Redalyc.a Dimensão Ambiental No Contexto Da Estratégia de Operações de Montadoras Do ABC Paulista

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Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios

ISSN: 1806-4892
Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares

Scur, Gabriela; Heinz, Guilherme

A dimensão ambiental no contexto da estratégia de operações de montadoras do ABC
Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, vol. 18, núm. 60, abril-junio, 2016, pp. 290-304
Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado
São Paulo, Brasil

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Review of Business Management
ISSN 1806-4892
e-ISSN 1983-0807

The environmental dimension in the context of Received on

the operations strategy of the São Paulo’s ABC 10/10/2014

Approved on

region automotive manufacturers 05/24/2016

Responsible editor:
Prof. Dr. João Maurício Gama
Gabriela Scur¹
Guilherme Heinz¹
¹University Center FEI, Department of Industrial Engineering,
Sao Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brazil Evaluation process:
Double Blind Review

Purpose – This paper aims to analyze the insertion of the environmental
dimension in the operations strategy of three automotive manufacturers
belonging São Paulo’s ABC region, and how it can impact the operations
field’s competitive performance.
Design/methodology/approach – Descriptive, exploratory multiple
case study.
Findings – There is an alignment between companies with regard to
the performance indicators of the environmental dimension and to
competitive priorities. We observed concern as to the social aspect of
sustainability. Companies are designing socially fair production systems,
in which work safety and occupational health are seen as strategic factors
that contribute to competitive performance in the field of operations.
Originality/value – One theoretical contribution is the proposal of
a conceptual model that aims to fill a gap in literature concerning the
lack of alignment between the operations strategy and environmental
management, which can, in turn, hinder or even underestimate the
understanding of the role of the operations field in the quest for
competitive advantage.
Keywords – Operations strategy; competitive priorities; environmental
dimension; automotive industry; performance indicators.

Review of Business

DOI: 10.7819/rbgn.v18i60.2195

Review of Business Management., São Paulo, Vol. 18, No. 60, p. 290-304, Apr./Jun. 2016
The environmental dimension in the context of the operations strategy of the São Paulo’s ABC region automotive manufacturers

1 Introduction and the environmental dimension, the research

question involves understanding how companies
Within the scope of corporate consider the environmental dimension in their
management, it is corporate or business strategy
operations strategy, and understanding its impact
which dictates how companies intend to achieve,
on operations’ competitive performance. Thus,
maintain and expand competitive advantages,
the objective of the article is to assess the insertion
thus involving all the company’s long-term
of the environmental dimension in automotive
management aspects (Barnes, 2002; Hayes &
companies’ operations strategies, and how it
Wheelwright, 1984). The corporate strategy of
can impact the competitive performance of the
companies that are committed to sustainability
operations field.
must involve the adoption of environmental
This article is divided into six sections;
policies that, by their turn, have an impact on a
the first is this introduction. Section 2 deals with
company’s operational performance (Jabbour et
the operations strategy theory, which discusses
al., 2012). In this context, the operations field has
competitive advantage and presents the authors’
a significant impact on competitiveness (Skinner,
perspective on the operations strategy formulation
1969; Voss, 2005) because it is responsible for
and contents, also including considerations
liaising market needs to the operations resources
about operations strategy. The environmental
(Slack & Lewis, 2001).
dimension is discussed in section 3, beginning
Jimenez & Lorente (2001) claim that, to
with the evolution of the environmental issue and
achieve competitive advantage in a sustainable
emphasizing the growing importance of this topic
way, an operations strategy must consider the
to companies, finally detailing environmental
environmental dimension as an additional
performance and its main indicators. Section
dimension alongside the traditional dimensions
4 presents the research method, the conceptual
of cost, quality, reliability and flexibility. Indeed,
research model, the set of indicators used in
we can find synergy between the environmental
analyzing the data and also the definition of the
protection programs and production methods and
companies that participated in this multiple case
techniques, since programs to control pollution,
study, alongside data collection tools. The research
minimize waste and DfE are capable of improving
traditional operation management techniques results are presented in section 5. The last section,
6, discloses the final considerations of the study.
such as statistical process control, lean production
and total quality management. Therefore, it is
necessary to expand the performance assessment
coverage in the operations field, as well as support
2 Operations strategy and the
main operational decisions towards environmental environmental dimension
performance. According to Angell & Klassen
(1999) and Jimenez & Lorente (2001), including An operations strategy is the combination
environmental performance as a competitive of several organizational decisions and actions that
priority is expected to be the first step towards a have an impact in the long term (Barnes, 2002).
sustainable strategic management. In order to establish competitive advantage, a
Although certain studies (Angell & strategy must contain a set of plans and policies
Klassen, 1999; Alfred & Adam, 2009, Gupta to enable the company to achieve advantages
1995) associate these two topics, especially over its competitors (Skinner, 1969). These plans
in developed countries, we observe a lack of and policies may present different characteristics
theoretical-empirical studies in companies in depending on the strategy level, whether corporate,
Brazil. Therefore, considering operations strategy tactic or operational.

