Maths 2B Star Q

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ooo @ oe 6 6 fe o.oo o.oo. © ° Ay Ky * ° e a o o o ¢ CJ o a o ? e _ . 2 e oe 6 @ o.oo @ @ o ° ‘oe o > . . . © ¢ © © © © © © © © 6 % oo % ° +6 oe 6% © 6 6 oo @ ‘ + + ° . ° osoceceey _. ete > eM g o-¢ +505 OM COU OS #575 +595 EPICS > +O OOO OY © 6 6 OO® SS . oe rr +5 +. % Men oo . +. 0 ¢ eo oo oo ° ce ‘s ® LATEST SPECIAL EDITION 2020-21 -enmarked (©) with 30% DELETED SYLLABUS Intermediate - SECOND YEAR MATHS-2BIAP): sTUDY MATERIAL Total Pages: 376 + iv Edition: 2020 Revised Second Edition © Copy rights reserved by the Publishers. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a’ retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the permission of Sri Siri Publishers, Information contained in this book has been obtained from sources believed tobe reliable. However neither the Publishers nor its authors guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information ; published herein, and neither the Publishers nor its authors shall be responsible for any errors, omissions or damages arising out of use of this information. Any typographical printing mistakes are conceptual misleads are disclaimed. If any errors are brought to our notice they will be corrected in the Next Edition. Alll disputes subject to Machilipatnam Jurisdiction only. E&OE S.No. CHAPTER 1: CIRCLES SYSTEM OF CIRCLES PARABOLA ELLIPSE HYPERBOLA INTEGRATION DEFINITE INTEGRALS DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS PREVIOUS IPE PAPER 2020 01-74 75-98 99-126 127-156 157 - 180 181-276 277 - 322 323 - 369 ©oetereo svitasus ©) * No Question shall be asked from the Deleted Syllabus in the Inter Board Public Exams. + However Questions from this Portion may be asked in Entrance Exams. + Inthis book, all the Deleted Topics are enmarked with the symbol (D) at appropriate Questions, Headings and Pages. CHAPTER-WISE DELETED PORTION = 1. CIRCLES: Relative positions of two circles. 2. PARABOLA : Tangents & Normals. 3. ELLIPSE: Tangents & Normals. 4. “INTEGRATION: Evaluation of [ipx+q)Vax? +bx+e dx, j-—PX*4 ——— Vax? +bx+e *As per NCERT Guidelines. 5. DEFINITE INTEGRALS: Definite integrals as the limit of sum and limit of sum, Application of Definite integrals to areas. 6. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Formation of Differential Equations, Non-Homogeneous D.E, Linear D.E in x. OLD BLUE PRINT + The following Blue-print gives just an idea on how various Chapters are alloted marks in the ofd pattern, ‘+ The weightage of marks for various Chapters changes in IPE 2020-21. *__ Students should follow the new blue print after its official release from BIE. CHAPTER VSAQ | SAQ | LAQ. | Total (2m) | (4m) | (7m) | Marks 1. Circle % 2 1 l 2 22 2. System of Circles Al 1 - {6 3. Parabola 1 - 1 9 4. Ellipse a 2 - 8 5. Hyperbola 1 1 - |6 6. Integration 2 ~- 2 18 7. Definite Integral 2 1 4115 8. Differential Equations 1 J 1 Total number of Questions: 10 z 7 GEOMETRY- FORMULAS- INDEX 1) CIRCLES 1-74 1.1 EQUATION OF CIRCLE : 3-27 1) STANDARD FORM t xdty2ep?, 2) CENTRE-RADIUS FORM =: (x—a)?+(y—b)@=r2 3) GENERAL FORM S= xtty2+2pxt2fyt+e=0 4) PARAMETRIC FORM. : (i) x=atreos®, y=b+rsinO (ii) x=rcos®, y=rsin® (ili) x= -g+reos6, y= -f+rsind 5) DIAMETER FORM © @ G-x)-x)Hy-y )(y-yQ)=0 (i) My Ox hey xy ty) tKAty¥2-0 1.2 POWER, LENGTH OF TANGENT , ANGLE BETWEEN TANGENTS 28 -36 1) POWEROFAPOINT Sq =x} +y} + 2px; +2fy, +¢ 2) LENGTHOFTANGENT =: §, 3) ANGLE BETWEEN TANGENTS : (i) tan’ = Gi) @= 2Tan“! Bu Su 1.3 LENGTH OF CHORD, TANGENTIAL CONDITION,POINT OF CONTACT 37-45 LENGTH OF THE CHORD 2) LENGTHOFINTERCEPTS : (i) X-intercept 2/g*-e (ji)Y-intercept 2Vf?—c 3) TANGENTIALCONDITION : (i) r=p, (li) n?=r2(2+m2) (ii) e2=r2(1+m2) ak? 4) PoINTOFCoNTAcT =: (| 1.4 TANGENT & NORMAL, CHORD 46-35 1) EQUATIONOF TANGENT : (i) Y=mxtrVi+m? Gyysf=mec+g)erViem? Gil) $105 Sy= yxtyyyte~HOHly,+y)+e=0 (iv) Sy=xyx+y,y-1?=0 2) EQUATIONOF PAROFTANGENTS =: S?=S,,S 3) EQUATIONOF NORMAL = (i) (y+(X-xy> (X+E)(y-y)=0 i) yyx-xyy =0 CHAPTER: TOPIC- FORMULAE CHORD OF CONTACT, POLE & POLAR , CONJUGATE POINTS & LINES 56-74 CHORDOFCONTACT —-:_S,=0 CHORD WITH MIDPOINT: S.=Sq, : POLAR 2 OS Uy taHy Dy Ha etys FORD, (1) S y= x49 y17=0 POLE : of ge ata) o (fe } CONJUGATE POINTS 5) Sya= xy + Yay2 + BOYtXD) + Mlyyty2) += 0 : Gi) Syy= 44%Q + Yyy2 =O CONJUGATE LINES : @ (etm fn, )(yg+myf-ny)=r204+m mz) Gi) nyny=r(Uy+mymy) SYSTEM OF CIRCLES 7 75 -98 ANGLE BETWEEN CIRCLES ORTHOGONAL CONDITION : (ii) 1} +r} =a? PARABOLA 99 -126 1) FOCUS : S(a,0)_ 2) VERTEX : A(0,0) 3) DIRECTRIX: x= —~a 4)AXIS: y=0 5) FOCAL DISTANCE: SP=x,+a 6) TANGENTIAL CONDITION: /n=am? ELLIPSE = » i 127 -156 2 4) ECCENTRICITY e. 2) b? =a2(1—e2) 3) LENGTH OF LATUS RECTUM=2— a 4)VERTICES: (4,0) 5) FOCI: (+ae,0) 6) EQUATION OF LATUS RECTA: x= +ae mod we 7) ENDS OF LATUSRECTA fo] (=¥] 8) EQUATION OF DIRECTRICES:x=+" e 5) HYPERBOLA . 157 -180 2 1) ECCENTRICITY 2) bi=al(e21) 3) LENGTH OF LATUS RECTUM= => a 4)VERTICES: (+,0) 5) FOCI: (tae,0) 6) EQUATION OF LATUS RECTA: x= tae 1. CIRCLES CIRCLES-1 [Equation of Circle in Various Forms] 1, TEACHING POINTS 3. VSAQ MODULE 1.1.1 4. SAQ MODULE 1.1.2 5. LAQ MODULE 1.1.3 6. HW SOLUTIONS 7. MORE FOR MERITS CIRCLES-2 [Power of point, Length of Tangent, Angle Between Circles] 1. TEACHING POINTS 2. VSAQ & SAQ MODULE 1.2 3. HW SOLUTIONS CIRCLES-3 [Line & Circle, Length of Chord, Tangential Condition, Point of Contact] 1. TEACHING POINTS 2. SAQ MODULE 1.3 3. HW SOLUTIONS 4. MORE FOR MERITS CIRCLES-4 2 [Equation of Tangent, Normal, Chord] 1. TEACHING POINTS 2. SAQ MODULE 1.4 3. MORE FOR MERITS CIRCLES-5 [Chord of Contact, Pole & Polar, Conjugate Points, Inverse points] 1. TEACHING POINTS 2. VSAQ & SAQ MODULE 15 3. HW SOLUTIONS 4. MORE FOR MERITS * DELETED TOPIC(CIRCLES-6) [Relative Positions of Circles] on, ‘sg be CIRCLES-1 (equation oF CIRCLE IN VARIOUS FORMS) ~ # TEACHING POINTS 1) STANDARD FORM OF A CIRCLE 1.1) Circle: The locus of a point P(x,y) in a plane which is at a constant distance from a fixed point, is called a eirele The fixed point is called the centre(C) and the sed constant distance is called the radius(r) of the circle. . ‘The equation of the circle is given by CP?