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The completion and outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and
support of my respected teacher and fellow classmates. I am extremely fortunate
to have received it all along the completion of my project work. I would like to
thank all those who supported and assisted me in completion of this assignment.
I would like to express my gratitude towards my respected teacher Dr. Navneet
Arora for giving me such an opportunity to expand my knowledge about
research design and its importance. The project really helped me increase my
knowledge and understand the topic better. I would like to thank her for her able
guidance and help in completion of this project.
I would also like to thank all those people who directly or indirectly helped me
and assisted me in completion of this project.
Thank you
Ujjwal Kaushik
Section B
Roll number 113
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Conducting research has always led to fruitful results for the society as a
whole, it is through research that any information can be gathered through
virtual means, for example, internet – anything available on the internet did
not just magically appear out of nowhere. It is the result of multiple research
and analysis made over a period of time by sociologists, researchers, scholars
However, doing a research is not just a simple process of collection of data and
analysing it. A good and complete research consists of several steps that result
in a better and revised outcome. For a proper research, we must devise a plan
to collect and evaluate data, tackle the challenges and reach a conclusion. A
detailed plan will give our research direction, sharpen our research methods,
and bring forth appropriate result. Once a research problem is formulated
clearly enough, the researcher has to think of pursuing it. He has to think about
the information that is needed, the way to gather it, and the manner in which
it is to be analysed and interpreted. This detailed plan is referred to as research
design. As the name suggests, it is the plan ‘designed’ by the researcher or
scholar before conducting the research to understand what steps ought to be
taken in future in furtherance of his/her research.
The concept of research design can be explained by an analogy of an architect
designing a building. In designing the building, the architect has to consider
each decision that is required to be made in constructing the building. Bearing
in mind the purpose of the building, what material is to be used, how many
rooms will it have and so on. He has to consider all the factors as he wants to
picture the whole structure before starting construction. This picture would
help him identify all the challenges that would be faced and strategies to
overcome them. Similarly, research design helps the researcher to increase its
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DESI Research design is a blueprint of a scientific study. It
includes research methodologies, tools, and
techniques to conduct the research. It helps to
GN identify and address the problem that may rise
during the process of research and analysis. Experts
define research design as the glue that holds the research project together. It
helps provide a structure and direction to the research, yielding favourable

A researcher usually chooses the research methodologies and techniques at

the start of the research. The document that contains information about the
technique, methods and essential details of a project is called a research
design. Broadly speaking, research design refers to the visualization of the
entire process of conducting research before its commencement. It is a
planned sequence of the entire process involved in conducting a research

Research design is the plan, structure and strategy of investigation conceived

to obtain answers to research questions. The plan includes everything the
investigator will do from formulating the research problem or the hypothesis
to the final analysis of the data and presenting his inferences.

Here are some principles of

a sound research design:
 Identifies the problems
 Reviews literature around
the problem statement
 Specifies hypothesis
 Describes sources of data
 Defines how data will be
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Research design can be grouped into four major stages i.e., the planning stage,
the design stage, the operational stage and the completion stage. Each of
these stages consist of several steps that a researcher follows to devise a well
laid plan for the research. A detailed account of these stages is as following:

1) Planning stage: this is the foremost stage of building a research design.

This stage consists of identification of research problem, formulation of
the research problem or hypothesis and determining its relationship
with existing literature or data. This the first stage where the researcher
identifies the problem and devises strategy to collect information about

2) Design stage: the second stage is called the design stage where the
researcher designs the experiment, calculate and measure a number of
variables, devises the research method and strategy for collection or
gathering of data. In this stage, the researcher designs the conduct of
experiment, identifies the suitable sample, and finalizes tools and
technique of data collection.

3) Operational stage: this stage, as the name suggests, deals with the
operation of research. It is that part of research design where the
devised plan is actually put to use. It consists of finances and budgeting,
editing and processing of data, etc.

4) Completion stage: the last stage consists of steps like analysis of data
and use of appropriate procedure for summarizing data and statistical
inference. This also includes interpretation of data in appropriate
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S OF A researcher must clearly understand the various
types to select which model to implement for a
study. Like research itself, the design of your
and qualitative.
analysis can be broadly classified into quantitative

 Qualitative research
It determines relationships between collected data and observations based on
mathematical calculations. Statistical methods can prove or disprove theories
related to a naturally existing phenomenon. Researchers rely on qualitative
research methods that conclude “why” a particular theory exists and “what”
respondents have to say about it.

 Quantitative research
It is for cases where statistical conclusions to collect actionable insights are
essential. Numbers provide a better perspective for making critical business
decisions. Quantitative research methods are necessary for the growth of any
organization. Insights drawn from complex numerical data and analysis prove
to be highly effective when making decisions about the business’s future. 1

Research design can be further divided into 5 different types based on

purpose, method of research and the interpretation of research:
1) Descriptive Research Design
2) Experimental Research Design
3) Correlational Research Design
4) Diagnostic Research Design
5) Explanatory Research Design

Research design, what it is, its element and types, available at: (visited on
march 31,2023)
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Descriptive research design: it is a sort of

IMPO quantitative research design where the author or

the researcher merely explains the case in depth.