Review of Business Management., São Paulo, Vol. 18, No. 60, p. 290-304, Apr./Jun. 2016
Gabriela Scur / Guilherme Heinz

The functional strategy arises from the Therefore, since it is a proactive response,
development of the business strategy, and defines competitive priorities have become a key element
how the function, whether sales and marketing, in the operations strategy, which defines which
operations, research and development, financial dimensions the operations field must proactively,
or quality, will support competitive advantage, effectively and efficiently carry out.
and how it will complement other functional As to the evolution and adequacy of the
strategies (Hayes & Wheelwright, 1984; Silva, operations strategy, Hayes & Pisano (1996)
2008). Therefore, in terms of strategic planning, state that it is no longer made up of tradeoffs
the operations strategy is a functional strategy, between competitive priorities such as cost,
and provides support to a company’s competitive quality, delivery and flexibility. Long-term success
strategy (Maia et al., 2005). The first author to requires the company to differentiate itself from
create the concept of operations strategy, known its competitors by offering something unique and
in that time as manufacturing strategy, was valuable to its customers, such as services that are
William Skinner. Skinner (1969) defined it as quick and highly reliable, low-cost or innovative.
the operations policies derived from the corporate Also expanding the traditional perspective
or business strategy that define the scope of the of competitive priorities, several authors (Angell
operations process, the scale of the operations & Klassen, 1999, Alfred & Adam, 2009, Jimenez
process, the choice of the operations process and & Lorente, 2001, Gravonski, 2012) started
equipment, plant localization, the establishment to consider the environmental dimension as a
of critical control elements, control systems and competitive priority, because to mitigate the
the organization of management. environmental impact is, in large part, the
According to Hayes & Wheelwright responsibility of operations management (Jimenez
(1984), the main function of an operations & Lorente, 2001). As a matter of fact, although
strategy is to develop a set of operations capacities the pressure of stakeholders, environmental
that will allow the business to accomplish legislation, financial benefits, company image
its present and future strategy. Above all, the and top management commitment is capable
operations strategy has the purpose of combining of motivating the adoption of environmental
market requirements and the organization’s practices (Govidan et al., 2014; Hsu et al.,
resources (Voss, 1995). 2013 and Srivastava, 2007), there is a positive
Among the several concepts about relationship between environmental management
the contribution of the operations field to and the operational performance of companies.
competitiveness, there is the one concerning According to Alfred & Adam (2009) and Jabbour
competitive priorities that refers to competitive et al. (2012), environmental management
dimensions, initially mapped by Skinner (1969) attempts to maximize the productivity of supplies,
as productivity, service, quality and return on reduce costs and maximize organizational
investment. Later, other authors presented new resources.
priorities, such as product prices; better quality; In the corporate environment and,
reliability; and product flexibility and volume, particularly, in the industrial environment, the
which are all assigned different priorities by environmental dimension can be related to
companies, depending on the market’s situation the direct environmental impact caused by the
and on the production system (Hayes & product and by the production process, and also
Wheelwright, 1984). by the indirect impact that affects the supply
An operations strategy reflects the demand chain (Sanches, 2000). The environmental impact
trend as a reaction of the company to the market, caused by the product is due to the volume and
and competitive priorities as a proactive response. type of raw materials and energy used, and to its use

