Summative Assessment

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Content Area: Science

Learning Objective: Given a set of animals, the students will be able to identify whether it is a
carnivore, omnivore, or herbivore using a selected project-based assignment with 100%

Short description: This summative assessment will be a BINGO board-style assessment. The
students will be given four different types of projects they can choose to do. The first type is a
diorama where the students will show the animal surrounded by the type of food it eats. For
example, a bunny might be surrounded by carrots and a human might be at a dinner table with
a plate of mashed potatoes, a steak, and peas. The second type is going to a poster where they
show the animal and pictures of what the animal eats. The third type is a comic strip where the
students draw their animal telling the audience what it eats. For example, they might have a dog
cartoon where the dog is telling the reader that they eat peanut butter, as well as beef bones.
The comic would need to be a minimum of 3 panels.

Rationale: This assessment meets the learning objective because the students will each be
given an animal that they select blindly from a paper bag. The students then need to identify
whether it is an herbivore, carnivore, or an omnivore. They will need to explain their reasoning
using their project. This fits with the objective.

Description of each scoring guide: The scoring guide is different for each project. The scoring
guide for the first project will be a child-friendly rating system. The students will present their
projects and as they are presenting I am going to check off what where they added to their
presentation or not. If not I will make sure that I ask questions relating to what they are missing.
The students will receive a rating scale of the things I am looking for before they present.

For the first project, I will have the students include their animal, the food they eat, and
why they think the animal eats that. For the second project, I will look for the students to have
an image of their animal, a picture of what it eats, and for the students to say why they think
that. For the third project, I am going to be looking for the student to include at least three
panels, the student will include a drawing of what their animal eats, their animal, and why they
think they are right.

There will be a differentiated scoring guide based on the student’s needs. Looking at
student 1, the checklist will have simple CVC words for the student to read. The student will also
have enough time to complete the assignment. If the student needs more time they will be given
an extra day. Looking at student 2, the checklist will use images so the student will not need to
read as many words There are also options available for the student to not have to write. There
will also be ample class time for the student to ask questions for clarification.

Include each scoring guide, including an differentiated one.

Differentiation for each assessment:
There will be a differentiated scoring guide based on the student’s needs. Looking at
student 1, the checklist will have simple CVC words for the student to read. The student will also
have enough time to complete the assignment. If the student needs more time they will be given
an extra day. Looking at student 2, the checklist will use images so the student will not need to
read as many words There are also options available for the student to not have to write. There
will also be ample class time for the student to ask questions for clarification.
There are several other students who are struggling readers who would receive the
same guide as student 2. There is another student who has a 504 plan. This student would not
need a different scoring guide. She would just need the directions repeated to her again and
extra time to complete the assignment.

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