IntelliJIDEA VSC Keymapps

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Editing Navigation

Basic code completion Space Go to class O

Smart code completion Space Go to file O
DEFAULT KEYMAP Complete statement
Parameter info (within method call arguments) P
Go to symbol
Go to next / previous editor tab
Quick documentation lookup J, Go back to previous tool window F12
External Doc F1 Go to editor (from tool window)
Brief Info + mouse Hide active or last active window
Remember these Shortcuts Show descriptions of error at caret F1 Go to line L
Generate code... N, Recent files popup E
Smart code completion Space Override methods O Navigate back / forward /
Search everywhere Double Implement methods I Navigate to last edit location
Show intention actions and quick-fixes Surround!with…! T Select current file or symbol in any view F1
Generate code N, Comment / uncomment with line comment / Go to declaration B, Click
Parameter info P Comment / uncomment with block comment / Go to implementation(s) B
Extend selection Extend selection Open quick definition lookup Space, Y
Shrink selection Shrink selection Go to type declaration B
Recent files popup E Context info Q Go to super-method / super-class U
Rename F6 Show intention actions and quick-fixes Go to previous / next method /
Reformat code L Move to code block end / start ]/ [
Optimize imports O File structure popup F12
Auto-indent line(s) I Type hierarchy H
General Indent / unindent selected lines / Method hierarchy H
Open corresponding tool window 0 ... 9 Cut current line to clipboard X Call hierarchy H
Save all S Copy current line to clipboard C Next / previous highlighted error F2 / F2
Synchronize Y Paste from clipboard V Edit source / View source F4 /
Toggle maximizing editor F12 Paste from recent buffers... V Show navigation bar Home
Inspect current file with current profile I Duplicate current line D Toggle bookmark F3
Quick switch current scheme §, ` Delete line at caret Toggle bookmark with mnemonic F3
Open Settings dialog , Smart line join J Go to numbered bookmark 0 ... 9
Open Project Structure dialog ; Smart line split Show bookmarks F3
Find Action A Start new line
Toggle case for word at caret or selected block U Compile and Run
Debugging Select till code block end / start ]/ [ Make project F9
Step over / into F8 / F7 Delete to word end
Smart step into / Step out F7 / F8 Delete to word start Compile selected file, package or module F9
Run to cursor F9 Expand / collapse code block +/ - Select configuration and run / debug R/D
Evaluate expression F8 Expand all + Run / Debug R/D
Resume program R Collapse all - Run context configuration from editor R, D
Toggle breakpoint F8 Close active editor tab W
View breakpoints F8 Usage Search
Refactoring Find usages / Find usages in file F7 / F7
Search / Replace Copy F5 Highlight usages in file F7
Search everywhere Double Move F6 Show usages F7
Find F Safe Delete Delete
Find next / previous G/ G Rename F6 VCS / Local History
Replace R Refactor this T Commit project to VCS K
Find in path F Change Signature F6 Update project from VCS T
Replace in path R Inline N Push commits K
Select next occurrence G Extract Method M ‘VCS’ quick popup V
Select all occurrences G Extract Variable V
Unselect occurrence G Extract Field F Live Templates
Extract Constant C Surround with Live Template J
—Productivity Boosters Extract Parameter P Insert Live Template J
Search and replace ⇧⌘T Reopen closed editor
