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Cutaneous porphyrias part I: epidemiology, pathogenesis,

presentation, diagnosis, and histopathology
Mary E. Horner1, MD, Ali Alikhan2, MD, Suzanne Tintle3, MD,
Silvia Tortorelli4, MD, PhD, Dawn Marie R. Davis2, MD, and Jennifer L. Hand2, MD

Department of Dermatology, Baylor Abstract
University Medical Center, Dallas, TX, The porphyrias are a group of disorders characterized by defects in the heme biosynthesis
Department of Dermatology, Mayo Clinic,
pathway. Many present with skin findings including photosensitivity, bullae, hypertrichosis,
Rochester, MN, 3Department of
and scarring. Systemic symptoms may include abdominal pain, neuropsychiatric changes,
Dermatology, Tufts Medical Center, Boston,
MA, and 4Department of Laboratory anemia, and liver disease. With advances in DNA analysis, researchers are discovering the
Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic, underlying genetic causes of the porphyrias, enabling family members to be tested for
Rochester, MN, USA genetic mutations. Here we present a comprehensive review of porphyria focusing on
those with cutaneous manifestations. In Part I, we have included the epidemiology,
Ali Alikhan, MD
pathogenesis, presentation, diagnosis, and histopathology. Treatment and management
Department of Dermatology options will be discussed in Part II.
Mayo Clinic
200 First Street SW
MN 55905

Conflicts of interest: None.

photosensitivity. While the main defect lies in the erythro-

cytes, the liver may also be involved.
The porphyrias are a group of disorders characterized by
defects in heme production, resulting in buildup of toxic
Materials and methods
heme precursors (Table 1). Cutaneous findings are common
and include photosensitivity, painful burning, bullae, and A comprehensive literature search was initially performed using
scarring. Diagnosis requires laboratory measurement of PubMed. Broad searches were performed using the terms
heme precursors in plasma, urine, stool, and erythrocytes. “porphyria,” “coproporphyria,” and “protoporphyria” in the title, and
Heme is made from glycine and succinyl-coenzyme A “skin diseases, genetic” in the medical subject heading, but
in eight steps (Fig. 1). Heme synthesis is ubiquitous excluding for medical subject heading “acute intermittent.” Articles
throughout the body, but 85% occurs in bone marrow, from January 1, 1960, through November 8, 2009, were included.
becoming hemoglobin.1 Porphyrias are classified into two Our search yielded 689 articles, but only nine addressed hereditary
categories based on whether heme precursors build up in coproporphyria; another search was conducted using “hereditary”
the liver (hepatic porphyrias) or bone marrow (erythro- and “coproporphyria” from January 1, 1994 through February 27,
poietic porphyrias). Hepatic porphyrias are subdivided 2010 (of note, coproporphyrinogen oxidase [CPO] was localized to
into acute and chronic subtypes, and tend to have second- chromosome 3q12 in 1994), which yielded 103 articles. Searches
ary triggers (e.g., drugs, alcohol, hormone fluctuation, were also performed on GoogleTM Scholar and Embase.
infection, and fasting). Acute hepatic porphyrias present
with episodes (acute attacks) of abdominal or neurologi-
Acute hepatic porphyrias
cal symptoms caused by a genetic predisposition with a
secondary metabolic trigger. Porphyria cutanea tarda The four acute hepatic porphyrias include acute intermit-
(PCT), the only chronic hepatic porphyria, has a pro- tent porphyria, variegate porphyria (VP), hereditary
longed course of liver damage and photosensitivity. coproporphyria (HCP), and aminolevulinic acid (ALA)
Erythropoietic porphyrias present in childhood with dehydratase-deficient porphyria. They are indistinguish-

International Journal of Dermatology 2013, 52, 1464–1480 ª 2013 The International Society of Dermatology
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Horner et al. Cutaneous porphyrias part I Review 1465

Table 1 Symptoms and heme precursor changes in each of the cutaneous porphyrias

Symptoms Blood/plasma Urine Stool

PCT Fragility, bullae, hypertrichosis, pigment, Fluorescence emission peak at 620 nm ⇑⇑⇑ Uroporphyrin ⇑⇑ Isocoproporphyrin
and sclerodermoid changes (plasma) ⇑ Heptaporphyrin ⇑ Heptacarboxylporphyrin III
⇑ Other porphyrinsa
VP PCT-like skin findings  neurovisceral Fluorescence emission peak at 626 nm ⇑⇑⇑ ALA and PBG ⇑⇑⇑ Protoporphyrin IX
attacks (plasma) ⇑⇑ Coproporphyrin ⇑ Coproporphyrin III–I ratio
⇑ Uroporphyrin
HCP Neurovisceral acute attacks  PCT-like Fluorescence emission peak at 620 nm ⇑⇑ ALA and PBG ⇑⇑ Ratio coproporphyrin
skin findings (plasma) (⇑ Zinc–protoporphyrin – RBC) ⇑⇑ Coproporphyrin III–I > 2.0 (usually >10)
⇑ Uroporphyrin
CEP Bullae on sun-exposed areas leading to ⇑ Uroporphyrin I ⇑⇑ Uroporphyrin I ⇑ Coproporphyrin I
superinfection, scarring, bone resorption, ⇑ Coproporphyrin I ⇑⇑ Coproporphyrin I
eye changes, hepatosplenomegaly, etc. ⇑ Protoporphyrin (in RBC)
Onset ranges from hydrops fetalis to
EPP Burning pain after sun exposure; ⇑ Free protoporphyrin (in RBC) Normal ⇑ Protoporphyrin
5% have hepatic complications
HEP Severe photosensitivity in childhood ⇑ Zinc protoporphyrin (RBC) ⇑⇑ Uroporphyrin ⇑⇑ Coproporphyrin
Fluorescence emission peak at 620 nm ⇑ Coproporphyrin ⇑⇑ Uroporphyrin

⇑, increased; CEP, congenital erythropoietic porphyria; EPP, erythropoietic protoporphyria; HCP, hereditary coproporphyria;
HEP, hepatic erythropoietic porphyria; PCT, porphyria cutanea tarda; VP, variegate porphyria.
Pentacarboxyporphyrin, hexacarboxyporphyrin, heptacarboxyporphyrin.

