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1)What is Personal Selling-Involves Two-Way, Personal Communication Between Salespeople and

Individual Customers Whether:Face to face,By telephone,Through video conferencing,Or by other mean.

●objective:Understand the role of a company’s salespeople increating value for customers and building
customers relationships.Understand the personal selling process, and how to distinguish between
transaction-oriented marketing and relationship marketing.Know the six major sales force management
steps.Learn about direct marketing and its benefits to customers and companies.Know the major forms
of direct marketing. ●The Nature of personal selling-(a)Involves an individual acting for a company by
performing one or more of the following activities:1.Prospecting 2.Communicating 3.Servicing
4.Information Gathering.(b)The term salesperson covers a wide spectrum of positions from:1.Order
Taking 2.Order Getting 3.Missionary Selling. ●The role of the sales force-personal Selling is effective
because salespeople can:1.Probe customers to learn more about their needs.2.Adjust the marketing
offer.3.Build long-term personal relationships.The Sales Force serves as a critical link between a company
and its customers since they:1.Represent the company to customers.2.Represent customers to the
company. ●Steps in the Selling Process-Step1.Prospecting and Qualifying-Identifying and screening for
qualified potential customers.Step2.Preapproach-Learning as much as possible about a prospective
customer before making a sales call.Step3.Approach-knowing how to meet the buyer to get the
relationship off to a good start.Step4.Presentation/Demonstration-Telling the product “Story” to the
buyer and showing the product benefits.Step5.Handling Objections-seeking out,clarifying, and
overcoming customer objections to buying.Step6.closing-Asking the customer for the
order.Step7.Follow-Up-Following up after the sale to ensure customer satisfaction and repeat business.

