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Fish n chips

Gamma saputra X-2

Paragraph 1
Fish and chips can be classified as a
classic British dish consisting of battered
and fried fish served with deep-fried
potatoes, and variations of it are popular
in various countries.
Paragraph 2 facts

Fish and chips originated in the

United Kingdom, with the first
recorded shop opening in London in
the 1860s. The dish usually features
deep-fried white fish (commonly cod
or haddock) coated in a batter made
from flour and beer. It is served with
thick-cut, deep-fried potatoes. It
gained widespread popularity in the
UK during the 20th century and
became a staple in many other
Paragraph 3

The fish component of fish and chips is a good

source of high-quality protein, essential for
muscle repair and overall body function.
Fish, especially fatty fish like cod or haddock,
provides omega-3 fatty acids that are beneficial
for heart health and brain function.

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