=r2, 1.2) Centre-radius form: The equation of the circle with P(x,y) centre C(a.b) and radius r is (x—a)?+(y—b)= Conversely, (x-a)*+(y—b)?=r? denotes the equation of the circle with centre C(a,b) and radius r. Ex 1: The equation of the circle with centre (1,2) and radius 3 is (x1)? H{y-2)?=3? => x24y?2x-dy—4=0, Ex 2: (x-3-+(y4)?=100 represents the equation of the circle with centre C=(,4) and radius 10 1.3) Standard form of the equation of a circle: ‘The equation of the circle with centre O(0,0) and radius r is x?+y?=r?. This is known as the standard form, 2) GENERAL FORM 2.1) General form: The equation of the circle in the general form is x2+y2+2gx+2fy+e=0. (x-a)?+(y—b)P=r? Theorem: For the circle x2+y?+2gx+2fy+e=0 centre C=(—g,-f) & radius r=\g? +f" Proof: The equation of the circle is x?+y?+2gx+2fy+e=0 = (x2+29x)+(y242fy)= -c = OAH 2gxtg?) Hy 2fy the +e = (xtgPH(yHfPag2tP-c, 5 = -(-8) 49-9)” -(ve +e) J xt+y2+2pnt2ty+e=0 Comparing this with (xa)?+(y-b)?= 2, we get, the centre C=(—g,-f) & radius r= Vg?+f?e :, Find the centre and radius of the circle x*+y*+4x+6y-12=0 : Given circle is x2+y2+4x+6y -12=0. Comparing with x?+y?42gx+2fy+c=0 we get 2g=4, 2f=6, = -12 = g=2, f=3,c=-12 Centre C=(-g,-f) = (-2,-3) Radius r= Jp? +4? —c = 2? +3? —(-12) = 49412 = V5 =5 MATHS-2B(AP) * S-Material 2.2) USEFUL REMARKS: Remark 1: If g?+f-c >0 then x2+y?+2px+2fy+e=0 represents a real circle. Remark 2: If g>+-c <0 then x2+y2+2gx+2fy+e=0 represents an imaginary circle. Remark 3: If g?+f-c=0 then x?+y?+2gx+2fy-+e=0 represents a point circle with zero radius. This equation reduces to (x+g)°+(y+f)°=0. It is satisfied only by the centre (~g,-f) . Remark 4: If g?+1-c=I(ie, radius 1), then x?+y?+2gx+2fy+e=0 represents a unit circle. Remark 5: Circles having the 'same centre and different radii! are called concentric circles. The equation of any circle concentric with x2+y2+2gx+2fy+c=0 is in the form xtty2+2ex+2fytk=0 Remark 6: The conditions for the general equation of second degree ax?+2hxy+by?+2gx+2fy+e-0. to fepresent the equation of a real circle are (i) a=b(#0) i.e., coeff. of x? =coeff. of y? Gi) h=0 ie., coefficient of xy=0 (ili) g?+f?—ac>0. (-: radius >0) 3) PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS OF A CIRCLE 3.1) Parametric equations: The parametric equations of the circle (x—a)?+(y—b)?=r? are given by the parametric equations x=a+reos®, y=b+rsinO, @ is a parameter such that 0<0<2n, The parametric point P(a+rcos®, b+rsin®) is simply denoted by the parameter @ itself. 3.2) The parametric equations of x?+y?+2gx+2fy+e=0 are x= —g+reos0, y= —f+rsind 3.3) The parametric equations of the circle x?+y?=r? are x=reos0, y=rsin0. Ex 1: The parametric equations of the circle (x—1)?+(y-2)?=25 are x=1+5cos®, y=24+5sin® Ex 2: The parametric equations of the circle x?+y?=9 are x=3cos0, y=3sin@, 4) EQUATION OF CIRCLE WITH ENDS OF A DIAMETER: Diameter form: The equation of the circle described on - Poy) the diameter with its end points at (x;,y,) & (X,Y) is (&-X))(X-Xq)+(Y-¥ (Y-¥2)=0 (Or) xPty2(xytXg XV tY DAN XDA 1 Y2=0 Proof: We know angle in a semicircle is 90° =9(Slope of PA) (Slope of PB) = —1 Xx \x—X2 = (yy MY ~y2) =x — xy x= x) = (XX X= XQ) +(¥-y My — yo) =0 9 NPC HQ) RD FY-Y(Y HY) 1270 axPty? oy txg ey VIER AY 20 SOLVED EXAMPLES Find the equation of the circle with centre (1,2) and radius 3. Given centre C=(a,b) = (1,2) and radius r= 3 Equation of the circle is (x—a)?+(y—b)=r2 7 9 (X-1)PH{y-2)2=3? => (x2-2x+ 1) Hy? dy +4)=9 => x2+y2-2x—-4y—-4=0 Find. the centre and radius of the circle _x?+y?+2x-4y-450 Given circle is x2+y2+2x—4y—4=0 Comparing with x?+y?+2gx+2fy+c=0, we get 2g=2; 2f —4; c= 4 =>g=1, f= -2, = -4 Centre C= (—g,-f) =(-1,-(~ 2)) = (1, 2) Radius r= fg? +f? c=? +27? (a) = VIF 444 = V9 =3 Obtain the parametric equations of the circle represented by x2+y?+6x+8y-96=0 Given circle is x2+y2+6x+8y-96=0. Its centre C=(-g,-f)=(-3,-4) Radius r= yg? +£? -c = 3? +4? - (96) = /9+16+96 = Vi21=11 «x. the parametric equations are x= ~g+rc0s6, y= —ftrsin®, => x=-3+11cos0; y=—4+lIsin@, 0<0<20 If the circle x2+y?—4x+6y+a=0 has radius 4 units then find a. Given circle is x2+y2—4x-+6y+a=0 comparing with x2+y2+2ex+2fy+c=0, we get 2g= 4; 2-6; o=a => g=-2, f 3, c= Given that the radius of the circle is 4 ne? +f? -c=4=9 4 (2)? +3? a =43 V449-a =4 = Vi—a =4 9 13a =16 a =13-16=-3 Find the equation of the circle passing through (2,3) & cone x2+y248x+12y+15=0 @3) The equation of the concentric circle: x2ty2+8xt12ytk=0 Itpasses through (2,3) => 22+37+8(2}+12(3)+k=-0 => 65+k=0 => k=-65 -. the equation of the required circle is x2+y248x+12y-65=0 Find the other end of the diameter of the circle x2-+y2_8x-8y+27=0 if one end of it is (2,3). qa Centre of the circle x2+y2-8x-8y+27 =0 is C= (-g, -f) = (4,4) Given end A = (2, 3). Let other end B = (x;,y;). Centre c=(4,4) 2+x 34y <. Midpoint of AB = C -(22 Seu) => 24x, = 2xdaox) =8-2 = 6 and 3+y, = 2x4 sy) = 8-3 =5 - -entric with the circle +. Other end B = (6, 5) CIRCLES-2 1) NOTATION 2) POWER & POSITION OF A POINT w.r.t a CIRCLE 3) LENGTH OF TANGENT 4) ANGLE BETWEEN TANGENTS #5 TEACHING POINTS & 1) NOTATION 1.1) In order to reduce writing lengthy expressions, a notational approach is introduced here and the same notation is to be followed throughout this chapter. Similar notation is adapted in the subsequent chapters Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola, 2ex+2fy te SIAN FBO ANHLYty)¢e (01) (x HE)KHY | Dy Hx ety; Fre Sys tyy?