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“Program: LB Chons) Cour We, Wendy: amd Roman Low Cours Code? GOO Agsignment on Roles Regarding etriahonol and Wémens Property Under Hindu Law Nowe! ee Roy Doy Td + 19208105093 Thhakes tL Scanned with CamScanner © Stridhona: The word stpi means women and lhe word dhana mons property. 6 vides. Tn 0 portievlar property a. women M- ~ey hove a tinted or am abstlote irkenest Achvlly He word cidhonom “means wom Loni preperty. shidhova belonging te 0 9" am, is a property of hich che is thu. abso- Alofe amnér. She may dispose of las propert y wsithout Ha consent af! her husband duning everhe and uithovt tu cmnsent of ony one during maidenhoed or widow! vod. Pages Scanned with CamScanner SHtridhona according “lo different schoals: mitakshoro says Thad lle form shidhona bears me -bechniaal meaning and thal the werd adya induces property thal a woman my oequre by mherttomen . prehosse, port ition , sézune or nding’ The fllorng descriptions of properly AN ey teen consti- tute har stridhana een panelsnores 1.aih4 “fom relocions mode ok ccny tive and gils hom ee ok befire the nuptial fire ond at tn bridal prowssi on. QZ. Pooerly gagyired Ly a Lomale duving. Pages? Scanned with CamScanner maidenhood ar widourhood though itbe aequir- -ed by gift from strangers or by Mecho- —nieal arts. 2A ih or ponerly made by the habod at the time of his second marnage: 4. Property purchased with clridhona a tha soving of The come of! slnidhenc. 5. Properly obtained by adverse powsesHon- 6. Whaler property dtained by eamprornise or property acquired from other sources ig slridhana 7. Pooperty inherited by We usthour ofa eeparated male hinds, who died without Pages 3 Scanned with CamScanner leaving any male iesue, moy by curtorybee- oma her stridhana. ott of echods benares, Madras , Bombay alo) ond cupport Hae drabion off strid shana given by wiitakshara: Bul Bombay schol peeagnisé clridhana e¢- except ullwre Je woman inheniling te property vis & ssideur, ma}len, qnachd—molbar or ony oar female , who entered Hu gota of! dee deceased by mariage. The mhila seheo| does not pocag MSE any norbeenical etridhana ond a oon fnes stridhona within Poges Scannec d with CamScanner the deGnodions of He Smriti writers . cm The etur and unter dayabhaga she- school - Al) gift reecived by a uroman rom er relations, af any home exept a ait of immovedle property mode by de hurband and that git foam etran- —gers mode before nuptich Are and ot fhe bridal procession consttte ber pny nooner Properly regarded os chidhanas 4. Yourtaka cif): This mae all dhe Pages 5 Scannec d with CamScanner gifts before the nuptiat fre or ak the ached aapemony, of morriagé: According. Jo Hu Caterta High court abt oifts mode during te combinvonet of te marr —iage azremony , Alu ceremonies begining wilh Spaddhe emt ending, with Haat of -prostratinng before He lutbond are Noutaka.- 2. Sulkeos “The brides -priea is known as gulka- Tt ts etrithona oceerding, to Vishnu ond Devola. 2. Adhyalochon kat ik eee BL ehal- rg Tages 6. Scanned with CamScanner given to the bride uhon cle io conveyed. from lor Lllurs to ber fidherin-lowr's houre - 4. Anvadhayaka: TH mucns pie eubsequert According ty Bhrigu-, gifts received by a csomen, atter lun marriage trom her asbond parents, on oflur relation 1s anvadheyaka 5 5. adiivedtonika: a yb he itt uaieh a lunbond i ~Fo make be bis wita on the another wife. occasion of marrying vets Property or gubsistenct, given im tie of morntenanee is eolled vet Poges 4. Scanned with CamScanner 7. Ormoments: All spnamunts , exeopt the emily ornament’ which any women of We emily 6 alloured to wear on porkev: lar occasions are dnidhana.. 3.10 hom shranger: Properties given a Hind femala by dmangers during maike hood, before rupliah five or af the bridal procession ore hur stridhona.: 9. Sardayika: Gils fom affectionate vinkeed or near relations are kno os ehidhomnas lo. Property arta by Pverse possession Pages 8 Scanned with CamScanner usido whood. doving maiden hood , eovertre Or becomus her dridhana- \2. Properly, pone eees with dridhona ond jhe savings of the income of the choidha- -na constitute aridhona - 1. Properly acquired by inheritance ; Thagh cecording 4 Dayabhaga, Banares, Mithila, ond Medros cho sueh property not drithana: But qeeording tv Bombay echas! property inherited by wh oa women from o-female becomes her gridhona - in all caves Bet qnoperty Poges 2. Scanned with CamScanner from inherit from a male expecting ulure tt is inherited by the deceased widow , mother. on other Female relations whe be entered his gana by marriage beeom dridhona - I4, Property drtained y partiien 16 ctridhana- Rights of women over Cnt dhanos Se Srithana implied obedure! ownership aA property for women - A woman \nad A\\ right over property . when sheeThere are cartain restpidhon 5 aoa on commen Pages1o Scanned with CamScanner on Hae disposal of such property After Marriage the eidhona .was clossified inte two leads Saudayaka ond Non- Sau ~dayokath Saudeyaka uromin hos comflde rights of alienation. on Hu ofbur hond P Im Non~ Sadoyako te refers 4. those gift over which Hee worm hos ne rights of alienation without fhe consent of her lnusband - DP we talk abut the vights of a warn oven chidhono.: i. During her maidenhood, o hind female can dispose of’ bur stridhan off eveny Pages 44 Scannec d with CamScanner ot her plasure- ti. Doning esverhyne, thal ts doving the ime of! Wer \abond she oon dispore af gith Goin relations except Trove ate by limbo . tt. Dering uadowhand , she ean dispose of mavedde property given by bur lhubond bot nob tnmove ble properly, Bul otter He enachunt of Windy Sueesssion Ach Jone, it have nepe clad oll He exiting roles regarding property ownership of uo -man. Section \¢ of this Ad make clear thet the wonuns property and Poger 412 Scanned with CamScanner ~~ _ their rights by thig Act tay hrove, absolute ond -exalusive right and owne- ~rship regarding ae inaluding stl —dthona. sGondusion : Flom He aneéirt Has ielE the womens right fo properly wos Very lrmited bot He husbands lave maxon pouer on alt Hu properties and even tn stridhena. ne conerpt of chidhoma was recognised in tind Loar Pom Ha eonlier times itsel?, Bol od teat time ay do at hove “it Poges 13 Scanned with CamScanner oumership over the property. Affer ae en- “achnent ofl Hinks Soeetsion Ast, 19567 arperlies belong to a Hindu: female i considered as om abselste property of her ond she hove i night over tf These Ack Ihave bought chongee te position of women pegarling properly - The word "Zhidhng "ond "doug ane riistalzenly trlemmebed in mony

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