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Ray optics

1.What is optical density and how is it different from mass density ?

2.Define ‘power’ of a convex lens. What is its unit ?

3.A small angled prism of 40 deviates a ray through 2.48°. Find the refractive index of the prism.
Ans: μ = 1.62

4.The focal length of a concave lens is 30 cm. Where should an object be placed so that its image is 1/10
of its size? Ans:u = -270cm

5.What is myopia ? How can it be corrected ?

6.What is hypermetropia ? How can it be corrected ?

7.A concave mirror produces an image of a long vertical pin, placed 40cm from the mirror, at the position
of the object. Find the focal length of the mirror. ans:f = 20 cm.
Moving charges & magnetism
1.State Ampere’s law and Biot-Savart law.

2.Distinguish between ammeter and voltmeter.

3.What is the principle of a moving coil galvanometer ?

4.How do you convert a moving coil galvanometer into an ammeter ?

5.How do you convert a moving coil galvanometer into a voltmeter?

6.What is the force on a charged particle of charge “q” moving with a velocity “v” in a uniform magnetic
field of induction B ? When does it become maximum ?
Magnetism and matter
1.What happens to compass needles at the Earth’s poles ?

2.What do you understand by the ‘magnetization’ of a sample ?

3.What are the units of magnetic moment, magnetic induction and magnetic filed ?

4.Magnetic lines form continuous closed loops. Why ?

5.Define magnetic declination.

6.Define magnetic inclination or angle of dip

7.Classify the following materials with regard to magnetism : Manganese, Cobalt, Nickel, Bismuth,
Oxygen, Copper.
Alternating currents
1.A transformer converts 200 V ac into 2000 V ac. Calculate the number of turns in the secondary if the
primary has 10 turns. ans:Ns =
2.What type of transformer is used in a 6V bed lamp ?
3.What is the phenomenon involved in the working of a transformer ?
4.What is transformer ratio ?
5.Write the expression for the reactance of
1. an inductor and
2. a capacitor.
Electromagnetic waves
1.Give any one use of infrared rays.

2.If the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation is doubled, what happens to the energy of photon ?

ans:E2 = E/2

3.What are the applications of microwaves ?

4.Microwaves are used in Radars, why ?

5.Give two uses of infrared rays.

6.What is the principle of production of electromagnetic waves ?

Dual nature of matter & radiation
1.What is “work function”

2.What is “photoelectric effect” ?

3.Write down Einstein’s photoelectric equation.

4.Write down de-Broglie’s relation and explain the terms there in.

5.State Heisenberg’s Uncertainly Principle.

Semiconductor devices
1.What is a p-n junction diode ? Define depletion layer.

2.How is a battery connected to a junction diode in forward and reverse bias ?

3.What is the maximum percentage of rectification in half wave and full wave rectifiers ?

4.Draw the circuit symbols for p-n-p and n-p-n transistors.

5.In which bias can a Zener diode be used as voltage regulator ?

6.Which gates are called universal gates ?

7.What are intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors ?

Communication systems
1.What are the basic blocks of a communication system ?

2.What is “World Wide Web” (WWW) ?

3.What is sky wave propagation ?

4.Define modulation. Why is it necessary ?

5.Mention the basic methods of modulation.

6.Which type of communication is employed in Mobile Phones ?

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