+2exy42hyyte IND*YIYI*EE AND) HY Hyg) 1.2) Significance of the Notation: y) ‘S=0 represents the equation of a circle in the ‘general form’, 2°) ‘S10 represents the equation of a line. It may be a tangent or chord of contact or polar of the point P(x;,y1) w-rto the circle $=0. S11 isa ‘real value’ known as ‘power' of the point P(x,,y ) w.rto the circle $0. S11 may be positive, negative or zero; according to which, the relative positions of the given point P(x;,y1) warto the circle S=0 can be determined. Sj is areal value and the condition S »=0 determines the conjugate property of two points (x},y1) and (X9,y9) wart the circle S=0. 2 If S=x2+y?+4x+6y+1=0 and P=(5,7), find (i) S-0 Gi) Sy Gili) Sy wrt P=.) & Q=(89) : Comparing x?+y?+4x+6y+1 with x2+y242ext2fy+e we get g=2, £3. Also P(x), )=(5,7) @S)-0 => x) x+y yt B(x] +x) Hly ty) +e=0. = Sx Ty#2(54)+3 (T+) Sx y+ 10424214 3y+1=0= Txt 0y+32-0 : (or) S10 = (Ky te)KHY+yHxy Bt FHe=O => (S+2)x+(7+3)y+5(2)+7(3)+H1=0 => 7x41 0y+32=0 (YS, = xy 49 +2 eX FDA He => 524724-4(5)+6(7)+1=25+49120+4241=137 GI) PCS,7)=0,9 1), QB,9)CXp,Y2) => $1 9= XiXztY1YZ+ AO] xg) Hy +yg)4e = 5(8)+7(9)+2(5+8)+3(749)+1=40+63+26+48+1=1 78 Note: If the equation of the circle is given in the form ax?+ay2+ px+fy-+e=0 then reduce it into the general form by dividing it throughout by a and then apply the required notation accordingly These concepts will come in the subsequent chapters. PRACTICE MODULE This exercise is meant only for the practicing the notation 8,0, 8} and Sy If S=x?t+y242x+2y+1=0 and’ P=(1,1) then find @S\0 iS} Gi) $9 Wt P=1), Q=12,3) If S=x2+y?4y-6y+11=0 and P=(3,2) then find WS, Gi)Sy) (iii) $y wt A=(1.2), B°G,4) Af Sext+yt dandy. and P=(3,4) then find @S,;0 (iS), (ii) Sp wrt P=3,4), Q(2,-3) If S=x2+y2-4x+3=0 and P=(2,3) then find @8,-0 Gis), (iii) Sj wart A=(2,3), B=(4,5) If S=2x2+2y2+4x-8y+3=0 and P=(1,0) then find @S,;0 Sy, Gi) $9 wart P=(1,0), Q=(0,1) If S=3x7+3y2+x+y+1=0 and O=(0,0) then find @s\-0 (i) Sy (iii) $ jp watt O=(0,0), (1,1) If S=x7+y?=r? and P=(x,, y,) then find @S\-0 (i) Sy, Gil) Syp wat P=(%,,9,), 0p y,) If S=x?+y2_25=0 and P=(1,-2) then find @S,=-0 Sy, (iii) Syy w.rt 0-1-2), Q=2,-1) If S=x+y2-r2=0 and P=(rcos®, rsin®) then find (@S;-0 GS) (iii) S19 wart P=(reos0, rsin®), Q=(0,1). ()2x+2y+3-0 G7 ii) 13 (x-y-1-0 (io (ii) 4 (i)2x43y+5=0 (i 46 ity ()3y-1-0 (8 ii) 14 (i)4x-4y+5=0 (92 ()xty+2=0 Gis (x,x+y,y-7-0 Gii)x2+y2-? DX SHY Yo ()x-2y-25-0 i200 i) 21 (i) xeos6+ysin@=r (io (iii) rsin@-+2 1. CIRCLES MATHS-2B(AP) * $-Matey, 2) POWER & P POINT AND A CIRCLE 2.1) POWER OF A POINT wit A CIRCLE: Consider a point P(x;,y;) in the plane of a circle $=0 of radius r and centre C. Itis obvious that, the position of P(x ,y ,) W. 0 can be determined by the sign of CP2_,2 For the circle S=x?+y7+2gx+2fy+e=0 with centre C(-g,-, and P(x). CP Oy 4 a)? 4 (y Hf)—g? HE? =c=x)24y,22exy42Fy, +e-8), This real value CP? S11 is known as the power of the point P(x,,y,) w.rt the circle $=9 2.2) Vi ‘S$ OF A POINT ANI IR¢ Consider a circle S=0 and a point P(x,,y;) in its plane , then G) 81-0 & Plies on the circle Gi) S, >0 €> P lies out side the circle Gil) S, ; P lies inside the circle P(X yy P(x) ry) S=0 ‘S=0 SO P is on the circle S=0 P is outside the circle P is inside the circle CPP2> Pes $,>0 cP?

0 .». Point Q lies outside the given circle (iii) Given point R(x) y))=(1,1) and the given circle is S=0 Now, power of (1,1) is S$) ()?+17-201) 41 )+3=1+1-2 43-1 =3S} = -1<0 .~ Point R lies inside the given circle CIRCLES-3 1) LINE & CIRCLE 2) LENGTH OF CHORD 3) TANGENTIAL CONDITION 4) POINT OF CONTACT #5 TEACHING POINTS es 1) POSITION OF A LINE w.r.t A CIRCLE 1.1) RELATIVE POSITIONS OF A LINE AND A CIRCLE: Consider a line and a circle in a plane, then any one of the following 3 possibilities arises (i) the line touches the circle (ii) the line intersects the circle (iii) the line lies outside circle. Consider a line L=0 and a circle with centre C, radius r. Let p be the perpendicular distance from C to the line L=0. Here, if i) rp then the line touches the circle (ic., the line becomes a tangent to the circle) (ii)r>p then the line intersects the circle (ie., the line becomes a secant/chord to the circle) (iii) rsp then the line does not meet the circle (ie., the line lies outside of the circle) Find the relative position of the line x+y-1=0 and the circle x2+y?-6x-8y+24=0 The centre of the circle is (-g,-1-3.4) The radius of the circle is r= y(-3)? +(-4)? -24 =1 The perpendicular distance from the centre (3,4) to the line x+y-1=0 is =a a ed Here, r

