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1. Basic objective of Financial Management is .

A. Maximization of profit.

B.Maximization of share holder's wealth

C. Ensuring Financial discipline in the firm.

D. All of these.

2. Financial structure refers to .

A. Short-term resources.

B.All the financial resources.

C.Long-term resources.
D.All of these.

3. The market value of the firm is the result of .

A. Dividend decisions.

B. Working capital decisions.

C. Capital budgeting decisions.

D. Trade-off between risk and return.

4. Cost of capital is .
A. Lesser than the cost of debt capital.

B. Equal to the last dividend paid to the equity shareholders.

C. Equal to the dividend expectations of equity shareholders for the coming year.

D. None of the above.

5. In Walter model formula D stands for .

A. Dividend per share.

B. Direct dividend.
C. Direct earnings.
D. None of these.
6. security is known as variable income security.
A. Debentures.

B.Preference shares.
C.Equity shares.
D.None of these.
7. Quick asset does not include .
A. Government bonds.

B. Book debts.

C. Advance for supply of raw materials.

D. Inventories.
8. Long term finance is required for .
A. Current assets.

B.Fixed assets.
C.Intangible assets.
D. None of these.
9. Financial leverage can be measured in .
A. Stock term.

B. Flow term.

C. Both (a) and (b).

D. None of these.

10. Current ratio of a concern is 1, its net working capital will be .

A. Positive.

B. Neutral.

C. Negative.
D. None of the above.

11. Risk-return trade off implies .

A. Increasing the portfolio of the firm through increased production.

B. Not taking any loans which increases the risk.

C. Not granting credit to risky customers.

D. Taking decision in such a way which optimizes the balance between risk
and return.

12. is a specific risk factor.

A.Market risk.
B.Inflation risk.
C.Interest rate risk.
D.Financial risk.
13. is not a diversifiable or specific risk factor.
A. Company strike.

B. Bankruptcy of a major supplier.

C.Death of a key company officer.

D.Industrial recession.
14. The major benefit of diversification is to .
A. Increase the expected return.

B. Increase the size of the investment portfolio.

C. Reduce brokerage commissions.

D. Reduce the expected risk.

15. The risk free rate of return is 8% the expected rate of return on market portfolio is15% the
beta of eco boards equity stock is 1.4.the required rate on eco boards equity
is .



16. is concerned with the acquisition, financing, and management of assets with
some overall goal in mind.
A.Financial management.
B.Profit maximization.
C.Agency theory.
D.Social responsibility.
17. is concerned with the maximization of a firm's earnings after taxes
A.Shareholder wealth maximization.
B.Profit maximization.
C.Stakeholder maximization.
D.EPS maximization.

18. is the most appropriate goal of the firm.

A. Shareholder wealth maximization.

B.Profit maximization.
C.Stakeholder maximization.
D.EPS maximization
19. The risk free rate of return is 8% the expected rate of return on market portfolio is15% the
beta of eco boards equity stock is 1.4.the required rate on eco boards equity
is .




20. is concerned with the acquisition, financing, and management of assets with
some overall goal in mind.
A.Financial management.
B.Profit maximization.
C.Agency theory.
D.Social responsibility.
21. is concerned with the maximization of a firm's earnings after taxes
A.Shareholder wealth maximization.
B.Profit maximization.
C.Stakeholder maximization.
D.EPS maximization.

22. is the most appropriate goal of the firm.

A. Shareholder wealth maximization.

B.Profit maximization.
C.Stakeholder maximization.
D.EPS maximization

23. Which of the following statements is correct regarding profit maximization as the primary
goal of the firm?
A. Profit maximization considers the firm's risk level.

B. Profit maximization will not lead to increasing short-term profits at the expense of
lowering expected future profits.
C. Profit maximization does consider the impact on individual shareholder's EPS.

D. Profit maximization is concerned more with maximizing net income than the
stock price.
24. If a company issues bonus shares the debt equity ratio .
A. Remain unaffected.

B. Will be affected.

C. Will improve.

D .None of the above.

25. Which of the following is not normally a responsibility of the treasurer of the modern
corporation but rather the controller?
A. Budgets and forecasts.

B. Asset management.

C.Investment management.
D.Financial management.

26. The decision involves determining the appropriate make-up of the right-hand
side of the balance sheet.
A. Asset management.
B. Financing.

C. Investment.

D. Capital budgeting.

27. Treasurer should report to .

A. Chief Financial Officer.

B. Vice President of Operations.

C. chief Executive Officer. D Board of Directors.

28. The decision involves a determination of the total amount of assets needed,
the composition of the assets, and whether any assets need to be reduced, eliminated, or
A .Asset management.
B. Financing.
C. Investment.
D. Accounting.
29. According to the text's authors, is the most important of the three financial
management decisions.
A. Asset management decision.

B.Financing decision.
C.Investment decision.
D.Accounting decision.

30. The decision involves efficiently managing the assets on the balance sheet on
a day-to-day basis, especially current assets.
A. Asset management.


31. is not normally a responsibility of the controller of the modern

A. Budgets and forecasts.

B. Asset management.

C.Financial reporting to the IRS.

D.Cost accounting.
32. All constituencies with a stake in the fortunes of the company are known as .
A. Shareholders.

