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= rz \ue PAR REHAB SERVICES PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION Patient Name: Joshua Toyer Date of Birth: November 12, 2002 Date of Evaluation: June 24, 2022 Date of Feedback: July 29, 2022 PRESENTING SYMPTOMS neetal sbilty [Dipola/Mood disorder (Gedinglating disorder ‘Communication disorder BDepressve disorder [seepvake disorder |Gtism spectrum disorder BAnxietyPhobiayPaic disorder CiSexua dysfnction disorder DAtentiondetcivtyperactvity — QObsessive-compulive disorder CODEICD Impulse contol disorder Specific leaning disorder Trauma SwessiAdjusinent disorder Substance abussaddstive onder (ierMotor disorder [Dissociative disorder [BNeurocogitve disorder Memory [DschizophreniaPsychotc disorder CSomatic/Conversion disorder [BPersonality disorder BRIEF HISTORY Joshua Toyer is a 19-year-old male referred by Dr. Joe! Mller, MD, fora psychological evaluation to assess his present cognitive and emotional functioning level. Specifically, Mr. Toyer expresses concerns about ongoing ‘and historical difficulties with depression. Concurrently, Mr. Toyer report difficulties with social isolation after college went into summer break, fears of not accomplishing enough, iritablity, overhinking crying spell, guilty feelings associated with being a burden, and having fears fo the future. The present evaluation was requested to assis with diagnosis and treatment planning Joshua Toyer resides in Spring Arbor, MI with his mother, father, and five younger siblings. Mr. Toyer i currently unmarried and has no children. He reports attending Cedatville University in Ohio and he completed his freshman year this spring. He has no known history of learning disabilities. Mr. Tayer is currently employed through Pizza Hut in his hometown and has worked there on and off fortwo years. In school he works in the cafeteria. Past medical history is significant for depression, surgical history is unremarkable, and medication includes Celexa (20mg). There is no reported history of head injuries, seizures, or stokes. Ther is no reported ame: Joshua Toyer ‘DOB: November 12,2002 Page ol {amily medical history. Mr. Toyer reports having suicidal ideations without a plan to earry them out. When he is upset, Mr. Toyer wil punch walls and identifies this a a form of self-harm. There is no reported history of hallucinations or delusions. Mr. Tayer expresses concerns about having sleep disturbances with difficulty staying asleep or getting to sleep due to overthinking. Mr. Toyer denies the use of any substances. Mr. Toyer's records are deferred to or additional information regarding his current list of medication and prior medical history BEHAVIORAL OBSERVATIONS [ Accompanied by Gait Tevet of ye ‘Attention | Cspoute normal B adequate Bsussined | parent Cistow avoidant Dainraced Cieine tutte (inconsistent impulsive other losher Speech RateVolume —C)acsntd DressGrooming Coordination appropriate Level of Effort | | appropriate B good rapid appropriate 1 dieveles Oar stow Crefises provocative poor Dowd pase Geter Doshee sok impulsive ight Assistance Language Alfet Bi anecaze rene B normal Clacemal Cult Ceane preservative aan D short Diwheeteair Contin ditioty Cable Weight ther Dement inate Bnenee Orientation InjuriesiProblems Mood Takin ax B none Hlunemarkable Diare ox osher pleasant, Bather other Abnormal Movements anxious Ghases InsightJudgment none Eidpeescd Byes appropriate tative temor Cheat no younger G retng tremor Cinitabe Heaeing Aids ole Activity tensive Dyes Boreal Evaluation Type Bro O fiery HiTeeheat C restos notice C hypoctive © typeractive ‘Addiional Behavioral Obervaions: Click or lap eve 1 enter (ext ‘TESTS ADMINISTERED Wechsler Adult Intelligence Test (WAIS-IV), Symbol Digit Modality Test (SDMT), Wide Ranger Achievement ‘Test (WRAT-IV), Conners Continuous Performance Test (CCPT), Conners Continuous Auditory Test of “Attention (CATA), California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-3), Beck Depression Inventory (BDIII), Beck ‘Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM), Autism Spectrum Quotient (ASQ) ‘TEST RESULTS Mr. Toyer was seen fora telcheath psychological evaluation with a HIPAA compliant platform, He was groomed land dressed appropriately. His conversational speech was spontaneous, fluent, and articulate. Thought content Name: Joes Toyer ‘DOB: November 12,2002 Page Sots was coherent, well-formed, and logical. Affect was flat and mood on the surface varied between depressed and contented. Over the course of the evaluation, Me. Toyer remained pleasant and cooperative. INTELLECTUAL: Mr. Toyer’s competencies were in the superiar range for tasks of verbal comprehension (VCI 127, 96%ile. He demonstrated above average ability related to mental manipulation of objects and visual problem solving (PRI 111, 77%ile). He exhibited average ability with short term auditory memory and attention (WMI 105, 63%4ile). Mr. Toyer’s performance indicated profoundly impaired ability in processing speed, visual perceptual discrimination, speed of mental operation, attention, and concentration (SDMT =

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