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The Defendants in this matter are Mr Dexter DeShawn of 1337 Sigma

Apartments, Pacifica, Night City, United Kingdom and Judy Alvarez of 2a Charter
Street, Kabuki, Watson, Night City, United Kingdom.

2. The café owner, Miss Rogue Amendiares offers a free WiFi service to her
customers. The SSID for this network is “ALCWIFI” but the network uses a WEP
security key that is considered by modern standards to be out of date. The key is
printed on the menu found on every table.

3. On the 5th of July, 2021, Mr DeShawn attended the Afterlife Café with a view to
‘scoping for targets’. He accomplished this by creating a WiFi hotspot with his
personal laptop called “ALC_WIFI”. As people joined his hotspot, he routed his
victim’s internet traffic through his hotspot 1 to the café’s real WiFi network so
that his victims were unaware of the deception. Mr DeShawn saved vast
amounts of traffic2 from his victims’ online activities during many visits to the
café over the course of several weeks. He used a packet sniffer called WireFish
to capture this traffic and save it for later analysis???.3 Mr DeShawn also
installed some crude malware4 that would allow him to remotely use their
machines 5to flood third party websites at the same time with a view to
disrupting those sites.6

4. On analysing certain of these data, Mr DeShawn found that one of his victims,
Yorinobu Arasaka, a senior executive of a prominent BioDigital research
corporation Arasaka PLC, was accessing files pertaining to a sophisticated project
his company has been developing.

5. Unable to garner further information, Mr DeShawn enlisted the help of miss Judy
Alvarez to develop software to specifically attack Mr Arasaka’s computer from a
remote location. She developed 7a highly sophisticated piece of malware called
Bellerophon’s Pet that can secure root access to a device with a simple Skype call.

6. DeShawn and Alvarez, using contact information siphoned by DeShawn’s initial

attack, deploy Bellerophon’s Pet to Mr Araska’s office computer. Once installed,
this malware gave the pair complete access to his entire device and Arasaka’s
main network. Miss Alvarez had no further dealings in this matter. Mr DeShawn

S.1 and s.3A in making the hotspot
S.2 offence? Data saved for later
The end crime from S.2
S.1 S.2
downloaded email exchanges that included PDF schemata of the devices Arasaka
PLC has been developing with a view to selling these to competitor companies.

7. A digital security officer at Arasaka PLC found traces of Mr DeShawn’s attack. In

an attempt to confuse the officer, Mr DeShawn activated an algorithm that Miss
Alvarez developed that would start deleting data from the device and when
complete8, run a boot sector virus in an infinite loop that would render the
device useless9 then spread to another random device10 on the network.

8. As part of this final attack, the chaos caused by Miss Alvarez’s malicious
algorithm caused a lift to fail injuring several people.11 It also caused the doors
to lock in several offices with the air condition set to its lowest setting, trapping
its occupants inside and causing them to suffer from hypothermia12. Mr
DeShawn was also aware that the building was also housing several tons of toxic
chemicals and the containment controls were on the same network he
attacked. Fortunately, an employee of the Company was able to ensure the
physical mechanical safeguards remained in place when the systems were taken

9. Mr Arasaka, concerned with the future of Arasaka PLC instructs a privacy

Cybersecurity operator, Red Team Ltd, to develop a more robust set of
defences. To prove the need for such a project to his company, he instructs14
RedTeam to test Arasaka’s defences by breaking in to an unimportant system
without consulting anyone else in the company. RedTeam does gains access
using malware loaded onto a USB drive (rubberducky) into a local computer in
the company’s lobby.

S.3 offence
S.3ZA – injury and/or life?
S.3ZA- injury and/or life?
SZA??? Yes, ‘element of risk’
Who has authority ??? Allison Principle?

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