B. Stakeholders.

C .Creditors.
D. Customers.
33. Which of the following statements is not correct regarding earnings per share (EPS)
maximization as the primary goal of the firm?
A.EPS maximization ignores the firm's risk level.
B.EPS maximization does not specify the timing or duration of expected EPS. C.EPS
maximization naturally requires all earnings to be retained.
D.EPS maximization is concerned with maximizing net income.
34. is concerned with the maximization of a firm's stock price.
A. Shareholder wealth


B. B. Profit maximization.

C. Stakeholder welfare maximization.

D. EPS maximization.

35. Corporate governance success includes three key groups. represents these
three groups.
A .Suppliers, managers, and customers.
B. Board of directors, executive officers, and common shareholders.
C. Suppliers, employees, and customers.
D .Common shareholders, managers, and employees.

36. In 2 years you are to receive Rs.10, 000. If the interest rate were to suddenly decrease, the
present value of that future amount to you would .
A. Fall.

B. Rise.

C. Remain unchanged.

D. Cannot be determined.

37. Interest paid (earned) on both the original principal borrowed (lent) and previous interest
earned is often referred to as .
A. Present value.

B. Simple interest.
C .Future value.
D. Compound interest.

38. The long-run objective of financial management is to .

A. Maximize earnings per share.

B. Maximize the value of the firm's common stock.

C. Maximize return on investment.

D. Maximize market share.

39. What is the present value of a Rs.1, 000 ordinary annuity
that earns 8% annually for an infinite number of periods?
A. Rs.80.
B. Rs.800.

C. Rs.1, 000.

D. Rs.12, 500.

40. Which one of the following is / are the relevance theory?

D.Both (a) and (b).

41. A set of possible values that a random variable can assume and their associated
probabilities of occurrence are referred to as .
A. Probability


B. B .The expected return.

C. The standard deviation.

D. Coefficient of variation.

42. The weighted average of possible returns, with the weights being the probabilities of
occurrence is referred to as .
A. A probability distribution.

B. The expected return.

C .The standard deviation.

D. Coefficient of variation.
43. on capital gain and current income may influence form of capital.
A. Legal stipulation.

B. Rate of tax.

C. Capital market condition.

D. Cost of floating.
44. The most important and common form of dividend is .
A. Stock dividend.

B. Cash dividend.

C. Bond dividend.

D. Scrip’s dividend.

45. form of market efficiency states that current security prices fully reflect all
information, both public and private.
A. Weak.

B. Semi-strong.

C. Strong.

D. Flexible.

46. Which form of market efficiency states that current prices fully reflect the historical
sequence of prices?
A. Weak.

B. Semi-strong.

C. Strong.

D. Flexible.

47. form of market efficiency states that current prices fully reflect all
publicly available information.
A. Weak.

B. Semi-strong.

C. Strong.

D. Flexible.

48. is concerned with the acquisition, financing, and management of assets with
some overall goal in mind.
A. Financial management.
B. Profit maximization.

C. Agency theory.

D. Social responsibility.

49. is the employment of an asset is sources of fund for which the firm has to pay
a fixed cost or fixed return.
A.Financial management.
B.Profit maximization.
C.Asset management.
50. is the minimum required rate of earnings or the cut off rate of capital
A. Cost of capital.

B. Working capital

C. Equity capital.

D. None of the above.

51. is a long term planning for financing proposed capital outlay.

A. Capital

C. Cash Budget.

D. Sales Budget.
MB 503 Corporate Finance ( Short Answer & Very Short Answer Questions)

1. What is net present value?

2. What are cumulative and non-cumulative preference shares?
3. What are the bonus shares?
4. What is trading on equity?
5. What is the difference between Merger and Amalgamation?
6. What is seasonal working capital?
7. What are the retained earnings?
8. What is capital budgeting?
9. What are the long term sources of finance?
10. What is working capital?
11. What is dividend policy? Which factors are kept in mind while deciding a dividend policy?
12. Why money should have time value?
13. Discuss the functions of primary market?
14. What is primary market? Discuss the methods to raise equity capital in the primary market?
15. Explain the various sources of finance which need to be arranged and managed efficiently?
16. “Financial management is in many ways an integral part of the jobs of the managers.”
17. Write a note on Initial public offering.
18. Discuss multiple flows and annuity.
19. Explain net income approach to capital structure.
20. Discuss the benefits of investments.
21. Explain the Importance of financial management. _
22. State the significance of cost of capital.
23. Examine the advantages of capital budgeting.
24. Briefly explain operating leverage
25. What are the types of dividend?
26. State and explain the sources of working capital
27. Why is written communication important for business organisations?
28. Explain the difference between internet and intranet?
29. Why is the cost of capital considered very significant in financial decision making?
30. Distinguish between Business Risk and Financial Risk. Cite few examples.
31. What do you mean by ‘market’? Discuss the evolution of financial markets.
32. What are the different types of markets in the contemporary context?
33. What is the meaning and significance of money markets?
34. What are the functions of capital markets?
35. What is the purpose of financial decisions?
36. How do we make financial decisions?
37. How does the debt-equity ratio help in making financial decisions?
38. What is an example of a financial decision?
39. Discuss the Importance of Financial Decision Making.
40. Discuss the Factors Affecting Investment Decision.
41. What is wealth maximization goal? How is it superior to profit maximization goal?
42. Briefly explain and illustrate the concept of time ‘value of money’.
43. Write short notes on: (1) Net Income approach; (2) Net Operating Income approach
44. What is a bonus issue/stock dividend? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
45. Explain the new guidelines of SEBI on issue of bonus shares?
46. Explain the concept of working capital.
47. What is opportunity cycle concept of working capital?
48. How are shares valued?
49. What are the features of bond?
50. Describe the salient features of the modern approaches to financial management.
51. Explain the difference between the future value and present value?

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