Review of Business Management., São Paulo, Vol. 18, No. 60, p. 290-304, Apr./Jun. 2016
The environmental dimension in the context of the operations strategy of the São Paulo’s ABC region automotive manufacturers

during its lifetime, such as power consumption, Environmental performance indicators

fuel consumption and emissions; also including have the purpose of demonstrating the
its final disposal. The environmental impact organizational practices used to minimize impacts
caused by the production process is due to the on the environment arising from the company’s
consumption of raw materials; consumption of activities.
water and energy; waste generation; pollution of In order to standardize the definition
the air, water and soil; and the final disposal of of performance indicator sets, ISO 14031 can
waste, particularly when hazardous (Sarkis, 2001). be used as guidance (ABNT, 2004; Campos
According to Jimenez & Lorente (2001), & Melo, 2008; Jacobs et al., 2010). Although
in order to include another dimension to environmental impacts may vary according to
traditional competitive priorities, the company the type of company, the standard contains
has to meet two requirements. The first is that it a set of common indicators that can be used
should be linked to the operations function, and for environmental performance analysis of the
the second is offering a competitive advantage. In operations.
this case, the environmental dimension’s impact is Consequently, the environmental
measured by operational performance indicators performance indicators to be used in this study
and can, therefore, provide a competitive were based on the performance indicators of the
advantage if well managed. standard ISO 140031:2004, since these indicators
According to Jimenez & Lorente (2001) are focused on production processes. They are as
and Angell & Klassen (1999), the environmental follows: use of materials, raw materials, hazardous
dimension qualifies the manufacturing process, materials and the consumption of water and
and is measured by sets of environmental energy, generation of waste and general emissions,
performance indicators. According to the and operations support services, which are also
authors, there are four sets: (1) consumption considered good environmental practices.
of natural resources and energy, (2) compliance The breakdown of the attributes of
with legislation and standards, (3) prevention of the environmental dimension factors into
environmental impacts and pollution and (4) environmental performance indicators can be
fulfillment of society demands. seen in Table 1.

Table 1
Breakdown of environmental performance indicators
Set of indicators Detailed indicators
(Factors) (Attributes)
consumption of natural resources and energy Consumption of energy and water
Legal compliance Awarding of environmental licenses
Compliance with Brazilian standards
Prevention of impacts Generation of waste and emissions
Cleaner production (P+L)
Environmental management system
Environmental performance index
Selective waste collection
Society’s demands Questions/information about sustainability
Prevention of impacts
Legal compliance

Review of Business Management., São Paulo, Vol. 18, No. 60, p. 290-304, Apr./Jun. 2016
Gabriela Scur / Guilherme Heinz

According to Lowson (2003), the operations company in the preparation of its environmental
strategy’s performance can be interpreted by the policy (PMA). The operations strategy (EO),
performance of strategic practices such as global whether considering or not the environmental
standard manufacturing, lean production, policy (PMA) in the breakdown of the (1) business
strategic outsourcing, manufacturing per order/ strategy, represents the company’s strategic
manufacturing for stock and supplier network option. This strategic option, when detailed
management. These practices, in turn, are (2) down to the operational level, may affect in
measured by performance indicators with either a positive or negative way the competitive
respect to competitive priorities such as quality, performance of the operations (DO) by means
delivery, flexibility, cost, and image performance. of the operations management (GO) that
According to Thomas & Brito (2010), the incorporates environmental management and
indicator that measures image is environmental the environmental management system (ISO),
responsibility. also affecting mainly the company’s competitive
Based on the literature revie w, a priority cost and image. The above may bring
conceptual model was prepared, as shown in an improvement opportunity to the competitive
Figure 1, considering that the environmental performance of the operations (DO) with
demands originated by society, the legislation respect to meeting market demands, to offering
and the market, which impact and influence cheaper and better products and services with
the environmental dimension (DA), which, less environmental impact and with an improved
in turn, must be considered by the business or image due to environmentally appropriate
competitiveness strategy (EN), are used by the manufacturing, service and products.