able during an acute episode, but 60–80% of patients with the cytochrome p450 system increase the demand for
VP and 5–20% of patients with HCP have cutaneous heme, and can trigger an attack.4
symptoms.2 Variegate porphyria is an autosomal dominant (AD)
disorder with incomplete penetrance affecting only
Variegate porphyria about 40% of carriers.8 Most individuals worldwide
have a unique mutation,3,9 with the exception of South
Epidemiology African patients (share a common founder mutation
Variegate porphyria is rare, with a reported prevalence of R59W)4 and Chilean patients (share a common founder
0.5–2 per 100,0003 but more common in South Africa, mutation1239delTACAC).10
affecting 1 in 300 people due to a founder effect.4 VP
usually presents between 20 and 40 years of age. Most Presentation
patients are heterozygous carriers of a protoporphyrino- Variegate porphyria can present with skin lesions alone
gen oxidase (PPO) enzyme mutation. Twelve cases have (similar to those in PCT), acute systemic attacks alone, or
been reported with homozygous PPO mutations with both.9 Acute attacks may involve abdominal pain, hyper-
severe disease in infancy, mental retardation, hand defor- tension, fever, neurologic changes, and/or respiratory
mities, and nystagmus.4–6 While VP affects men and paralysis.9 Diagnosis is frequently delayed, resulting in a
women equally, women are more likely to suffer acute 10% mortality rate.11
neurovisceral attacks, and men are more likely to have
cutaneous manifestations.7 Diagnosis
Variegate porphyria diagnosis is made in three ways:
Pathogenesis (1) clinical symptoms with elevated fecal protoporphy-
Protoporphyrinogen oxidase, the enzyme deficient in VP, rins; (2) plasma fluorescence emission spectrum of
is located on the mitochondrial membrane and catalyzes 626 nm; and/or (3) low lymphocyte PPO activity.
the seventh step in heme biosynthesis. Because PPO Although PPO enzymatic testing is not available in the
deficiency decreases levels of heme, hepatic ALA synthase USA, direct DNA testing of the PPO gene is performed
is upregulated, such that porphyrins and other heme at the Mayo Clinic (Minnesota) and at the Mount Sinai
precursors accumulate in the liver and disperse through- Genetic Testing Laboratory (New York).
out the body.4 Deposition predisposes to cutaneous symp- Patients with VP have elevated fecal protoporphyrin
toms and acute neurologic attacks.3 Factors that induce and coproporphyrin both during attacks and remissions,

ª 2013 The International Society of Dermatology International Journal of Dermatology 2013, 52, 1464–1480
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1466 Review Cutaneous porphyrias part I Horner et al.

Succinyl CoA + glycine Mitochondria Cytosol

1  δ-Aminolevulinic acid synthase X-linked hereditary
(ALA synthase) sideroblastic anemia
δ-aminolevulinic acid

δ-aminolevulinic acid
ALA dehydratase
2  δ-Aminolevulinic acid dehydratase deficient porphyria
Porphobilinogen (ALA dehydratase)

Acute intermittent
3  Porphobilinogen demainase
4  Uroporphyrinogen III synthase & Congenital erythropoietic
Uroporphyrinogen III cosynthase porphyria
Uroporphyrinogen III + uroporphyrinogen I
5  Porphyria
Uroporphyrinogen III decarboxylase cutanea tarda
Coproporphyrinogen III + coproporphyrinogen I
Coproporphyrinogen III
6  Coproporphyrinogen III oxidase
Protoporphyrinogen IX
7  Protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase Variegate porphyria
Protoporphyrin IX
8  Ferrochelatase Erythropoietic
+ +
Globin Apoprotein

Hemoglobin Cytochromes

Figure 1 Hemoglobin biosynthesis pathway and associated porphyrias. The porphyrias with cutaneous manifestations are in
bold.100,103–106 Numbers on the left side of the figure refer to enzymatic steps. AIP, acute intermittent porphyria; ALA,
aminolevulinic acid; CEP, congenital erythropoietic porphyria; EPP, erythropoietic protoporphyria; HCP, hereditary
coproporphyria; PCT, porphyria cutanea tarda; VP, variegate porphyria

with protoporphyrin more concentrated than coproporph- PPO plasma levels than controls).14 This analysis, how-
yrin.4 Fecal porphyrin analysis is highly specific for VP, ever, is difficult to perform and not widely available.15
but is only 80% sensitive, making it a poor screening test
for asymptomatic patients.4,12 Although urinary ALA and Histopathology
porphobilinogen (PBG) are increased during severe acute Affected skin shows periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)-positive
attacks, they can be normal during mild attacks and are depositions in the basement membrane and thickened super-
nonspecific for VP.4 ficial dermal vessels, with blistering occurring below the
Plasma analysis of symptomatic patients with VP lamina densa. Immunofluorescence demonstrates IgG and
reveals a characteristic fluorescence emission spectrum at fibrinogen deposition in vessel walls of sun-exposed skin.
626 nm.7 Fluorometric emission analysis is specific and
inexpensive, but is only 50% sensitive and not regularly Hereditary coproporphyria
employed for screening.13
As the PPO protein is located on the mitochondrial Epidemiology
membrane, it can only be measured in lymphocytes, liver Hereditary coproporphyria is very rare, with a reported
tissue, or fibroblast culture (patients that have 80% lower prevalence of about 1 in 100,000.16 Acute attacks affect

International Journal of Dermatology 2013, 52, 1464–1480 ª 2013 The International Society of Dermatology
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Horner et al. Cutaneous porphyrias part I Review 1467

women more often than men (2.5 : 1 to 19 : 1, by tool, but requires cultured fibroblasts, lymphocytes, or
region).16 hepatocytes and is technically difficult to perform.18

