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Physics Cqyess Paper Ith class Curtent - SE Ssiow (2023): By Er - Shak- Imhys®’ > Former Asti: pret Most vated Gutss) > Prec /Mieck eotd thee be / Paper Me daust ai Senus AlBIe| 7 & faevily wave, kie Parry pore’ ISecure 45+ Marks), op. 'G years Chap- Newilons Laws oF Motlolw _ NLM) a ee > aw of Canmenntion OF wear memento © 2 bol efly Eup yecoil F Aurtria. Fier of bollet * 2” tote Conditions Under witch a deve Soos No work: O3° Prichon wo necovaty evil- explar- Quy etek & Ep Newteds and haw of meta # why o » Caled Seal hw af mott™ QS. 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