In The Context of Mobile Application Development

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In the context of mobile application development, "naïve data handling" could refer to the basic

or straightforward approaches developers use to manage and process data within their
applications. Here are some key considerations for handling data in mobile app development:

Data Storage:

Choose appropriate storage options for your data, such as SharedPreferences for small key-value
pairs, SQLite databases for structured data, or external storage for larger files.

Understand the trade-offs between internal storage and external storage based on security, speed,
and accessibility.

Networking and APIs:

Implement networking functionalities to communicate with remote servers and APIs.

Use libraries like Retrofit (for Android) or URLSession (for iOS) to handle HTTP requests and

Data Serialization:

Serialize and deserialize data when sending or receiving information over the network. Common
formats include JSON and XML.

Utilize built-in libraries or third-party libraries for efficient serialization/deserialization.


Implement caching strategies to store frequently used data locally, reducing the need for repeated
network requests.

Decide on a caching policy, such as time-based expiration or manual clearing.

Background Tasks:

Handle data processing and updates in the background to ensure a smooth user experience.

Use background services or tasks to perform periodic data synchronization or updates.

User Input Handling:

Validate user input to ensure data integrity and security.

Sanitize and validate user inputs to prevent potential security vulnerabilities.

Local Databases:

Implement local databases to store and retrieve data efficiently, especially for apps that work
offline or need to manage a large amount of data.

Use object-relational mapping (ORM) frameworks like Room (for Android) or Core Data (for
iOS) for easier database management.

Error Handling:

Implement error-handling mechanisms to gracefully handle issues such as network errors, server
unavailability, or data corruption.

Provide meaningful error messages to users for better usability.


Pay attention to data security, especially when dealing with sensitive user information.

Use secure communication protocols (HTTPS) and encryption for storing sensitive data.


Perform thorough testing of data handling functionalities, including unit testing, integration
testing, and UI testing.

Test scenarios such as poor network conditions, data corruption, and edge cases to ensure

User Experience:

Consider the user experience when handling data, aiming for responsiveness and minimizing
latency in data-related operations.

As with any development process, continuous learning and improvement are essential. Mobile
app developers should stay updated on best practices, new tools, and technologies to enhance
their data handling strategies.

What are bugs in apps?

As an app development company, this is one of the most common questions we often get. There
are many different types of bugs, and although many of them are harmless, some of them do
deserve critical attention.

Some bugs are found in an app’s design, while others are directly related to the software code.
Whatever the case is, it is always best to identify them before a user does.
Identifying and addressing bugs through testing is a critical part of any software development
project. After all, bugs can potentially break your web or mobile application, damaging your
User Experience, and ultimately, your brand.

In this post, we share with you some important mobile application quality assurance lessons we
have learned throughout our years of experience in the app development industry. These will
help you safeguard your app against potential bugs.

What Are App Bugs?

The term ‘bug’ refers to mistakes in software or other aspects of a program. These mistakes
may produce an error in the form of unexpected results or erratic behavior.

In the best case, a bug may only affect software performance. In the worst case, it may make the
software crash. Bugs commonly originate in the source code or in a program’s design, but they
can also occur in the compiler or the operating system.

You are probably aware that, like regular computer programs, mobile apps also have bugs. App
development teams need to make sure that bugs are fixed before a mobile application goes to
production, or otherwise, users may come into contact with them.

Understanding some of the most common types of bugs is key to addressing them. So is being
familiar with the best practices and tools used to fix them. Guaranteeing software quality is a
specialized field that requires state-of-the-art technology.

The Importance of Addressing Bugs

There are different types of bugs. Some of them are harmless, while others may seriously
compromise your mobile application. Having bugs is never acceptable, but depending on the
industry you are in, the severity of bugs may vary.

It is not the same to have a bug in a Retail app as in a MedTech one. The former may be
frustrating for a customer who is trying to perform a transaction, but the latter may compromise a
patient’s health. A similar case occurs with security issues when it comes to FinTech apps that
manage sensitive data or assets.

The aviation and automotive industries also require that software quality is guaranteed. Not
doing so may put lives at risk. This becomes especially important as more components in
vehicles are going digital.

Many industries will have to adapt their processes so that they implement software development
best practices that guarantee adequate performance. The recent cases of flaws in the software
of Tesla cars and the Boeing 737 Max are examples of why it is important to guarantee the
quality of software.

Addressing Bugs in Mobile Apps

Like other types of software, mobile applications are susceptible to bugs. As a result, it is
necessary that apps undergo a meticulous Quality Assurance process that guarantees bugs
are addressed through testing.

The best app developers make sure to implement industry best practices when it comes to
identifying and addressing bugs. This requires not only looking at the code in detail but also
testing to monitor an app’s performance under certain conditions.

There is a lot of serious engineering going on throughout this process. That is why the best app
quality tests are performed by QA Engineers. They have the necessary engineering skills and
knowledge to guarantee that your app is ready to hit the market.

If you are thinking about hiring someone to test your mobile application, make sure they are on
the engineering side.

Common Bugs in Mobile Applications

Mobile devices rule the world. Yet, it is common to find many mistakes in mobile apps. These
are a few of the most common bugs:

 Poor UX Writing practices that send a confusing message to users. This commonly
occurs in buttons, text fields, and error messages.
 Security glitches can compromise data. They can potentially leave the door open to
malicious hackers who may access users’ information.
 App crashes that make it impossible to use your app. This is a very common bug that
may occur for various reasons.
 Visualization problems can occur due to different screen sizes as well as the inadequate
configuration of portrait and horizontal views of an app.
 Notifications that sometimes result in all sorts of bugs and an annoying experience.

Common bugs occur even on the world’s most popular mobile apps. To avoid all the bugs, it is
necessary to have a team of developers that is able to find and solve them easily.

How to Find Bugs in Apps

The best way to find bugs in a mobile app is through app testing. The continuous
testing philosophy can help identify bugs by testing small pieces of code rather than the
bulk of it.

By doing continuous software testing, developers can fix mistakes right away rather than waiting
for big pieces of code to be deployed. When this last happens, it is very hard to spot where the
mistake is in the code. This makes it more time-consuming and expensive to fix bugs in mobile
Software testing requires using some of the best QA tools available. Because these tools are very
specialized, they are not always available to all companies. As a result, it might be best for your
company to find someone who has them and knows how to use them.

Software project management experts know how to test for a specific error in the different stages
of an app’s development, making sure that its quality is assured.

Being meticulous about your app’s documentation is also important. This guarantees that your
code can be easily understood by any of your developers. It also makes it easier to find bugs.

When it comes to guaranteeing software quality, our years of experience have taught us three
valuable lessons:

1. Software testing is the best way to find and fix a particular error. To do so, it is good to
look at the code, but more importantly, to use the right quality testing tools.
2. Don’t just focus on the technical aspects of your mobile app. Look at the big picture of
the User Experience and how potential bugs might be affecting it.
3. Looking out for bugs might seem expensive, but it is nothing compared to the costs of
doing nothing.

If you want your users to love your app, make sure to find a qualified and experienced app
development company that can help you find bugs and fix them before your users spot them.
Bugs in apps are no fun.

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