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Illusion: A fuel? A drug?

EDITORIAL Primer Poder AC – Board of Directors

ILLUSION compares to fuel since it stimulates an action, but at the same time, it
can destroy. To have an illusion is essential to pursue a goal with the dedication
and resilience that leads to success.

The addiction to illusion implies the evasion or isolation of Reality, which

generates false information that produces failures due to wrong decisions of
inaction or action. Information plays a fundamental role in our lives. Like a drug
of the imagination, illusion enslaves and creates discontent as it directs
decisions toward pleasure or entertainment, preventing us from creating
efficient responses for our existential welfare.

Discontent has two faces: a reasonable one, typical of those who analyze Reality,
and another, capricious, typical of children, slaves of illusion. The child does not
acknowledge existential values but pleasure.

Brave New World.

Brave New World, the famous work by British writer Aldous Huxley, narrates a
dystopia in which a large part of Humanity isolates itself from human contact by
immersing itself in an ocean of trivial information to evade Reality. In the 21st
century, we can live directly with what Huxley partially narrated in 1931 as a
nightmare of the future.

The autocratic educational model instructs without training people as thinking

and sensitive beings. Instruction imposes obedience, canceling free people's
natural status as owners of their effort by their means to achieve their destiny by
their own decision. Such is how they create robots, slaves, or anti-adults (adult-
children), individuals addicted to evading Reality by confining them between
theories and illusions.

In The Civilization and its Discontents (1929), Sigmund Freud indicates that
people less prepared to create their welfare by their own free will, are not
“Todos somos Gerentes de nuestras vidas”. Por Marisela Uzcategui Ricard
capable of acknowledging or defining their future (destiny). Thus, they hide their
discomfort (discontent) through materialism that serves to the immediate
satisfaction of their needs, pleasures, and entertainment. Future is only for those
who have capacities and the right to use them. We are talking about authentic
poverty (without economic differences), to which Jean-Jacques Rousseau
referred with his quote: "The poor love bread more than Freedom. "

In his book The Magic State, Fernando Coronil Imber affirms: “The State became
the illusion of representations; and in the representation of illusions. ” Then the
question is: Who are to blame for having chosen and given the power to the few
who manipulate us with illusions? In a Democracy, the majority vote of the
citizens decides the future of all, so the fault lies on those who vote to be
addicted to illusion and allergic to politics.

Autocrats need people who are allergic to reality and politics.

The inefficiency and even absence of personal and citizen training in the
majority of educational systems in the Free World has created a mass that has
become addicted to the allergic illusion of Reality, making the people ignore
that the Polis (in Greek = society, community, plurality, etc.) is what feeds and
protects us; being us directly responsible for the management of such a Polis,
since this is the one that nourishes and protects our destiny.

Rather than being concerned about an efficient and reliable future, illusions and
perceptions of the moment control the adult-child's vote. They prefer the State
to promote their pleasures and individual wealth, belittling investment in basic
needs services because their efficiency is not directly perceived by the majority,
even when everyone needs these services for existential quality.

El drama causado por la anti-política promueve la corrupción y el crimen en el

Estado y en Partidos Políticos, ya que ocupan los vacíos dejados por los
competentes y honestos. Es muy posible que vivas en una ilusión erosiva al creer
que ser anti-político es una virtud. Te has hecho la pregunta si tantos años
sintiendo odio por la política te ha dado soluciones o ¿acaso te ha traído más
descontento por darle más poder a los enemigos de tu bienestar?

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