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COMSATS University Islamabad, Sahiwal Campus Computer Network Lab

COMSATS University Islamabad

Sahiwal Campus

Computer Networks Lab

(Block Letters)
Registration No.:

Engr. M. Asif
COMSATS University Islamabad
Sahiwal Campus
Engr. Muhammad-
Lab Plans:
Labs Topics
Lab 1 a) Network, Hub, Switch, Routers, Wired and
Wireless Connections.
b) Introduction to Packet tracer
Lab 2 a) Peer to Peer Network
b) Star Topology
Lab 3 a) Introduction to Switches
Introduction to Routers
b) Inter Lan Connection Configuration
Lab 4 a) Mesh Topology
Ring Topology
b) Hybrid Topology / Tree Topology
Lab 5 a) DNS Server
b) DHCP Server
Lab 6 Sessional # 1
Lab 7 Email Server Configuration
Lab 8 Password Protection for Router
Lab 9 a) Router Replacement
b) telnet Configuration
Lab 10 Sessional # 2
Lab 11 Serial (Static) Router Configuration
Lab 12 Shortest Path (Wrong Lec Share)
Lab 13 RIP Protocol Configuration
Lab 14 Wireless Router Configuration
Lab 15 Open Shortest Path / Dynamic routing protocol /
OSPF Routing Protocol
Lab 16 Terminal

Figure 1 Interface Cisco Packet Tracer........................................................................................2
Figure 2 Routers...........................................................................................................................2
Figure 3 Router Config Tab..........................................................................................................3
Figure 4 Router CLI Tab..............................................................................................................3
Figure 5 Peer to Peer Network......................................................................................................4
Figure 6 PC Configuration............................................................................................................4
Figure 7 Show All addresses.........................................................................................................5
Figure 8 Message passing via IP address......................................................................................5
Figure 9 Star Topology.................................................................................................................6
Figure 10 PC's Configuration.......................................................................................................6
Figure 11 PC's Configuration in Star Topology............................................................................7
Figure 12 Star Topology PC's Configuration................................................................................7
Figure 13 Ping PC0 to PC4...........................................................................................................7
Figure 14 Message Sending...........................................................................................................8
Figure 15 Introduction to switches................................................................................................9
Figure 16 PC's IP Configuration...................................................................................................9
Figure 17 PC's Configuration.....................................................................................................10
Figure 18 Pinging one PC to another PC....................................................................................10
Figure 19 Message Sending and receiving Pic.............................................................................11
Figure 20 Introduction to Routers..............................................................................................11
Figure 21 Config Router & PC....................................................................................................12
Figure 22 Configure Router & PC..............................................................................................12
Figure 23 ping.............................................................................................................................12
Figure 24 introduction to Routers with CLI command...............................................................13
Figure 25 config Router & PC’s..................................................................................................13
Figure 26 ping.............................................................................................................................14
Figure 27 Message Sending & Receiving.....................................................................................14
Figure 28 Inter Lan Connection Configuration..........................................................................15
Figure 29 Router Configuration..................................................................................................15
Figure 30 Config PC’s.................................................................................................................16
Figure 31 Config PC’s.................................................................................................................16
Figure 32 Ping.............................................................................................................................16
Figure 33 Message Sending.........................................................................................................17
Figure 34 Ring Topology.............................................................................................................18
Figure 35 Config Pc’s..................................................................................................................18
Figure 36 Config PC's.................................................................................................................19
Figure 37 Pinging........................................................................................................................19
Figure 38 Message Passing..........................................................................................................19
Figure 39 Mesh Topology............................................................................................................20
Figure 40 PC's Configuration.....................................................................................................20
Figure 41 Pinging........................................................................................................................21
Figure 42 Message Capturing.....................................................................................................21
Figure 43 Hybrid Topology.........................................................................................................22
Figure 44 PC's Configuration.....................................................................................................22
Figure 45 Pinging........................................................................................................................23
Figure 46 Message Simulation.....................................................................................................23
Figure 47 DNS Server.................................................................................................................24

