RPP Questions-1

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LTD Question Set#

RPP RPP/15-01

1. What kind of work permits are required for Radoigraphy works at Saudi Aramco facilities :
a. Cold work permit
b. Inspection permit
c. Hot work permit
d. Confined space permit

2. A radiographer works 5 days in a week .Every Day he takes 8 exposure with each exposure
results in a dose of 3.5 µSV. If he works for 2 weeks what would be the absorbed dose at the end
of second week?
a. 280 mR
b. 280µSv/Hr
c. 280 µSv
d. 0.28 R

3. Radiographic exposure devices being used in Aramco shall be

a. Type A
b. Type B
c. Type C
d. Type D

4. What will be the strength of 100 Ci, Ir-192 isotpe after 50 Days?
a. 63 Ci
b. 55 Ci
c. 57 Ci
d. 68 Ci

5. How much dose is the investigation level for radiation worker?

a. Daily dose exceeding 0.5 mSv
b. Monthly dose exceeding 100 mR
c. Both a and b
d. Yearly dose exceeding 20 mSv

6. For an Ir-192 source with activity 35 Ci , what thickness of lead will bring radiation intensity to
12 mR/Hr at 20 meter distance? (HVL= 4.8 mm)
a. 0.19 inches
b. 0.38 mm
c. 0.96 cm
RPP RPP/15-01

d. 1.20 cm

7. During radiography source transportation , the vehicle involved in an accident. The driver is not
injured . What should be the next immediate step?
a. Notify Civil defence and Police
b. Carry out survey
c. Rush the injured people to hospital
d. Establish control area barricades

8. What is the transport index if the maximum radiation level at 100 cm from a radioactive source
is 200 µSv?
a. 20
b. 200
c. 0.2
d. 2

9. An isotope of co-60 is reduced to 2.5 Ci after 26.5 Yrs. What was the initial activity?
a. 20 Ci
b. 67.5 Ci
c. 100 Ci
d. 80 Ci
10. What is the dose rate threshold for Rate alarm meters?
a. 200 mR/Hr
b. 2 mR/Hr
c. 20mR/Hr
d. 2 Sv/Hr

11. What thickness of lead to be used to reduce the dose rate at a location by a factor of 1000? (TVL
of lead is 21 mm for Ir-192)

a. 21 mm
b. 63 cm
c. 420 mm
d. 6.3 cm

12. How long one can stay in a radiation filed of 280 mR/Hr without exceeding a dose of 280 µSv?
a. 1 minute
b. 80 seconds
c. 800 seconds
d. 6 minutes
RPP RPP/15-01

13. If you received a dose of 210 mR from an Ir-192 source during a one hour exposure , What dose
you would receive if your distance from the source is increased by 10 times?

a. 20 mR
b. 25 mR
c. 21 µSv
d. 210 µSv

14. A device used to hold and secure radio active material in industrial radiography is called ?

a. Depleted Uranium
b. Lead
c. Exposure Device
d. Pit Room
15. At a distance of 6 m from a source of radiation your survey meter reads 70 mR/Hr. At what
diatance you will post the controlled area barricades?

a. 58 m
b. 3.54 m
c. 13.5 m
d. 23.5 m

16. An Ir 192 radioactive source of 3700 mCi is being used . At what distance a radiographer will
receive radiation of 5 mR/Hr?
a. 20.17 m
b. 40.34 m
c. 16.2 m
d. 36.4 m

17. If you receive 115 mR at 50 minutes in a radiation field and if you stay there for 15 minutes and
12 seconds how much dose you will receive?
a. 34.96 µSv
b. 34.96 mR
c. 34.96 mR/HR
d. 34.96 µSv/Hr
RPP RPP/15-01

18. Survey meter shows a dose rate of 60 mR/Hr. How long one can stay there not exceeding a dose
of 6 µSv?
a. 60 minutes
b. 5 minutes
c. 360 seconds
d. 360 minutes

19. What will be activity 75 Ci of ir-192 source after 100 Days?

a. 45 Ci
b. 30.48 Ci
c. 42 Ci
d. 37 Ci

20. A dose rate of 234 mR/Hr will result in a dose of when exposed for 45 seconds?
a. 2.92 mR/Hr
b. 29.2 mR/Hr
c. 2.92 MR
d. 29.2 mR

21. Dosimeter shows 100mRem after a radiographer worked in a field for 45 minutes. What could
the radiation intensity where the radiographer was working?
a. 100 mR/Hr
b. 133 mR/Hr
c. 1000 µSv/Hr
d. 1000 mR/Hr

22. A Person working with a Ir -192 source of 25 Ci. What thickness of Lead he should use to
establish a 250 µSv/Hr dose rate at a distance of 10 meter from the source?

23. The dose rate from a Co-60 source located at a distance of 25 meter is 200 mR/Hr. What would
be the dose rate at 30 meter after adding a a Tungsten collimator with 0.62 “ thickness?

24. If person receives 20 mR working for 10 minutes at 10 meter distance from source how much
dose he would recive at 20 meter working for 20 minutes?

25. What would be the activity of a 20 Ci Co-60 source after 31.8 years?

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