3x+4y-25=0 1.3) The equation of the tangent at (rcos@, rsin®) on the circle S=x?+y?-12=0 is xcos@+ysinO=r 1.4) The equation of the tangent at @ on the circle x7+y?+2gx+2fy+e=0 is (x+g)cosO+(y+f)sin@=r where r=\g? +f? -c Ex : Find the equation of the the point 30° on the circle x2+y2+4x+6y-39=0. ‘Sol: Given angle @=30°. Also we have g=2, 3, r= 449439 = /52 = 213 <-Equation of the required tangent is (x + g)cos8+(y + f)sin@=r =9(x+2) cos30°H(y+3) sin30°=2V13 09 Bryeataan = V3x+2V3 + y+3=4V13 = V3x+y+34+2V3 -4V13 =0 1.5) Result: The equation of the tangents with slope m to the circle x2+y =mxtrvi+m? Ex: Find the equation of the tangents to the circle x2+y?=100, having slope /3 Sol: Here, m=J3 and r=10 <. The equation of the tangent with slope /3 is y = mxtrvi lem’ => y=V3x £10V1+3 = y=V3x+20 1.6) Result:The equation of the tangents with slo of tangents drawn from an external point f poi [For Proof Refer P.No: 54(8)] Ex: Find the equation of the pair of tangents from (2,3) to the ci Sol: Given point P(x),¥,)= (2,3) and circle $= x2+y2_4=9, ‘The equation of the pair of tangents from (2,3) to $0 is S,\S=s,2 (22432 4) Y?-4) = (2xt3y-4y? 9(24y2_4) = HOH 9y2H1 6+ Day =35x2— 12xy+16x+24y -52 = 0 rele x2+y2=4, 16x~24y PE mM to the circle x2+y2+2ex+2fy+e=0 is +f =m(x+g)trV1+m?, where r= fg? 4f2—¢ y 1.7) The combined equation of the p: P(x,,9;) to the circle S=0 is Sy) 4. CIRCLES: CIRGCLES-5 1) CHORD OF CONTACT 2) POLE & POLAR LINES 4) INVERSE POINTS 1.1) Chord of contact of a point w.r.t a circle: QE Ifthe tangents through an external point P(xj.y}) to the circle S=0 touch the circle at A and B then the line P(x),y) - segment AB is called the chord of contact of P w.r:to ‘ the circle S=0 Result: If P(x;,74) is an external point to the circle S=0 then the equation of the chord of contact of P_w.rto the circle S = 0 is S,=0. 1.2) Find the equation of the chord of contact of (3,4) wart the circle x2+y2—3x—4y+1=0. Given point P(x,,y,) = (3,4) and circle = x2+y2~3x-4y+1=0= g=—3/2, f= -2 and c= | «Equation of chord of contact of (3,4) is $)=0 =98 ;=x,x+y ,y+80xy*x)Hfly ty)+e=0 = Ax)+4y)-3G+n)-244+y)+1=0 <2 6x + 8y—3x—9 —4y 16+ 2=0=9 3x + 4y-23=0 1.3) Chord with a given mid point to a circle: LetP be a point inside the circle S=0. Then, through P infinitely many chords can be drawn to the circle. ‘But among all those chords, there will be only one chord with P as its mid point. 1.4) Result: The equation of the chord with P(x,,v,) as its midpoint to the circle S=0 is S,=Sy, Ex: Find the equation of the chord to the circle x2+y2-2x-8=0 with (2,2) as its mid poi Sol: The equation of the chord to the circle S=0 with (x,¥,) as its mid point is S,=S, , =2 I(x)+2y 1 (2+x)-8=22422-(2)2-8 => xtDy-6=0, 2) POLE & POLAR 2.1)Def : The locus of the points of intersection of tangents drawn at the ends of a variable chord (secant) passing through a given point, is called the polar of the given point w.r.t the given circle and the point is known as the pole of the line w.rt the given circle. Let S=0 bea given circle and P be a given point. Let a secant line drawn through P intersects the Aand B. Let the tangents drawn at A and B to the circle meet at Q. The locus Q will satisfy real or imaginary points on a straight line L=0. This straight line L=0 is called the polar of P wart the circle S=0 and the point P is called the pole of the line L=0 w:rt the circle S=0. so f 4 ) G-) so Polar of P Polar of P Polar of P Pole outside <> Polar inside Pole is on <> Polar touches Pole inside <> Polar outside + SMaterial © GIRCLES-6 = DELETED TOPIC : RELATIVE PosiTiONs OF CIRCLES RELATIVE POSITIONS OF TWO CIRCLES (Common tangents & centres of similitudes) There are six relative positions between any two citcles in a plane. Oo OO © The above wonderful diagram resembles the pattern of forming Solar Eclipse with Sun as Big Circle and Moon as Small Circle. The relative positions of two circles depend on the comparative values of CC and r},r, where Cj,C; are the centres and r,t» are the radii of the two circles. Ifthe two circles lie on the same side of a common tangent then that tangent is said to be a direct ‘common tangent and if the circles lie on the opposite sides of a common tangent then it is said to be a transverse common tangent. Depending upon the relative positions of two circles, atmost two direct common tangents or two transverse common tangents can be drawn between two circles. The point of intersection of two transverse common tangents, if exists, is called the internal centre of similitude(I) of the two circles and I divides CC, in the ratio r,: r, internally. The point of intersection of two direct common tangents, “if exists, is called the external centre of similitude(E) of the two circles and E divides CC, in the ratio r,:r5 externally. ‘The relative positions of two circles, the number of common tangents and centres of similitudes: If C,C, > ry+r, then i) one circle lies completely outside the other circle ii) two transverse common tangents and two direct common tangents exist. iii) the internal centre of similitude I divides C|C, in the ratio r) :r) internally and the external centre of similitude E divides CjC, in the ratio r:r externally. Find the relative positions of the circles (x-1)*+(y-2)°=9, (xt3)?-+(y+3)2=4 Here, Cy=(1,2) and Cy=(-3,-3) = CjCy = y(143)? + (2+3)? = V16+25 = VAT and r,=3, 19-2 =9 1,+1)=342-5 Now, V41>5_ ie.,C\C2 > +1 «+: the two circles are such that one lies completely outside the other. If C,C,=r,+r, then the two circles touch externally at the internal centre of similitude | one transverse common tangent and two direct common tangents exist The point of contact I of the two circles is the internal centre of similitude which divides C\C, in the ratio r,:r» internally and the point of intersection of the two direct common tangents is the external centre of similitude E which divides CC, in the ratio r):r externally. MATHS-2B(AP) * S-Material 5) HCC, <|ryrgi, CC, < jth, then (i) one circle lies entirely inside the other (ii) common tangents do not exist Ex: Determine the relative positions of (x—1)2+(y-2)2=28 and (x+2)2+(y-1)2=1 Sol: Here, C, = (1,2),.C2 =(-2,1) > QC) = f+ 2)? +(2-1)? =Vi0 Also 1, 6m = 131 ry ' S-1= 4. Hence C\C2 and r,t) 2) Determine C,C>, 143, 1-1 3) If C\C, >1y+1y then one circle lies completely outside the other 4) If C\C, = 1,41, then the two circles touch externally 5) IfC\C, [ry—1y| then the two circles intersect 5.2) For CC) <1,4ty and if CC = |ry-ty| then the two circles touch internally 5.3) For C,Cyr; +1 | one circle lies 4 (2 transverse, 2 direct) both I and E exist outside the other CiCyar Fry | two circles touch | 3 (1 transverse, 2 direct) both Tand E exist externally two circles 2 direct) Eexist intersect u Cy C,=IFy-1y]| two circles touch | 1 (direct) E exist internally C\Cy (4-2)x+(3-2)y+2-1=0 = 2x+y+1=0 2.3) RADICAL E: For any 3 circles, whose centres are not 0 @ collinear, the radical axes of pairs of circles are concurrent and the point of concurrence S-S"=0 S: is called the radical centre of the given circles. Ex: Find the radical centre of the circles x?+y?-2x-2y-5=0,x?+y2+4x+6y-19=0,x2+y2-9=0 Sol: Given circles are S'=x?+y2-2x—2y-5=0, S"=x2+y2+4x+6y—19=0, S"=x2+y2-9=0 ‘The radical axis of the first and second circle is S-S"=0 =(-2-4)KH-2-6)Y 5+ 19)=0= ~6x-By+14-0 => ~3x-4y+7=0 =9 3x4+4y-7=0 ‘The radical axis of the first and third circle is S'-S"=0 (2-0) H(-2-O)y-S+9-0= ~2x-2y +40 => K-Y42=0 = x+y-2=0 .... (2) Solving (1) and (2) we get the point of intersection (1,1) the radical centre of the given 3 circles is (1,1) 2. SYSTEM OF CIRCLES 2.4) PROPERTIES OF RADICAL AXIS AND RADICAL CENTRE: 2.4.1) The common chord of two intersecting circles is equal to their radic: xis, 7 . s=0 Ex : Find the equation of the common chord of the circles ay Hoy Oty ey to Sol: The given circles are S=x2+y7+4x-6y+4=0 and Si=x24y2-2x+dy-11=0 The common chord is given by S-S'=0 = (442)RH6A)y+4+11=0 = 6x—10y+15=0 2.4.2)The common tangent of two touching circles is equal ‘Common tangent to their radical axis. Vas Ex :Find the equation of the common tangent of the sal circles x*+y?+6x+2y-90=0, x2+y2-2x-4y-20=0 Sol: The given circles are S= x?+y?+6x+2y-90=0 and $'=x?+y2-2x—4y-20=0 The common tangent is given by S-S'=0 =9(6+2)x+(2+4)y-90420=0 => 8x+6y~70=0 = 4x+3y-35=0 2.4.3) The radical axis of any two circles is perpendicular to the line joining their centres. 2.4.4)If a circle S'=0 (big circle) bisects the circumference of another circle S"=0 (small circle), then the centre of the ‘small circle $"=0 lies on the radical axis of the 2 circles. 2.4.5)If a circle $'=0 intersects the two circles S' orthogonally, then the radical axis of the two circles S"=0 and S"=0 passes through’ the centre of the circle S'=0. 2.4.6)lf.a circle S=0 cuts 3 circles $'=0, S"=0 & S"=0 orthogonally then (i) the centre of the circle $0 will be the radical centre of the 3 circles (ii) its radius equals to the length of the tangent from the radical centre to any one of the given 3 circles. 3) COAXAL SYSTEM OF CIRCLES 3) The equation of any circle passing through the points of intersection of the circle $=0 and the PARABOLA-1 TEACHING POINTS XCONIC SECTIONS ¥ 1) ANALYTICAL DEFINITION OF CONIC SECTION: A conic section is the locus of a point in a plane such that its distance from a fixed point bears a constant ratio to its distance from a fixed line. M The fixed point is called the focus and itis denoted by S / The fixed line is called the directrix of the conic The constant ratio is called the eccentricity and it is denoted by € PM denotes the perpendicular distance from point P on the coniic to the directrix. sP : Thus, the equation of the conic isthe locus of P(x.y) such that juz = € =? SP? = e7PM* The above property is known as focus directrix property of the conic. 2) Ife=1 then the conic is called a parabola If 01 then the conic is called a hyperbola 3) Terminology of conic sections 1) Principal axis: The line perpendicular to the directrix and passing through the focus is called the principal axis (or axis) of the conic. Principal axis is a line of symmetry to the conic. 2) Vertices: The points of intersection of the conic with its axis are called the vertices of the conic. Parabola has only one vertex where as ellipse and hyperbola have more than one vertex. 3) Centre: The mid point of the line segment joining the vertices of the conic is called the centre Conies having centres are called central conics. Thus ellipse and hyperbola are central conics. In the parabola, the vertex itself is treated as its centre. 4) Chord: The line segment joining any 2 points on the conic is called the chord of the conic. 5) Focal chord: Any chord passing through the focus of the conic is called the focal chord of the conic. 6)Latus rectum: The focal chord which is perpendicular to the principle axis is called the latus rectum of the conic. 7) Double ordinate: Any chord perpendicular to the axis and intersecting the conic is called double ordinate of the conic. 8)Standard form of a conic: A conic is said to be in standard form if its principal axis coincides with the x-axis and centre coincides with the origin. 