BNF Fun Way To Fibre

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The fun way To fibre! know?

Getting enough fibre can help
reduce the risk of heart disease,
type 2 diabetes and bowel
Many people don’t get enough fibre. In the UK, the average daily cancer, and can also improve
intake of fibre for adults is about 19g. Aim for at least 30g a day. digestive health.

breakfast 1.6 breakfast 9.4
Orange juice Orange
White toast Wholemeal toast
and jam and peanut butter A bowl of high
fibre breakfast
cereal is also a great
Eat the whole fruit +2.7g way to start the day.
Add dried or fresh
fruit for an extra
fibre boost.
Snack 0 Snack 3.0
Low fat vanilla yogurt Low fat vanilla yogurt
with strawberries
Lunch 5.1 Lunch 10.6 Wholegrains
include brown
White spaghetti Wholewheat spaghetti rice, wholegrain
with tomato-based with tomato-based cereals, pasta,
wholemeal bread,
sauce sauce oats and rye.

Choose wholegrain +5.5g

Snack 0.8 Snack 8.5

Cream crackers with cheese Rye crackers with hummus
Dinner 5.6 Dinner 11.0
Crumbed chicken breast Crumbed chicken breast
Mashed potato Baked potato with skin
Carrots Carrots & green beans
Skin and peel
Keep the skin on +2.2g on fruit and veg are
fibre providers but
always wash them
before eating.
Total fibre 13.1g Total fibre 42.5g
(% recommended intake) (44%) (% recommended intake) (142%)

for more fascinating facts about fibre visit the bnf website

© British Nutrition Foundation July 2018. Next review due July 2021.
For more information on the sources used in this resource please contact
autumn 2010 • © British Nutrition Foundation 2010

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