Edpm Form 2-Assessment 1

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Questions 1 to 5 - Shortcut and function keys

Questions 6 to 10 - Give the type of heading that best describes the statement.
Questions 11 to 19 - Spell out the abbreviations correctly for each sentence.
Questions 20 to 30 - Manuscript

1. State the meaning of the following key combination: Alt + F4

Your answer

2. What does the function key F9 represents?

Your answer

3. State the meaning of the following key combination: Ctrl + 2

Your answer

4. State the meaning of the following key combination: Ctrl + V

Your answer

5. State the meaning of the following key combination: Ctrl + Y

Your answer

6. What type of heading is used in displayed work such as programs and plays?

Your answer

7. What type of heading is used to indicate the general subject matter of the entire document?

Your answer

8. What type of heading is used to indicate the specific idea of a paragraph?

Your answer

9. What type of heading is used to indicate the specific subject matter of the document?

Your answer

10. What type of heading is used to indicate the main idea of a section of a document?

Your answer

11. Mr. Pierre has been re-assigned to the Sales Dept.

Your answer

12. Prepare two cups of coffee, one w cream and sugar and one w/o.

Your answer

13. We are acquiring the bldg. behind the mkt.

Your answer

14. Valuable info will be shared at today's staff mtg. So please be sure to attend.

Your answer

15. Please check Mrs. Dawes' a/c. She is claiming th there is an err.

Your answer

16. If you do not use the recipient's name in the salutation, use yrs ffly in the complimentary
close of your letter.

Your answer

17. You should chk the tel directory to find the contact no and st address.

Your answer

18. Time mgmt. is an essential skill for office professionals.

Your answer

19. It is nec'y to indent each para when typing a letter in the traditional format.
Your answer

20. Last yr we achieved most of your goals.

Your answer

21. u.c. indicates to the Typist to :

a) change the character to capital letter
b) change to bold
c) change the word into capitals
d) change the character to a small letter
22. stet means that the Typist would
a) change the order of the words
b) highlight the word underlined
c) change the word to capitals
d) keep the word with the dotted line below
23. NP or // or [ tells the typist to:
a) Make a new sentence
b) Make a new paragraph
c) Make a new point
d) Not make a new paragraph

24. "run on" means the Clerk Typist should:

a) underline the word
b) make a new paragraph
c) start a new sentence
d) take a new page
25. l.c. would tell a Clerk Typist to:
a) change to bold
b) change the character to a small letter
c) change the word to capitals
d) change the character to a capital letter
26. "in full" instructs the Secretary to
a) type the full word in Italics
b) type the full word in bold
c) type the full word in capitals
d) type the whole word not the abbreviation
27. 'trs' instructs the Secretary to:
a) type in treble line spacing
b) change the order of the words
c) type real slow
d) take regular breaks
28. 'close up' is an indication to the Admin Assistant to:
a) delete paragraphs
b) delete words
c) delete space
d) delete sentences
29. An instruction to show how to spell a word would be shown:
a) as a dotted box with the word to spell
b) as the word underlined
c) as the word in bold
d) as a speech bubble with the word inside
30. The hash sign # means the Admin Assistant will:
a) insert a word
b) insert a number
c) insert a space
d) insert a line


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