Chronic hepatic porphyrias
Hereditary coproporphyria is caused by deficiency of the
mitochondrial enzyme CPO, which catalyzes the sixth Porphyria cutanea tarda
step of heme synthesis (Fig. 1). It is an AD disorder with
incomplete penetrance, affecting about 30% of carriers.16 Epidemiology
In addition to usual porphyria triggers, hormonal abnor- Porphyria cutanea tarda is the most common porphyria
malities have also triggered HCP, and women tend to in the USA, accounting for 80–90% of all porphyrias,
become symptomatic with menarche or initiation of con- with an estimated prevalence of 1 in 25,000.21 Table 2
traceptive therapy.17 displays reported prevalence in other countries.
CPO activity is decreased by 50% in heterozygotes and Porphyria cutanea tarda can be familial (type I) or
by 98% in homozygotes.18 Rare homozygous cases have acquired (also referred to as sporadic or type II). A rare
been reported in childhood with severe hemolytic anemia, type III PCT occurs in patients with a normal uro-
jaundice, and hepatosplenomegaly.18 A rare homozygous porphyrinogen III decarboxylase (UROD) gene (unlike in
erythropoietic variant of HCP is harderoporphyria, which type I), but with multiple affected family members (sug-
presents with fetal hemolytic anemia and sometimes gesting a genetic component distinct from UROD expres-
photosensitivity. Harderoporphyrin is excreted in large sion). The ratio of familial to sporadic PCT is 1 : 4
amounts and can be measured in stool. worldwide but varies geographically.22–24 Familial PCT
involves either an inherited defect in hepatocyte UROD
Presentation production alone or defects in hepatocyte and erythrocyte
Symptoms usually begin after puberty. About one-quarter UROD production.21 Only one gene encodes UROD,
of patients with HCP have skin phototoxicity along with which is present in all tissues, making the pathogenesis of
neurovisceral attacks, but isolated skin symptoms are the hepatocyte-only defect a mystery.21
uncommon. Kuhnel et al.18 classified symptoms as Overall, PCT affects males and females equally,22 with
abdominal (89%), neurologic (33%), psychiatric (28%), some studies suggesting male predominance in the
cardiovascular (25%), and cutaneous (14%). Without acquired form.25 Sporadic PCT typically presents in the
skin findings, HCP resembles acute intermittent fourth decade, whereas familial PCT can present at any
porphyria, but with skin lesions, it is similar to VP. age.

Diagnosis Pathogenesis
There are three stages of HCP: (1) latent, in asymptom- A defect in UROD, which catalyzes the fifth step in heme
atic carriers who have never had an attack; (2) acute synthesis, causes PCT. Decreased UROD activity increases
attack, in currently symptomatic patients; and (3) subclin- production of symptom-causing carboxylic porphyrins.26
ical, in carriers with previous attacks but no current Porphyrins in skin absorb ultraviolet A, generating perox-
symptoms.18 During an acute attack, urine and fecal ides that cause oxidative damage and inflammation.
coproporphyrin III levels are substantially increased, and Over 70 UROD gene mutations cause AD PCT23 but
stool fluoresces bright red.18 The increased ratio of copro- penetrance remains low (10%).26 As UROD is not a
porphyrin isomers III/I is the most important diagnostic rate-limiting enzyme, many people with UROD mutations
marker but cannot rule out subclinical HCP.18 This iso- never develop PCT.23
mer fractionation test is not performed in all laborato- Sporadic and familial PCT symptoms are due to
ries.19 Furthermore, only a few laboratories test for HCP increased demand for heme synthesis or injury to hepato-
mutations; thus, diagnosis is usually based on increased cytes (e.g., iron overload, estrogen, hepatic injury, or
urinary ALA and PBG excretion, along with stool copro-
Table 2 Prevalence of porphyria cutanea tarda by country
porphyrin elevation. Additionally, some symptomatic
patients have a plasma emission peak between 615 and
Country Prevalence per 100 000
620 nm.20
The most specific and sensitive technique for screening Czech Republic and Slovakia21 20
at-risk relatives for HCP is DNA analysis.18 Nevertheless, Sweden28 10
fecal coproporphyrin isomer III/I ratio appears to be a United States21 4
Norway22 1
highly sensitive alternative for screening relatives over the
United Kingdom26 0.2–0.5
age of 10.20 CPO activity analysis is another screening

ª 2013 The International Society of Dermatology International Journal of Dermatology 2013, 52, 1464–1480
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1468 Review Cutaneous porphyrias part I Horner et al.

drugs).22 Erythrocyte UROD measurement distinguishes mutation may work synergistically with HCV to cause
familial from sporadic PCT: familial cases have low PCT, while the C282Y mutation independently predis-
UROD levels, while sporadic cases have normal UROD poses to PCT.33
levels but low hepatic UROD function.22
Porphyria cutanea tarda is a multifactorial disease; Hepatitis C
alcohol, exogenous hormones, iron overload, hepatitis C While a small proportion of patients with HCV have
(HCV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are PCT, a significant percentage of patients with PCT have
commonly associated. In a study of 39 patients with HCV. It is unclear if both disorders have similar predis-
PCT, 92% had three or more of the above factors.27 In posing risk factors or if HCV contributes to PCT develop-
another study of 84 patients with PCT, 17% had diabe- ment. Patients with HCV are five times more likely to
tes, 57% had hemochromatosis gene mutations, 38% of have sporadic PCT than familial PCT.23
men abused alcohol, 55% of women used estrogen, and One mechanism of how HCV may cause PCT involves
29% of men had HCV.28 increased free hepatocellular iron. About 30–40% of
patients with HCV have elevated serum iron, and patients
Alcohol with HFE mutations generally have more severe HCV
Alcohol abuse is reported in 30–90% of patients with liver disease than those without the mutation.36 Iron
PCT.29 Although alcohol is hepatotoxic, sporadic PCT is overload may worsen HCV, with a synergistic influence
not a common complication of alcoholism; only 2% of on PCT. A second mechanism is that HCV causes free-
alcoholics with cirrhosis have PCT according to one radical oxidation of uroporphyrinogens. Others propose
study.30 Alcohol increases iron absorption, dissociates that HCV reduces UROD indirectly via hepatocyte injury,
iron from its binding proteins, stimulates ALA synthase, alteration of cytochrome P450 mRNA, and increasing
and inhibits UROD.29,30 Additionally, alcohol stimulates UROD inhibitor production.26,37
free-radical production and induces forms of cytochrome Large epidemiological studies have examined geogra-
p450 known to generate reactive oxygen species.31 Free phy in relation to PCT and HCV. A meta-analysis of
radicals cause oxidative changes to uroporphyrinogen, 1164 patients from various geographic regions demon-
which inhibits UROD, thus contributing to PCT.31 strated a 50% prevalence of HCV in PCT.38 Chuang
et al.'s37 case–control study and meta-analysis found that
Hormones patients with PCT in the USA or southern Europe are 64
Porphyria cutanea tarda can present in pregnancy and times more likely to have HCV than patients with no
childbirth, with worsening during the first trimester and PCT.
improvement after delivery.32 Estrogen is associated with
increased iron stores in studies of female rats,31 and some Human immunodeficiency virus
studies suggest that progesterone induces ALA synthase.32 HIV is associated with altered porphyrins, direct hepatic
Estrogen-containing oral contraceptives can trigger PCT damage, impaired cytochrome oxidase, and increased
and should be avoided. estrogen levels – all of which predispose to PCT.26,39 As
HIV produces increased HCV viral load, it acts synergisti-
Iron and hemochromatosis cally to cause hepatic damage and PCT.40
Iron undoubtedly contributes to PCT; phlebotomy,
chelation, and decreased iron intake improves symp- Table 3 Mutations in HFE gene in patients with PCT by
toms.31 Between 60 and 70% of patients with PCT have region26,101,102
mild-to-moderate iron overload.33 Iron catalyzes reactive
oxygen species formation, increasing oxidation of uro- Region or % PCT with % PCT with
porphyrinogen to uroporphyrin.31 Once uroporphyrino- country C282Y mutation H63D mutation

