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Protocol Training

By: Michael Berrospi

- Compliance Supervisor
What are we
expect to do or
how are we
expected to
perform as
● Interpretation rules:
● Don’t add or omit anything to ● Speak loud and clear.
the message, nor paraphrase. ● Display professionalism.
● Don’t change or alter the meaning. ● Do not do any conversions (Ex.
● Take BRIEF notes. currency, Metric to imperial system etc.)
● Use the formal form of ● If you don’t know, check with client.
“You” when addressing ● Remember the language you heard
someone in native language. the statement in.
● Avoid strange noises (sneeze, yawning,
● Remember the gender of speaker.
pets, background noise, etc.)
● Follow the story.
● Avoid using double version of
● Don’t engage into side conversation.
the same statement.
● Take no more than 3 sec. Before interpreting.
● Keep the same level of speech.
● No mixing languages. Use either 100%
● Interpret all connectors such as: sure,
the target language or 100% English.
well, you know, let’s see, I guess,
● Concentrate 100%.
★ Professional code of conduct for interpreters
and translators.

● Accuracy; thoroughly and faithfully render the source language, omitting and adding nothing,
keeping the tone and spirit of the source message.
● Cultural sensitivity; be culturally competent, sensitive, and respectful.
● Confidentiality; must not divulge any information obtained through assignments.
● Disclosure; will not publicly discuss, report, or offer opinion concerning matters in which the may
have been involved.
● Proficiency; must meet minimum proficiency standard.
● Compensation; do not accept any additional money, considerations, or favors directly from
provider and LEP clients.
● Non-discrimination; against anyone regardless anything (sex, sex orientation, gender, age, country
of origin, color of skin, education, purchase power, political and religious believes, etc.).

● Self-evaluation; must accurately and completely represent their certifications, training and
● Impartially-conflict of interests; must disclose any real or perceived conflict of interests which
would affect objectivity.
● Professional demeanor; punctual, prepared and proper.
● Scope of practice; must not counsel, refer, give advice, express personal opinions or contact client
without supervision.
● Reporting obstacles to practice; assess your ability to interpret and disqualify yourself if needed.
● Ethical violations; immediately withdraw from any encounter that may violate the code of
professional conduct.
● Professional development; develop your skills and knowledge through training, continuing
education, and interaction with colleagues.
● Professionalism & customer service; if agreed to take on an assignment then do.
What to do and common
mistakes by the agents...
With Opening and closing session
Common Mistakes
Opening script *Do not use the same greeting for all clients

*Do not forget to refresh to verify if there is a

phone number showing
To the English-speaking rep:
“This is your (Language) interpreter (Name) ID (#), … *Do not ask to “call back” when transfer or
dial are needed.
a) All calls have a standard opening:
i) ...Is your client present?”

b) If it’s a dial-out client:

i) and the phone number does not show on the portal:
...Is your client present or do you need assistance with a dial out?”
ii) and the number does show on the portal:
...Will this call require a dial out to (phone number)?”
* There are 4 types of
c) If it’s a 911 or emergency call you use the short introduction: introductions and you
i) ...How can I help you?” have to check your portal
to differentiate which you
need to use.

*Remember to press F5 to
refresh the portal in order
to update the information
on the portal quickly upon
answering the call.
Pre-session script Common Mistakes
*Do not omit the pre-session without client’s ex

*Remember to ALWAYS inform client of any i

Once the LEP is on the line:

To the client:

“I will proceed to greet your client and explain that I will be interpreting
everything that is said, that all the information discussed will be kept
confidential, and to guarantee quality, they will need to speak in complete, but
short phrases.”

