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Assess Learning P to 2 Classrooms Log

Day of the WEEK Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:

CHILD with DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E) You
(choose 1 or 2 days Name the content area and state only may now add some personal
per week depending what you observed (hear and see) interpretation here.
on days in the field)

Child 1 I felt that the student wasn’t

1/31/24 Language Arts (Word matching really in the mood to complete
game) Student 1: the activity and rather than trying
to blend the sounds together the
The student often was guessing student just guessed the word
what the word was rather than based off the picture.
sounding out each individual
sound and blending them together
to say the word. The picture would
guess the word and match it to
the picture she thought was right
based on how both of them
looked. She was successful with
some such as cat that she
previously knew.

Child 1 2/2/24 This student often immediately

Math: Addition to 10 with tally uses the feedback provided to
marks her. The student applied the
feedback in the lesson and then
The student was able to count the was able to get all of the right
tally marks to complete an answers.
addition problem. The student
struggled to count the fifth one
that crossed the rest of them.
After giving feedback to the
student, the student was able to
count the fifth one and was able to
get all the problems correct.
Child 1 2/5/24 Language arts: Dotting and The student practices her heart
saying heart words: is words a lot during her choice
packet in the week and did a
The student was able to dot all of good job at completing the
the correct heart words on the worksheet.
worksheet. The student at times
was not saying the word aloud but
when reminded would correct it.
The student forgot to dot 1 word
but when told she wasn't finished
and double checked she found
them all. She did not mark any
incorrect words.

Child 1 2/7/24 Math (Roll and cover addition The student is very good at
game) Student l: counting which makes using
The student during the game did a objects to represent addition
good job of counting problems easier for this student.
each dice and adding the two
numbers she rolled together.
Student I struggled with getting
upset during the game but
was having a rough day in general
which may have
contributed. The student struggled
at times by miscounting
the number on the dice.

Child 1 2/12/24 Language Arts: Sight Words The student struggles with
Student 1: The student was super certain letters that are harder for
engaged in the lesson. The them to say. The letter c seemed
student opened the egg and to be harder for the student.
sounded out every word. The
student was able to say all 10 with
support. The letter the student
struggled with was the letter c the
student kept making the s sound.

Child 1 2/14/24
Math: adding using sweethearts The student is very good at
counting which makes using
Student 1:The student did well objects to represent addition
adding using sweethearts. The problems easier for this student.
student was able to count of the
number of sweethearts and was
able to use them to complete
addition problems. The student
was having a rough day and
seemed to arugue with some
students at the carpet. She felt
someone stole her sweetheart.

Child 1 2/19/24 The student didn’t have really

Math (Adding with a number line) any weaknesses during this
Student 1: The student was lesson because the student was
paying attention as the teacher paying attention the whole time
went over how to add using a and understood how to use a
number line and answered a number line to add.
question when asked of her. The
student also completed her
worksheet with 100% accuracy.
The student followed all directions
and was excellent at adding using
a number line.

Child 1 2/21/24 Language Arts CVC Short A: The student on this day was
The student was able to sound super engaged but at times
out each individual sound and couldn't match the word to the
then blend them to say the word. picture if the picture or word was
They were also able to match the unfamiliar.
word to the picture other than
words such as a dam where they
don't know what it looks like.

Child 1 2/26/24 LA- Read Aloud The student stated earlier that
they were super tired this day. All
During the read aloud, the student day the student seemed super
actively participated the whole sluggish.
time. The student did seem to
struggle with laying down. The
student kept laying down even
when the teacher kept telling her
to stop.

Child 1 2/28/24 Math- Adding flashcards This showed how beneficial the
manipulatives are for this
When completing flashcards the student.
student got the answers correct,
but the student struggled to
answer quickly. This is because
the student often needs a

Child 1 3/11/24 Math- Filling in spaces to count to The student on this day was very
20. talkative and struggled to stay
focused all day.
The student was able to fill in the
empty spaces. The student
seemed to be able to count to 20.
The student struggled to stay
focused during this activity and
kept talking to a friend.

Child 1 3/13/24 LA - 100th day of school opinion Most of the students in this
writing kindergarten class need support
with spelling, but this student
The student was able to come up specifically needs more support.
with their opinion on what they do
if they had 100 pieces of candy.
The student said they would share
with their friends and family. The
student needed support though
with spelling.

Child 1 3/18/24 Math- Adding using tiles The student benefits from
The student did well using the manipulative during lessons.
manipulative throughout the
lesson to help them add. Although
at times, the student would get
distracted by the manipulative
when corrected the student was
able to complete all 5 problems
with correct answers.

Child 1 3/19/24 Math- = + song The student doesn’t enjoy

This student does not enjoy singing.
singing and didn't sing along with
the song. The student does
understand the equal sign and
also the plus sign though. The
student did complete hand
motions throughout.

Child 1 3/20/24 LA- Heart word is The student is very good with
their heart words and practices
The student when reviewing the them a lot at home but when
heart words seemed to very much introduced to is the student
struggle with the heart word is. struggles a lot.
The student kept saying it as it
looks but it should be pronounced
iz. The rest of their words such as
has, and , of etc.. the student did
well with.
Child 1 3/25/24 Math- 3D shape song The student isn’t interested in
The student doesn’t participate singing along with songs.
often with the song activities. The
student was lying on the carpet.
The student was able to list the 5
types of 3D shapes though.