gen is oxidized to uroporphyrin, it cannot re-enter the

UK 44 NS
heme biosynthesis pathway. Additionally, iron may inhi- Australia 44 NS
bit UROD via formation of non-porphyrin products of Denmark 23 NS
porphyrinogen oxidation, which directly inhibit France 17 NS
UROD.26,34 USA 41 NS
Brazil 17 NS
Perhaps through iron excess, hemochromatosis and Germany 39 85
human hemochromatosis protein (HFE) gene mutations Italy NS 29
are associated with increased incidence of PCT.33 There
are two HFE alleles associated with PCT; their prevalence NS, no significant difference compared to control population;
in PCT varies according to region (Table 3).35 The H63D PCT, porphyria cutanea tarda.

International Journal of Dermatology 2013, 52, 1464–1480 ª 2013 The International Society of Dermatology
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Horner et al. Cutaneous porphyrias part I Review 1469

Cytochrome P450 76% had hepatitis B or C, 87% abused alcohol, and

Cytochrome p450 enzymes metabolize drugs, hormones, 68% had hepatic fibrosis. Both PCT and HCC are caused
and other compounds, including oxidation of uro- by long-term liver injury so the association may not be
porphyrinogen, which depletes the UROD substrate.41 causal.
They also metabolize alcohol, estrogen, and other chemi-
cals associated with PCT (that may break down to form Presentation
a UROD inhibitor).42 Additionally, CYP1A2 p450 may Cutaneous findings include erosions, vesicles, bullae,
directly inhibit UROD in hepatocytes43; polymorphisms crusts, milia, hypo- and hyperpigmentation, and skin fra-
are linked to PCT.42 gility (Figs. 2–4). Lesions often present on the dorsal
hands and forearms, with more generalized sclerodermoid
Drugs and chemicals changes on the face. The lesions are symmetric, associated
Porphyria cutanea tarda-like symptoms have been with delayed healing and chronic blistering, and occasion-
reported after hexachlorobenzene exposure.44 Cyto- ally fluoresce red with Wood’s lamp. Less commonly,
chrome p450 may activate hexachlorobenzene, which PCT presents with scarring alopecia and darkening hair
then inhibits UROD, but there are no human studies color.46 Two cases of hair pigment changes from gray to
associating hexachlorobenzene and true PCT.45 brown have been reported, although the mechanism is
Drugs associated with PCT include griseofulvin, sulf- unclear.53 There are also reports of associated melanosis,
onamides, barbiturates, statins, and hydantoins.46 cutis rhomboidalis, and morphea.46
Bullae and vesicles, triggered by minor trauma or sun
Oxidative stress and ascorbic acid deficiency exposure, are usually 0.5–1.0 cm in diameter. Bullae are
Oxidized, or reactive, uroporphyrins have been found in tense with clear fluid, which then becomes cloudy or sero-
the urine of patients with PCT, supporting that PCT is hemorrhagic; milia, which develop secondary to damage
associated with oxidative stress, but it is not clear if oxi- of the basement membrane in subepidermal blistering dis-
dized uroporphyrins are produced mainly in liver, blood, orders, may present after resolution of bullae. Skin fragil-
or sun-exposed skin.31 ity is seen with shearing of skin from minor trauma,
Ascorbic acid is an antioxidant found to be low in forming erosions that are susceptible to infection, slow
84% of untreated patients with PCT in one study.41 healing, and scarring. Chronic scarring may cause
Ascorbic acid may play a role in PCT pathogenesis or shortening of the distal phalanges.
may simply be associated with PCT. Furthermore, as Patients, particularly females, may have lanugo-like
ascorbic acid can inhibit CYP1A2, its deficiency may hypertrichosis on the periorbital, temporal, malar, and
allow overactivity of CYP1A2, which inhibits UROD.41 eyebrow regions. Severe elastosis, seen in chronically
sun-exposed facial skin, and sclerodermoid changes, cre-
Other etiological factors ate a mask-like expression.54 This sclerodermoid process,
• Diabetes. PCT is associated with diabetes, which affects due to uroporphyrinogen-1-dependent collagen synthesis
up to 25% of patients with PCT.47 in the dermis, is seen in up to 18% of patients with
• Dialysis-dependent renal failure. Decreased production PCT.55 Some patients have hypopigmented, yellow,
of erythropoietin and downregulation of erythropoiesis scleroderma-like plaques on sun-exposed areas sur-
may contribute to PCT by increasing unused iron rounded by atrophy and hyperpigmentation.26 Unlike
throughout tissues.48 Unfortunately, the primary therapy other skin findings, these lesions can also affect non-
for PCT is phlebotomy, which is contraindicated in ane- sun-exposed areas.
mic patients. PCT has been shown to improve with eryth- Deposition of photoactive porphyrins near the eye
ropoietin therapy in dialysis-dependent patients.31 causes lid scarring, ectropion, lacrimal scarring, sclero-
Dialysis-dependent renal failure may also result in malacia, and corneal thinning.56 One case of corneal per-
pseudoporphyria.49 foration has been reported.56 Owing to photoactivity of
• Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Several reports uroporphyrin deposited in the conjunctiva, pinguecula
describe HCC presenting with acquired porphyria, with incidence is eight times higher and pterygium two times
normalization of porphyrin levels upon HCC treat- higher, compared to controls.57 Actinic damage of the
ment.50 Having PCT for over 10 years may increase periorbital skin was seen in 96% of patients with PCT in
HCC risk, with some surveys finding a small increase in one study, compared to 25% in controls.57
all cancers (mainly liver 20 9 and lung 3 9).51 However, Hepatomegaly is common in PCT, and cirrhosis is
a study of 39 patients (average 9.7-year follow-up) found found in 30–40% of patients.21 Urine is often discolored
only one patient developed HCC.52 Of those patients, with a red-brown tinge.

ª 2013 The International Society of Dermatology International Journal of Dermatology 2013, 52, 1464–1480
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1470 Review Cutaneous porphyrias part I Horner et al.