RTA This type of research design is purely theoretical in

nature where the researcher collects the data,
analyses it and presents it. The researcher does not
NCE control any variable but merely observes and
measures them.
Example: how has the Mumbai estate market changed over past 10 years?
Experimental research design: experimental research is used in quantitative
research methodology where a scientific approach is utilized using two sets of
variables. One set act as a constant while the second shows variation in respect
to the first set. Experimental researcher collects data to assist you in making
better judgement.
Correlation research design: a correlation research design investigates
connection between variables. The researcher, without controlling or
manipulating any of the variable, tries to find the correlation between the
variables and to measure the magnitude and direction of link between them.
Example: increase in prices of petrol and increase in taxi fare.
Diagnostic research design: this type of research design is based on purpose of
the research. When research is based on finding the cause of a certain
condition or phenomena. It assists in learning the root cause of the research
problem and the analysis helps to solve the issue.
Example: recent price hike in petrol.
Explanatory research design: this being a qualitative research design explores
phenomena that have not been researched earlier or if there is a lack of proper
explanation. This type of research design is responsible for finding ‘why’ an
event occurred and what is the cause-effect relationship. Here, the researcher
obtains a broad notion and attempts to present modest bit of information
about the subject.
Example: case studies
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Research design is one of the most critical parts of conducting research. A

research design gives structure to the research and clarity to the researcher. It
is important to the research process in the following ways:

1. Research design provides the researcher with a blue print of the proposed
research - A researcher, like a building-constructor having a blueprint of the
proposed building, can easily foresee and overcome the possible obstacles if
he has some kind of research plan to execute. Preparation of research design
makes him pay attention to pertinent queries and take decision before
beginning his research.

2. Research design dictates boundaries of the research activity - Research

design outlines boundaries of the proposed research endeavour and enables
the researcher to channel his energies in a specific direction. Without
delineation of research boundaries and/or objectives, a researcher’s activities
may virtually be endless. The study-plan and structure enable the investigator
to reach closer to the proposed research.

3. Research design enables the researcher to anticipate potential problems in

the implementation of the study - As mentioned earlier, one of the processes
of research is review of literature.
Literature review, inter alia,
enables the researcher:
(I) to know about new or
alternate approaches to the
research problem,
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(II) to acquire information concerning what can reasonably be expected to

occur in his own investigation, and
(III) to have a critical review of the earlier work on the theme of his research
so that he can seek some guidelines for improvement.

4. Research design enables the researcher to estimate the cost of his

research, possible measurement of problems and optimal research assistance
- It enables the researcher to estimate the approximate time and financial
budget required to accomplish his proposed research.2

5. Research design reduces inaccuracy: research design is based on pre-

planning the research method, a good research design would calculate most of
the possible contingencies and therefore, would decreases chances of

6. Prevents wastage of time: research design helps the researcher understand

the case and helps him/her prepare the ‘action plan’ before operational stage.
Such a method prevents any unnecessary wastage of time and beating about
the bush.

7. Certainty and efficiency: an appropriate research design deals with possible

challenges and anomalies, it also brings certainty to the research, for example,
what is the issue, what previous literature is available, what research method
is to be used, sample size, data interpretation tools etc. this certainty increases
efficiency of the end interpretation.

Prof. Khushal Vibhute and Filipos Aynalem, Legal Research Methods (Justice and Legal System Research
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research design can be defined as the blueprint of any research study. It is
basically a ‘plan’ devised by the researcher before beginning the operation of
the research. Through this plan, the researcher has fixed certain steps that
he/she would follow for successful research. Research design consists of 4
stages which start the moment when the researcher identifies the research
problem and ends with the analysis and interpretation of the data.
there are 2 major types of research design i.e., quantitative, and qualitative.
They deal with numerical data and theoretical problems respectively. Research
design can further be divided into 5 types that are based on nature of research,
purpose of research and research method. These 5 types of research design
are: I) Descriptive Research Design II) Experimental Research Design III)
Correlational Research Design IV) diagnostic research design V) explanatory
research design.
Research design is one of the most critical parts of conducting research. It
helps the researcher to remain certain of his process and to avoid wastage of
time. It helps the scholar to form a blueprint of the process and to increase
efficiency. Research done after formation of research design is more accurate,
aids better data analysis and interpretation. Therefore, to conclude it would be
just to say that research design is a very important part of the research
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Y  Ahuja, R. (2014). Research methods. Rawat

 Bhat, A. (January 12, 2023). Research design: what it is, elements and
types. Questionpro. Retrieved March 31, 2023, from

 Emeritus (July 28, 2022). 5 types of research design – elements, needs

and characteristics. Emeritus. Retrieved March 30, 2023, from

 Leverage Edu (May 16, 2022). Research design. Leverageedu. Retrieved

March 28, 2023, from

 McCombes, S. (June 7, 2021). What is a research design, types, guide

ang examples. Scribbr. Retrieved March 30, 2023, from

 Myneni, S.R. (2018). Legal research methodology. Allahabad Law Agency

 Vibhute, K., Aynalem, F. (2009). Legal research methods. Justice and

Legal System Research Institute

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