To the LEP (in native language): NOTES:

"Good morning! This is your (language) interpreter, my name is (name) I will *Keep in mind the pre-ssesion
be interpreting everything that is said. All information discussed will be kept can be omitted only at client’s
confidential, but in order to guarantee quality, I would like to ask you to please request
speak in complete thoughts and short phrases.”
*If the operator connects the
call before you inform the
client of it, just introduce
yourself to the LEP and ask for
a moment to let client know of
the pre- session and provide it
to LEP
Closing statement
Common Mistakes
*Do not omit the closure. There is no issue if the cl
● To the client:
*Remember to read it verbatim
"Thank you for calling, this is your (language) interpreter (name) (ID), signing
off” *Ask if they need anything else before you provide t

 Keep in mind omitting it
is not accepted at your
own will.
Remember that Opening, Pre-ssesion,
and Closing statements must be
Dial outs and other special cases
NOTE: There is no need to provide long introduction or pre-session to Operators. A
simple “Hello” and await instructions.
Common Mistakes
Interpreter with Dial *Follow the appropriate steps for the dial outs system in

outs activated *Do not forget pre-session for dial outs

● In case the client (who is approved for dial outs) requests an outbound call just *Do not try to type the code on the 3rd party dial out ar
verify the phone number with your opening (“This is your (Language)
*Forget to verify the phone before dialing
interpreter, (Name) ID (#), Will this call require a dial out to (phone number)?” and
then obtain the required information for dial outs before you proceed to dial. *Only one dial out can be done at a time

● In case the number to dial was not added beforehand by the client (who is
approved for dial outs), verify it before you proceed with the required
information and dial out.

To the client:
-“May I have the phone number of the person you wish to call?”
Once you get it, verify
-“I would like to verify the number, is it (111) 222-3333?”

**If you have doubts with a long number, then ask to check if it is a phone from
out of the United States area, which needs to be dialed by an operator; or if there NOTES:
is a meeting code or extension added, since that needs to be dialed separately *Keep in mind that numbers from
after the call takes place on the skype for business pad.** outside of the U.S. will need to be
dialed by an operator
Interpreter without Common Mistakes
*Do not tell the client your system does not work/ y

Dial out function *Offer to wait in case the client wishes to dial thems
● In case the client requests an outbound call WITHOUT the operator on the *Do not forget pre-session for dial outs
line and the interpreter does not have the dial out function active.

To the client:
“I do apologize but I can’t make outbound calls since I do not have that function
enabled, but I can transfer you to our customer service representatives and they can
dial the number and connect you to the interpreter at the same time if you wish”

Remember that you can also offer them to stay on the line if they wish to dial the
number themselves and merge the calls. This can be used when the client
doesn’t have dial outs active or doesn’t want to be transferred.

● In case the client requests an outbound call WITH the operator on the line,
request the required information for dial outs while the operator dials.
*Keep in mind that the
interpreter may explain
that not all agents have
the dial out function active
if they claim that they
have used it before.
Required information for dial Common Mistakes
*Do not omit or wait until after the call has gone to v

outs: *Offer to leave a voicemail.

*Do not forget to use the information provided on th

To the client:

-"How would you like to be introduced when they answer?” (How the
client wants to be referred as)

-"Who are we calling?" (Name of the LEP)

-"Would you like to leave a voice mail in case no one answers?" if so

"What is the message?" (Any message they wish to leave in the
voicemail as well as callback number)
*If the operator is dialing out, try
to get at least the first two
questions of the pressesion while
they dial out.
That way you can introduce the
client correctly in case the LES
answers quickly.
911 calls Common Mistakes
*Do not give full introduction with pre-session.
You can either get a live agents (operator) that will advise as usual, prior to *Keep calm during the call.
forwarding the call or the IVR calls will give you an alert.
*It is not necessary to request permission from clien
● In case the alert of 4 tones followed by: “This is a 911 call, interpreter
please introduce yourself”, then introduce yourself directly and quickly.

To the client:
"This is your (language) interpreter (name) (ID), how can I help you?”

● In case the operator is on the line, then he/she will introduce you. The
interpreter must begin with the interpretation as soon as the call begins.
*Keep in mind that hold
protocol and interventions do
not apply to this type of calls.
The interpreter has to wait until
the representatives says it is no
longer needed. The interpreter
may interrupt the LES politely
to obtain the requested
Court calls Common Mistakes
*Keep calm during the call
There are calls where the attorney, officer, or judge requires a “certified interpreter” this
is how the interpreter must answer. *Do not request client to call back to get a court cer
● In case you are not qualified to interpret a certain call, you have to brief our
client and politely ask if they agree to be transferred for a new interpreter. *Remember to offer to transfer
To the client:
"I truly apologize, Sir / Ma’am / your honor , but I am not court qualified. If
you agree I can transfer you over so that one of our customer service
representatives assists you in getting a qualified interpreter on the line.”
Provide closing statement and transfer once they agree.
* Send a report of the issue to the supervisor once you end the call*