4) Equation of the conic: The general equation of second degree in x and y i.e., ax2+2hxy+by2+2ex+2fy+e=0 represents the equation of a conic. MATHS-2B(AP) * S-Materiaj 1) PARABOLA-1 (STANDARD FORM) Parabola is the locus of a point in a plane, which moves such that its distance from a fixed point is equal to its distance from a fixed line. 1.2) The equation of the Parabola in the standard form is y2=4ax. For Proof Refer P.No:109 1.3) Terminology & Formulae the parabola y2=4ax. y-axis x=0 yo Pa) 1) Focus of the parabola y2=4ax is S(a,0) 2.1) Equation of the directrix of the parabola is x= —a 2.2) Foot of the directrix is Z(—2,0) 3) Vertex of the parabola is A(0,0) 4) Axis of the parabola is the x-axis and its equation is y 5) Tangent at the vertex is the y-axis and its equation is =0 6.1) Latusrectum is the line segment passing through the focus S(a,0) and perpendicular to the axis. 6.2) Equation of the latusrectum is xa 6.3) Ends of the latusrectum of the parabola are L=(a.2a) and L' =(a,-2a) 6.4) Length of the latusrectum LL" of the parabola y2~4ax is 4a 6.5) Semi latusrectum is LS=/ and its length is 2a 7.1) Focal chord is a chord passing through the focus S(a.0). 7.2) Focal distance is the distance between focus S and a point P(x,,y,) on the parabola y2=4ax and itis given by SP, +a 8) Notation: S=y24ax; Sy=y,y-2alxy +x): Spy7y,24ax,: 9) _ Relative positions of a point and parabola: The point P(x,,,) w:rto the parabola $~0 lies (i) on the parabola ¢2 S,,~0; (ii) inside the parabola < S,,<0 (iii) outside the parabola S=0 <= S,>0 10) ‘The parametric equations of the parabola y>—4ax with parameter t are x~at2, y~2at ‘The point (at, 2at) is simply denoted by the parameter t $1279, ¥2-2a64y7) y=dax (Horizontal right side) Vaday 2) PARABOLAS IN FOUR STANDARD FORMS 2 -4ax left side) Y-axis TPSTAK SO x-oxis x0 L— 1) Focus S=(a,0) 2) Vertex A=(0,0) 3) Ends of latusrectum L(a2a), L'(a,-2a) 4) Foot of the directrix 2=(-a.0) 5) Equation of the directrix is x=—a (6) Equation of the Jatusrectum is x=a 17) Equation of the axis isy=0 '8) Equation of the tangent at the vertex isx=0 Y-axis 010.0} Sao y2=da(x-a) Parabola with Y-axis as directrix 1) Focus $=(0,a) 2) Vertex-A=(0,0) 3) Ends of latusrectum L(aa), L'-2aa) 4) Foot of the directrix Z=(0,-a) 5) Equation of the directrix is y=-a 6) Equation of the latusrectum is y=a 7) Equation of the axis is x=0 8) Equation of the tangent at the vertex is y=0 (of Tra) % 1) Focus S=(-a,0) 2) Vertex A=(0,0) 3) Ends of latusrectum L(-a-2a), L(-a,2a)| '4) Foot of the directrix Z=(a,0) 5) Equation of the directrix is x=a }6) Equation of the latusrectum is x= ~al 7) Equation of the axis isy-0 8) Equation of the tangent at the vertex is x=0 3) PARABOLAS IN SPECIAL CASES X-axis Parabola with focus at the origin 2) Vertex A=(0,0) 3) Ends of latusrectum L(-2a,-a), L'(2a,-a)| 4) Foot of the directrix Z=(0,a) 5) Equation of the directrix is y=a 6) Equation of the latusrectum is y= ~a 7) Equation of the‘axis isx=0 8) Equation of the tangent at the vertex is yO 4) PARABOLAS WITH VERTEX A(h,k) (yb) =4a(x-h) (or) Y?=4aX (The other form: x=/y2+my+n) (Horizontal right side) (xh? =4a(y-Ky(or) X2=4aY (The other form: y=/x2+mx+n) X-axis yka 1) Focus S=(h+a, k) “2 OGY) = (0) = (xh, y-k)=(a,0)= (x,y)=(h+a, k) 2) Vertex A=(h,k) “2 (GY) = (0,0) = Och, y-K)=(0,0) > (%y)=(h,k) 3) Ends of LR (hta, k#2a) *e OGY) = (a, #2a) = (x-h, y-k)=(a, #2a)=> (x,y)=(hta, kt2a) |4) Foot of the directrix Z=(h—a, k) *s OGY) = (-a, 0) = (x-h, y—k)=(~a,0) = (x,y)=(h-a, k) 5) Equation of the directrix is x=h-a te X= -a 39 xch=-a = xsh-a }6) Equation of the latusrectum is x=h+a +e X=a = x-h =a => x=hta '7) Equation of the axis is y-k=0 +e Y=0 = y-k $059 yok '8) Equation of the tangent at the vertex is x-h=0 1 X=0, => xch =0=9 x=h yeaxis Yeaxis J pad km NS Bem || = tian a | a 1) Focus S=(h, k+a) “2 (GY) = (0a) = (xh, y-k)=(0,a)=> (x,y)=(hy kta) = (xh, y-k)=(0,0) > (x,y)=(h,k), 3) Ends of LR (he2,k+a) +2a, a) (22a, a)=> (x,y)=(he2a, kta) 4) Foot of the directrix Z=(h, k-a) “1 (%Y) = (0, -a) = (x-h, y-k)=(0, -a) = (x,y)=(h, k-a) 5) Equation of the directrix is y=k-a te Y= sa y-k=-as yoke 6) Equation of the latusrectum is y=k+a te Yea = y-k =a = yokta 7) Equation of the axis is x-h=0 +2 X=0 = xh 05 ash 8) Equation of the tangent at the vertex is y-k-0 + Y=0, = y-k = y=k MATHS-2B(AP) * S-Materiai © 119 PARABOLA-2 (TANGENTS & NORMALS) # TEACHING POINTS « 1) Result: The equation of the tangent drawn at a point P(x,,¥,) on the parabola S=0 is $,=0 Ex: Find the equation of the tangent at (3,6) on the parabola y2=12x The equation of the tangent at (x,y) on the parabola syntax is yjy-2a(x)+x)-0 ‘The equation of the tangent at (3,6) on the parabola y2=12x is 6y-6(3+x)=0 = 6Y=18-6x=0 = y—3-1=0 = x-y43=0 2) Result:The equation of the normal at P(x,.y,) on the parabola y=4ax is ¥-y1 = ~3hx-xy) Ex: Find the equation of the normal at (1,2) on the parabola y2=4x Sol: The equation of the normal at (1,2) on y2=4x is ¥-y1 = Sy-2 11) = x-1+y-2=0 > x+y-3=0 3) Result:The condition for the line y=mx+e to be a tangent to y2=4ax is e=* m Cor 1: The condition for the line /x+my+n=0 to touch the parabola y2=4ax is In=am? Cor 2: The condition for the line y=mx+c to be a tangent to the parabola x2=4ay is c= am? 4) Result:The equation of the tangent to the parabola y=4ax having slope m is y = mx +e Ex: Show that the line x-3y+9=0 touches the parabola y2=4x Sol: The given line is x-3y+9-0- 3y =x4+9 y=in43-9m=2 andc=3 Also y2=4x = 4a=4 = a=1 a Now, applying the tangential condition ¢=—, we have 3= w 3323 «. the tangential condition is satisfied . the given line x-3y+9=0 touches the parabola y7=4x 5) Result:The point of contact of the tangent /x+my+n=0 and y2=dax is a 2a Cor:The point of contact of the tangent y=mx+e, and y2=dax is (52 Ex: Find the point of contact of the tangent x+y+3=0 and the parabola y2=12x Sol: The given tangent is x+y+30 = y= -x-3 => m=1, =-3 c = (3) | =(3,-¢ the point of contact is (S2}(=p2 a= 3,6) 6) Result: Two tangents can be drawn from an external point P(x,,y,) to y2=4ax and hence if m, are the slopes of the two tangents then my tm =2t & mm, =" “1 x Rem: If is the angle between pair of tangents from P(x ,y) to S=y24ax=0 then tan®= xita 7) Result: The:combined equation of the pair of tangents drawn from an external point P(xpy;) to the parabola S=y*—4ax=0 is S)?