Child 2 This was a good day

1/31/24 Language Arts (Word matching behaviorally for student 2. The
game) Student 2: student wanted to help others
and showed she understood the
Student 2 did very well in this concept.
activity. The student was able to
sound out each individual sound
and blend them together to say
the word. The student was
focused during the whole activity.
The student was able to match
each word to the correct picture
and even helped some of her
classmates who were struggling.

Child 2 2/2/24 On this day the student was

Math: Addition to 10 with tally having a bad behavior day and
marks didn’t want to participate, and
also didn’t show knowledge of
The student refused to complete the concept.
the worksheet that day even with
a lot of support from the teacher.
The student only completed one
problem. The student was able to
count the tally marks but failed to
count the fifth one that crosses
the rest. When told to count that
one as well and that it just shows
there are five the student did not
Child 2 2/5/24 The student at time skips
Math: adding using sweethearts numbers when counting but
when she counts with others she
Student 2 The student struggled does better.
to stay focused throughout the
lesson. The student took her
socks and shoes off and kept
laying down on the carpet. When
the student particIPated and used
the sweethearts to represent
addition she did well. At times she
would miss count but when
provided guidance and counting
the number of sweethearts out
loud she seemed to do well.

Child 2 2/7/24 Math (Roll and cover addition Manipulatives aren’t very helpful
game) Student 2: but rather serve as a distraction.
The student mostly struggled with
with activity. Although
the manipulative of a dice was
supposed to be helpful in her
case it was a distraction. The
student only answered two
problems from the dice game and
got both of them correct.
If she had stayed focused and
stopped playing with the dice
I feel she would have successfully
completed this activity,

Child 2 2/12/24 Language Arts: Sight Words The student is able to blend
sounds together to say words,
The student struggled to stay but did not want to participate.
focused throughout the lesson.
Rather than saying the individual
sounds and blending the word
together the student would just
guess the word based off the
picture. For example when the
word is cap the student would say
hat. The students strengths
included that when saying each
individual sound and blending it
together the student was able to
say the words but the student only
did this twice.

Child 2 2/14/24 Language arts: Dotting and The student doesn’t do well with
saying heart words: is coloring because the student
colors everywhere rather than
The student would not say the what they are supposed to do.
words aloud as she was dotting
them. Rather than looking for the
word the student was just dotting
random words. When corrected
she started to sav is as she was
dotting them but still was not only
dotting the word is.

Child 2 2/19/24 The student was having a bad

Math (Adding with a number line) day and was crying all
Student 2: The student wasn’t throughout the day.
paying attention during the
instruction time and often was
messing with her desk. The
student did answer a question
when asked of her. She did not
complete her worksheet and the
few she did answer she needed a
lot of support to answer them

Child 2 2/21/24 Language Arts CVC Short A: On this day, there were more
The students' strength was different words so the student
sounding out each word. The had more trouble blending these
student struggled to blend the words.
sounds together to say a word.
When the student started the
struggle the student just guessed
and gave up.
Child 2 2/26/24 LA- Read aloud During this day the student did
Student 2 kept moving from their not want to listen to a story
dot spot and kept losing points for which was different then normal.
blurt bingo by talking. The student The student was upset at a
was not engaged. The student did friend during this time which may
listen when told not to mess have caused these behaviors.
around and to listen to the story.

Child 2 2/28/24 LA -Long/short vowel song The student does well with
songs because they are easy for
When listening to their long/ short her to remember and the student
vowel song they listen to every enjoys singing.
morning, student 2 was very
engaged. Student 2 was singing
the words and seemed to be
knowledged about long and short
vowels and the different sounds
they make.

Child 2 3/11/24 Math- Filling in spaces to count to The student came into school
20. this morning crying and was very
unfocused all day.
The student did not complete the
whole worksheet. The student
wasn’t very focused throughout
the lesson. The student was able
to fill in the blanks while counting
to 20 but needed support to stay
focused. Even with support the
student still never finished the

Child 2 3/13/24 LA- Read aloud The student does the best with
staying engaged during
Student 2 during the read aloud read-alouds but by the end of
was able to identify what the the book the students start to
leprechauns were doing. The lose focus until corrected.
student then was able to answer
other questions involving things
the leprechauns were doing. The
student struggled paying attention
at the end of the story but when
corrected the student changed
their behavior.
Child 2 3/18/24 Math- Adding using tiles The student often uses
manipulatives in the wrong way
The student was very distracted and drawing or counting objects
by the tiles. Although they were on a worksheet seems to work
used to help the student, they better for the student.
seemed to be more of a
distraction than anything. Once
the student was told to count the
objects together the student did
well with adding.

Child 2 3/19/24 Math -Counting to 100 The student easily gets upset
and frustrated by things so
The student did a good job at rather than finding their place
counting to 100 and following again the student gave up which
along. The student participated is common.
the whole time. The only struggle
was when the student lost their
place they got upset.

Child 2 3/20/24 LA - interactive read aloud You could tell the student was
struggling to sit still at the end of
Student 2 listened to the whole the book. The TC gave the
book and raised their hand to student a fidget which helped.
answer questions. Towards the
end the student struggled to pay
attention and got more fidgety.

Child 2 3/25/24 Math- 3D shape song The student does very well with
songs. This keeps the student
The student was introduced to 3D engaged while also teaching the
shapes through the 3D song. The content.
student was able to sing along
and was super engaged. The
student was also able to find a
sphere in the room which was a

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