2)Direct marketing consists of any marketing that relies on direct communication or distribution to
individual consumers, rather than through a third party such as mass media. Mail, email, social media,
and texting campaigns are among the delivery systems used.•Direct Marketing Benefits: Buyers:-
Convenient,Easy to use,Private,Access to a wealth of information,Immediate ,Interactive. •Direct
Marketing Benefits: Sellers:- Building relationships,Targeting of small groups or individuals with
customized offers in a personalized fashion,Access to buyers that couldn’t be reached via other
channels,Low-cost, effective alternative for reaching specific markets. •Forms of direct marketing-
a)Telemarketing- Telemarketing is a method of direct marketing in which a salesperson solicits
prospective customers to buy products, subscriptions or services, either over the phone or through a
subsequent face to face or web conferencing appointment scheduled during the call. B)Direct mail
marketing- Direct mail marketing is a type of direct marketing that’s delivered physically to a prospect’s
mailbox through the United States Postal Service or other delivery service. © Catalogue marketing-
Catalog marketing is a form of direct marketing that allows a company to sell products and services from
a printed or online catalog. Consumers can buy directly from the catalog sender by phone or online using
the information in the catalog. (D)Direct response television marketing- Direct response television or
DRTV can be defined as any television advertising that permits or requests consumers to directly
respond to the advertiser. € kiosk marketing- A kiosk refers to a small, temporary, stand-alone booth
used in high-traffic areas for marketing purposes. Kiosks may be manned by one or two individuals or
may be electronic. These booths are considered to be low-cost marketing strategies that are great
alternatives for new, emerging entrepreneurs.(F)face to face- Face to Face selling is marketing and selling
product to customer using his skills and marketing techniques. It can occur during a sales meeting or in a
retail environment. Face to Face Selling is considered as cornerstone of sales.
3)*Media Planning-A plan of action to communicate a message to a target market a the right time, and
right frequency.” The goal of a media plan Is to be efficient: to gain maximum exposure at minimum cost.
*Media Brief-1.Market Profile 2.Competitor Media Strategy 3.Target Market Profile 4.Media Objectives
5.Budget .*Media Plan-“A document outlining how a client’s budget will be spent.” *media objectives-
who is the targeted market? What is the message? Where are the priority market? When was the best
time to advertise? How many, often, long? *media strategies-Numerous factors are evaluated and they
are usually ranked based on priority.Target market and media matching strategy, Creative strategy
influences media choices, Coverage decisions are based on the budget, Timing decisions are crucial for
scheduling, Reach, frequency, and continuity priorities, Budget *media execution- is the method by
which traders execute orders at the current price within fractions of a second. *Target Market Matching
Strategies-Knowledge of a target’s media consumption habits helps define the media strategy. ~Shotgun-
The shotgun approach is a marketing strategy where marketers try to appeal to a wide market of
potential customers by using various advertising strategies. This situation occurs when the target
audience of the business is too diverse to focus on any one segment. ~Rifle- Rifle approach is an
advertising strategy that involves targeting a clearly-defined audience effectively and efficiently through
clearly defined promotional strategies. This situation occurs when the target audience of the business
can be narrowed down and strategies can be formed to perform one to one marketing. ~profile match-It
is based on the individuals whose needs match the features offered by the product. Factors such as age,
income level, and location can play a role in the target market that is identified specifically for the
product. *Media coverage- The budget available often dictates the extent of market coverage. National,
west, central, east, key market. *Media reach-Total audience exposed to a message one or more times in
a period, usually a week. *Media frequency- The average number of times a message has been exposed
to an audience over a period of time. *Media continuity- The length of time required to generate impact
on a target. *Media Execution- Selecting the right media is usually a three stage decision process. 1.Type
of media 2.class of media 3.specific medium. When selecting a specific medium, CPM is a determining
factor. CPM-The cost of the ad divided by the circulation (in thousands). *Scheduling and budget
summary- 1.A blocking chart summarizes in a few pages all of the media execution details: media usage,
market coverage, weight levels, reach and frequency, and timing of the campaign. 2.The budget
summary classifies spending by medium, region, and time of year.*Accessing Media alternatives 1.Tv
advertising- Network Spots,Selective Spots,Local Spots, Sponsorships, Branded Content 2.Radio
Advertising- In radio all decisions are usually based on demographics. I)Station format determines the
audience profile. ii)Radio is ideal for reaching targets defined by age.iii)Radio is an important medium if a
“key market” strategy is recommended. 3. Newspaper advertising- Local market circulation and
readership make newspapers an attractive medium i)Newspapers are ideal for a “key market” media
strategy. Ii)Newspapers are attractive to national advertisers, and national and local
retailers.iii)Newspapers offer “merchandising” opportunities. 4.Magazine Advertising- Magazines are
excellent at targeting precisely defined audiences. I)1.Magazines are a “class” medium instead of a
“mass”medium. Ii) The clustering of ads has a negative influence on message impact. Iii) Magazines are
ideal for “profile matching” media strategies. 5. Out-of-Home Advertising- Outdoor is a passive medium
but the message is very visible. I)Outdoor ads reach the same audience frequently. ii) A wide variety of
alternatives are available. Outdoor can be virtually anywhere! iii)An ideal medium for “shotgun” media
strategies in key markets.

4)*Sales promotion- A direct inducement that offers an extra value or incentive for the product to the
sales force, distributors or the ultimate consumer with the primary objective of creating an Immediate
sale. *Types of sales promotion:- ●Customer oriented sales promotion- it provides the customer with an
immediate inducement to purchase a product. The goal is to have the consumer seek out the product
and “pull it” through the marketing channel. Objective-Obtaining trial & repurchase,Increasing
consumption of an established brand, Defending current customers, Targeting a specific Market
Segment, Enhancing IMC & building brand equity. Methods- Samples, Coupons, Premiums, Contests,
Refunds, Bonus Pack, Price offers, Loyalty program, Event marketing ●Trade-oriented sales promotion is
focused on the channel intermediaries: the wholesalers and retailers. The goal is for the intermediary to
be incentivized to push the product to the consumer.Objective- Obtain distribution for new
products,Maintain trade support for established brands, Encourage retailers to display established
brands, Build retail inventories. Methods- Contests And dealer Incentives, Trade allowances, POP
displays, Training Programs, Trade shows, Co- operative Adv. ●Sales force promotion is a technique to
enhance the sales team’s motivation in promoting and selling the company’s product. The sales force is
the link that brings a company in contact with its customers.