Environmen Market
tal demands Company Mrcado

Society PMA
EN Product

Legislation DO

Market Image

Figure 1 Figure
– Conceptual Research Model
1. Conceptual Research Model
Source: The authors

There are six are six in
constructs constructs in the conceptual
the conceptual model: (1) and
Performance External Environmental
(6) Market Demands. Table
model: (1) External
Demands,Environmental Demands,
(2) Environmental (2) (3) Environmental
Dimension, 2 presents these constructs
Policy, and the respective
(4) Competitive
Environmental Dimension,
Priorities, (3) Environmental
(5) Operation authors
Performance and (6) Market who discuss
Demands. Table each one. these
2 presents
Policy, (4) Competitive Priorities, (5) Operation
constructs and the respective authors who discuss each one.
Table 2

External Environmental Demands Review of Business

Govidan et al. Management.,
(2014) São Paulo, Vol. 18, No. 60, p. 290-304, Apr./Jun. 2016
Hsu et al. (2013)
Srivastava, 2007
The environmental dimension in the context of the operations strategy of the São Paulo’s ABC region automotive manufacturers

Table 2
Construct Authors
Govidan et al. (2014)
External Environmental Demands Hsu et al. (2013)
Srivastava, 2007
Jimenez & Lorente (2001)
Environmental Dimension (DA)
Angell & Klassen (1999)
Campos & Melo (2008)
Environmental Policy (PMA)
Jacobs et al. (2010)
Skinner (1969)
Hayes & Wheelwright (1984)
Angell & Klassen (1999)
Competitive Priorities (PC)
Alfred & Adam (2009)
Jimenez & Lorente (2001)
Gravonski (2012)
Alfred & Adam (2009)
Operation Performance (DO)
Jabbour et al. (2012)
Lowson (2003)
Market Demands
Thomas & Brito (2010)
Source: The authors

Analysis of these six constructs allows can be improved by carrying out more than one
for understanding of the insertion of the case study (Collis et al., 2003; Voss et al., 2002).
environmental dimension in the operations The companies participating in the
strategy of automakers and how it can impact the study belong to the automotive sector, more
competitive performance of operations. specifically automotive manufacturing companies.
The choice of the sector derives from the fact
that the environmental impacts caused by the
3 Methodological procedures waste of cars and trucks are relevant, and also
because the industrial sector was responsible for
Considering that the objectives of a
presenting the largest number of implementations
study determine the strategy, the type and the
of good environmental practices according to
method of research to be applied, and since
the 2010 Annual Report of the Environmental
this research’s objective was defined as analysis
Management Analysis, published by the Analyze
of the environmental dimension’s insertion in
Publishing House. Therefore, three automotive
the operations strategy, and its impact on the companies of the São Paulo’s ABC region were
competitive performance of the operations field, selected, considering that all of them manage
a multiple, descriptive and exploratory case study the environmental dimension with the help of a
was chosen (Gil, 1999; Ventura, 2002). According certified environmental management system (ISO
to Yin (2007), the essence of a case study is the fact 14001); one is an automotive manufacturing
that it tries to shed light on a decision or on a set company of American origin (A), another of
of decisions: why they were taken, how they were European origin (E) and the last of Asian origin
implemented and what were the results obtained. (J), therefore representing the main cultures
Criticism regarding the chosen method present in the automotive industry, thus allowing
refers mainly to the impossibility of generalizing for better coverage.
results. On the other hand, the method allows The study was carried out with the
the assessment of theoretical generalizations that help of encompassing face-to-face interviews

Review of Business Management., São Paulo, Vol. 18, No. 60, p. 290-304, Apr./Jun. 2016
Gabriela Scur / Guilherme Heinz

