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Which of the following is NOT the purpose to determine organizational *1/1

Established network of relationships, link individuals and then control and monitor
the authority, responsibility and communications within organization.

Co-ordinate the objectives and activities of separate groups.

Enhance the powers and authorities of top managers.

Facilitate the flow of work, information and other resources through the business.

Which of the following refers sufficient blocks that are determined in *1/1
Henry Mintzberg’s building blocks?

Strategic apex, Middle line, Operating core

Strategic apex, Middle line, Operating core, Bureaucracy machine, Support team

Strategic apex, Middle line, Operating core, Technostructure, Support staff.

Strategic apex, Middle line, Operating core, Technostructure, Support staff,


According to Henry Mintzberg, which of the following is the function of *1/1

“Strategic apex” in “building blocks”?

Ancillary services such as PR, legal counsel, the cafeteria and security staff.

Make sure the organization follows its mission.

Planning and standardizing operations.

Transfer the goals and objectives to business functions and control the works of
operating core to achieve goals.
According to Henry Mintzberg, which of the following refers to Ideology in *1/1
“Building blocks”?

Values, beliefs and traditions, business culture.

Determining and standardizing work processes and techniques, level of quality,

personnel skills.

Directly participating in the process of operation to produce goods and services.

Providing supports for the organization as whole, however its functions are
separately from operating core’s functions.

Which of the following is true for function of “Standardization of work” in *1/1

coordinating mechanisms which integrate building blocks into a cohesive
unit means:

Giving of orders by a superior to a subordinate.

Specification of results such as the setting of targets.

Informal communication and self-government.

Laying down standard operating procedures.

According 14 guiding principles of organization structure of Fayol, who *1/1

should have the right of making decision?

Top managers.

Middel line managers.

Operating staffs.

Support staffs.
Which of the following is NOT true for 14 guiding principles of *1/1
organization structure of Fayol?

Employees should be encouraged to use direction within the bounds of their


Employees should work under supervision of many managers.

Each activity should have only one plan.

Authority should flow vertically down a clear chain of command from highest to
lowest rank.

Which of the following refers to main factors that are emphasized by *1/1
modern approaches to organization structure?

Multi-skilling and Flexibility.

Specialization and Flexibility.

Specialization and Control.

Multi-skilling and Control.

According modern approaches to organizational structure, “Multi-skilling” *1/1

Employees should be trained to perform a variety of team tasks.

Looking forward to meet rapidly changes in customer demands and technological


Employees should receive sufficient authority, power to complete their allocated


Setting up standardized process of works for employees to follow.

Which of the following is not included in 03 main methods of *1/1

communicating the structure of the business?

Organization manual.

Job description.

Standard principles and organization’s orientation.

Organization chart.

Which of the following type of organizational structure is most likely *1/1

suitable for a simple, static environment?


Machine bureaucracy.

Professional bureaucracy.

Which of the following type of organizational structure is most likely *1/1
suitable for an organization that have professional simple systems?


Machine bureaucracy.

Professional bureaucracy.


What is the main coordinating mechanism for Divisionalised *1/1

organizational structure?

Direct supervision.

Standardisation of work.

Standardisation of skill

Standardisation of outputs.
Company Y has been recently set up in the technological industry in *1/1
which innovation is the critical success factor. Company Y provides an
online platform with a complex trading environment for market
participants. The company is being run by competent and flexible
operational staff who can deal with the dynamic external environment
and complex tasks. Company T would be expected to have

A simple structure

A machine bureaucracy structure

A divisionalised structure

An innovative structure

ABC is a company which has recently changed its organisational *1/1

structure. It believes that its new structure has a number of major
benefits and drawbacks, including:

Gives clear responsibility for different products Easily adapted for future
diversification Potential duplication of roles leading to increased cost

Which of the following structure is ABC most likely to have adopted?




Mike is a manager at a large car manufacturing factory. He is responsible *0/1
for a team of car production workers who fit seats into the new vehicles.
He sets the team clear targets for seat installations each day, based on
the goals handed down to him by the directors. He monitors performance
closely to ensure targets are met. It is clear that, in terms of Henry
Mintzberg’s building blocks, Michael is part of the organisation’s:

operating core

middle line

strategic apex


Câu trả lời đúng

middle line

Harry owns a shop. He has a staff of eleven people who report directly to *1/1
him. There are no other managers. Which of the following is true for this

It has a long scalar chain

It has a separation of ownership and control

It has a wide span of control

It is a tall organization
Which three of the following characteristics is a wide and flat *1/1
organisation most likely to exhibit?

A greater need to delegate

Higher administration and overhead costs

Many steps on promotional ladder.

Better communication between the strategic apex and operating core

Large spans of control

Which of the following is true for centralization? * 1/1

Authority to make decisions is allocated down to lower positions.

Upper levels retain authority to make decisions.

Improve motivation of lower level of managers.

Increased delegation and autonomy at lower level of the business.

A government agency which process medical license applications for *0/1
doctors is an example of:



Organic organization.


Câu trả lời đúng


Martina is a Human Resources Manager with Wardman Ltd. She is *1/1

working on a project to increase the spans of control of managers in the
company's largest subsidiary. She needs to identify any factors about the
subsidiary that indicate increases in spans of control are possible.

Which of the following factors identified by Martina suggests that

increased spans of control are possible?

Subordinates carry out very similar tasks

Subordinates are geographically dispersed

Frequent, time-consuming problems arise

Managers are engaged in large amounts of non-supervisory work

Which three of the following are characteristics of limited companies? * 0/1

Perpetual succession

Separate legal personality

Financial statements can remain private

The company's liability is limited

Regulation under the Companies Act

Câu trả lời đúng

Perpetual succession

Separate legal personality

Regulation under the Companies Act

Imperical Ltd wishes to expand abroad. It has agreed with a foreign *0/1
manufacturer of a complementary product to market both products
jointly in both countries. What method of expansion has Imperical Ltd

A group structure

A joint venture

A strategic alliance

A licensing agreement

Câu trả lời đúng

A strategic alliance
Which of the following business structures requires a legal identity *0/1
separation with its owners?

A joint venture between two limited liability companies.

A strategic alliance.

A general partnership.

A sole tradership

Câu trả lời đúng

A joint venture between two limited liability companies.

Which of the following statements about sole tradership is correct? * 0/1

The business has perpetual succession

The owner has limited liability for unpaid business debts

The owner must do all the work

The business may borrow money against a fixed charge on the sole trader's assets

Câu trả lời đúng

The business may borrow money against a fixed charge on the sole trader's assets
Which of the following is not true for advantages of joint venture method? * 1/1

Allows to access the skills of each party

Higher capital requirement but lower risk of losing unique business skills

Easier to entry the new markets

Competitive rivalry can be decreased

‘Perpetual succession’, a feature of a limited company, refers to which of *1/1

the following?

The company is legally distinct from its owners

The right to receive dividends of shareholders

Share transfer without any effect on the company when a shareholder dies

Separation between control and management

Which of the following statements about a general partnership is correct * 1/1

Limited liability of the partners for the business’s debts

Does not have a separate legal existence

Limited risk

Limited return
Which of the following is not likely the feature of a limited company * 1/1

Limited liability of its members

Have a separate legal existence

Perpetual succession

No separation of ownership and control

The CEO of Company Z has identified problems caused by the centralized *1/1
nature of the company’s decision-making processes. Which of the
following aspects of Company Z are likely to increase the amount of

The authoritarian style of its management.

The effectiveness of communication across the company.

The low speed of technological advancement.

Its small size.

Option 5

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