● In case you are a court-qualified interpreter and the client asks:

To the client:
"I truly apologize, Sir / Ma’am / your honor , but I am not a court-certified NOTES:
interpreter. I have been trained to interpret legal calls / I have been qualified *Keep in mind that if the interpreter
has court qualifications by the
by my company to do so / I have been interpreting legal scenarios for amount company the client is the only one
of time . However , I do not hold any court certifications per se as interpreter.” to decide if you are not qualified
Then let the judge or officer decide if you will suffice to serve on the call. enough.

*All interventions have to be done

in third person (“The
interpreter…”) and through the
person in charge (ex. Judge)
Remember that we do not disconnect from the line in
case of different language or not being able to dial out.
Just TRANSFER the client to an operator.
* If the dial out takes a while to process do not press the button over and over again. Just c

*Try to transfer to agent if you are not able to process the dial out.
“I apologize for the inconvenience.
I will disconnect from the line for
you to get further assistance, the
ERROR with DIAL OUT system will announce that the
interpreter has disconnected, and
shortly after you should hear a
prompt asking to press “0” for an
In case the "dial out" and "transfer to agent" options
operator and you will be connected
are not available or are not working, the interpreter
back to our agent who will gladly
should avoid asking the client to call back. Instead,
politely ask the client to stay on the line and inform assist you further”
that the interpreter will disconnect. After the
Once they understand provide
interpreter disconnects, the client will hear a
closing statement and release the
recording confirming the interpreter has disconnected
call. The system will do the rest.
and the system will ask to press “zero” for an
If the dial out was initiated by an operator and the client wants
another dial out after you leave a voicemail, you are able to do
so. If the client needs a second dial out (or more), you can
release the line (by pressing the red hang up button on the
portal) and proceeding to dial/transfer.
*The main rules of interventions is to ALWAYS
use “This is your interpreter…” before your
intervention, and to inform the client of any
interaction you have with the LEP (Before the
interaction when it’s a long statement and after
if it is a short one)
Repetitions and clarifications Common Mistakes
*Do not forget to identify yourself as the interpr
All interventions where you ask something from the LEP, require
permission from your client before you proceed. *Keep transparency by letting the client know w

● In case you need to request a repetition.

From the client:
“This is your interpreter, Could you repeat that last st atement, please?

● In case you need repetition or clarification.

From the LEP:

“This is your interpreter, may I ask you caller for a repetition, please? NOTES:
To the LEP: *Keep in mind that only
“This is your interpreter, did you mean ? / could you repeat that interventions of 3-4 words
are allowed to take place if
last statement, please (specify what part you are missing) ” the client has not
approved yet. Longer
interventions need
**If you just wish to verify since you are not sure what you heard, the say it’s for accuracy purposes. permission before you
Do not lie to the client saying you had background noise or that it was cutting. proceed. This rule
applies to all interventions

*Keep the client informed

to keep the transparency.
Too much information or conversation / Common Mistakes
*Do not forget to identify yourself as the interpreter
opinion is requested *Keep transparency by letting the client know what

Remember the interpreter has to inform the client about any interventions *Do not ask the client to repeat the whole message in
with the LEP.

● In case they give you too much information.

To the“This is your interpreter; for accuracy purposes, I’m only able to manage
limited amount of information, may I interpret the information given so
**If it was the LEP who spoke too much, then let the client know before rendition**

● In case you are requested opinion or to engage in conversation.

To the client/LEP:
“This is your interpreter, due to company policies / the interpreter’s code
of conduct, I may not express personal opinion on this subject / engage in
personal conversation NOTES:
**If it was LEP who requested opinion or to engage in conversation, let the client *Keep in mind that only
know** interventions with the LEP
have to be reported to the
client, not needed when it is
Common Mistakes
When they don’t understand something *Do not intervene and paraphrase by yourself.

or are not coming clear *Keep transparency by letting the client know w

Remember the interpreter has to inform the client about any interventions *Don’t ask the client to repeat the whole messag
with the LEP.

