5th Sem Questions

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Describe the process of embryo and

endosperm development in dicot plants.
Explain the function of endosperm.

4. Write short notes on any two of the

fallowing: 2x7 = 14
(a) Polyembryo and, apornixes.
(b) In vitro fertilization and cybrids.

(c) Megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis.

+3 5th Sem
Bot (H) - XII


Full Marks : 50
Ti.me : 2 ½ hours 1

The figures in the right-hand margi.n indicate marks

Answer all Questions.

Give labelled diagram wherever necessary

1. Describe the stomatal mechanism of

transpiration of water. Explain the various
factors affecting the rate of transpiration. 12
Describe the different mechanisms of uptake
of nutrients from the soil and transport of
ions across cell membrane.

2. Describe the mechanism of translocation of

assimilates tprough phloem in terms of : 12
(a) Phloem loa~ng and unloading
(b) Source-sink relationship.

Describe the chemical nature, bioassay and
physiological rol~s of auxin in plant growth
and development.
( 2)

3. Wlu1t is photoperiodism? Describe the

rnecl1anism of flower development with
rt~spcct to : 12
{a} stim·u lus to photoperiod
{IJ) t1origen concept
(c) vernalization

I)isct1ss the chemical nature ofphytochrome,
cryptochrome and phototropins. Explain
their roles and mode of action in .
photomorphogenesis of plants.

4. Write short notes on any two of the

followi11g: 2x7 = 14
{a) Absorption of water by roots
(h} Role of essential elements and chelating
(·c ) Pl1ysiological role of gibberellins in plant
gTO\Vth and development.

{(i) Physiological role of ethylene and abscisic


+3 5th Sem
DSE (H) Bot _ I


Full Marks : 50
Time : 2 ½ hours

1ne figu res in the right-hand margin indicate marks

Answer all Questions.

Give labelled diagram wherever necessary

1. Describe the modes of reproduction in crop

plants. How the mode of reproduction is
manipulated to perform a cross-breeding
between two cultivars? 12
Describe the method of production of
hybrid plants. What are the advantages and
limitations of hybrid plants?

2. Describe the methods for production of

hybrid plants for the self-pollinated, cross-
pollinated and vegetatively propagated
plants. 12
What is polygenic inheritance? Explain
the mechanism of polygenic inheritance to
determine the skin colour in human.

(Tum Over)
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( 2)

3. What is inbreeding depression? Explain the

genetic _b asis of inbreeding depressior1. 12
Define polyploidy. What are its types?
Hov.7 poly-ploidy is induced in a crop plant
pertaining to crop improvement? Explain
with an example.

4. Write short notes on any two of the

following: 2x7 = 14
(a) What is heterosis? How is it formed?
Mention its application with an example.
{b) Discuss the advantages and limitations
of hybrid plants with examples.
{c) Discuss the role of biotechnology in crop

+3 5th Sem
DSE (H) Bot - II


Full Marks : 50
Ti.m e : 21/2 hours

The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks

Answer all Questions.

Give labelled diagram wherever necessary

1. Discuss the economical, ecological and

socio-cultural approaches for sustainable
utilization of natural resources. 12
Describe the importance of forests as natural
resources for the welfare of mankind.

2. Describe the various management strategies

for consetvation of fresh water bodies and
estuarine. 12
Describe the various sources of renewable
and non-renewable sources of energy and
their sustainable utilization.

3. How EIA, GIS and participatory resource

appraisal practices help m resource
management? Explain. 12

(Turn Over)
A/ 8 (1117)
(2 )

Describe the various efforts at national and
international level for the management of
natural resources and their conservation.

4. \1/rite short notes on any two of the

following: 2x7 = 14
(a) Threat
to biological resources and
management strategies.
(b) Ecological footprint with emphasis on
carbon footprint.
(c) National biodiversity action plan.


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