5)Creativity: The combination of seemingly disparate parts into a functioning, useful whole.”Picasso:
“Every act of creation is an act of destruction” and “art is a lie that makes us realize the truth.”*Three
creativity perspective:-The creative person: Creativity enables individuals to generate new or innovative
ideas, then bring them into existence. Having the characteristics of a creative thinker often enable
individuals to generate innovative solutions to their problems. -The creative product:Creative products
are goods or services produced and sold by creative industries. Creative industries are defined as having
their origin in individual creativity, skill and talent.-The creative process: Creativity involves two
processes: thinking, then producing. Innovation is the production or implementation of an idea.*Three
creativity elements: Expertise: In-depth knowledge about a field Creative skills: Problem-solving skills,
creative process skills Intrinsic task motivation Intrinsic rewards: Love of the work, the process involved,
not extrinsic reward such as money, awards.•Four roles of the creative process:- 1)The Explorer-Gathers
information, explores for knowledge in new places.The Explorer’s job is to collect the raw material for
creativity. He is constantly asking questions, talking to different people, and processing as many inputs as
possible.Don’t overlook things right in front of you.Look or ideas in places you’ve been avoiding.2)The
Artist- Experiments with new approaches, combinations.Follows intuition, breaks rules, brainstorms,
takes risks. They takes the raw material from the Explorer and combines it in new and interesting ways.
He’s playful and imaginative with no concerns about judging the quality of what he’s creating.-Adapt-
Imagine (“What if?”)-Reverse (backward, upside down) -Connect -Compare (metaphors, literature,
music, art, sports, warfare, gardening) -Parody -Incubate (3) Judge takes the Artist’s ideas and
determines if they’re practical. He thinks critically and realistically about what can actually be
done.Evaluates ideas and solutions, critically weighs evidence.Does it meet the
objective,PositivesNegatives.,Probability for success,Downside,Upside Timing,Deadlines,Biases
(assumption),Blind Spots.4) the warrior: Be bold. Develop a strategy.What are the consequences of
failure?Get started immediately?Sell it.Persistence.Learn from victories and defeats. •Creativity blocks:
1)Accepting conventional wisdom 2)Not taking time to investigate or elaborate Seeking only to satisfy
the perceived needs of bosses 3)Having tunnel vision, compartmentalizing problems 4)Looking for quick,
yes-no answers 5)Fear of failure6)Expecting others to be creative 7)Being unwilling to question
others8)Being unwilling to accept others’ input 9)Being unwilling to collaborate. Methods of killing
creativity: *Evaluation-Fear of evaluation kills the love of creative activity. *Surveillance- Looking over
creative people’s shoulder or policing them de-motivates them.*Reward-Extrinsic rewards lower
motivation. Reward creative people with autonomy, the opportunity to learn. *Competition-Win-lose
competition kills creativity. In a competitive environment, people think about how not to lose instead of
how to win. Restricted Choice Making choices for creative people or severely limiting their options
lowers creative output.*Extrinsic OrientationExternal rewards such as prizes and money hurt
creativity.Creative people love the intrinsic rewards of doing the job.

6)●Basic Principles of Publicity-1.Creativity–Use fresh ideas, gimmicks, unusual shapes, and

