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COMPSCI 3MI3 - Principles of Programming Languages

Types for references and memory

J. Carette

McMaster University

Fall 2023

Adapted from “Types and Programming Languages” by Benjamin C. Pierce

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About :=

The left-hand-side of := is a location of a memory cell.

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About :=

The left-hand-side of := is a location of a memory cell.

When these can be stored to multiple times (without allocation), called
mutable references.

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About :=

The left-hand-side of := is a location of a memory cell.

When these can be stored to multiple times (without allocation), called
mutable references.
In general, three operations:
Memory allocation, aka creating a reference.
A “store” operation, aka assignment.
A “retrieve” operation, aka dereferencing.
Depending on the programming language, some or all of these operations
may be implicit in the grammar.
Python hides allocation and retrieval, but storage is explicit.
C/C++ hides retrieval, with allocation and storage being explicit.
In ML, all three operations are explicit.
Haskell buries these very deeply in a library.

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⟨t⟩ ::= ... ⟨v ⟩ ::= λ x:⟨T ⟩.⟨t⟩

| ref t | unit
| !t | l
| t := t ⟨T ⟩ ::= ...
| l | Ref ⟨T ⟩
Types (to be refined):
Γ ⊢ t1 : T1
Γ ⊢ ref t1 : Ref T1

Γ ⊢ t1 : Ref T1
Γ ⊢!t1 : T1

Γ ⊢ t1 : Ref T1 Γ ⊢ t2 : T1
Γ ⊢ t1 := t2 : Unit

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A Sample Program

1 let x = ref 0 in
2 let y = ref 0 in
3 let z = ref 1 in
4 x := 2 ;
5 y := 3 ;
6 z := ! x + !y;
7 !z
9 >> 5

ref is like new in Java.

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1 let x = ref 5 in
2 let y = x in
3 x := 1 0 ;
4 !y
6 >> 10

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Sharing is not necessarily bad

Aliases cells as implicit communication channels:

1 let c = ref 0 in
2 l e t inc c = λx : U n i t . ( c := s u c c ( ! c ) ; ! c ) i n
3 l e t dec c = λx : U n i t . ( c := p r e d ( ! c ) ; ! c ) i n
4 inc c unit ;
5 inc c unit ;
6 dec c unit

The values of c are 1 then 2 then 1 again.

Shades of OO...

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Heap / Store

Heap array of (typed) values, ’memory store’ with ’locations’. Let L denote
some set of store locations. Use l to range over L.

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Heap / Store

Heap array of (typed) values, ’memory store’ with ’locations’. Let L denote
some set of store locations. Use l to range over L.

A memory store is then a (partial) function from L to values.

We will use µ to denote memory stores.
References will be called locations.
“memory store” wil be just store.

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Store passing style
Attach µ directly to terms:
t |µ
Evaluation might affect the store; change evaluation relation:

t | µ → t ′ | µ′

New evaluation rules:

(λx : T11 .t12 )v2 | µ → [x 7→ v2 ]t12 | µ (E-AppAbs)

t1 | µ → t1′ | µ′
t1 t2 | µ → t1′ t2 | µ′

t2 | µ → t2′ | µ′
t1 t2 | µ → t1 t2′ | µ′

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New evaluation rules for dereferencing.

µ(l) = v
!l | µ → v | µ

µ(l) = v
!l | µ → v | µ

t1 | µ → t1′ | µ′
!t1 | µ → !t1′ | µ′

Dereferencing a location: if we have a value for that location, return it.

Otherwise evaluate t1 (possibly with an effect)
Note: ! 5 is stuck.

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l := v2 | µ → unit | [l 7→ v2 ]µ (E-Assign)

t1 | µ → t1′ | µ′
t1 := t2 | µ → t1′ := t2 | µ′

t2 | µ → t2′ | µ′
v1 := t2 | µ → v1 := t2′ | µ′

[l 7→ v2 ]µ means “a store which maps l to v , with all other locations

mapping to the same things as in µ.”

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/ dom(µ)
ref v1 | µ → l | µ ⊕ l 7→ v1

t1 | µ → t1′ | µ′
ref t1 | µ → ref t1′ | µ′

E-RefV: we select a fresh location l not already used in µ.

Extend µ with the new mapping
The term ref v evaluates to this fresh location l.

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Typing the store

Skip entirely: a first “simple” approach that does not scale.

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Typing the store

Skip entirely: a first “simple” approach that does not scale.

Recall: type of a location is derivable at allocation from the type of the

instantiating value.

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Typing the store

Skip entirely: a first “simple” approach that does not scale.

Recall: type of a location is derivable at allocation from the type of the

instantiating value.

Create a typing store Σ in parallel with contexts Γ.

Σ(l) = T1
Γ | Σ ⊢ l : Ref T1

Γ starts off empty, and has typings added as the program is traversed.
Σ will be the same
Write empty Γ and emptr Σ as Ø.

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Typing Allocation

Σ(l) = T1
Γ | Σ ⊢ l : Ref T1

Γ | Σ ⊢ t1 : T1
Γ | Σ ⊢ ref t1 : Ref T1

Γ | Σ ⊢ t1 : Ref T11
Γ | Σ ⊢!t1 : T11

Γ | Σ ⊢ t1 : Ref T11 Γ | Σ ⊢ t2 : T11

Γ | Σ ⊢ t1 := t2 : Unit

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Typed Stores

A store µ is said to be well typed with respect to a typing context Γ and a
store typing Σ if:
dom(µ) = dom(Σ)
∀l ∈ dom(µ) | µ(l) : Σ(l)

We write this Γ | Σ ⊢ µ

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(Γ | Σ ⊢ t : T )
∧ (t | µ → t ′ | µ′ )
∧ (Γ | Σ ⊢ µ)
=⇒ (Γ | Σ ⊢ t ′ : T )

But stepping can change µ and thus also Σ.

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THEOREM: [Preservation]

(Γ | Σ ⊢ t : T )
∧ (t | µ → t ′ | µ′ )
∧ (Γ | Σ ⊢ µ)
=⇒ (∃Σ′ ⊇ Σ |
(Γ | Σ′ ⊢ t ′ : T )
∧ (Γ | Σ′ ⊢ µ′ )

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Technical lemmas

LEMMA: [Preservation Over Substitution]

(Γ, x : S | Σ ⊢ t : T ) ∧ (Γ | Σ ⊢ s : S) =⇒ (Γ | Σ ⊢ [x 7→ s]t : T ]) (1)

LEMMA: [Preservation Over Storage]

(Γ | Σ ⊢ µ) ∧ (Σ(l) = T ) ∧ (Γ | Σ ⊢ v : T ) =⇒ (Γ | Σ ⊢ [l 7→ v ]µ)) (2)

LEMMA: [Weakening Over Typing Stores]

(Γ | Σ ⊢ t : T ) ∧ (Σ′ ⊇ Σ) =⇒ (Γ | Σ′ ⊢ t : T ) (3)

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THEOREM: [Progress]
Suppose Ø | Σ ⊢ t : T for some T and Σ. Then either t is a value, or else,
for any store µ such that Ø | Σ ⊢ µ, there is some term t ′ and store µ′ such
that t | µ → t ′ | µ′ .

Proof Sketch
Induction on typing derivations.
The canonical forms lemma needs two additional cases, stating that all
values of type Ref T are locations, and similarly for Unit.

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