Figure 48 Configure the IP Configuration Server.......................................................................24
Figure 49 Configure the DNS Server..........................................................................................25
Figure 50 Config the PC’s...........................................................................................................25
Figure 51 Message Sent with PC name.......................................................................................26
Figure 52: DHCP Server With Routers.......................................................................................27
Figure 53: DHCP Router Setting................................................................................................27
Figure 54: DHCP PC Setting.......................................................................................................28
Figure 55: DHCP Server attaches Server....................................................................................28
Figure 56 Server IP Configuration..............................................................................................28
Figure 57 Config the Server........................................................................................................29
Figure 58: Network Topology.....................................................................................................30
Figure 59: Assign IP Configuration Gmail Server......................................................................30
Figure 60 Configure the Gmail Server........................................................................................31
Figure 61 IP Configuration DNS Server.....................................................................................31
Figure 62 DNS Services...............................................................................................................32
Figure 63 PC Muhammad IP Configuration...............................................................................32
Figure 64 Mail Configuration PC muhammad...........................................................................33
Figure 65 Usama PC Configuration............................................................................................34
Figure 66 Configuration Mail Usama's Pc..................................................................................34
Figure 67 Composing Email Muhammad PC.............................................................................35
Figure 68 Mail Browser Usama PC's..........................................................................................36
Figure 69 Opening Message Usama PC......................................................................................36
Figure 70 Network Topology.......................................................................................................37
Figure 71 Privilege Mode Password Configuration....................................................................37
Figure 72 Input Password Privilege Mode..................................................................................37
Figure 73 Login Password Configuration...................................................................................38
Figure 74 Router Ask Login Password........................................................................................38
Figure 75 Apply Secret Password................................................................................................39
Figure 76 Network Build.............................................................................................................40
Figure 77 Configuration Mode....................................................................................................40
Figure 78 Create Router Backup................................................................................................41
Figure 79 IP Configuration Server..............................................................................................41
Figure 80 Network Build.............................................................................................................42
Figure 81 Network Build.............................................................................................................42
Figure 82 Complete Network Build.............................................................................................42
Figure 83 Backup Recover..........................................................................................................43
Figure 84 Build Network.............................................................................................................44
Figure 85 Router Configuration..................................................................................................44
Figure 86 telnet Configuration....................................................................................................45
Figure 87 PC Configuration........................................................................................................45
Figure 88 Access Router via PC Using telnet..............................................................................46
Figure 89 Network Topology.......................................................................................................47
Figure 90 Sahiwal Router Configuration....................................................................................48
Figure 91 Islamabad Router Configuration................................................................................48
Figure 92 Configure Muhammad PC..........................................................................................49
Figure 93 Configuration Usama PC............................................................................................49
Figure 94 IP Configuration Ahmed PC.......................................................................................50
Figure 95 IP Configuration PC3.................................................................................................50
Figure 96 IP Configuration PC4.................................................................................................51