pictures.2.Variety–Use different techniques to target different people. 3.Quantity-Advertisements may
need to be seen or heard more than once to grab attention.4.Visibility-Put publicity your target audience
will see it the most (ex. Bathrooms, doors, mailboxes).5.Legibility–It’s not going to work if people can’t
read it (even if you do put it everywhere).6.Understandability-be concise and clear, and Vocabulary your
target will understand.7.Time-If publicity goes up to early, your target will Forget; if it goes up too late,
you won’t get a good response. Example Timeline:10 days before–teasers in bathrooms or on doors.7
days before-ad in school paper or residence hall newsletter. 5 days before -flyers around hall. 3 days
before-word of mouth campaign begins.1 day before-last minute reminders like chalking. Sidewalks,
walking the halls, making announcement.Traditional publicizing techniques: Posters: A printed
promotion of an event, service, product, or idea posted in a high-traffic area. Flyers:A type of print
advertisement, usually on a single sheet of paper, that markets a product, service, or event. Flyers are a
cost effective way for marketers to promote their message. They can be printed at a short notice and
distribution doesn’t have to be too expensive. Banners:Banners are the creative rectangular ad that are
shown along the top, side, or bottom of a website in hopes that it will drive traffic to the advertiser’s
proprietary site, generate awareness, and overall brand consideration. This type of visual banner-style
online advertising is a form of display advertising.Table tents:Table tents are a great tool to promote
yourself and your business at events and places such as hotels, restaurants, or any hospitality industry.
They are perfect to advertise any specials you may be offering for your business. At events, they can
create attractive place cards.Coupons/tickets:Coupon marketing is a clever tactic used by businesses to
entice customers to make a purchase by offering discounts or special deals. It’s a win-win situation –
customers get to save money, while businesses get to increase sales and customer loyalty. Do’s in
publicity: *Use graphics in your posters. Good eye catchers make them easily understood.*Make
lettering large enough to be seen on Your posters from a distance.*Use odd shapes in your posters; be
creative.Make sure to make your messages short andSweet. *Place announcements in high traffic areas.
* Identify your audience.Don’ts in publicity: Don’t place publicity in areas where it will get lost among
other posters. *Don’t put together publicity in a hurry.*Don’t limit yourself to just. One kind of
publicity.*Don’t forget to use all the resources on campus.*Avoid dittos and plain black on white
flyers.*Don’t provide false information.

7)•Product differentiation is the characteristic or characteristics that make your product or service stand
out to your target audience. It’s how you distinguish what you sell from what your competitors do, and it
increases brand loyalty, sales, and growth.The goal of product differentiation is to create a competitive
advantage or to make your product superior to alternatives on the market. In other words, you don’t just
want to stand out from the competition, you want to stand above it.It’s important to differentiate your
product in any industry, but especially if you’re in a crowded market with lots of competitors. The goal is
to show potential customers what you can offer that other businesses can’t—and why that’s valuable to
them.The goal of product differentiation is to create a competitive advantage or to make your product
superior to alternatives on the market. In other words, you don’t just want to stand out from the
competition, you want to stand above it.It’s important to differentiate your product in any industry, but
especially if you’re in a crowded market with lots of competitors. The goal is to show potential customers
what you can offer that other businesses can’t—and why that’s valuable to them.Advantages: 1. Building
brand loyalty: Strong product differentiation makes your business memorable. Customers will associate
elements of your brand—like your logo, voice and tone, and social media presence—with your product
or service and all of its benefits.The more differentiated your product is and the better it meets your
target audience’s wants and needs, the more likely they are to become repeat customers. 2. Achieving
higher price points.You can increase your profits, sometimes by a significant margin, through product
differentiation.You can typically sell a differentiated product for a higher price because people will pay for
durability, appearance, and customer service *How product is differentiated: Your target audience
ultimately decides which products in the market are most valuable to them. Looking at sales and
engagement will give you insight into whether your product or service is well-differentiated.If you’re not
seeing the numbers you want, don’t worry. You can always do more research, add or change a feature,
or try a new marketing strategy. Make small, gradual changes to your product, brand identity, and
marketing efforts so know what works and what doesn’t. You can differentiate by-
*Form*Features*Customization*Performance quality *Conformance
quality*Durability*Reliability*Reparability *Style.

