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AWS Bootcamp > 100hours

1. Github
2. Gitpod
3. Git Codespaces
4. AWS
5. Momento: offers free serverless cache
6. Lucid chart: 3 free AWS icon diagrams
search AWS under Shapes and then select AWS Architecture 2021 -> Use selected shapes
37.37 min
7. teamname: subhasish1977 --- for distributed tracing
8. Rollbar account: --- bug tracking tool that can track application crashes.

Good knowledge related:

github: cantril : aws contents incl. catdatapipeline
weclouddata website: free contents
AWS Ontaria virtual user group:
AWS Portsmouth user group

33:00 Open -> Use this template -> Create a new repository:
owner: subhasishpaul, repo name: aws-bootcamp-cruddur-2023



Curriculum Outline

Week 0 — Billing and Architecture
● Gain confidence when working meter-billing with a Cloud Service Provider (CSP)

● To understand how to build useful architecture diagrams

● To gain a general idea of the cost of common cloud services

● To ensure we have a working AWS account

Week 1 — App Containerization

● Gain practical knowledge working with common docker command and running container images for the purpose of local
● Gain practical knowledge of working within a Cloud Development environment

● Be able to navigate a backend and front web-application and generally understand how they work

Week 2 — Distributed Tracing

Week 3 — Decentralized Authentication

Week 4 — Postgres and RDS

Week 5 — DynamoDB and Serverless Caching

Week 6 — Deploying Containers

Week 7 — Solving CORS with a Load Balancer and Custom Domain

Week 8 — Serverless Image Processing

Week 9 — CI/CD with CodePipeline, CodeBuild and CodeDeploy

Week 10 — CloudFormation Part 1

Week 11 — CloudFormation Part 2

Week 12 — Modern APIs

Week 13 — (Secret Bonus Class)

Details of project: FREE AWS Cloud Project Bootcamp — (available in same path)

1:27:00 Architecting your cloud

Week 0 - Billing and Architecture

Good Architecture
Cruddur Conceptual Diagram
Week 0 - Generate Credentials, AWS CLI, Budget and
Billing Alarm via CLI

AWS Budget: Template -> Fix $ value. Customize also available like EC2 running hours etc.
— 2 budgets for free allowed: make 1 $ one and other track Credit.

Create 1 user: Group name Admin with Administrator access

Create account alias

Login and change password

Password generator:

Here 24 length password used. Password manager is used for storing these passwords.

Create access key: select CLI

– download csv file

Open Github repo and launch Gitpod

VS code

Env variables
aws configure will not be used

For persisting the Env values:

all 3 to be done

check in gitpod:
commit -> Publish Branch

if new branch to make ( like the host who is making new branches for us to track) and then commit -> Publish Branch

Open again

it will install aws-cli in vscode

AWS budget using aws-cli


Create folder aws/json in vscode under parent crudder dir

copy both json file from aws budget example page and create under above:
budget.json and notificationswithsubscribers.json

edit amount etc. in json file.

Copy above and run in terminal

Billing Alarm

Use =

Check in SNS

create alarm-config.json and paste from github

update AlarmActions

Check CloudWatch

Commit the code now in gitpod.

AWS Cloud Security Best Practices






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