Figure 97 IP Configuration PC5.................................................................................................51
Figure 98 Message Passing..........................................................................................................52
Figure 99 Network Topology.......................................................................................................53
Figure 100 IP Configuration Gmail server..................................................................................53
Figure 101 Configure the Gmail Server......................................................................................54
Figure 102 IP Configuration DNS Server...................................................................................54
Figure 103 DNS Server................................................................................................................55
Figure 104 IP Configuration Muhammad PC.............................................................................55
Figure 105 Configure Mail Setting..............................................................................................56
Figure 106 IP Configuration Usama PC.....................................................................................57
Figure 107 Configuration Mail Setting.......................................................................................57
Figure 108 Composing Email......................................................................................................58
Figure 109 Receive email.............................................................................................................59
Figure 110 Compose Email.........................................................................................................59
Figure 111 Receive Email............................................................................................................60
Figure 112 Build Network Topology...........................................................................................61
Figure 113 Assign IP Address.....................................................................................................61
Figure 114 RIP Routing Configuration.......................................................................................62
Figure 115 Serial Port Configuration..........................................................................................62
Figure 116 Configure the RIP Routing.......................................................................................63
Figure 117 Assign IP Address.....................................................................................................63
Figure 118 Configure Serial port 2/0...........................................................................................64
Figure 119 Configure Serial Port 3/0..........................................................................................64
Figure 120 Configure RIP Routing.............................................................................................65
Figure 121 Assign IP Addresses..................................................................................................65
Figure 122 Configure the Serial Port..........................................................................................66
Figure 123 PC0 IP Configuration................................................................................................66
Figure 124 PC1 IP Configuration................................................................................................67
Figure 125 PC1 IP Configuration................................................................................................67
Figure 126 Message Sent.............................................................................................................68
Figure 127 Network Topology.....................................................................................................69
Figure 128 Change Module.........................................................................................................69
Figure 129 Change Module.........................................................................................................70
Figure 130 Add wireless Password..............................................................................................70
Figure 131 Change Network Name.............................................................................................71
Figure 132 Wireless Network Name............................................................................................71
Figure 133 Insert WEP Key 1.....................................................................................................72
Figure 134 Complete information to all WNS.............................................................................72
Figure 135 Insert Password.........................................................................................................73
Figure 136 complete detail WSn..................................................................................................73
Figure 137 IP Configuration.......................................................................................................74
Figure 138 IP Configuration.......................................................................................................74
Figure 139 Message Sending.......................................................................................................75
Figure 140 Network Topology.....................................................................................................76
Figure 141 Router Multan IP Configuration..............................................................................76
Figure 142 Router Multan Serial port configure.........................................................................77
Figure 143 Configure IP Configuration......................................................................................77
Figure 144 Configure Serial Port Lahore Router.......................................................................78
Figure 145 IP Configuration PC0................................................................................................78

Figure 146 IP Configuration PC1................................................................................................79
Figure 147 Configuration the OSPF Multan Router...................................................................79
Figure 148 Configuration the OSPF Lahore Router...................................................................80
Figure 149 Check IP Route for Multan Router...........................................................................80
Figure 150 Check IP Route for Lahore Router...........................................................................81
Figure 151 Verify OSPF Configuration......................................................................................81
Figure 152 Verify OSPF Configuration......................................................................................82
Figure 153 Message Sending.......................................................................................................82

Table 1 Advantages & Disadvantages Star Topology...........................................................8
Table 2 Advantages & Disadvantages Router.....................................................................14
Table 3 Comparison b/w Router and Switches...................................................................14

Lab # 1
The network is the set of devices that are joined to communication links. Devices can
be a computer, modem, printer, or any other device capable of sending or receiving data
generated by other devices/nodes on the network.

Hub is a Networking device that allows a connection of multiple devices to a single

It is a data link layer networking device that connects the devices in a network and
user packet switching to send and Receiving data over the network.

A router is a three-layer device that routes packets based on their logical addresses. A
router commonly connects LANS and WANS on the Internet and has a routing table that is
used for making decisions about the route.

Wired Connections:
A network uses cables to join devices, such as a desktop computer, laptop, or printer,
to the Internet or another network.
For Example,
Local Area Network (LAN) consists of ethernet cards houses in desktop computers or

Wireless Connections:
A network grant device to stay connected to the network but roam untethered to any
For Example,
 GSM, Satellite, LTE, etc. All examples of outdoor cellular technologies.
 Bluetooth, Wireless, etc. All examples of indoor wireless technologies.

Introduction to Packet Tracer:
Packet tracer Screen

Figure 1 Interface Cisco Packet Tracer

Welcome, Screen Cisco Packet tracer.

Figure 2 Routers

In Figure 2 Click the 1841 router in the red box and place the white space.

Figure 3 Router Config Tab

In Figure 3 Click the Router then opens a new window. You Can change the Display Name
and Hostname.

Figure 4 Router CLI Tab

In Figure 4 Click CLI Tab then works on Command Line Interface.

Lab # 2
Peer to Peer Network:
A network is created when two or more devices are connected and sharing resources
without going through a separate server computer.

Figure 5 Peer to Peer Network

PC Configuration:

Figure 6 PC Configuration

In Figure 6 Configuration the PC.

First Assign the IP Address and Subnet Mask.

Ip config:

Figure 7 Show All addresses

IP config command checks how to assign the IP address, subnet mask.

Ipconfig /all command check how to assign all addresses.


Figure 8 Message passing via IP address

In this picture communicate one pc to another pc.

