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LEKCE 6,7,8

I have received two apologies for absence.

Has everybody received a copy of the agenda?
If we can’t agree, I think we should take a vote.
It is getting late, so I propose we close the meeting.
I think this would be a good time to break for lunch.
We have lots to discuss, so let’s stick to the agenda.

It is five past nine, so I’d better open the handout.

Can we start by approving the minutes of the last meeting?
We seem to have reached a unanimous decision.
That’s interesting, but I think we’re getting side-tracked.
I’ll just give out this handout.
Before we finish, we need to deal with any other business.

1. Immediate or quick prompt

2. Willing to do things which are not honest dishonest
3. Intended to make someone believe something that is not true misleading
4. Appearing different from the way it really is deceptive
5. Able to be trusted as honest trustworthy
6. Dependable reliable
7. Complicated, not easy to understand confusing
8. Not true false
9. Having a selfless concern for others‘ well-being altruistic
10. Correct or true in every detail accurate

For most companies, rather than supporting a different charity each year on an ad
hoc basis, it is preferable to think long-term. It can be very valuable for a company to
identify with an issue which is related to its business, and to contribute funds
Obviously a fundamental of HR management is that companies should always obey
the law. But above and beyond that requirement, they have a moral duty to uphold
standards of common decency. This mean for example respecting human dignity
when there are problems, and recognizing merit when staff perform especially well.
The company’s first duty in the case of an accident it to limit the impact of the
problém on its staff and on the community. It is when essential to acknowledge the
problem: nothing less than total transparency will do. After the crisis has passed,
management should allow sufficient time to negotiate a settlement which will satisfy
all parties and compensate the victims properly.
Function Linking words
Addition Besides, moreover, in addition, furthermore
Conclusion Lastly, in conclusion, finally
Consequence So, therefore, consequently
Contrast But, however, even so
Equivalence That is to say, namely, in other words
Generalization In most cases, as a rule, on the whole
Highlighting Mainly, chiefly, in particular, especially
Example For instance, such as, for example
Stating the obvious Of course, naturally, obviously, clearly
summary To sum up, overall, in brief

The profit that a company makes for its investors – shareholder value
Money paid because someone is injured or has lost their job – compensation
Rooms and equipment that are provided for a particular purpose – facilities
Organizations that give help to people who need it – charities
The land, water and air that people live in – environment
Treating someone unfairly in order to get a benefit for yourself – exploiting
Capable of continuing for a long time – sustainable
A situation in which people have the same chances as everyone else – equal
Things you say or write when you are not happy – complaint
Agree with and support publicly – align

The company should…

1. Acknowledge any problem that exist
2. Act with integrity towards employees
3. Compensate victims for any damage caused
4. Limit the impact of any problem
5. Negotiate settlements which satisfy everyone
6. Obey the law of face a lawsuit or fine
7. Recognize merit when staff perform well
8. Uphold standards of common decency

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Is everyone here? I have received just one
apology for absence from Cecilia. OK, I think we can begin. Let’s start by approving
the minutes of the last meeting. Any comments ? They are quite straightforward, I
think. Good. Now, there is a lot to discuss today, so let’s try to stick to the agenda.
OK, who is going to introduce the first item?
That is interesting, but I think we are getting side-tracked. Could we come back to
this later ? Ok. Now, Antonio, we haven’t heard from you. Do you have any views
on this issue ? Thank you, Antonio. I introduce the first item, but you have to
consider the impact on your budget. Wouldn’t you agree that there will be
substantial costs if we do as you suggest ?... Ok, there seems to be a consensus, so we
don’t need to take a vote. This would be a good time to break a coffee.

Good, I think we’ve reached a unanimous decision on this. Before we finish we need
to deal with any other business. Does anyone have any other issue that we haven’t
discussed? OK, I think we can close the meeting.

The company tries to limit its impact on the environment, but sometimes mistakes
are made. It is true that some radioactive waste was lost in transit last week.
However, I am pleased to report that we took action immediately. The driver of the
truck was found, and we dismissed him after completing our enquiries. Press
reports that he had been drinking are completely exaggerated.