(a) (b)

Figure 2 (a) Right hand of a patient with porphyria cutanea tarda, revealing numerous erosions and erythematous patches; (b)
close-up photograph of right hand

Figure 3 Left foot of a patient with porphyria cutanea tarda Figure 4 Hands of a patient with porphyria cutanea tarda
with blistering and erosions demonstrating erythematous plaques, erosions, and a large
bullae of the left hand
Diagnosis is best made with a random urine test demon- coproporphyrin can be found in the stool of patients with
strating increased uroporphyrins with an elevated uro- PCT.31
porphyrin I/uroporphyrin III ratio. The urine must be Solvent extraction techniques and thin-layer chroma-
protected from light to ensure accurate results. The urine tography have been used in the past to measure different
must be protected from light to ensure accurate results.25 types of porphyrins,58 but high-performance liquid chro-
The urine fluoresces bright pink under Wood’s lamp. An matography has largely replaced these modalities.
increased urine uroporphyrin/coproporphyrin ratio also Measuring erythrocyte UROD activity helps distinguish
suggests PCT; there are also other porphyrin patterns familial from sporadic PCT, as sporadic PCT does not
(e.g., hexacarboxyporphyrin, pentacarboxyporphyrin, affect erythrocyte heme production, but only hepatic
heptacarboxyporphyrin) that may suggest PCT.31 heme production. Testing for PCT in family members of
Although not commonly used for diagnosis, 7-, 6-, and 5- patients with known mutations of the UROD gene is
carboxylate porphyrins, coproporphyrin, and iso- available.24

International Journal of Dermatology 2013, 52, 1464–1480 ª 2013 The International Society of Dermatology
13654632, 2013, 12, Downloaded from by Cochrane Romania, Wiley Online Library on [29/07/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Horner et al. Cutaneous porphyrias part I Review 1471

Caterpillar bodies are the diagnostic histopathological
finding in PCT. Caterpillar bodies are linear eosinophilic
PAS-positive globules in the epidermis overlying subepi-
dermal bullae of PCT. They contain degenerating kerati-
nocytes, colloid bodies, and basement membrane bodies.59
Colloid bodies have whorled clumps of filaments, which
contain degenerating melanosomes, vacuoles, mitochon-
dria, and desmosomes.59 Basement membrane bodies have
convoluted basement membrane with collagen.59 The
occasional fusion of basement membrane bodies with col-
loid bodies suggest they were formed at the same time,
likely by repeated blistering and re-epithelialization.59
Figure 6 Direct immunofluorescence demonstrates IgM and
Biopsy of a blister shows subepidermal bullae with little
C3 in vessels due to hyaline material deposits. (Courtesy of
or no inflammatory infiltrate and an upward projection of
Dr. Michael Camilleri, Mayo Clinic, Department of
papilla into the bullae (festooning) (Fig. 5). Chronic lesions Dermatology)
show thickened dermal vessels with PAS-positive diastase-
resistant glycoprotein material in and around the vessels
near the dermal–epidermal junction. Superficially, there is a Differential diagnosis of porphyria cutanea tarda
compact corneal layer with necrotic epithelium, sparse lym- Pseudoporphyria. Cutaneous lesions are similar clinically
phocytic infiltrate, and marked actinic elastosis in the upper and histologically to PCT, but patients have normal UROD
stratum corneum.54 Sclerodermoid lesions of PCT are very activity. Pseudoporphyria is seen in dialysis-dependent
similar to those of true scleroderma with increased collagen renal failure patients treated with phototoxic drugs.61 It
deposition, acellularity, and lack of adnexae.60 Some report may also occur with tanning bed use, nonsteroidal
looser deposition of collagen relative to true scleroderma.60 anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics (i.e., nalidixic acid
Direct immunofluorescence shows IgG, IgM, fibrinogen, and tetracycline), diuretics (primarily sulfur-bearing),
and complement in the basement membrane and around systemic retinoids, dapsone, and cyclosporine.31,54,60
vessels of the upper dermis (Fig. 6).60 No anti-basement Although the exact mechanism of pseudoporphyria in
membrane antibodies are found in serum, and indirect dialysis-dependent renal failure is unknown, it is most
immunofluorescence is negative. likely from a high molecular weight hemopexin–porphyrin
complex formed with subclinical UROD deficiency if the
complex is too large for removal with hemodialysis.62
After months to years of hemodialysis, porphyrins accu-
mulate and present similarly to PCT. Pseudoporphyria is
especially difficult to distinguish from UROD-deficient
PCT because hemodialysis-dependent patients make little
urine for analysis, and the plasma porphyrins can be
similarly elevated. Measuring plasma uroporphyrin and
heptacarboxylated porphyrins, as well as fecal iso-
coproporphyrin, can help distinguish the two entities.31

Other porphyrias. See Table 1.31

Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita. Both epidermolysis bull-

osa acquisita and PCT have similar bullous lesions and
milia, but epidermolysis bullosa acquisita is usually asso-
ciated with traumatized skin such as palms and soles;
uninvolved skin appears normal. In PCT, blisters are
Figure 5 Histology of porphyria cutanea tarda demonstrates often confined to sun-exposed areas such as the dorsum
subepidermal vesiculation, minimal inflammatory infiltrate, of hands with a reddish-brown hue to the face and neck.
and protuberance of rigid dermal papillae into blister cavity
(festooning) in acral skin (hematoxylin and eosin staining; Endocrine and neoplastic diseases. Addison’s disease and
910 magnification) paraneoplastic hypertrichosis lanuginosa acquisita can

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1472 Review Cutaneous porphyrias part I Horner et al.

cause hypertrichosis and hyperpigmentation. Addison’s Table 4 Prevalence per 100,000 of erythropoietic
disease is evaluated by measuring cortisol and adrenocor- protoporphyria per country65,67
ticotropic hormone, while hypertrichosis lanuginosa ac-
quisita requires systemic evaluation for neoplasms. Country Prevalence (per 100 000)

Slovenia 1.75
Chronic hand eczema. Although physical findings may be United Kingdom 0.77
similar, disease course, risk factors, and laboratory North Ireland 1.27
findings will distinguish the two. Netherlands 1.33
South Africa (Parker)
General population 0.06
Hepatoerythropoietic porphyria
European immigrant population 0.70