8)*STP: The STP model in marketing refers to segmentation, targeting, and positioning. First, companies
identify and divide their market into distinct segments based on characteristics like demographics or
behavior. Next, they select the most attractive segments to target based on factors such as profitability
and growth potential. Finally, the company positions its products or services in the minds of consumers
within the chosen segments, emphasizing unique selling points to create a competitive advantage. STP is
a strategic framework that helps businesses tailor their marketing efforts to specific audience needs,
fostering more effective communication and increased market share. *Types of markets: 1) consumer
goods and services- Consumer goods and services refer to products and offerings directly consumed by
end-users for personal satisfaction or utility. These include tangible items like clothing, electronics, and
consumables, as well as intangible services such as healthcare, education, and entertainment, which
enhance the well-being or lifestyle of individuals. 2) Industrial goods and services-industrial goods and
services are products and offerings intended for use in the production of other goods or services rather
than for personal consumption. These encompass machinery, raw materials, and components essential
for manufacturing processes, as well as business-to-business services like consulting or logistics that
support industrial operations. Industrial marketing involves targeting businesses and organizations rather
than individual consumers. Two categories of industrial goods are production goods and support goods.
*Basic market preferences pattern-1) Homogeneous preferences ,2) Diffused preferences,3) Clustered
preferences. *Using market segmentation, level of micro marketing: 1)Segment Marketing-•Consists of a
large identifiable group within a market with similar wants, purchasing power, attitudes or buying habits.
•Each segment’s buyers are assumed to be quite similar in needs /wants. •No two buyers all alike.
•Flexible market offerings. 2) Niche Marketing: •Narrowly defined group. •Needs are not well
serviced.•Seeking a distinctive mix of benefits. •Fairly small market size.•Normally attract one or two
players.•Customers willing to pay a premium price. 3) Local Marketing: •Need of local customer group.
4)Individual Marketing: •Ultimate level of segmentation,• Segment of one,•One-to-one
marketing,•Customised to individuals,•Tailor made, •Cobbler designed shoes, •Customised industrial
products. *Developing a Positioning Strategy : •Attribute positioning, •Benefit positioning,- Use or
application positioning,- User positioning, •Competitor positioning, •Product category positioning,
•Quality or price positioning.
9)•FCB Planning Model:- Developed By Richard Vaughn of the Foot, Cone & Belding Ad Agency. – Based
on hierarchy effect models and research on high and low involvement.-Importance to thinking and
feeling with regards to brain specialisation. -Brain Theory- Left Side of brain is more capable of rational
cognitive Thinking.-Right side of brain is more visual, emotional and engages more in the effective
functions. – Popularly known as FCB grid, which delineates 4 primary advertising planning strategies i.e
informative, effective ,habit formation, satisfaction.The FCB grid or Foote, Cone and Belding model is an
integrative approach to interpret the consumer’s buying behaviour and its implication for adopting
suitable advertising strategy. It is depicted on a matrix with the help of four significant factors, i.e.,
thinking, feeling, high involvement and low involvement.•Informative (Quadrant 1): The expensive
products having a high level of importance to the consumers and requires intense thinking for decision-
making, lies in this category.The prospective buyer first learns or gathers complete information about the
product; then, he/she feels the need of buying it; and later makes the final purchase.•Affective
(Quadrant 2): The valuable products which hold an emotional attribute and requires consumer
engagement are considered to be affective products.The buyer follows a feel, learn and do order. That is
he/she first develops a connection with the brand or the product; gains complete knowledge of it; finally
buys it.•Habitual (Quadrant 3): This category of products includes everyday essentials. Thus, the
customer experiences a low involvement but analytical decision making while purchasing these
items.The buyer first obtains the product; tries it out and determines whether it solves the purpose or
not; then develops a trust in the brand.•Satisfaction (Quadrant 4): The products whose purchase is
driven by the emotions; however, the buying decision does not require much consumer involvement, lies
in this quadrant.The consumer buys the product; feels positive or negative about the purchase; and then
learns about the product.