● When LEP doesn’t understand:

To the client:
“This is your interpreter, It looks like your client doesn’t understand
clearly what’s being stated, Would you like me to explain it in simpler
terms or break it down for them?”
(Clarify the info. Before you do explain yourself)

● When client doesn’t understand:

To the client: NOTES:
“This is your interpreter, your client doesn’t seem to clearly express their *Verify for permission and
concern or point. May I confirm with him what he is trying to say?” comprehension of the message
before you explain yourself any
● When client / LEP was speaking but not coming clear (Cutting audio, information.
background noise, static, echo, noise, etc.)
To the client/LEP: *If the background noise persists,
“This is your interpreter, could you please repeat that? The call is you may ask for permission from
breaking up/ there is static on the line/ there is background noise, etc.” the client to request the LEP to
move to a quiet location, etc.
When they ask not to interpret something Common Mistakes
*Interpret everything stated on the line. (Rephr
or speak over the interpreter *Do not remain silent and let them go on
Remember the interpreter has to inform the client about any interventions with
the LEP.

● When LEP asks that you don not interpret something:

To the client/LEP: talking assistance
without theinterpreter’s
“This is your interpreter, due to the interpretation code of conduct, I will
have to interpret everything stated on line”
**Let the client know what happened before you render the message in case it *Mishandle the call causing overlap and confus
was the LEP.**

● When client/LEP understands and talks over / ignore the interpreter:

1. If it doesn't stop - To the client:
“This is your interpreter, to preserve efficiency of the communication and
assure the accuracy and completeness of the interpretation, may I ask your
client to please allow me to interpret your statements before he/she replies?”
2. If it continues happening - To the client: NOTES:
“This is your interpreter, it seems that your client does understand your *Remember the code of conduct
statements / is fluent in English. Would you like me to confirm with your
client whether my services will be further needed?” *Be proactive with the service
and continue interpreting at all
When the client is no longer on the
Hold Protocol Common Mistakes
*Holding for more or less time
When the client states the time we must wait THAT amount of time. If *Telling the client that you can ONLY hold for
no amount of time was stated we follow the standard 10 min. HOLD
*Not following the protocol and just disconnect
● In case the client hasn’t returned after the hold period ends:
To the client:
“This is your interpreter, Do I have (name of representative) on the line?”

***Repeat if no answer after 3 sec. If there is no answer after an additional 3 seconds

To the client:
“ I would like to advise, that in order to avoid overbilling and due to a long
hold, at this moment I will have to disconnect from the line. I will now brief NOTES:
your client and proceed to disconnect” *Remember to keep track
To the LEP: of the time
“ This is your interpreter, I will have to disconnect from the line, please
continue holding and they will get you a new interpreter” *Use the mute button to
avoid weird noises on
**Proceed with closing statement** the line
Dropped calls Common Mistakes
*Holding for more or less time
● In case you cannot hear the client on the call but only the LEP: *Telling the client that to just call back without
To the LEP:
“This is your interpreter, I just want to verify if we have the representative on *Not following the protocol and just disconnec
the line. One moment.”
To the client:
“This is your interpreter, do we have (name rep) on the line? At this moment
we are not able to hear you.”
To the“This is your interpreter, at this moment I cannot hear the representative on
the line, let’s give him / her a couple of minutes in case they are experiencing
audio issues”.
***If no answer after 1-2 minutes then…***
To the client:
“This is your interpreter, as there is no response, I’ll instruct your client of a NOTES:
possible disconnection and request that they call back” *Remember to keep track
To the LEP: of the time
“This is your interpreter, apparently the representative is no longer on the line
with us. I will strongly suggest that you call back and they will get you another *Use the mute button to
interpreter. Sorry for the inconvenience”. avoid weird noises on the
**Proceed with closing statement**
When the LEP speaks a different
Interpreter Different language LES