Star Topology:
Each device has a dedicated point-to-point link only to a central controller, usually
called the hub.

Figure 9 Star Topology

In this activity, you will configure the setting on all pcs.
 IP Address
 Subnet Mask

PC’s Configuration:

Figure 10 PC's Configuration

In this Figure, First Assign the IP Address and Subnet Mask.

Figure 11 PC's Configuration in Star Topology

In this Figure, First Assign the IP Address and Subnet Mask.

Figure 12 Star Topology PC's Configuration

In this Figure, First Assign the IP Address and Subnet Mask.


Figure 13 Ping PC0 to PC4

In this Figure, the message is sent to PC4. The PC4 IP Address is

Figure 14 Message Sending

This figure clearly shows that the message is sent successfully.

Table 1 Advantages & Disadvantages Star Topology

Advantages Disadvantages
Easy to install and wire. Requires more cable length than a linear bus
No disruptions to the network when If the connecting network devices fail,
connecting or removing devices. nodes attached are disabled and can’t
participate in computer network

Lab # 3
Introduction to Switches:
A Network is a device that is used to connect to multiple computers inside LAN (Local Area

Figure 15 Introduction to switches

In this activity, you will configure the setting on all pcs.
 IP Address
 Subnet Mask
 CLI Modes (Command Mode, Configuration Mode, Global Configuration Mode)

PC’s Configuration:

Figure 16 PC's IP Configuration

In this Figure, First Assign the IP Address and Subnet Mask.

Figure 17 PC's Configuration

In this Figure, First Assign the IP Address and Subnet Mask.


Figure 18 Pinging one PC to another PC

This figure clearly shows that the message is sending one pc to another pc.

Figure 19 Message Sending and receiving Pic

in this figure clearly shows that the message is sent and receive successfully.

Introduction to Routers:

Figure 20 Introduction to Routers

In this activity, you will configure the setting on Router0.
 Hostname
 IP Address
 Default Gateway

Configure the Router & PC’s

Figure 21 Config Router & PC

Figure 22 Configure Router & PC

In both Figures Clear show that adds

 IP Address

 Subnet Mask

 Default Gateway

Send Message:
PC> ping

Figure 23 ping

In this picture, PC0 sent messages PC1.

Introduction to Router with CLI Commands:

Figure 24 introduction to Routers with CLI command

In this activity, you will configure the setting on Router0.
 Hostname
 IP Address
 Default Gateway

Configure the & PC’s

Figure 25 config Router & PC’s

In Figure Configure the Router and PCs.

Send Message:

Figure 26 ping

In this figure, the message is sent from one pc to another pc.

Figure 27 Message Sending & Receiving

This figure clearly shows that the message is sending and receiving successfully.
Table 2 Advantages & Disadvantages Router

Advantages Disadvantages
It helps to share a network with multiple A connection can become slow when
machines that increase productivity. multiple computers are using a network.
The router makes use of the alternative parts
in case the main part fails to transfer data

Table 3 Comparison b/w Router and Switches

Router Switches
Router Operate 3 layer device Switches Operate 2 layer device
Store Ip address Store Mac Address
2,4,8 ports 24,48 ports

Inter Lan Connection Configuration:

Figure 28 Inter Lan Connection Configuration

In this activity, you will configure the setting on Router0.
 Hostname
 IP Address
 Default Gateway

Configure the Router Hostname

Figure 29 Router Configuration

This figure assigns IP Addresses to routers.

Configure the PC:

Figure 30 Config PC’s

PC0, PC1, PC2 has same Default Gateway but Different IP Address.

Figure 31 Config PC’s

PC3, PC4, PC5 has same Default Gateway but Different IP Address.


Figure 32 Ping

In this figure, the message is sent from one pc to another pc.

Figure 33 Message Sending

This picture clearly shows that the message is sent successfully.

Modes of CLI:
 Basic 3 Modes
 User exi mode
o Router > enable
 Privilege mode
o Router # config t
 Global Configuration Mode
o Router (config-if) #

Lab 4
Ring Topology:
In a ring topology, each device has a dedicated point-to-point connection with only
two devices on either side. A signal is passed along the ring in one direction from device to
device until it reaches its destination.

