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Trial 1: For this trial, make the red and blue masses equal and run the experiment.

1. What were the results of this trial? Make sure you explain your reasoning below.
- Nothing happens, because the forces acting upon them are equal in all directions. The
force of gravity is the same for both blocks, and as a result, the tension of both sides of
the ropes are the same, resulting in no movement from the block.

2. Would the results of this trial change if the simulation was run on a different celestial object?
Explain your reasoning below
- As long as the gravity is constant on a celestial body, this effect will occur in the same
way. Because the masses are equal, the influence of gravity should not change the fact
that they are unmoving, assuming gravity is present.

Trial 2: Make the red mass 100g and change the blue mass to 50g

1. Which direction will this system move? Explain your reasoning by using words such as
Net Force and Acceleration.
- The system moves toward the left. The red box has a greater mass, and as a result the
force of gravity acting on the red box will be stronger than the blue one. The inverse
force proportional to gravity is the tension force of the rope, which will pull the lighter blue
box upward, causing the upward acceleration of the blue box and the downward
acceleration of the red one. The net force will be acting toward the left respective to the

2. Using the graphs produced below the simulation, determine the acceleration of the
- The system appears to have an acceleration equal to 3.33 m/s^2
a. Insert a Screenshot of the graph you used

b. Explain how you used the graph to calculate the acceleration of the system.
- Using the basic slope formula, I took two approximate points and calculated the constant
slope of this line, which is equal to the acceleration value.

c. Using Newton’s 2nd Law, Σ𝐹 = 𝑚𝑎, derive an equation that will find the
acceleration of your system.
- a=(Σ𝐹)/m
- a= 9.8(100-50)/(100+50)

Trial 3: Set your celestial object to Venus. Make the red mass 100g and the blue mass 50g and
run the simulation

1. What is the acceleration of your system?

- 2.5 m/s^2

2. Unding the data below, derive an equation that will solve for the local acceleration due to
gravity, g, on Venus.

a. Inset your equation below.

- a=g(100-50)/(100+50)
b. Insert a Screenshot of the graph you used to help you find the local acceleration of gravity on
Venus. Explain how you used that graph

- Much like the previous question, I calculated the slope of this line using two points, and
that point corresponds to the local acceleration on venus of this system.

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