Hepatoerythropoietic porphyria (HEP) is extremely rare It usually presents in childhood, affects all races, and may
with only 30 cases in 24 families reported by 2004.63 have a slight male predominance.68,69
A few adult-onset cases of EPP are described – while
Etiology some are mild hereditary EPP coming to medical atten-
Homozygous mutations of the UROD gene cause HEP. tion later in life, others are associated with myeloprolifer-
Uroporphyrin, hepatocarboxyl porphryin, and iso- ative disorders (i.e., acquired mutation of the
coproporphyrin accumulate in erythrocytes and liver, ferrochelatase [FECH] allele within bone marrow).70,71
occasionally causing hemolytic anemia and associated
splenomegaly.1 Etiology and pathogenesis
Ferrochelatase catalyzes chelation of ferrous iron with
Presentation and diagnosis protoporphyrin IX to form heme (Fig. 1). FECH is in all
Hepatoerythropoietic porphyria is characterized by scar- heme-producing cells, including erythrocytes and hepato-
ring, photo-mutilation, sclerodermoid changes, and cytes, but the majority (80%) of protoporphyrin IX is
hypertrichosis.63 Similar to other homozygous forms of made in the bone marrow.72 Protoporphyrin IX is created
porphyria, it usually begins in infancy or young child- in erythrocytes during erythropoiesis then diffuses across
hood. Unlike PCT, HEP does not require environmental the erythrocyte membrane on to plasma carrier proteins
triggers to manifest.64 Although enzyme activity should and is filtered out in the liver where most is excreted in
be much lower in HEP compared to PCT, the erythro- bile. The remaining protoporphyrin IX is converted to
cyte UROD activity alone will not distinguish PCT from heme by liver FECH.72
HEP, so the two are distinguished clinically and by Protoporphyrin is hydrophobic, enabling its transfer
DNA analysis.64 from the erythrocyte membrane to endothelial cells
once a concentration gradient is established. Excess pro-
Differential diagnosis of hepatoerythropoietic porphyria toporphyrin deposits around vessels causing tissue dam-
Hepatoerythropoietic porphyria presents clinically like age if oxidized by the Soret band of light (wavelengths
congenital erythropoietic porphyria (CEP), as it begins in 400–408 nm). The endothelial cell injury activates the
early childhood with red urine, blisters, hypertrichosis, complement cascade and causes degranulation of mast
and scarring (see the CEP differential diagnosis section cells. The widespread inflammation can present as solar
for further details). urticaria.
The distinction between AD and autosomal recessive
EPP is blurred by a low-functioning wild-type allele. Most
Erythropoietic porphyrias
cases are AD with incomplete penetrance involving a dis-
This category includes erythropoietic protoporphyria ease allele combined with a low-functioning wild-type
(EPP), CEP, and X-linked dominant protoporphyria. In IVS3-48C allele.72 Only 13 homozygous (recessive) EPP
erythropoietic porphyrias, primary accumulation of por- cases have been reported – these have been extremely
phyrins occurs within bone marrow. severe with four having severe liver disease (exceeding the
5% observed in the AD EPP population).73 It is also pos-
Erythropoietic protoporphyria sible that two low-expression alleles may manifest clini-
cally as EPP.74
Epidemiology The IVS3-48C low-expression allele polymorphism
It is the most common porphyria in childhood – preva- affects a splice site involved in producing FECH and
lence ranges from 0.06 to 1.75 per 100,000 (Table 4).65–67 causes fewer functional enzymes.72,75 The IVS3-48C

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Horner et al. Cutaneous porphyrias part I Review 1473

mutation is not the only cause of EPP; compound hetero-

zygosity for mutations within the promoter region and
introns of the FECH gene are also described.76
The FECH protein concentration must fall below 25–
35% of normal to manifest EPP symptoms.75 Therefore,
although genetic mutations might be identified in an
asymptomatic carrier, incomplete penetrance makes
recommendations unclear. Furthermore, not enough is
known about correlating genotype and phenotype as
expressivity is so variable. About half of patients have no
family history of photosensitivity,77 and there is marked
variability in the presentation of EPP even among

Patients with EPP usually describe burning pain and
edema about 20 minutes after sun exposure, lasting about
six days. Additionally, patients describe post-sun expo-
sure tingling, prickling, and stinging sensations. The burn-
ing sensation occurs before any visible skin changes in
95% of cases77 and can persist for several days or mani-
fest as solar urticaria. While 10% of patients never expe-
rience visible skin changes, those with skin findings report
Figure 7 Linear erosions of the lateral nasal bridge and
swelling (80%), reddening (20%), blistering (17%), crust- lower lip in a patient with erythropoietic protoporphyria
ing/eczema (14%), petechiae/bruising (9%), and fissuring
(5%).77 The severity of skin changes correlates with dura-
tion of sun exposure, and over half of patients describe
exacerbation of symptoms with wind.77
The chronic skin changes of EPP are relatively mild,
but affect 79% of patients; they include dyspigmentation,
papular thickening, pseudo-lichenification (particularly of
knuckles and bridge of nose), hyperkeratosis of the dor-
sum of hands, shallow pitted or linear scars of face (espe-
cially the nose), and linear furrows around the lips
(Figs. 7 and 8).77
Between one-third and one-half of patients with EPP
have mild microcytic, hypochromic anemia.79 This is
more prominent with very low FECH activity.80 Unlike
many disorders of erythropoiesis, patients with EPP have
no iron overload, but some have iron deficiency. A unique
correlation is theorized between protoporphyrin build-up
and decreased absorption of iron creating a steady state
of decreased erythropoiesis.79 Protoporphyrin deposition
in the liver causes disease ranging from cholelithiasis,
caused by protoporphyrin crystalizing out of bile, to
progressive liver failure and death.81 Liver failure presents
with severe upper abdominal pain, splenomegaly, hemoly-
sis, and accelerated photosensitivity.81
Figure 8 Erosions with crusting on the left helix of a patient
Although there is no consensus, experts recommend
with erythropoietic protoporphyria
measuring liver enzymes and blood protoporphyrin levels
every 6–12 months, and, if needed, ultrasound or com- risk factors for liver disease, elevated liver enzymes, or
puted tomography scanning for further evaluation. Any clinical signs of hepatic decomposition should have a liver
patient with EPP with a family history of liver disease, biopsy every five years.72 Patients with EPP should avoid

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1474 Review Cutaneous porphyrias part I Horner et al.

hepatic insults by abstaining from alcohol, and receiving in the ALAS2 gene that encodes 5-aminolaevulinate syn-
hepatitis A and B vaccinations.72 Those with severe liver thase), lipoid proteinosis, and colloid milium,68 which
disease may require a transplant, but the disease affects can be distinguished by measuring blood and stool por-
the new liver as protoporphyrin deposits in bile canalic- phyrins.
uli.82 Optic nerve atrophy has also been reported in
EPP.83 Congenital erythropoietic porphyria

