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1. The tenth Value layer of lead for 250 KV, X Ray for lead is 8.2 mm.

What thickness of lead would

be needed to reduce the exposure rate of this energy of radiation by a factor of 100?
a. 41.0 mm
b. 24.6 mm
c. 16.4 mm
d. 32.8 mm

2. Ir-192 source of 1804 GBq is used with a gamma factor of 0.13µSv/Hr/MBq at 1 meter.At what
distance a radiographer will receive radiation 5 mSv/hr?
a. 6.85 m
b. 6.05 m
c. 725 m
d. 6.45 m
3. Assume the HVL for 300Kev X Ray is 12.8 mm. How many HVL of lead are required to reduce a
field of 69 Gy/Hr to 19 Gy/hr?

a. 0.82
b. 2.56
c. 1.86
d. 2.14
4. Ater completion of a days assignment the radiographershould perform which of the below
5. The radiation warning signs shall be posted at the control area boundary having a minimum of 4
free standing with 1 meter height.
a. True
b. False
6. An Iridium 192 radioactive source of 396 MBq is used. At what distance a radiographer will
receive radiation of 5 µSv/Hr?
a. 3.21 m
b. 1.15 m
c. 246 m
d. 1.84 m
7. What is the radiation dose emitted by 932 MBq of Ir-192 at 1 meter in 2 Hr?
a. 213µSv
b. 137µSv
c. 301µSv
d. 242µSv
8. The assurance about the right operation of the radiation survey meter and their calibration is
the responsibility of
a. The radiographer
b. The secretary of the company
c. The radiation protection user of the company
d. The manager of the company
9. Your survey meter reads 255µSv/Hr. How much radiation would you receive if you stood at that
location for 120 minutes?
a. 106.25µSv
b. 110.25µSv
c. 127.5µSv
d. 117.5µSv
10. On job site radiation workers in Industrial radiography need the following:
a. TLD, Wipe test and alarm rate meter
b. Alarm rate meter , uncalibrated survey meter and TLD
c. TLD, alarm rate meter and Calibrated survey meter
d. Radiation survey, Alarm rate meter and TLD

11. You have to make 30 exposures. Each exposure takes 4 minutes and survey meter shows
82µSv/Hr. What will be your total dose at the end of the shift?
a. 124 µSv
b. 114 µSv
c. 164 µSv
12. The surface reading of an Ir-192 source with 50 Ci( 1850 Gbq) is 118 mSV/Hr.What would be the
surface reading after 225 Days?
a. 14.75 mSv/Hr
b. 11.75 mSv/ Hr
c. 12.25 mSv/ Hr
d. 17.25 mSv/hr
13. Your survey meter reads 5090 mSv/Hr. How much radiation would you receive if you stood at
that location for 8.2 seconds?
a. 0.116 mSV
b. 116 mSv
c. 1160 mSv
d. 11.60 mSV
14. Select the one that applies, if an unauthorized person enters the radiation area
a. The source should be moved away and exposure should stop until the area is cleared
b. The source should be left untouched and exposure should continue until the area is cleared
c. The source should be retracted and exposure exposure should stop until the area is
d. The source should be replaced and exposure should continue until the area is cleared
15. Transport Index (TI) is determined by :
a. Checking the ID tag on camera
b. Checking the decay chart
c. Surveying the transport package
d. Calling the source manufacturer
16. Given 160 GBq of Co-60. What amount of time elapses before it is only 40 Gbq?
a. 10.6 Yrs
b. 15.9 Yrs
c. 7 Yrs
d. 5.3 Yrs
17. The general public is not expected to receive more than 0.5 mSV in a year from external
radiation sources in any unrestricted area?
a. True
b. False
18. At a distance of 6 meter from a source of radiation , your survey meter reads 0.90 mSv/ Hr.At
what distance should you post restricted area boundary?
a. 69 m
b. 62 m
c. 66 m
d. 64 m
19. A cobalt source has decayed from its original activity after 3 half lives.Originally it was 2342 GBq.
Its current activity is?
a. 269.25 GBq
b. 285.25 GBq
c. 292.75 GBq
d. 268.75 GBq
20. When shooting radiographs with a 43 Ci , Iridium 192 source what will be the exposure rate at
7.5 meter from the source?
a. 3677 µSv/Hr
b. 367.7 µSv/Hr
c. 36.77 µSv/Hr
d. 3.677 µSv/Hr
21. While doing radiography at site the dose rate at controlled area boundary shall not exceed:
a. 75 µSv/Hr
b. 0.0075 µSv/Hr
c. 7.5 µSv/hr
d. 0.75 µSv/Hr
22. Which of the following are the two most common industrial gamma ray sources?
a. Cobalt and Iridium
b. Iridium and X-Ray
c. Selenium and Lead
d. Radium and Berilium
23. Which type of radioactive container is designed to survive normal transportation, normal
handling and minor accidents?
Type B
24. How often are Radiation Survey meters to be Calibrated?
6 Months
25. The atoms that have excess energy and are unstable are called :
Radionuclides or radio active
26. After completion of a days assignment , the radiographer performs all below checks except
a. Verifies that the required vehicles warning signs are in place
b. Secures all equipment
c. Performs a survey ontransport box exterior
d. Collect and distribute TLD’s
27. Ir-192 source with 10 ci produces dose ate of 0.7867 mSV/ Hr at 0.3 meter. How many mSV/Hr
will be produced by 100 ci source at the same distance?
a. 786.70
b. 78.6
c. 7.867
28. Radiation users are responsible for following safe work practices and
a. Performing work in authorized locations
b. Maintaining monitoring records
c. Following approved procedures
d. All of the above
29. The label on the radiographic projector must state the date for which the activity is estimated
and the radiation levels inside the transporting container.
a. True
b. False

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