As a rule = on the whole

Finally = in conclusion
Clearly = obviously
In addition = moreover
In other words = that is to say
Consequently = therefore
In particular = especially
In brief = to sum up

1. Last year our billings rose by 90% - our turnover almost doubled.
2. Variable costs are faling. – our operating costs are dropping.
3. We expect fixed costs to stabilize – our overheads should level off.
4. In 2001 our stock slid to a record low – our shares slumped during the crash.
5. Production costs fluctuate over the year. – cost of sales varies from month to
6. Liabilities reach a high when business is slow in August. – our debt peaks at
the end of summer

1. There was a considerable improvement in the company’s image - thanks to

joint venture with a prestigious American corporation.
2. We plan to acquire new technology – as a result, debt will grow slightly.
3. As a result of its strategic alliances – the company enjoyed moderate growth.
4. A wave of corporate raids resulted in – a sudden surge in redundacies.
5. After the merger, our profitability will improve significantly – as a result of
economies of scale.
6. Due to lower labour costs – profits will shoot up dramatically.
7. They saw a slight increase in sales – as a consequence of their diversification
into new markets.
8. Share prices often go up sharply – because of rumours of hostile takeovers.

• The FTSE 100 fell again DUE TO increasing economic uncertainty.

• Rumours of a merger RESULTED IN Tenzin Pharma gaining 6%.
• Nidden PLC has successfully resisted a raid; AS A CONSEQUENCE its price
has levelled off.
• Henry Halen climbed quickly THANKS TO excellent third quarter results.
• Profit warnings from several computer companies RESULTED IN significant
drops in price.
• JTL Holding’s Brazilian subsidiary went bankrupt. AS A RESULT its stock fell
to £22.

Issue, settle, query = an invoice

Provide, load, ship = goods
Submit, vet, approve = an application
State, meet, comply with = conditions
Negotiate, reach, sign = a deal
Make, miss, chase = a payment

Check / customer’s / your / on / creditworthiness / up / new.

Check up on your new customer’s creditworthiness.

Doubts / insurance / if / you / take / about / getting / have / out / paid.

Take out insurance if you have doubts about getting paid.

Behind / their / customers / do / not / get / payments / with / let

Do not let customers get behind with their payments.

As / invoices / soon / become / they / chase / as / overdue / up

Chase up invoices as soon as they become overdue.

Act / getting / your / difficulties / quickly / if / customer / is / into

Act quickly if your customer is getting into difficulties.
1. Get something officially from a specialist organization = take out
2. Moving towards a particular condition or situation = getting into
3. Find out information about something or someone discreetly = check up on
4. Find out what is being done about something = chase up
5. Fail to do something at the right time = get behind with

Frequent-flyer schemes, free gifts and credit are all ways of developing customer
To avoid cash-flow problems, sales teams need to be given a clear credit policy.
An insurance policy provides cover in case of an accident.
Because old customers leave, a sales person must constantly be looking to add to
their customer portfolio.
Credit insurance reduces the risk of default on export payments.
After the fire, the company filed a insurance claim for compensation.

listen let consent refer to

comply sympathise resort associate with
pay wait vote object for
depend rely insist attend on
suffer emerge hear account from
discuss apply look apologize for
consist react approve think of
listen belong leave relate to
fight insure protect ask against
result invest borrow succeed in

They are discussing investing in property.

He i stalking about apologizing for what he said to her.
He is lucky that isn’t much damage to his car.
They are admiring her aptitude for languages.
They are worrying about their company’s dependence on one big firm.
Complying with the American Food and Drug Administration is essential if they
want to sell the product in the States.
She is explaining the company policy of insuring against non-payment.
They are expressing their satisfaction with this year’s results.
They are worried about not hearing from Taiwan.
There is as system failure, so they don’t have access to data.

I am writing to enquire whether you would be able to extend credit terms…

I am afraid group policy does not allow us to give more than 30 days
We are pleased to agree to the terms you propose
May I remind you that the sum of €21,552 is still outstanding ?
We wrote to you on 4 Nov regarding the balance of which is still outstanding.
Would you let us know your decision as soon as possible ?
We would appreciate your early settlement of this outstanding balance
We shall have no alternative but to pass the matter on to our legal department

In view of the increase in our volume of business, I am writing to enquire whether

you would be prepared to extend credit terms of 60 days. Would you let us know
your decision as soon as possible?
With regard to your request for improved credit terms, I am afraid that group policy
does not allow us to extend more than 30 day’s credit.
Further to your email of 17 July, we are pleased to agree to the terms you propose,
and we look forward to receiving your order.
May I remind you that the sum of €101,000 is still outstanding on your account ? We
would appreciate your early settlement of this outstanding balance.
We would like to apologize for the delay in sending the enclosed cheque. This was
an unfortunate oversight due to circumstances beyond our control, and we can
assure you that it will not reoccur.
We wrote to you on 11 April regarding the balance of €15,550 which is still
outstanding. Unless we receive payment within seven days, we shall have no
alternative but to pass the matter on to our legal department.

