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English is Easy



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1) Peril
a) Hazard
b) Deception
c) Insightful
d) Guilt

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a) Hazard- a danger or risk
b) Deception - making somebody believe
c) Insightful - deep understanding
d) Guilt - being responsible for doing
something wrong

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2) Calm
a) Relinquish
b) Heedful
c) Lugubrious
d) Tranquil

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a) Relinquish - to stop having or doing
b) Heedful - aware of and attentive to.
c) Lugubrious - looking or sounding
d) Tranquil - quiet and peaceful

Copyright © Veranda Learning Solutions Limited

3) Confusion
a) Curb
b) Muddle
c) Avenge
d) Extravagant,

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a) Curb - to limit or control
b) Muddle - to confuse
c) Avenge - to punish somebody
for hurting you
d) Extravagant - spending or
costing too much money

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4) Eccentric
a) Explicit
b) Dismal
c) Artifice
d) Bizarre

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a) Explicit - making something
easy to understand
b) Dismal - causing or showing
c) Artifice - the use of clever
methods to trick somebody
d) Bizarre - very strange or

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5) Emerge
a) Huge
b) Penitence
c) Arise
d) Concealment

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a) Huge - very big
b) Penitence - the action of feeling
or showing sorrow and regret
for having done wrong
c) Arise - to begin to exist
d) Concealment - the act of hiding

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6) Disdain
a) Spurn
b) Unveil
c) Abandon
d) Disrepute

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a) Spurn - to refuse something
that somebody has offered to you
b) Unveil - to show something new
to the public for the first time
c) Abandon - to leave
somebody/something that you are
responsible for
d) Disrepute - the situation when
people no longer respect

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7) Prohibit
a) Coutious
b) Disallow
c) Demure
d) Frail

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a) Coutious - taking great care to
avoid possible danger or
b) Disallow - to not allow or
accept something
c) Demure - shy, quiet and polite
d) Frail - weak or not healthy

Copyright © Veranda Learning Solutions Limited

8) Belief
a) Spunk
b) Clumsy
c) Inaction
d) Notion

Copyright © Veranda Learning Solutions Limited

a) Spunk - courage and
b) Clumsy - drop or break things
c) Inaction - lack of action
d) Notion - something that you
have in your mind

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9) Abundant
a) Bravery
b) Uproot
c) Foretell
d) Bountiful

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a) Bravery - actions that are brave.
b) Uproot - to pull up a plant by the
c) Foretell - to say what will
happen in the future
d) Bountiful - in large quantities;

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10) Calamity
a) Coax
b) Impasse
c) Tragedy
d) Nerve

Copyright © Veranda Learning Solutions Limited

a) Coax - to persuade somebody
b) Impasse - to break
c) Tragedy - a serious play that
has a sad ending
d) Nerve - nervous feelings

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1) Cheerful
a) Outspoken
b) Console
c) Combative
d) Dismal

Copyright © Veranda Learning Solutions Limited

a) Outspoken - saying exactly what
you think or feel although you
may shock or upset other people
b) Console - to make somebody
happier when he/she is very sad
or disappointed
c) Combative - ready or eager to
fight or argue
d) Dismal - causing or showing

Copyright © Veranda Learning Solutions Limited

2) Humble
a) Soothe
b) Care
c) Deter
d) Arrogant

Copyright © Veranda Learning Solutions Limited

a) Arrogant -thinking that you
are better and more
important than other people
b) Soothe - to make a part of the
body or a feeling less painful
c) Care - thinking about what you
are doing so that you do it well
or do not make a mistake
d) Deter - to make somebody
decide not to do something

Copyright © Veranda Learning Solutions Limited

3) Harmony
a) Cheerful
b) Muster
c) Hostility
d) Tolerant

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a) Cheerful - showing that you are
b) Muster - to find as much support
c) Hostility - very strong feelings
against somebody/something
d) Tolerant - the ability to allow or
accept something that you do
not like or agree with

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4) Flexible
a) Rigid
b) Curt
c) Serene
d) Denounce

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a) Rigid - not able to or not
wanting to change or be
b) Curt - short and not polite
c) Serene - calm and peaceful
d) Denounce - to say publicly that
something is wrong

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5) Abundant
a) Meekness
b) Chivalrous
c) Minimal
d) Obscure

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a) Meekness -the quality of being
quiet, gentle
b) Chivalrous - polite, kind and
behaving with honour
c) Minimal - very small in
amount, size or level; as little
as possible
d) Obscure - not easy to see or

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6) Modest
a) Magnificent
b) Rude
c) Dishearten
d) Confront
e) Vigorous

Copyright © Veranda Learning Solutions Limited

a) Magnificent -extremely
impressive and attractive
b) Rude - not polite
c) Dishearten - cause (someone) to
lose determination
d) Confront - something that is
difficult or unpleasant

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7) Sparse
a) Supercilious
b) Plentiful
c) Profane
d) Distress

Copyright © Veranda Learning Solutions Limited

a) Supercilious -showing that you
think that you are better than
other people
b) Plentiful - available in large
amounts or numbers
c) Profane - showing a lack of
respect for sacred or holy things
d) Distress - he state of being very
upset or of suffering great pain
or difficulty

Copyright © Veranda Learning Solutions Limited

8) Refined
a) Vulgar
b) Scold
c) Bright
d) Authentic

Copyright © Veranda Learning Solutions Limited

a) Scold - to speak angrily to
somebody because he/she has
done something bad or wrong
b) Bright - having a lot of light
c) Authentic - that you know is real
or genuine
d) Vulgar - rude or likely to
offend people

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9) Fertile
a) Barren
b) Destroy
c) Hope
d) Tragic

Copyright © Veranda Learning Solutions Limited

a) Barren -(used about land or
soil) not good enough for
plants to grow on
b) Destroy - to damage something
so badly that it can no longer be
used or no longer exists
c) Hope - to want something to
happen or be true
d) Tragic - that makes you very sad

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10) Hostile
a) Scanty
b) Artifice
c) Friendly
d) Clarify

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a) Scanty - too small in size or
b) Artifice - the use of clever
methods to trick somebody
c) Friendly - behaving in a kind
and open way
d) Clarify - to make something
become clear

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Thank You

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