Diagnosis Epidemiology
The most specific way to diagnose EPP is quantitative Congenital erythropoietic porphyria is rare with 130
porphyrin analysis via high-performance liquid chroma- cases published worldwide.87 It has been reported in
tography, demonstrating increased free erythrocyte proto- patients of various ethnic backgrounds.
porphyrin.84 Unlike other porphyrias, urinary excretion
of porphyrins remains normal in EPP due to the hydro- Etiology and pathogenesis
phobic nature of protoporphyrin. The one exception is in Congenital erythropoietic porphyria is caused by autoso-
EPP with hepatic failure where coproporphyrins may be mal recessive mutations in the gene coding for uro-
detected in urine.82 Diagnosis via blood involves chemi- porphyrinogen III synthase (UROIIIS; also known as
cally extracting protoporphyrin for concentration mea- uroporphyrinogen III isomerase and hydroxymethylbilane
surement in peripheral erythrocytes or by directly hydrolase), causing uroporphyrin I to accumulate in all
visualizing fluorocytes. There is a characteristic peak of cells and tissues. UROIIIS is the fourth enzyme in heme
plasma protoporphyrin fluorescence at 634 nm.69 production and catalyzes the cyclization of hydrox-
Attempts to automate a diagnosis of EPP have used ymethylbilane to uroporphyrinogen III (Fig. 1). Without
plasma fluorescence scanning, which measures protopor- UROIIIS, hydroxymethylbilane quickly degrades into uro-
phyrin through its characteristic fluorescence, and has up porphyrinogen I, which cannot act as a substrate for
to 83% sensitivity.67 FECH activity can be measured heme synthesis. Uroporphyrinogen I is metabolized to
through its zinc chelatase activity but is less common due coproporphyrinogen I. Both are oxidized to uroporphyrin
to the technical difficulty of the test.82 I and coproporphyrin I, respectively. Both deposit in reti-
Diagnosis of EPP is typically delayed, with a mean lag culocytes and erythrocytes as slender needle-like inclu-
time of 10–20 years after symptoms begin.85 Based on a sions causing hemolysis, and deposit in various tissues.88
study of 233 British patients, the average age of onset The excess porphyrins deposited into skin are activated
was one year, but the average age of diagnosis was by sunlight and cause toxic oxidative damage (subepider-
12 years.77 EPP is particularly difficult to diagnose as mal bullae and inflammation).
urine porphyrins are often measured to screen for porphy- The pathogenesis of CEP is entirely genetic; 39 differ-
rias and are normal in EPP. ent mutations have been associated with CEP, accounting
for variability of the disease.89 The C73R mutation
Histology causes about 30% of CEP cases and is associated with a
Chronically sun-exposed skin shows progressive thicken- severe presentation.90 Expression of at least one gene
ing of blood vessels in the papillary dermis, which stains with residual function results in a milder case of CEP
with PAS. Immunofluorescence shows that this PAS mate- even when in combination with the C73R mutation.91
rial is type IV collagen likely from concentric reduplica- Even with the same mutations, patients present differently
tion of perivascular basal lamina from chronic sun due to variations in stimulation of erythropoiesis, sunlight
exposure. Fine granular material appears at the basement exposure, and other lifestyle choices. While the relation-
membrane and in the superficial dermis.86 Direct immu- ship between genotype and phenotype is unclear, it
nofluorescence shows mostly IgG, as well as IgA, IgM, appears that residual UROIIIS activity below 5% causes
and C3 within vessel walls.86 Acute lesions show vacuoli- severe disease and 5–10% UROIIIS activity causes mild
zation of epidermal cells with intercellular edema, and and moderate disease.89
vacuolization and cytolysis of endothelial cells of superfi-
cial blood vessels without other changes to the surround- Presentation
ing dermis.68 Features of CEP include extreme photosensitivity, hemo-
lytic anemia, erythrodontia (red discoloration of teeth),
Differential diagnosis of erythropoietic protoporphyria hypertrichosis, ocular complications, and bone fragility.
The differential diagnosis for EPP includes X-linked The severity ranges from non-immune hydrops fetalis or
dominant protoporphyria (which can present similarly to dependence on blood transfusions to milder adult-onset
EPP, is rare, and is due to a gain-in-function mutation cutaneous lesions.92 Extreme photosensitivity in early

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Horner et al. Cutaneous porphyrias part I Review 1475

childhood causes second- and third-degree burns, with

ulceration and scarring.87 Patients present with bullae,
hyper- and hypopigmentation, fibrosis, alopecia, hypertri-
chosis, and deformities from resorption of the distal pha-
langes and nose.87 Lesions often become infected, which
can cause further scarring and inflammation.
Chronic anemia is caused by decreased erythrocyte life-
span, poor erythropoiesis, and erythrocyte fragility from
high porphyrin concentrations. CEP is associated with
splenomegaly and occasionally hepatomegaly, and can
present with pancytopenia, purpura, or epistaxis.87
Patients have increased plasma indirect bilirubin, potas-
sium, lactate dehydrogenase, and fecal urobilinogen.
Severely affected patients are transfusion-dependent for
Figure 9 Pink fluorescence due to porphyrin deposition in the their entire lives.91 To compensate for chronic anemia,
teeth of a patient with congenital erythropoietic porphyria the bone marrow expands heme production; conse-

Bullae and photosensitivity

Suspect cutaneous porphyria

No Associated with acute neurovisceral attacks? Yes

-Abdominal pain, peripheral neuropathy, psychiatric symptoms
No Yes
Adult onset
Measure urine,
Measure urine, blood, and/or Measure urine, blood, and stool, and/or
stool porphyrins stool porphyrins plasma porphyrins
& Confirm with DNA analysis

⇑ Fecal coproporphyrin ⇑ Fecal

⇑ ⇑ Urine ⇑ Urine uroporphyrin and isomers III>I protoporphyrin >
uroporphyrin I ⇑ Fecal heptaporphyrin coproporphyrin
⇑ Urinary uro-and
⇑ ⇑ Fecal uro- and isocoproporphyrin ⇑ Blood-free Plasma fluorescense
coproporphyrin, ALA and
coproporphyrin I ⇓ Erythrocyte UROD protoporphyrins emission at 626 nm
&⇑ activity
⇓ Erythrocyte
No Yes
UROD activity

CEP HEP EPP Acquired PCT Familial PCT HEP VP

- Evaluate for - Consider - Screen for - Screen for hepatitis C - Consider genetic testing - Consider screening - Consider
other organ genetic testing liver disease virus. of relatives for UROD relatives for CPO genetic
involvement of relatives for with liver - Consider genetic testing mutation and/or gene mutation. testing of
including eyes, UROD function tests for hemochromatosis gene hemochromatosis gene relatives for
bones, and mutation. and imaging. mutation. mutation. PPO gene
anemia. mutation.