⌘K Enter Keep preview mode editor open
⌘F Find ⌃Tab / ⌃⇧Tab Open next / previous
Keyboard shortcuts for macOS Replace
⌥⌘F ⌘K P Copy path of active file
⌘G / ⇧⌘G Find next/previous ⌘K R Reveal active file in Explorer
⌥Enter Select all occurrences of Find match ⌘K O Show active file in new window/instance
General ⌘D Add selection to next Find match
⌘K ⌘D Move last selection to next Find match
⇧⌘P, F1 Show Command Palette Display
⌘P Quick Open, Go to File…
Rich languages editing ⌃⌘F Toggle full screen
⇧⌘N New window/instance ⌥⌘0 Toggle editor layout (horizontal/vertical)
⌘W Close window/instance ⌃Space Trigger suggestion ⌘= / ⇧⌘- Zoom in/out
⌘, User Settings ⇧⌘Space Trigger parameter hints ⌘B Toggle Sidebar visibility
⌘K ⌘S Keyboard Shortcuts ⇧⌥F Format document ⇧⌘E Show Explorer / Toggle focus
⌘K ⌘F Format selection ⇧⌘F Show Search
Basic editing F12 Go to Definition ⌃⇧G Show Source Control
⌥F12 Peek Definition ⇧⌘D Show Debug
⌘X Cut line (empty selection) ⌘K F12 Open Definition to the side ⇧⌘X Show Extensions
⌘C Copy line (empty selection) ⌘. Quick Fix ⇧⌘H Replace in files
⌥↓ / ⌥↑ Move line down/up ⇧F12 Show References ⇧⌘J Toggle Search details
⇧⌥↓ / ⇧⌥↑ Copy line down/up F2 Rename Symbol ⇧⌘U Show Output panel
⇧⌘K Delete line ⌘K ⌘X Trim trailing whitespace ⇧⌘V Open Markdown preview
⌘Enter / ⇧⌘Enter Insert line below/above ⌘K M Change file language ⌘K V Open Markdown preview to the side
⇧⌘\ Jump to matching bracket
⌘K Z Zen Mode (Esc Esc to exit)
⌘] / ⌘[ Indent/outdent line
Home / End Go to beginning/end of line
⌘↑ / ⌘↓ Go to beginning/end of file ⌘T Show all Symbols Debug
⌃PgUp / ⌃PgDn Scroll line up/down ⌃G Go to Line... F9 Toggle breakpoint
⌘PgUp /⌘PgDn Scroll page up/down ⌘P Go to File... F5 Start/Continue
⌥⌘[ / ⌥⌘] Fold/unfold region ⇧⌘O Go to Symbol... F11 / ⇧F11 Step into/ out
⌘K ⌘[ / ⌘K ⌘] Fold/unfold all subregions ⇧⌘M Show Problems panel F10 Step over
⌘K ⌘0 / ⌘K ⌘J Fold/unfold all regions F8 / ⇧F8 Go to next/previous error or warning ⇧F5 Stop
⌘K ⌘C Add line comment ⌃⇧Tab Navigate editor group history ⌘K ⌘I Show hover
⌘K ⌘U Remove line comment ⌃- / ⌃⇧- Go back/forward
⌘/ Toggle line comment ⌃⇧M Toggle Tab moves focus
Integrated terminal
⇧⌥A Toggle block comment
⌥Z Toggle word wrap Editor management ⌃` Show integrated terminal
⌃⇧` Create new terminal
⌘W Close editor
Multi-cursor and selection ⌘C Copy selection
⌘K F Close folder ⌘↑ / ↓ Scroll up/down
⌥ + click Insert cursor ⌘\ Split editor PgUp / PgDn Scroll page up/down
⌥⌘↑ Insert cursor above ⌘1 / ⌘2 / ⌘3 Focus into 1st, 2nd, 3rd editor group ⌘Home / End Scroll to top/bottom
⌥⌘↓ Insert cursor below ⌘K ⌘← / ⌘K ⌘→ Focus into previous/next editor group
⌘U Undo last cursor operation ⌘K ⇧⌘← / ⌘K ⇧⌘→ Move editor left/right
⇧⌥I Insert cursor at end of each line selected ⌘K ← / ⌘K → Move active editor group
⌘I Select current line
⇧⌘L Select all occurrences of current selection File management
⌘F2 Select all occurrences of current word
⌘N New File
⌃⇧⌘→ / ← Expand / shrink selection
⌘O Open File...
⇧⌥ + drag mouse Column (box) selection
⇧⌥⌘↑ / ↓ Column (box) selection up/down
⌘S Save
⇧⌘S Save As...
⇧⌥⌘← / → Column (box) selection left/right
⌥⌘S Save All
⇧⌥⌘PgUp Column (box) selection page up Other operating systems’ keyboard shortcuts and additional
⌘W Close
⇧⌥⌘PgDn Column (box) selection page down unassigned shortcuts available at
⌘K ⌘W Close All

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