Figure 34 Ring Topology

In this activity, you will configure the setting on all the PCs.
 IP Address
 Subnet Mask

Configure the PC:

Figure 35 Config Pc’s

All Pcs have different IP addresses but the same subnet mask.

Figure 36 Config PC's


Figure 37 Pinging

This picture clearly shows that the message is sending successfully.

Figure 38 Message Passing

This picture clearly shows that the message is sent successfully.

Mesh Topology:
In Mesh Topology every device has a dedicated point-to-point link to every other

Figure 39 Mesh Topology

In this activity, you will configure the setting on all the PCs.
 IP Address
 Subnet Mask

Configure the PC:

Figure 40 PC's Configuration

All Pcs have different IP addresses but the same subnet mask.


Figure 41 Pinging

In this figure, the message is sent from one pc to another pc.

Figure 42 Message Capturing

this figure clearly shows that the message is sent successfully.

Hybrid Topology:
A combination of two or more topologies is known as hybrid topology. For Example, a
combination of bus, star, ring, and mesh topology is known as hybrid topology.

Figure 43 Hybrid Topology

In this activity, you will configure the setting on all the PCs.
 IP Address
 Subnet Mask

Configure the PC:

Figure 44 PC's Configuration

All Pcs have different IP addresses but the same subnet mask.


Figure 45 Pinging

In this figure, the message is sending from one place to another place.

Figure 46 Message Simulation

This picture clearly shows that the message is sent successfully.

Lab # 5

DNS Server:
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a supporting program that is used by other programs
such as e-mail.

Figure 47 DNS Server

In this activity, you will configure the setting on all the PCs and Server.
 IP Address
 Subnet Mask
 Default Gateway
 DNS Server

Configure the Server:

Figure 48 Configure the IP Configuration Server

Add IP Address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway.

Figure 49 Configure the DNS Server

At last, add pc-name and pc-address.

Configure the PC:

Figure 50 Config the PC’s

All the pc has the same setting but a different IP address.


Figure 51 Message Sent with PC name

Message sent with pc name.

Lab # 6

DHCP Server attaches Router:
A DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Server is a network that
automatically and assigns IP addresses, default gateways, and other network parameters to
client devices.

Figure 52: DHCP Server With Routers

In this activity, you will configure the setting on the modem.
 IP Address
 Subnet Mask

Configuration the Router:

Figure 53: DHCP Router Setting

In this picture use CLI to configure the router.

Configure the PC:

Figure 54: DHCP PC Setting

In this picture, all the pcs have auto-configured.

DHCP Server attaches Server:

Figure 55: DHCP Server attaches Server

In this activity, you will configure the setting on Server.
 IP Address
 Subnet Mask

Configure the Server:

First add an IP address, Subnet Mask.

Figure 56 Server IP Configuration

Go to Configure tab.

Figure 57 Config the Server

In Figure 33 configure the server all the PCs have auto-assign IP address, Subnet Mask, and Default

Lab # 7
Email Server Configuration:

Figure 58: Network Topology

Figure 1 builds the network topology.

In this activity, you will configure the setting on DNS Servers, Gmail Server, and Modems.
 Gmail Server Ip Address:
o Subnet Mask:
 DNS Server Ip Address:
o Subnet Mask:
 PC Muhammad IP Address:
o Subnet Mask:
o DNS:
 PC Usama IP Address:
o Subnet Mask:
o DNS:
 Configure the mail Clients on PC’s

Configure the Servers:

First Configure the Gmail Server.

Figure 59: Assign IP Configuration Gmail Server

In Figure 2 Configure the IP Configuration. First of all, assign Ip Address and then Subnet

Figure 60 Configure the Gmail Server

In Figure 3 Configure the Gmail Server. First of all, On the SMTP Service then add Domain
Name and add User information like user name and password.
Then Configure the DNS Server.

Figure 61 IP Configuration DNS Server

In Figure 4 Configure the IP Configuration. First of all, assign Ip Address and then Subnet

Figure 62 DNS Services

In this Figure Click DNS. First of all, ON the DNS Services then add Gmail server Name and

PC’s Configuration:
First Configuration Muhammad’s Pc.