In case the LEP you have on the line speaks a “This is your (language) Interpreter, I
different language than the one you interpret, then apologize for the inconvenience, but
notify the client about the issue: it looks like the person on the line
doesn’t speak (language), but (a
● Let them know what language you speak; to different language / language of the
LEP). May I transfer you to an
avoid getting the wrong language again. operator in order to get the correct
● Inform what language the LEP speaks in language interpreter?”
case you recognize it.
● And offer to transfer in order to get the Once they approve, transfer them over
correct language interpreter. after the closing statement.
Let’s review Dial outs and the different
This is what the portal shows if the
interpreter has the feature to dial out enabled
and the client has the service option enabled
as well

Interpreter Client

A) In case the interpreter can dial out and the a) If a phone number for the dial-out is not
client profile has dial outs activated, the visible in the portal:
number to dial out can be entered by the
client before joining the interpreter (it “This is your (language) interpreter (name)
shows on the third party area from the Id (#). Is your client present?”
beginning of the call) or it can be entered
b) If a phone number for the dial out is
on the third party area below.
visible in the portal:

“This is your (language) interpreter (name)

Id (#). Is your client present or do you
NOTE: Remember that any code for meeting or need a dial out?”
extension has to be dialed on the Skype dial pad,
not on the portal.
This is what the portal shows if the
interpreter has the feature to dial out enabled
option enabled

Interpreter Client

B) In case the client’s profile does not have dial “This is your (language) interpreter (Name)
outs active, politely advise them that the Id (#). Is your client present?”
profile does not have that function enabled
and to contact their own manager in order to If the answer is no and they ask for a dial out even
request the company to get it activated. Make
when their profile do not show it active:
sure to offer to stay in case they want to do the
dial out themselves.
“This is your interpreter, I apologize for the
inconvenience, but at this time our system is
showing you are not authorized to get a third
NOTE: Make sure to report to your supervisor if a
party call. I can assist you if you wish to dial
client without authorization to dial out asks for yourself and merge the calls. How would
one. you like to proceed?”

Interpreter Client

C) In case the client’s profile has dial outs

enabled but the interpreter does not have “This is your (language) interpreter,
the feature enabled, then offer the client to (Name) Id (#). Is your client present or do
transfer them to an operator in order to get you need assistance with dial out?”
the dial out.
If the client asks for a dial out in this

NOTES: “I apologize for the inconvenience, but I

*If the client complains that an do not have that function enabled, may I
interpreter before was able to dial for transfer you to an operator in order to get
him/her, just explain that not all that dial out?”
interpreters have the feature enabled
and offer to stay in case they wish to
dial themselves and merge you in. If Once they approve, transfer them over after the
not, you can just ask if you can transfer closing statement.
them over to get the operator’s
Interpreters with dial-outs enabled should refresh the
portal using F5 to update the call info and see if there's
a dial out number whenever they answer a call.

Study vocabulary at least to be aware of how the spelling is and how it

sounds. Make sure you are able to understand and convey the unusual
terminology we may get on calls. You can develop your own glossaries
to study or use as tools.

● Medical: Bowel movements, seizure, nape, groin,

gallbladder, EKG, EEG, PCP, COPD.
● Financial: Tax return, W2, exhibit, VIN, IRS, pay stubs.
Legal: Attorney, parole, probation, prosecutor, L&I (lni), oath.

Handling your call

● Keep your role through the call; you may take the liberty to provide a statement that can cause you to stray away
from conduit role, just pay attention to the tone and actions you take and go back to your role once clarifications
have been made (includes interpreting what they state even if they are repetitive or if there is no relation between the
answer given and the question asked).

● Handle irate clients; avoid antagonizing any party or becoming defensive. Don’t take it personal or get frustrated.
They are not angry, upset or mad at you, they are angry at eachother.

● Mediate cultural problems; there is thin line between being a cultural broker and taking over the call. Get the
authorization to explain before you do so.

*Any issue with calls must be reported immediately to the supervisor*

Develop basic skills and
keeping quality
● Retention / Note taking
● Create a technique fit for you
● Use an upbeat tone of voice
● Good voice projection
● Go the extra mile to help without taking over the call. Do
not make decisions by yourself on the call.

Make sure you:

★ Have a silent environment
★ Don’t use Wi-Fi connection
★ Have good quality equipment
★ Have your tools available and working

Info. of the interpreter Intro


Summarized info of the calls to remember

Example of note taking for a call

Time frame to wait once in

hold 49
Homeland Language Services

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