Profile Final Draft Damien Sanchez

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The Story of Jakey Rodriguez

By: Damien Sanchez

March 19, 2024

Jakey Rodriguez was a very known person around her hometown as many would

describe her as hardworking, enlightened, and confident. Yet those who really knew what she

was going through would describe her as brave, fragile, and powerful. “It shocked me to see how

I was interpreted as two different people,” she said.

She was seen as hardworking throughout her hometown as she would provide the income

for her family that consisted of her parents, and her younger brother. “I am inspired by my

daughter and what she has grown up to be, without

her things wouldn’t be possible.” said her mother

Ana. She worked in the strawberry fields as she

would wake up at 5 in the morning to catch the bus

for transportation and leaving work would determine

how fast they would finish. “My sister at age 17 has

been an inspiration to me, as her older brother she has been able to demonstrate what hard work

is and helped me identify my standards and to step it up,” said her brother Luis. She would finish

double crates than people older than her. She was seen as the fastest and most productive worker.

“She is literally a machine,” said a fellow worker. The pay wasn’t good but it was able to move

her and her family forward. “My princess was everything I could

have ever asked for, she was hard working, intelligent, and

beautiful, I felt like I failed her as a father as she has been able to

show me so much that to this day I am still working on,” said her

father Carlos.
Jakey would help her community and establish relationships, as she was

always positive. “Jakey was one of the most positive and kind teenagers in our

hometown, she was well mannered as she greeted everyone with a great attitude and

helped when needed.” said her neighbor Esmeralda. Out of a sudden this was all gone she

looked tired and fragile. No one knew what was going on as she did the most to still

represent and show that side everyone knew of her. Her mother instantly

saw the dramatic change and asked, “Que paso?”, “¿Qué tienes?” Building

the courage and bravery she told her mom she was sexually assaulted.

According to it states, “Over half of women and almost 1 in 3 men

have experienced sexual violence involving physical contact during their


Her mom instantly comforted her as they both drowned from their tears. According to it mentions, “For lots of people, having to go back over an experience of sexual

violence or abuse is upsetting and painful – which is one of the reasons why it takes some people

a long time to tell anyone.” “I felt trapped but telling someone who I trusted, I felt relieved,” she

said. She felt comforted and began telling her loved ones and those who she trusted. “Receiving

all the support and comfort helped regain my strength and find the person I once was,” she said.

Stated by it states, “A person who has been sexually assaulted has had their

power and control taken away, so it is important for those supporting a loved one to empower the

survivor with choices without telling them what to do.”

Recovery centers are very important in the process of healing. According to it states, “We work to create a healing process emphasizing

empowerment, self-compassion, self-awareness, and mindfulness.” Her mother and her talked
about recovery centers and finally agreed to take a visit. She feared of attending a recovery

center but after her first session her family instantly saw a

piece of the Jakey she once was. “I felt like I was able to vent

and not keep myself trapped,” she said. After some sessions

she was able to live on with her life and by not blaming

herself, feeling trapped, and having fear.

She demonstrated awareness to her family and her

hometown, giving everyone an aspect of what sexual assault causes but how she was able to find

help to better herself. She helped myself and others understand how it affects you and what steps

are needed to heal, educating us on sexual violence and how to help those who are going through

it. “I want to bring awareness to this topic and not be ashamed rather use it to endorse others to

find the help needed.” she said. To this day we are all very proud of Jakey Esparza and all her

accomplishments as she has demonstrated awareness to sexual assault and set an example to her


What I changed from my rough draft

I fixed some simple grammatical errors, but I also added 3 quotations from people who are

around her to provide more information about her. I added a quotation from her brother, father

and her neighbor to give an aspect of how they viewed her. I wanted to include a more wide

aspect of her personality/characteristics and how family members or others saw and described

her as. I also included another visual image to make my profile more visually appealing to the


Fast Facts: Preventing Sexual Violence |Violence Prevention|Injury Center|CDC.



“Supporting a Survivor.” Rape Crisis England & Wales,


“Therapy Services — Rape Recovery Center.” Rape Recovery Center,


How to Support a Survivor : For a Loved One : Get Help : The Blue Bench.



Crivelli, Megan. “How Strawberries Are Grown, Harvested &Amp; Packed in California

- the Produce Nerd.” The Produce Nerd, 4 Aug. 2022,

Rape Recovery Center. (n.d.). Rape Recovery Center.

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