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Soal Ulangan Harian Bahasa Inggris Chapter 3 Kelas VIIIB

Kelas VIIIB Name :

Name : Class :
Class : 1. I can’t stop yawning. What should I do?
1. I can’t stop yawning. What should I do? e. You should drink a cup of coffee
a. You should drink a cup of coffee f. You should drink a medicine
b. You should drink a medicine g. You should visit the dentist
c. You should visit the dentist h. You should eat some foods
d. You should eat some foods 2. Airin : Why don’t you join us to do English homework?
2. Airin : Why don’t you join us to do English homework? Tina : Sorry Rin, I have a tootache.
Tina : Sorry Rin, I have a tootache. Airin :……..
Airin :…….. According to the dialogue, what should Airin say?
According to the dialogue, what should Airin say? c. You should go to bed c. You should call the police
a. You should go to bed c. You should call the police d. You should go to the dentist d. You should go to the beach
b. You should go to the dentist d. You should go to the beach 3. Our classroom is dirty and messy. What should they do?
3. Our classroom is dirty and messy. What should they do? e. They should clean the classroom now.
a. They should clean the classroom now. f. They should bring dictionary.
b. They should bring dictionary. g. They should not clean the classroom now.
c. They should not clean the classroom now. h. They should not bring dictionary.
d. They should not bring dictionary. The dialogue is for number 4 and 5.
The dialogue is for number 4 and 5. Andini :Rin, Is it Monday?
Andini :Rin, Is it Monday? Rindi : Yes, it is. Why?
Rindi : Yes, it is. Why? Andini :Upz, I forget to put on my cap.
Andini :Upz, I forget to put on my cap. 4. What Should Rindi say to reply the dialogue?
4. What Should Rindi say to reply the dialogue? e. You should drink
a. You should drink f. You must take your cap right away
b. You must take your cap right away g. You must go to canteen
c. You must go to canteen h. You must eat some food.
d. You must eat some food. 5. Don’t litter in this area. What the meaning of the sentence?
5. Don’t litter in this area. What the meaning of the sentence? e. Jangan merokok
a. Jangan merokok f. Jangan makan makanan yg manis
b. Jangan makan makanan yg manis g. Jangan parkir di tempat ini
c. Jangan parkir di tempat ini h. Jangan membuang sampah sembarangan di tempat ini.
d. Jangan membuang sampah sembarangan di tempat ini. 6. We must ……. to school.
6. We must ……. to school. e. Be late c. run
a. Be late c. run f. not be late d sweep
b. not be late d sweep 7. We must not litter. We must put the garbage in the garbage bin
7. We must not litter. We must put the garbage in the garbage bin 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 g. 1 and 2 c. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 2 c. 2 and 3 h. 1 and 3 d 4 and 5
d. 1 and 3 d 4 and 5 8. From Monday to Thursday we must wear the batik shirt.
8. From Monday to Thursday we must wear the batik shirt. The underlined word means….
The underlined word means…. c. Senin dan selasa c. Senin sampai Rabu
a. Senin dan selasa c. Senin sampai Rabu d. Senin dan Kamis d Senin sampai Kamis
b. Senin dan Kamis d Senin sampai Kamis 9. We must wear a uniform.
9. We must wear a uniform. The underlined word means….
The underlined word means…. c. Seragam c. Kaos
a. Seragam c. Kaos d. Baju d Pakaian
b. Baju d Pakaian 10. What is the meaning of must and should?
10. What is the meaning of must and should? c. Harus dan seharusnya c. Seharusnya
a. Harus dan seharusnya c. Seharusnya d. Harus dann wajib d. Harus dan Akan
b. Harus dann wajib d. Harus dan Akan Essay!
Essay! 11. Please mention 2 things that you must do in school!
1. Please mention 2 things that you must do in school! 12. Please mention 2 things that you must not do in school!
2. Please mention 2 things that you must not do in school! 13. Bambang have a headache, What should she do?
3. Bambang have a headache, What should she do? 14. The student will go to school. What must the students wear?
4. The student will go to school. What must the students wear? 15. Please translate the sentences bellow!
5. Please translate the sentences bellow! c. We must not wear sandals and T-Shirt.
a. We must not wear sandals and T-Shirt. d. You must be polite to our friends.
b. You must be polite to our friends.

“Good Luck”
“Good Luck”

Soal Ulangan Harian Bahasa Inggris Chapter 3

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