=S,,S 8) Result: The equation of the chord of contact of P(x,y,) wart the parabola S=0 is $,-0 TEACHING POINTS 1) STANDARD FORM 1.1)Ellipse: The locus of a point in a plane, which moves such that its distance from a fixed point (focus) bears a constant ratio e, 0 CA=CA'=a Using the above data, we find the coordinates of S and Z SA+SA’_ SA~SA’ | 7 oF AZEAZ ALOAT (PY Matio & proportion rule) _(CA~CS)+(CA'ECS) _ (CA~CS)~(CA*CS) _ © (CZ-CA)+(CA¥CZ) (CZ-CA)~(CA+ CZ) moe 2CZ [/CA=CA'=a] a cs C a scab =F acS=a0 = $= (ae) and C= 292 ( f ‘Now, the equation of the directrix = = ex=a>> ex-a=0 4. ELLIPSE MATHS-2B(AP) * S-Matorig, Let P(x;,y,) be @ point on the ellipse and PM be the perpendicular distance from P to the directrix, ‘Then by the focus directrix property of the ellipse, we have = = e=9SP =ePM = = _ lex = Vou = 20)? +1 07 =H ca -mtay (ex, -a)* 262 4 y? wx} 200 +8 Pa} —2n0xy 402 = xP tae? + yf exp +a? ate? = x} (I-e”) + yp =a7(1-e”) axt-ext+y? x}d-e?) 4 Ware) wa-e) 2 =1 [2 O0=a7(1-e7)>0, Hence, we take the real number b>0 such that a2(1—e*) = b?. Also here a>b ] 2 2 *. the equation of locus of P(x,,y}) is atoet This is the equation of the ellipse. 1.4)Theorem: If P(x,y) is any point on the ellipse 1 with foci S & S' then SP+S'P=2a Proof: Let N be the foot of the perpendicular from P(x,y) on to the x-axis. from the diagram, PM = NZ=CZ-CN=* CN+CZ'=x+4 e and PM’=N; SP ie = BL Jea-ex Now, Se =e-95P=ePM (§ x} i =ePM'=e{x+2|=exta=atex and SPasosvcantoe2} “.SP+S'P=(a=ex)+ (a+ ex)=2a which is a constant 1.5)Notation: S=*>+25 = yaa, 5Syp = 72 gH _ 1.6) Relative positions of a point P(x,,y;) and the ellipse S=0 (i) The point P(X; 1) lies on the ellipse S=0 <> S = (i) The point P(x;,y; lies inside the ellipse S=0 = S <0 (iii) The point P(x y) lies outside the ellipse S=0 <> $,>0 22 x 1.7) The parametric point on the ellipse — a e = Lis P(acos®, bsin®) and is simply denoted by ®- aTHS-2B(AP). * S-Material 4. ELLIPSE a ai 2) TERMINOLOGY OF THE ELUPSE *; +2; =1,a>b fi Major axis IZ x-axis 1) Eccentricity of the ellipse ? 2) Foci of the ellipse are S=(ae, 0), S'(—ae,0) ie., (tV¥a?—b?,0) 3) Feet of the directrices are z, -(2 ol (-Zole ‘equation of the directrices is xaa? ey ey 4.1) Major axis is AA‘ and Minor axis is BB" 42) The length of the major axis is 2a and equation of the major axis is y=0 The length of minor axis is 2b and equation of the minor axis is x=0 5.1) Vertices of the ellipse on major axis are A(a,0), A'(-a,0). Covertices of the’ellipse on minor axis are B(0,b), B'(0, -b). 5.2) Tangents at the vertices are given by the equation x=+a 6.1) Latusrecta of the ellipse is the line segments passing through the foci and perpendicular to the major axis. 6.2) Latusrecta equation is given by the equation x=a¢ 6.3) Ends of the latusrecta are (+= 2b? 6.4) Length of the Intusrectum is ~~ 7.1) Focal distance is the distance between focus S and a point P(x,,y,) onthe ellipse and i is given by SP. 7.2) The focal distance of the point P(%;.¥1) 00 the ellipse w.r the focus S is SP=a-ex, and the focal distance of the point P on the ellipse w-r the focus S' is S'P=a+ex, 8) Auxiliary circte of the ellipse is the circle on the major axis AA’ as diameter and its ic weyleg? , eqmation 9) Director civete of the ellipse is the locus of the point of intersection of perpendicular tangents of the ellipse and its equation is sPtyZattb?. Bae). of a7e*=27 b>. 2) Centre C=(0,0) 3) Foci S=(ae, 0) = sa? 0 S260) = SV 4) Vertices, A={a,0) and A'=(-2.0) ra 5) Ends crtn {see , 6) Feet ofthe directrices = (=a/e, 0) 7) Equation of the directrices is x=+a/e (or) (la? 0 x= ta? 8) Equation of the L.R is x=+ae 9) Length of major axis is 2a and its equation is y=0 Length of minor axis is 2b and_ its equation is x0 spe) or bie2abea? 2) Centre C=(0.0) 3) Foci S=(0, be) => sio.y S=0.-be) > 510-1 4) Vertices, B=(0,b) and B={0,-b) 5) Ends sur ste] 6) Feet of the directrices = (0, =bve) 7) Equation of the directrices is y==b’e (or) 8) Equation of the LR is y-=be 9) Length of major axis is 2 and its equation is x-0 Length of minor axis is 2a and its equation is y=0 10)Equation of the tangents at the vertices x==a i 10)Equation of the tangents at the vertices | MATHS-2B(AP) * S-Material 4, ELLIPSE 4) HORIZONTAL ELLIPSE (x—h)? ely a b> Eccentricity e = Centre C=(h,k) +" (X.Y)= (0,0) => (x-h, y-k)=(0,0) => (xy) ik) Foci (htae,k)-: (X,Y) = (4ae,0) = (x —h, y—k) = (£ae,0) = (x, y) = (hae, k) Vertices (hea,k) *. (X,Y)=(4a,0) = (x-h, y-k)=(+a,0) => (x,y)=(hta,k), Ends of LR= (rssexs]- x.y) -[2 a Feet of the directrices (> #2 x)= ( ey a a a a Equation of thie directrices is X= h4 > X= to x-h=47 => xehie Equation of the L.R is x-h#ae X=tae = x-h-tae = x=htae Length of major axis is 2a and its equation is y~k Y=0 = y-k-0 Length of minor axis is 2b and its equation is x=h_ +" X=0 => x-h=0 Equation of the tangents at the vertices x=hta = X= 4a x-+h=4a Hints in finding the equation of the ellipse: Ifthe equation of the ellipse is in the form 5 2 ellipse and if ab then the ellipse is a vertical ellipse. =o thata>b then the ellipse is a horizontal Unless otherwise specified we consider the equation of the ellipse in the standard form as a horizontal ellipse. si ey The condition for the line y=mx+c to be a tangent to the ellipse “> Sarl iscP=a2m2+b2, : 2 The equation of the tangent to the ellipse *>+°=1 having slope mis y = mx Va2m? + b> 2 ‘Two tangents can be drawn from an external point P(x,,y,) to the ellipse Bete 1é& 2 2 if m,,m, are the slopes of the two tangents then my +m =U x-a The combined equation of the pair of tangents drawn from an extemal point P(x,,y}) to the ellipse $=0 is $,2=$,S. 7), The equation of the chord of contact of P(x,,y,) w.tto the ellipse S=0 is S,=0 8) The equation of the chord of the ellipse S=0 having P(x,,y,) as its midpoint is S.