supplemented by documents and reports provided requirements. Later, a cross-check was carried out
by the companies, a list of questions and also by involving environmental dimension, operations
direct observation (Voss et. al., 2002). strategy and competitive priorities, in order to
The documentation was obtained from validate the conceptual model. Each person
company sites, internal and external publications, interviewed attributed one point for a medium
reports and specialized magazines and allowed the or strong inter-relationship and zero point for the
preparation of a company history considering its absence of or a weak inter-relationship between
line of products, technical specifications, market the environmental dimension and the operations
share, organization and hierarchical structure, strategy, the competitive priorities and the
which composed the initial context for the case company image.
A question list containing twenty-one
questions about environmental performance, 4 Presentation and discussion of
was previously sent by mail and e-mail, with the results
the purpose of gathering information about
environmental indicators, provide support for 4.1 Results of the model dimensions
the interviews and also for the gathering of
comparative data regarding the three companies. 4.1.1 External environmental demands
Seventeen hour and a half-long face-to-
The companies involved in the study,
face interviews were carried out and recorded,
regardless of their cultural origin, have adopted the
involving the managers responsible for the fields
same content as external environmental demand,
of operations, environment, quality, production,
thus interpreting that society is concerned with
logistics, infrastructure and industrial planning,
the consumption of natural resources and the
in the three selected companies, therefore
spreading of pollution. The legal demands, both
characterizing a sampling based on convenience
regarding the literature and the interpretation of
and not probability. The data collection took place
the companies, are linked to legal compliance,
in the period from January to April, 2011.
which, in the case of the three companies,
The data collection system consisted of
translates equally in the compliance with the
a semi-structured interview script composed by
environmental licenses, regulating standards and
eleven questions about how the incorporation
environmental laws.
of the environmental dimension into the
The market environmental demands,
operations strategy took place and how the
presented by the literature, refer to the concern
environmental dimension has impacted the
of the customers for a low environmental impact
competitive performance of operations.
of the company’s products and processes. The
Regardless of the relevance of the product
three companies involved in the study, by their
on the environmental impact of a company, this
turn, have considered the market environmental
study considered only the environmental impact
demands as those leading to the generation of the
of the process, because it is directly related to the
lowest possible environmental impact.
operations strategy.
We can conclude that, in the case of
The data analysis was carried out first
environmental demands, both the academic
based on a conceptual model composed by
sector and the practices of the three companies
six analysis elements, which are as follows:
confirm the conceptual model proposed for the
external environmental demands, environmental
research, which is composed by society’s external
dimension, environmental policy, competitive
demands, legislation and market; thus, we can
priorities, operations performance and market
say that the companies involved in the study,
Review of Business Management., São Paulo, Vol. 18, No. 60, p. 290-304, Apr./Jun. 2016
The environmental dimension in the context of the operations strategy of the São Paulo’s ABC region automotive manufacturers

regardless of their cultural origin, have adopted sustainability, the company’s environmental
the environmental demands in the same way and dimension is measured by the consumption of
with the same content. natural resources and energy and the prevention
of environmental impacts. In the case of legal
4.1.2 Environmental dimension
demands, the legal compliance was present, and
The composition of the companies’ in the case of the market demand, once more
environmental dimension consists of a set of the prevention of environmental impacts was
impacts that the operational processes of these predominant.
companies may cause to the environment, taking Table 3 presents the composition of the
in consideration the environmental demands companies’ environmental dimension that, by its
of society, the legislation and the market. This turn, agrees with the literature.
means that, in the case of society’s demand for

Table 3
Composition of the environmental dimension
Companies Composition of the environmental dimension
Consumption of natural resources
Compliance with the legislation and standards
European (E)
Prevention of environmental impacts
Fulfillment of society’s demands
Consumption of natural resources
American (A) Compliance with the legislation
Prevention of environmental impacts
Consumption of natural resources and energy
Compliance with the legislation and standards Prevention of environmental impacts
Japanese (J)
and pollution
Fulfillment of society’s demands
Consumption of natural resources and energy
Compliance with the legislation and standards
Prevention of environmental impacts and pollution
Fulfillment of society’s demands

It can also be noted a strong alignment the operations strategy, defines the company’s
between the companies and the literature, strategic options in considering the environmental
suggesting a possible pattern for the automotive dimension and how it will be put in place by
sector, thus confirming a statement by Womack operations management.
& Jones (2004) that says that this sector is one of The environmental policies of the
the most appropriate for an analysis of emerging companies are shown in Table 3 and present
organizational trends. common elements as legal compliance, prevention
of environmental impacts and fulfillment of
4.1.3 Environmental policy
society’s demands.
The environmental policy defined by the
corporate or business strategy, as detailed for

Review of Business Management., São Paulo, Vol. 18, No. 60, p. 290-304, Apr./Jun. 2016
Gabriela Scur / Guilherme Heinz

Table 4
Summarized environmental policies of the companies under study
Companies Environmental policy
European (E) Fulfillment of future demands and ongoing improvement, product development
and planning of environmentally responsible processes, legal compliance, services
and information to customers focused on environmental preservation and corporate

American (A) Business decisions considering the environment, legal compliance, products,
environmentally adequate planned processes and services, objectives for minimizing impacts
on the environment, environmental protection as the responsibility of all employees.
Japanese (J) Legal compliance, fulfillment of stakeholder’s requirements, prevention of environmental
impacts, continuously improved environmental performance, employee training.