Figure 10 Diagnostic algorithm for cutaneous porphryias. Note that all diagnoses are confirmed by porphyrin analysis of urine,
blood, and stool. Included below each diagnosis are recommendations for further work-up given disease associations and risk
factors.103–105,107,108 AIP, acute intermittent porphyria; ALA, aminolevulinic acid; CEP, congenital erythropoietic porphyria;
CPO, coproporphyrinogen oxidase; EPP, erythropoietic protoporphyria; HCP, hereditary coproporphyria; PBG,
porphobilinogen; PCT, porphyria cutanea tarda; PPO, protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase; UROD, uroporphyrinogen III
decarboxylase; VP, variegate porphyria

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1476 Review Cutaneous porphyrias part I Horner et al.

quently, patients have short stature and are at risk for

Differential diagnosis and approach to
fractures.93 Porphyrins have affinity for calcium phos-
cutaneous porphyrias
phate and therefore deposit in bone and tooth dentine,
creating a reddish hue that fluoresces red (erythrodontia; Owing to variability in presentation and rarity, porphy-
Fig. 9).94 The resultant thinning of tooth enamel rias are often misdiagnosed. A broad differential and high
predisposes to dental caries. level of suspicion is crucial for early, accurate diagnosis.
Urine may be pink-colored with an intense red fluores- Photosensitive dermatoses should be evaluated with
cence under Wood’s lamp.87 Eye complications include detailed history, physical exam, phototesting, and photo-
conjunctivitis, complete loss of eyelashes and eyebrows, patch testing. In patients with photosensitivity and bul-
scleral thinning, ulcerations, and even one case of bilat- lous lesions, bullous lupus erythematosus, bullous
eral necrotizing scleritis.95 Ophthalmologic alterations are pemphigoid, drug reaction, hydroa vacciniforme, ery-
due to phototoxicity from accumulation of porphyrins, thema multiforme, and phytophotodermatitis should be
which have been demonstrated to be elevated in the tears considered.60,98 There are also reports of patients with
of patients with CEP.96 The combination of corneal scar- multiple heme enzyme deficiencies (dual porphyrias).
ring, which dries out the eye, and incomplete eyelid clo- Deficiency of porphyrobilinogen deaminase and PPO is
sure due to skin scarring (lagophthalmos) exposes the eye termed Chester Porphyria.99
to further phototoxicity.96 When contemplating the diagnosis of a porphyria based
on physical exam and history, the primary question is
Diagnosis whether the patient is experiencing acute neurovisceral
Diagnosis is made by the porphyrin concentration profile attacks, helping to differentiate acute hepatic porphyrias
in erythrocytes, urine, and stool – differentiating among (Fig. 10). Neurovisceral symptoms consistent with an
isomers I and III for both uroporphyrin and coproporphy- acute attack should be evaluated for PBG with the rapid
rin. Urinary porphyrin concentrations are 100–1000 times Hoesch test or Watson–Schwartz test.100 In those without
higher than normal with mostly uroporphyrin I, but also such attacks, age of onset further assists in diagnosis, as
hepta-, hexa-, penta-, and copro-porphyrin isomers.87 PCT typically occurs in adulthood. Porphyrin assays fur-
Stool porphyrins consist mainly of the bile-soluble lipo- ther help distinguish the specific enzyme defect. Solar urti-
philic coproporphyrin and protoporphyrin.87 caria or acute photosensitivity suggest protoporphyria;
Erythrocyte UROIIIS activity can be measured directly screening for erythrocytic porphyrins is warranted.100 For
using certain sensitive assays of cultured red blood cells; bullous lesions, screening for urinary porphyrins should
however, these assays are less accurate in transfused be performed to rule in/out PCT, HCP, and VP.100 DNA
patients.92 In an affected pregnancy, amniotic fluid is analysis may isolate the genetic defect, confirming a spe-
dark brown in color, and the diagnosis is confirmed by cific diagnosis.
increased type I uroporphyrin and coproporphyrin iso-
mers in the amniotic fluid.97 Six cases of prenatal CEP
Questions (see answers on page 1480)
have been reported; prenatal ultrasounds showed hydrops
fetalis and nuchal translucency (due to anemia), as well 1 Which enzyme is mutated in variegate porphyria?
as hyperechoic kidneys and bones (suggestive or A Protoporphyrinogen oxidase
uroporphyrin I deposition).97 B Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
C Ferrochelatase
Histopathology D Uroporphyrinogen III synthase
Congenital erythropoietic porphyria skin samples may 2 Plasma of patients with variegate porphyria classically
demonstrate subepidermal bullae (similar to PCT), with demonstrates fluorescence emission at which wave-
scarring and hyalinization of the connective tissue. PAS- length?
positive material is deposited in the perivascular space of A 311 nm
both skin and liver.87 B 365 nm
C 626 nm
Differential diagnosis D 595 nm
Congenital erythropoietic porphyria can be mistaken for 3 Hereditary coproporphyria is characterized by which
a severe form of HEP.87 CEP has increased urine of the following porphyrin anomalies?
uroporphyrin and coproporphyrin with isomer I predomi- A Elevated coproporphyrin III–I ratio
nance for both, increased blood porphyrins, and normal B Elevated coproporphyrin I–III ratio
UROD activity, while HEP has increased fecal C Elevated uroporphyrin–coproporphyrin ratio
isocoproporphyrin. D Elevated porphobilinogen at baseline

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Horner et al. Cutaneous porphyrias part I Review 1477

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C X-linked dominant gene-based therapies. Curr Gene Ther 2008; 8: 176–186.
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3 DAmato M, Bonuglia M, Barile S, et al. Genetic analysis
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A Subepidermal bullae with prominent mixed variegate porphyria. Clin Exp Dermatol 1996; 21: 353–
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B Intraepidermal bullae with neutrophilic infiltrate
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7 Which answer choice is false regarding erythropoietic porphyria in a large South African family. Br J Dermatol
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D Variegate porphyria: emphysema

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