have to relate to climate change or the ocean) to see how we can
set up our own
• Research climate change in the ocean to allow us to accurately inform
people who approach our exhibit
• Please send this research to the rest of the team, to aid in the
designing and planning of the exhibit
Exhibition – Communications Director: Isabella
• Please start to create some quick sketches of what our physical stall could look like

• Where will the activity be (on the floor or the table)? Where will the bowl of sweets be (behind us or on the table)? The
brief for the infographic poster is A1 size, how will this look in comparison to our stall? What colours/shades should we use
to draw people in? Where will our logo be (hanging from the table/above our heads)? How will we draw our target
audience (Exeter students) in considering age, gender, subject interests, etc? What should we wear – should we print
shirts with our logo? Consider the overall look of the exhibit

• After receiving Gabriela's research, you can further/solidify any preliminary ideas, and inform your creative
decisions using facts

• Please pass these designs on to Sakura & Vidhatri as soon as possible so they can start creating the exhibit (no later
than 23/02)

• Please keep me informed as Production Manager for the infographic poster, as this needs to be ready for the exhibit
Exhibition – Production Designers: Sakura & Vidhatri
• Please start looking online for the supplies we will need, keeping in mind that we will
split costs equally (what we need will become clear as we discuss this more, research is
conducted, and design plans are created)
• Could we make anything ourselves, and how?
• Once you receive the design plans from Isabella, please use these to start creating the
• Order/buy any materials we require bearing in mind delivery times and set-up (we can
discuss who buys what, how we will pay each other back, etc)
• Print out any posters/information/handouts
• Please aim to finish this by 09/03
Exhibition – Production Designers: Sakura & Vidhatri

• Paddling pool with little fishies in it or plastic with things to do

or something and magnetic rods. Could have sweets in plastic tubes
to represent the plastic. Ppl will actually want the sweets
• Blue and pink sweets? Some other colours as well but majority blue
OR blue packaging of sweets (e.g. haribo or individually packaged
blue sweets)
• Poster size: A1
• Need to make leaflets with QR codes (double sided? Logo in the front
and infographic in the back?)… print on A4 and cut in half
• Sakura and Gabriella– manager
• George – researcher. Locations for where to shoot. Previous videos. General research for the
video. Research into a trip to Exmouth?
• Vidhatri – communications director – producing content for the video. Deciding aesthetics of
• Isabella – production designer - collect all the videos and edit them together, choose background
Video research - George
• Train, Exmouth beach & BTS
• Beyond university, personality

• Lecture/study/seminar
• Studious, academic, busy
Exmouth :)
• Take media release forms/appropriate paperwork!!!
• March 17th ( around 10:00-17:00)
• Exeter St. David's to Exmouth
• Take camera, SD card, tripod(s), camera batteries, etc
• 10-minute walk to the beach from the station
Voiceover for video/things we need for video
• Talking about the process of the exhibit and leading up to it
• Reflecting on the exhibit
• Things we enjoyed
• Any difficulties and how we overcame them
• Video should follow ‘a making of documentary’
• Vidhatri: Email the podcast people, follow up emails if need be (week 1)
• Make sure there is a guest for the podcast
• Sakura and Isabella: research information about whoever is the guest… also
research different sources to do with issues the individual’s organisation is
raising (e.g. research sources about plastic consumption if the organisation
wants to bring awareness to that) (week 2-3/after emails are back)
• George: learn how to use each of the podcast equipment… also find out
what app/software to use (week 2+3), finally edit the podcast
• Gabriela: format of the podcast, helping to devise a script (what to say), if
any music is needed, podcast is 3-5 minutes long (3+4)
• 28th March deadline, so need to be finished by 21 st March (so we
can fix any last minute changes)… 42 days till podcast from 8 th
February (approx 6 weeks)
• 5+6= get the podcast done, edit any problems
• Week 7 (week of the 28th) buffer week to fix any problems
Email to potential interviewees
• Hello,

• I am currently attending the University of Exeter and in our current module we are
working in teams towards a campaign of interest to us, which is the current issues
surrounding plastic and waste and how it is harming our oceans and ecosystems.
• As part of this campaign, we are required to make a short podcast with a guest who
would be able to answer and inform any questions we might have. This would be placed
into a blog that would be public to students here at the Uni, and we thought that your
organization aligned with our interests. If it is possible, would there be a member of your
team based in Exeter willing at any point to answer a few questions for a recorded
podcast in the next few weeks?

• Many kind regards,

• ---

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