These elements are in line with the equipment environmentally more adequate, thus
composition of the environmental dimension, avoiding later modifications intended to meet
except in the aspect of the reduction in the environmental or legal requirements.
consumption of natural resources and energy, The operational performance was measured
which could be considered a consequence of the using environmental impact indicators applied to
element of fulfillment of society’s demands, as a the manufacturing processes of these companies
result of sustainability. In any way, we can also based on the ISO 14031 standard, which are:
perceive here an alignment among the companies. water consumption, energy consumption, waste
generation and recycling degree (rate in percentage
4.1.4 Competitive priorities between recycled waste and generated waste).
The competitive priorities are a key The average accumulated performance of
element of the operations strategy that, by its the reduction in the consumption of water and
energy and the generation of waste per vehicle
turn, define which operational tasks must be
produced by the companies in the last three years
proactively, efficiently and effectively carried out.
was of: 15%, 10%, 20% and 92% of recycling,
In addition to the priorities considered
respectively. This means an actual cost reduction
in the theory, the companies have defined the
with the consumption of resources and disposal
environmental and occupational safety priorities.
of waste in the manufacturing process, resulting
Among the competitive priorities, the
in lower prices or higher margins.
cost was the most affected by the environmental
Another aspect positively affected by the
dimension, because it means manufacturing
environmental performance was the company’s
products with the lowest cost possible, being the
institutional image, which led to an improvement
most significant costs generated by costs with
in the performance of one of its indicators,
personnel, installations, technology, raw material,
environmental responsibility that, by means of
consumption materials, natural resources and the
an environmentally adequate manufacturing,
treatment and disposal of waste and effluents.
is able to meet the growing demand of society
4.1.5 Operations performance for a consistent contribution of the industry
towards sustainability, particularly regarding the
By incorporating the environmental environmental aspect.
dimension as a competitive priority of the
operations strategy, the companies have abated 4.1.6 Market requirements
production process planning reworks solely by In the question about the identification
means of investment on and acquisition of new of the market demand, in addition to legal

Review of Business Management., São Paulo, Vol. 18, No. 60, p. 290-304, Apr./Jun. 2016
The environmental dimension in the context of the operations strategy of the São Paulo’s ABC region automotive manufacturers

compliance, there was the demand of dealers in dealing with the environmental dimension,
and customers. However, some of the persons because they feel that the customer’s view may
interviewed have stated that the customers are quickly change.
still only concerned with price. Although this is a Figure 2 presents the conceptual model
reality, the companies have taken proactive actions with the main results found.

Environmental Market
demands Company Mercado

Consumption of DA Environmental Policy: DO

resources and legal compliance
waste generation Consumption of prevention of impacts Reduction in
natural resources society’s demands the Price
Sociedade consumption
Environmental Legal Quality
compliance EN of water = Produto
compliance Competitive priorities: 15% Delivery
Prevention of energy = 10%
Quality, Delivery,
environmental Technology
impacts Flexibility, Cost, Reduction in
Lower Environment, Safety
DA waste
environmental Fulfillment of generation = Serviço
impact society’s

Mercado Present
recycling Environmental
GO: ISO 14001 degree = 95%

Figure 2. Conceptual
Figure model
2. Conceptual of theof
model research with consolidated
the research data of the
with consolidated researched
data companies companies
of the researched

In Figure 2 it is possible to note the reduction in the consumption of water and

relationship between the external environmental energy, the generation of waste per vehicle
demands and the environmental dimension produced in the last three years and the degree
composition – DA that breaks down into the of recycling. Finally, the market requirements of
environmental policy – PMA of the business each company are presented.
strategy – EN. By its turn, business strategy – EN
4.2 Confirmation of the model
is translated into the competitive priorities PC of
the operations strategy EO. The consolidated result of the interrelation
The internal environmental management of the environmental dimension and the operations
system (ISO 14001) improves the competitive strategies, the competitive priorities and the image
performance of operations – DO through the of the companies is presented in Table 5.