Figure 63 PC Muhammad IP Configuration

In Figure 6 PC muhammad Assign the IP’s address, Subnet Mask and DNS Server.

Figure 64 Mail Configuration PC muhammad

In Figure 7 Configure the Mail Setting. Assign User information

User Name: user1
email address:
Then add Server Information
Incoming and Outgoing Mail Server:
Last add Login Information
User name: user1
Password: 123

Configure the Usama’s PC.

Figure 65 Usama PC Configuration

In Figure 8 PC Usama Assign the IP’s address, Subnet Mask and DNS Server.

Figure 66 Configuration Mail Usama's Pc

In Figure 9 Configure the Mail Setting. Assign User information
User Name: user2
email address:
Then add Server Information
Incoming and Outgoing Mail Server:
Last add Login Information
User name: user2
Password: 456

Composing Email:

Figure 67 Composing Email Muhammad PC

In Figure 12 Composing the Email Write 2nd Person Email Address add any Subject and Text
then Send.

Receiving Email:

Figure 68 Mail Browser Usama PC's

In Figure 11 Open Mail Browser Usama PC’s.

Mail has been Received Successfully.

Figure 69 Opening Message Usama PC

Lab (8)
Password Protection for Router:

Figure 70 Network Topology

In this Picture build the network topology.

In this network attach two end devices with the router.
 privilege Mode Password Configuration
 Login Password Configuration

Privilege Mode Password Configuration:

Figure 71 Privilege Mode Password Configuration

In this picture apply the privilege Mode Password. Go to Configuration Mode then apply the
password. i.e., mt1.

Figure 72 Input Password Privilege Mode

In this picture, the router is enabled but the router asks password simply go to the next step
type mt1 password then you can go to the next step.

Login Password Configuration:

Figure 73 Login Password Configuration

In this picture set, the login password any person who opens the CLI of Router then Router
ask the password.

Figure 74 Router Ask Login Password

In this picture, any person accesses the router. First of all, the router asks login password.
Type login password then goes to the next step.

Next Apply Secret Password:

Figure 75 Apply Secret Password

In Figure 52 apply a secret password from the router.

Lab (9)
Router Replacement:

Figure 76 Network Build

In figure 52 build the network.

In this activity, you will configure the setting on the cisco router, Server and create router
 Cisco Router IP Address:
o Subnet Mask:
 Server IP Address:
o Subnet Mask:
 Create Router Backup

Configure the Cisco Router:

Figure 77 Configuration Mode

In this picture, the cisco router assigns IP Address and Subnet Mask.

Figure 78 Create Router Backup

In this picture create router backup. Backup is saved in Server. The backup file name is mt.

Server Configuration:

Figure 79 IP Configuration Server

In this Figure, the Server assigns IP addresses and Subnet masks.

Router Backup:

Figure 80 Network Build

In this picture, the cisco router has been expired so create a new router.

Figure 81 Network Build

In this picture remove the wire in the cisco router and place the wire in the new router.

Figure 82 Complete Network Build

In this picture, Router Assign only IP Addresses and Subnet Mask.

Figure 83 Backup Recover

In this picture, backup recovery has been done.

Recover hostname and other configurations.

Telnet Configuration:

Figure 84 Build Network

In this activity, you will configure the setting on the muhammad router and PC0.
 Muhammad Router IP Address:
o Subnet Mask:
 PCO IP Address:
o Subnet Mask:
o Default Gateway:

Configure the muhammad Router:

Figure 85 Router Configuration

In this Figure, the muhammad router assigns the IP Address and Subnet Mask.

Figure 86 telnet Configuration

In this picture, you can go config mode then apply the password.

PC Configuration:

Figure 87 PC Configuration

In this picture, PC0 Assign the IP Address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway.

PC’s Access Router:

Figure 88 Access Router via PC Using telnet

In this picture click the desktop bar then open a command prompt.
Write the command ping then apply the command telnet and Router IP Address.

