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Teaching Series: Jesus is Alive!

AGES 1-4
God had a big plan to make us HIS children, so that we can have all the good
things of life and have a house in heaven also.
He loved us so much that HE sent Jesus to come to this world to pay for our sins.
Well, Jesus came. He died so as to pay for our sins.
BUT HE ROSE UP. He didn’t stay dead. Jesus is alive. Hallelujah. Now we are
God’s children.

Bible Text: Matthew 28:1-10

Bible Character: Jesus
Bible verse: ‘… I (Jesus) am alive forevermore...’ Revelations 1:18
Objective: At the end of the Bible lesson, children should be able to state:

▪ What it means to us for Jesus to be alive,

▪ Why Jesus is alive,
▪ How to enjoy what Jesus paid for.
What does it mean to us for Jesus to be alive?

● It means we serve a Living God, our God can never die. Revelation 1:18
Why is Jesus alive?

● Jesus is alive so we can enjoy all of God’s blessings. Rev. 5:12

How can we enjoy what Jesus paid for?

● Be God’s child. John 1:12

Faith Talk: Jesus is alive forevermore!
Teachers Activities:

● Introduce the topic with Easter/ Resurrection songs

o God’s not dead He is alive.
o Because he lives
o Jesus loves me
● Dramatize and narrate the Bible text:
Jesus Christ was in this world as a man, a long time ago. HE was doing good,
healing the sick and telling people about God. But some people did not like
Jesus. So, they told lies about Jesus, which got Him killed. Jesus died.

But, Jesus did not remain dead, because on the third day, a Sunday morning
like today, Jesus rose up.

All His friends were surprised and very happy when they saw Jesus again. We
are also very happy today as God’s children, celebrating Jesus being alive.

When Jesus rose up, He told us that now we can enjoy all of God’s blessings,
as long as we are HIS children. [Teachers should mention these blessings].
Jesus is alive and HE is still alive. Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!
[Teachers and children should have a victory dance].

● Allow the children to ask questions.

● Lead the children to Christ.
● Move round while teaching.

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