Review of Business Management., São Paulo, Vol. 18, No. 60, p. 290-304, Apr./Jun. 2016
Gabriela Scur / Guilherme Heinz

Table 5
Interrelations of the environmental dimension
Operations strategy Competitive priorities Others Total
Environmental dimension
Lean production Supplier BTO/
outsourcing Cost Quality Delivery Image
network BTS
Reduction in the Water 17 14 6 6 17 3 3 15 81
consumption of
natural resources Energy 17 14 7 10 17 4 4 16 89
Compliance Licenses 14 7 9 4 13 7 13 16 83
with Laws and
Standards Standards 14 7 10 5 11 13 12 17 89
Reduction in the
Generation of 17 11 8 4 17 7 3 17 84

Prevention of P+L 17 7 7 4 14 13 6 17 85
Impacts SGA 16 5 10 6 11 6 6 17 77
IDA 16 9 5 5 14 6 4 16 75
17 8 6 3 16 4 3 17 74
Sustainability 17 9 11 3 13 8 9 17 87
Prevention of
Society’s 15 10 8 3 13 8 6 17 80
15 9 12 2 13 7 11 17 86
Total 192 110 99 55 169 86 80 199
BTO – Build to order, BTS – Build to stock, P+L = Cleaner Production, IDA – Environmental Performance Index, SGA
–Environmental Management System

The environmental dimension as a whole image as the factors most affected by the manner
has a stronger interrelation with lean production how the operations strategy considers the
and world-class manufacturing (192 points), environmental dimension.
because these strategies are guided by waste Society’s demands (37 points on average),
reduction and also by outsourcing (110 points), prevention of impacts (36 points on average) and
since each time more the automotive industry compliance with laws and standards (35 points
transfers the development of new products and on average) are affected with equal intensity by
components to the suppliers. the operations strategy. This is a result at the same
Another aspect worth mentioning is that time unexpected and surprising. It is unexpected
the objectives and actions defined by the operations because legal compliance and the prevention of
strategy regarding the environmental dimension impacts are expected to have greater influence
have a greater impact on the competitive priority as they have a direct impact on the company
of cost (169 points) and on company image operations. It is surprising because it signals that
(199 points). More specifically, water and energy society’s demands are being incorporated and that
consumption (45 points on average) is the most the companies are following a path that leads to the
affected of the factors, because theoretically it implementation of more complex environmental
gets the highest attention from the companies practices, as a cleaner production and a system of
due to its impact on cost. This result confirms internal environmental management.
the conceptual model’s hypothesis that defined When the result of the interrelations
the competitive priority of cost and the company of the four environmental dimension factors

Review of Business Management., São Paulo, Vol. 18, No. 60, p. 290-304, Apr./Jun. 2016
The environmental dimension in the context of the operations strategy of the São Paulo’s ABC region automotive manufacturers

with competitive priorities is analyzed, we can environmental dimension as an operations

observe that the factor of compliance with laws strategy’s competitive priority was a lower
and standards has a greater influence on the operational cost due to the reduction in
performance of the competitive priorities (34 environmental cost, as a result of the average
points on average) followed by factors society’s improvement of 15% in the environmental
demands (29 points on average), consumption performance indicators, and an improved image
of natural resources (24 points on average) that is the consequence of an environmentally
and finally the factor of prevention of impacts more adequate manufacturing process. Therefore,
(21 points). This result highlights that the it can be noted that environmental dimension,
environmental dimension performance indicators when considered as an operations’ competitive
have a strong influence on the performance of the priority, can contribute for a lower operational
company image, reaching 97% of the possible cost, allowing the companies to either charge
points and also exceeding the strong influence lower prices or take the advantage of higher
margins. Additionally, it can also improve the
on the performance of the competitive priority
company image and increase customer loyalty.
of cost, with 83% of the possible points.
It remained clear that the companies are
Most of the people interviewed stated
proactively adapting their processes to make
that the decision of the companies to incorporate
them capable of fulfilling market requirements
environmental dimension as a competitive priority
and, therefore, ensuring sustainable competitive
in the operations strategy was taken because, in
advantage. This can be confirmed by the fact that
some cases, the intention was to improve the
the companies are introducing environmental
situation of costs, efficiency, sustainability and
dimension into their business strategies, by
image and, in other cases, ensure legal compliance formulating an environmental policy based
or simply due to commitment by the high on external demands that, when broke down
management. An initial negative impact on the in operational strategies, is carried out by the
competitive performance of the operations was environmental management with the support of
also mentioned, as a result of investments in new the ISO 14001 standard.
clean technologies that have temporarily increased
the operational cost.
Production systems were adapted to 5 Final comments
improve the performance of environmental
indicators such as energy conservation (by The purpose of this article is to analyze the
replacement of equipment for other more insertion of environmental dimension into the
energy efficient), modification of packaging operations strategy of car and truck assembling
for reuse (replacement of one-way cardboard companies and how it can impact the competitive
and wooden packaging for long life returnable performance of the operations field. Therefore,
plastic packaging), waste management (reducing a case study was conducted in three companies
hazardousness and increasing reuse) and of the ABC region, represented by 17 executives
recyclability (through the implementation of from different fields of the companies. It was
recyclable waste stations, elimination of oil leaks ascertained that, regardless of the country of
in equipment and machines, elimination of origin of the mother companies, an alignment
CFC refrigerant gas in refrigeration equipment showed up among the companies, almost a
and investment in equipment that is more pattern, with respect to the operations strategy,
environmentally adequate, with water-based the environmental demands, the environmental
painting and others). dimension factors, attributes and performance
What actually changed in competitive indicators, and the competitive priorities,
per formance with the incorporation of regardless of the type of the company product.