Full investigation of a company’s activities and finances Due diligence

The amount of money that a company owes liabilities
The process of combining two companies to form a bigger one merger
Something that someone buys acquisition
Costs that alter directly when the business alters its level of output Variable costs
costs that do not alter when the business alters its level of output Fixed costs
Things such as money, buildings or equipment that a person or Assets
company owns
Measure of a company’s ability to quickly convert assets into cash Liquidity
Reductions in the costs of producing a unit of a product that occur Economies of scale
as the output increases
Total amount of money coming into a company from sales turnover

Become higher = climb

Become less = dip
Change frequently, especially from a high level to a low one and back again = fluctuate
Stop changing and become steady = stabilize
Get worse = deteriorate
Get worse gradually = slide
Increase = rise
Increase quickly to a high level = soar
Increase suddenly and by a large amount = jump
Reach the highest point before becoming lower = peak
Přeházená slova str.122/4

1. (describing plans) Next year we are going to enter the Croatian market by
buying a small local firm.
2. (making promise) Don’t worry you will the goods by the end of the week.
3. (giving details of a fixed arrangement) I am meeting Barbara from 9:00 to 10:00 at
her office, and I should be back around 10:30
4. (making an instant decision) Is that my mobile phone ringing ? I am sorry, I will
turn it off.

Ok, let’s move on. My next slide shows our administration costs one year after the
merger. You will notice from the chart that the figures seem to suggest no noticeable
impact on costs as a result of the merger. But this hides the real situation. Initially,
the merger resulted in many large compensation payments for managerial staff who
lost their jobs, and this increased costs. However, over the longer term salary costs
are coming down as a result of the cuts. Next year we expect administration costs to
be 2,3M whereas this year they will be about 2,9M.

Don’t sell On price rather than quality

Be Proactive with local distributors
Make A firm commitment to export
Think Outside the box
Trade On open account
Sign An exclusive deal
Be prepared To modify product specifications
Invest Time, effort and money
Ask A credit agency about a customer’s creditworthiness
Chasing Payments can be done by the credit agency
Focus on One market, rather than trying to sell all over the world
Don’t assume That what works in your domestic market will also work

Issue / reach / settle / query an invoice

Assume / provide / load / ship goods
Chase / comply with / state / meet conditions
Negotiate / reach / sign / state a deal
Check in / check out / check up on a customer’s creditworthiness
Fall behind / get behind / move behind with payments

After the exporter and foreign customer finally reach a deal, the exporter will ship
the goods and issue an invoice. The exporter must comply with all the conditions in
the contract, and if they do they can expect to be paid on time. It is a waste of time if
they have to chase customers who get behind with payments. If there is a problem
with payment, the exporter can use a credit agency to check up on a customer’s

During the 90s we worked with a series of different local agents. In 2002 we started
using APL, and they have been our exclusive agent from that time until now. They
are very good at collecting payment from local customers, and we give them the
discretion to ask for payment within either 60 or 90 days. They forward to us all
payments they have collected, after taking their commision, and we receive money
from them at the end of every month.

It / let / me / way / another / put.

Let me put it another way.

Wrong / me / if / you / correct / but / I’m / saying / that / seem / to / be / you / are / not /
Correct me if I’m wrong but you seem to be saying that you are not convinced.

I’m / a / slight / misunderstanding / there / seems / to / be / afraid

I’m affraid there seems to be a slight misunderstanding.

I / clear / myself / haven’t / made / perhaps

Perhaps I haven’t made myself clear.

You / would / be / saying / I / right / in / that / want / to / withdraw / from / the / project
Would I be right in saying that you want to withdraw from the project ?

According to our records, our invoice number KL788 is now overdue. The total sum
is €25,600. We would appreciate your early settlement of this outstanding balance.
Further to our email of 14 June re invoice KL788, we have still not received payment
for the outstanding sum of €25,600. We regret to inform you that we have no
alternative but to pass this mattter to our legal department.

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