10)•Media charecterstics:1) Television: Advantages:Mass coverage, High reach ,Impact of sight sound
and motion ,High prestige,Low cost per exposure,Attention getting,Favorable image. Disadvantage:Low
selectivity ,Short message life,High absolute cost,High production costs,Clutter.2)Radio: Advantages:Local
coverage,Low cost,High frequency ,Flexible,Low production costs,Well-segmented audiences.
Disadvantage: Audio only,Clutter,Low attention getting,Fleeting message.3)Magazine:
Advantage:Segmentation, potential ,Quality reproduction ,High information content,Longevity,Multiple
readers Disadvantage: Long lead time for ad,placement ,Visual only ,Lack of flexibility4) Newspapers:
Advantage:High coverage,Low cost ,Short lead time for placing ads,Ads can be placed in interest sections
,Readers control exposure. Disadvantage: Short life,Clutter,Low attention-gettingcapabilities,Poor
reproduction quality,Selective reader exposure. •Media Issues- 1) Media Planning-:Media planning refers
to an analytical method for making media decisions, and describes the process of taking the message
across to the target audience at the right time and place, and using the right media vehicle. 2) Media
Plan: A media plan is a document that outlines the strategy of how, when, where and why an
organization will distribute its media content to their target audience.3)Media objectives- A media
objective is a clear, succinct statement of a goal. It tells what the media plan should accomplish in very
specific, often measurable terms.4) Media strategy-A media strategy is a dynamic action plan for
reaching your audience and boosting conversion rates by leveraging various media types to distribute
content and deliver your brand message.5)Medium: A means of verbal or non-verbal
communication.6)Media vehicle-A media vehicle refers to the specific medium or channel through which
an advertisement is delivered to the target audience.7) Reach-Reach in marketing is the measurement of
the size of the audience that has seen your ads or campaign content. 8)Coverage- Media coverage refers
to the attention and exposure received by a person, brand, event, or topic in various forms of media,
including print, broadcast, and digital platforms. 9)Frequency-Frequency is the average, approximate, or
exact number of times a specific household or individual has been exposed to the same advertisement.
*Media plan-Stages of Development-i) Market Analysis:To whom shall be advertised?,Where to
promote? Ii )Establishment of Media Objectives: These are the goals for the media programme and
should be limited to those that can be accomplished through media strategies. Iii))Media Strategies
development and implementation:- Criteria considered- a))The Media Mix-A media mix Is a strategy
companies use where they send their content out through different media channels like magazines,
television ads, social media channels and video. B)Target Market Coverage-coverage that reaches people
who are not potential buyers and/or users. C)Geographic Coverage-describes the locations or the
geographic area which is related to the measured economic phenomenon, or the area that is covered by
a survey, etc. d)Scheduling-the process of arranging, controlling and optimizing work and workloads in a
production process or manufacturing process. E)Reach Vs. Frequency- Reach The number of people (or
households) exposed to a given medium at a given point in time. Frequency The number of times
viewers are exposed to the same ad during a campaign. f)Creative aspects and mood-To support media
strategy to achieve great impact. To enchance the creativity of message through media. G)Flexibility-
company should be that much flexible to adapt new strategies or change existing strategies. H)Budget
Consideration-target audience, budget, conversion goals, media channels to be used, frequency of
message placement, and metrics to track and measure the performance of the media channels used.
Iv)Evaluation and follow up ●Factors-•How will did these strategies achieve the media objectives.•How
will did the media plan?•Contribute to attending the overall marketing and communication objectives?

11) Product differentiation is the characteristic or characteristics that make your product or service stand
out to your target audience. It’s how you distinguish what you sell from what your competitors do, and it
increases brand loyalty, sales, and growth.The goal of product differentiation is to create a competitive
advantage or to make your product superior to alternatives on the market. In other words, you don’t just
want to stand out from the competition, you want to stand above it.It’s important to differentiate your
product in any industry, but especially if you’re in a crowded market with lots of competitors. The goal is
to show potential customers what you can offer that other businesses can’t—and why that’s valuable to
them.The goal of product differentiation is to create a competitive advantage or to make your product
superior to alternatives on the market. In other words, you don’t just want to stand out from the
competition, you want to stand above it.It’s important to differentiate your product in any industry, but
especially if you’re in a crowded market with lots of competitors. The goal is to show potential customers
what you can offer that other businesses can’t—and why that’s valuable to them.Advantages: 1. Building
brand loyalty:Strong product differentiation makes your business memorable. Customers will associate
elements of your brand—like your logo, voice and tone, and social media presence—with your product
or service and all of its benefits.The more differentiated your product is and the better it meets your
target audience’s wants and needs, the more likely they are to become repeat customers.2. Achieving
higher price points.You can increase your profits, sometimes by a significant margin, through product
differentiation.You can typically sell a differentiated product for a higher price because people will pay for
durability, appearance, and customer service *How product is differentiated: Your target audience
ultimately decides which products in the market are most valuable to them. Looking at sales and
engagement will give you insight into whether your product or service is well-differentiated.If you’re not
seeing the numbers you want, don’t worry. You can always do more research, add or change a feature,
or try a new marketing strategy. Make small, gradual changes to your product, brand identity, and
marketing efforts so know what works and what doesn’t. You can differentiate by :
*Form*Features*Customization*Performance quality *Conformance quality
*Durability*Reliability*Reparability *Style

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