Review of Business Management., São Paulo, Vol. 18, No. 60, p. 290-304, Apr./Jun. 2016
Gabriela Scur / Guilherme Heinz

In the interrelations between the future trend for the increase in the coverage of the
environmental dimension and the operations environmental issue involving sustainability. This
strategy, the competitive priorities and more systemic and more sustainable perspective
the company image, it was found that the affects the operations strategy in the sense of
environmental dimension presents a stronger searching solutions beyond the topics of energy
interrelation with the operation strategies of sources, saving resources, replacement and use of
lean production and outsourcing. It was also consumables and mitigation of environmental
ascertained that water and energy consumption impacts along the value chain. Using the
was affected with higher intensity than the other perspective of sustainability, the companies have
factors. Therefore, the environmental dimension designed socially more fair production systems,
performance resulting from objectives and actions where occupational safety and occupational health
defined by the operation strategies, impacts with
are seen as a strategic aspect that contributes to the
higher intension the competitive priority of cost
competitive performance of the operations field.
and the company image.
A contribution of this article, from the
In t h e i n t e r re l a t i o n s o f t h e f o u r
theoretical point of view, is the proposal of a
environmental dimension factors with the
conceptual model to fill a gap in literature,
competitive priorities, it was ascertained that
regarding the lack of alignment between
compliance with laws and standards has a greater
operations strategy theories and environmental
influence on the performance of competitive
management, which can make more difficult, or
priorities, followed by society’s demands,
even underestimate, understanding of the role of
consumption of natural resources and, finally,
the prevention of impacts. the operations field in the search for competitive
Another conclusion is that all advantage.
environmental dimension performance indicators Considering the restrictions made to
have a strong influence on the performance of the case study method, we suggest that future
company image. research must validate, from a statistics point of
Finally, the study revealed that the view, the conceptual model proposed also in other
companies have introduced the environmental production sectors. Another possibility would be
dimension in their operations strategy and, as to carry out case studies in other companies from
a result, have dealt with the environment as the automotive chain.
one of their competitive priorities. When the
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About the authors:

1. Gabriela Scur, PhD in Industrial Engineering, University of Sao Paulo, Polytechnic School, Sao Paulo,
SP, Brazil. E-mail:
2. Guilherme Heinz, Msc in Mechanical Engineering, University Center FEI, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

Contribution of each author:

Contribution Gabriela Scur Guilherme Heinz

1. Definition of research problem √ √
2. Development of hypotheses or research questions ( empirical studies ) √ √
3. Development of theoretical propositions ( theoretical Work ) √ √
4. Theoretical foundation/ Literature review √ √
5. Definition of methodological procedures √
6. Data collection √
7. Statistical analysis √
8. Analysis and interpretation of data √ √
9. Critical revision of the manuscript √
10. Manuscript Writing √ √
11. Other (Adaptations from evaluations) √

Review of Business Management., São Paulo, Vol. 18, No. 60, p. 290-304, Apr./Jun. 2016

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