Lab # 11
Serial (Static) Router Configuration:

Figure 89 Network Topology

In this activity, you will configure the setting on the serial router configuration.
 Router IP Address:
o Sahiwal Router:
o Islamabad Router:
 PC’s IP Address:
o Muhammad PC:
o Usama PC:
o Ahmed PC:
 Default Gateway:
o PC3:
o PC4:
o PC5:
 Default Gateway:
 Configure Serail port
o Router Sahiwal IP:
 Subnet Mask:
 Clock Rate set 64,000
o Router Islamabad IP:
 Subnet Mask:

Router Configuration:
First configuration the Sahiwal Router.

Figure 90 Sahiwal Router Configuration

In this picture configure the Sahiwal router. Assign Router IP Address, Serial IP Address, and
set Clock rate 64,000.

Figure 91 Islamabad Router Configuration

In this picture configure the Islamabad router. Assign Router IP Address, Serial IP Address,
and IP route from the Sahiwal router.

In both Picture Router has Different IP Address and IP Serial apply Different IP Address but
Same Class.

PC’s Configuration:

Figure 92 Configure Muhammad PC

Figure 93 Configuration Usama PC

Figure 94 IP Configuration Ahmed PC

In all 3 Pictures Set the IP Configuration. The First PC Muhammad Assign the IP Address, subnet Mask, and Default Gateway. All PC has same Subnet and Default
Gateway but Different IP Address.

Figure 95 IP Configuration PC3

Figure 96 IP Configuration PC4

Figure 97 IP Configuration PC5

In the last 3 pictures, all PCs have assigned the IP Address, Subnet Mask and Default

Message Passing:

Figure 98 Message Passing

In this picture message passing the message, the source is muhammad pc and the destination
is PC4. The message is sent successfully.

Lab # 12 ( Wrong Lec Share )

Shortest Path Server:

Figure 99 Network Topology

Figure 1 builds the network topology.

In this activity, you will configure the setting on DNS Servers, Gmail Server, and PCs.
 Gmail Server Ip Address:
o Subnet Mask:
 DNS Server Ip Address:
o Subnet Mask:
 PC Muhammad IP Address:
o Subnet Mask:
o DNS:
 PC Usama IP Address:
o Subnet Mask:
o DNS:
 Configure the mail Clients on PC’s

Configure the Servers:

First Configure the Gmail Server.

Figure 100 IP Configuration Gmail server

In Figure 2 Configure the IP Configuration. First of all, assign Ip Address and then Subnet

Figure 101 Configure the Gmail Server

In Figure 3 Configure the Gmail Server. First of all, On the SMTP Service then add Domain
Name and add User information like user name and password.
Then Configure the DNS Server.

Figure 102 IP Configuration DNS Server

In Figure 4 Configure the IP Configuration. First of all, assign Ip Address and then Subnet

Figure 103 DNS Server

In this Figure Click DNS. First of all, ON the DNS Services then add Gmail server Name and

PC’s Configuration:
First Configuration Muhammad’s Pc.

Figure 104 IP Configuration Muhammad PC

In Figure 6 PC muhammad Assign the IP’s address, Subnet Mask and DNS Server.

Figure 105 Configure Mail Setting

In Figure 7 Configure the Mail Setting. Assign User information

User Name: mt
email address:
Then add Server Information
Incoming and Outgoing Mail Server:
Last add Login Information
User name: mt
Password: 1234

Configure the Usama’s PC.

Figure 106 IP Configuration Usama PC

In Figure 8 PC Usama Assign the IP’s address, Subnet Mask and DNS Server.

Figure 107 Configuration Mail Setting

In Figure 9 Configure the Mail Setting. Assign User information
User Name: uk
email address:
Then add Server Information
Incoming and Outgoing Mail Server:
Last add Login Information
User name: uk
Password: 5678

Composing Email:

Figure 108 Composing Email

Compose the email.

Receive email

Figure 109 Receive email

In this pic, the email has been received successfully.

Again compose email Usama pc then send to muhammad pc.

Figure 110 Compose Email

Figure 111 Receive Email

In this pic, the email has been received successfully.

Lab # 13
RIP Protocol Configuration:

Figure 112 Build Network Topology

In this activity, you will configure the setting on the serial router configuration.

Routers Configuration:
Router 0 Configuration.

Figure 113 Assign IP Address

In this picture assign the IP Address to the router.

Figure 114 RIP Routing Configuration

In this picture Add RIP Routing.

Figure 115 Serial Port Configuration

In this picture configure the serial port like assign an IP address, subnet mask, and clock rate.
Router 2 Configuration.

Figure 116 Configure the RIP Routing

In this picture Configure the RIP Routing.

Figure 117 Assign IP Address

In this picture Router 2 assign the IP Address.

Serial port configuration.

Figure 118 Configure Serial port 2/0

In this picture, serial port 2/0 configure. Assign the IP Address, Subnet Mask and Clock Rate.

Figure 119 Configure Serial Port 3/0

In this picture, serial port 2/0 configure. Assign the IP Address, Subnet Mask and Clock Rate.

Configure the Router 3.

Figure 120 Configure RIP Routing

In this picture configure the RIP Routing.

Figure 121 Assign IP Addresses

In this picture Assign the IP Addresses.

Configure the Serial Port.

Figure 122 Configure the Serial Port

In this picture configure the serial port.

PC’s Configuration:

Figure 123 PC0 IP Configuration

PC0 Configure Assign IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway.

Figure 124 PC1 IP Configuration

PC1 Configure Assign IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway.

Figure 125 PC1 IP Configuration

PC2 Configure Assign IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway.

Message Passing:

Figure 126 Message Sent

This picture clearly shows that the message is sent successfully.

Lab # 14
Wireless Router Configuration:

Figure 127 Network Topology

In this figure build the network topology.

In this activity attach one wireless router and two laptops. The laptop connects router without

Laptop Configuration:

Figure 128 Change Module

In this figure remove the module then add a new Linksys module.

Figure 129 Change Module

In this figure remove the module then add a new Linksys module.

Figure 130 Add wireless Password

In this picture add Password (WEP).

Figure 131 Change Network Name

In this picture add a new network name.

Figure 132 Wireless Network Name

This picture shows the wireless network name.

Figure 133 Insert WEP Key 1

In this picture add a password to the laptop then connect the Wi-Fi.

Figure 134 Complete information to all WNS

In this picture complete detail shows the Wireless Network.

Figure 135 Insert Password

In this picture add a password to the laptop then connect the Wi-Fi.

Figure 136 complete detail WSn

In this picture complete detail shows the Wireless Network.

Figure 137 IP Configuration

Figure 138 IP Configuration

In both PC’s IP Configuration automatically.

Figure 139 Message Sending

In the last pic, the message is sending one pc to another pc the message is sent successfully.

Lab # 15
OSPF Routing Protocol:

Figure 140 Network Topology

In this network, topology adds two routers, two switches, and two PCs.
 Configure both routers and PCs.

Configure the Router:

The First Multan Router Configure.

Figure 141 Router Multan IP Configuration

In this figure add the IP address and subnet mask.

Figure 142 Router Multan Serial port configure

In this figure configure the serial port 2/0 in Multan Router.

Figure 143 Configure IP Configuration

In this figure configure the FastEthernet 0/0 of the Router Lahore.

Figure 144 Configure Serial Port Lahore Router

In this figure configure the Serial port 2/0 in the Lahore router.

PC’s Configuration:
First Configure the PC0.

Figure 145 IP Configuration PC0

In this figure assign the IP Address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway.

Then configure the PC1.

Figure 146 IP Configuration PC1

In this figure assign the IP Address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway.

Configure OSPF:
Configure the router Multan.

Figure 147 Configuration the OSPF Multan Router

In this figure configuration the OSPF.

Figure 148 Configuration the OSPF Lahore Router

In this figure configuration the OSPF.

Show IP Route:
First Check the Ip route of the Multan router.

Figure 149 Check IP Route for Multan Router

Figure 150 Check IP Route for Lahore Router

In figure 10 and figure 11 check the IP route.

Verify OSPF Configuration:

Figure 151 Verify OSPF Configuration

Figure 152 Verify OSPF Configuration

In figure 12 and figure 13 verify the OSPF Configuration.

Figure 153 Message Sending

At last, in this figure, 14 messages were sent successfully.

The End


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