= 9) The equation of the polar of the point P(x, ,y,) w.r+t the ellipse S=0 is, S\=0 10) The pole of the line /x+my+n=0 (n#0) wart the ellipse S: ee z. a 1) The condition for the points (x,,y1) and (Xp,¥2) to be conjugate w.rt the ellipse $=0 is S,,~0 '2) The condition for the lines /,x+m yn) =0 & /3x+m,y+n3=0 to be conjugate w.rt the ellipse 2 <3 =] ismyny=a7ly/y+b 7mm. 1.1) The locus of a point in a plane, which moves such that its distance from a fixed point (focus) bears a constant ratio e, e>1, to its distance from a fixed line (directrix) is called a hyperbola. Focus directrix property: Let P be a point on the hyperbola with focus S and PM be the perpendicular distance from P to the directrix then the equation of the hyperbola is the P locus of P satisfying the condition a =e=> SP =ePM = SP? =e"PM? 1.3) Theorem: The equation of the hyperbola in the standard form is Lete be the eccentricity, $ be a focus, L=0 be the corresponding directrix of the hyperbola. Z be the foot of the from S on the directrix. Let A, A" be the points which divide SZ in the ratio e:1 internally and externally 3 5A @£ ang SA’ = © = A,A’lie on the hyperbola Aza Azan : / Consider C, the mid point of AA’ as origin.Let the line CS be the x-axis and the line perpendicular to it, through C be the y-axis Let AA'=2a => CA=CA'=a Using the above data, we find the coordinates of S and Z, SA SA’ SA+SA’ _ SA-SA’ SA’ Now = 27 "RG °° AZHAZ AZ-AZ _ (CS~ CA)+(CS+CA) _ (CS~CA) (CS+CA) “(CA-CZ)+(CA+CZ) (CA -CZ)-(CA'+ CZ) wen 28 2S [CAH CA'= a] “2CZ" 2a : i send -Sacs- ae => $= (00.0) and C2=$=2-(2.0) Now, the equation of the directrix is x=] => eX=8= &X=a=0 (by ratio & Proportion rule) = Let P(x;,y;) be a point on the hyperbola and PM be the J distance from P to the directrix 9 x} 200m, 4aPe? ty? mex? — 2g, 40? 292 92 2x2 a2 nex} af -yP ante? a xP +a? =e? sxPtatel ty? ee =e = xf(e?-1)-y} =02(e?-0) 2 2 2 ao “aguas [> Lse21>0=90%(e2-1)>0, Hence we take a%(e2-1)=b2) + the equation of locus of Péx.y,) is 3; 25 =1 which ithe equation of the hyperbola in the standard form, we 2 y2 1.4) Theorem:If P is any point on the hyperbola ~~~ —1 with foci S and S" then ab S' P-SP=2a ice., the difference of focal distance of any point on the hyperbol: is 2a Proof: Let N be the foot of the perpendicular from P(x,y) on to the x-axis. From the diagram, PM = NZ=CN~CZ=x—* Also, PM’= NZ’=CN+CZ’= x += e Now, pareaseeetMad x2 pers e 2.S'P-SP = (ex +a)—(ex—a) = 2a, which is a constant 1.6) Relative positions of a point P(x),y,) and the hyperbola S=0 (i) The point P(x,y;) lies on the hyperbola S=0 <> S, =0 (ii) The point P(x,,y;) lies inside the hyperbola S=0 «= $ >0 (iii) The point P(x, ,y;) lies outside the hyperbola S=0 <= $ <0 lis P(asec®, btané) 1.7) The parametric point(®) on the hyperbola Transverse axis Conjugate axis 2 iz 1) Eccentricity of the ypeeon wat Pax(e?-p, Alsowe =a +? a b a 2). Foci of the hyperbola are S=(ae, 0), S'(-ae, 0) ie, (tVa? +b?,0) 2 3) Feet of the directrices are z-(20) r-(-2o\ the equation of the directrices is *=*~ ee lee 4.1) Transverse axis is of the hyperbola is X-axis and Conjugate axis is Y-axis. 4.2) Length of the transverse axis is AA'=2a and the equation of the transverse axis is y=0 Length of conjugate axis is BB'=2b and the equation of the conjugate axis is x=0 5.1) Vertices of the hyperbola on transverse axis are A(a,0), A'(-a,0). Vertices of the hyperbola on conjugate axis are B(0,b), B'(0, ~b) 5.2) Tangents at the vertices are given by the equation x = +a 6.1) Latusrecta of the hyperbola is the line segments passing through the foci and perpendicular to the transverse axis . 6.2) Latusrecta equation is given by the equation x-4a¢ 2 Be} 63) Ends of the latus recta are [ss | = (=| } 6 be 4) Length of the latusrectum is — 7.1) Focal distance is the distance between focus S and a point P(x,,y,) on the hyperbola is given by SP 12) The focal dhctance of the point POs.) on the hyperbola the focus S is SP=ex,—a and the focal distance of the point P on the hyperbola w.rto the focus S' is S'P=exy+a %) Auxiliary circle of the hyperbola isthe circle on the transverse axis AA’ as diameter and its equation is x+y Director circle ofthe hyperbola is the locus ofthe point of intersection of perpendicular tangents 24y2=a2-b?. 3 f the hyperbola and its equation is MATHS-2B(AP) * S-Matorig| 3) HYPERBOLA IN TWO STANDARD FORMS vy ee Conjugate Hyperbola (standard form-t1) yraxis 1) Eccentricity e’= a Caeatee Dio eames) (+ a2=b%(e2-1) or b?e2=b2+a) 2) Centre C=(0,0) 2) Centre C=(0,0) veer Tt 3) Foci S(ae, 0) ie., S( Ja? +b? 0) 3) Foci S=(0, be) ie, $(0,¥b* +a*) S'=(-ae,0) ice., s4—Ya? +b? 0) \-de) ie, S(O b? +07) 4) Vertices, A=(a,0) and A'=(-a,0) 4) Vertices, B=(0,b) and B'=(0,-b) ve 2 5) Ends of LR=| #86 5) Ends of LR= | +5" ste J J 6) Feet of the directrices = (+a/e, 0) __ | 6) Feet of the directrices = (0, +b/e) 7) Equation of the directrices is x=+a/e (or) _| 7) Equation of the directrices is y=b/e (or) (a? +b? )x =4a? (Vb? +a?)y = +b? 8) Equation of the L.R is x=tae 8) Equation of the LR is y=+be 9) Length of transverse axis is 2a and 9) Length of transverse axis is 2b and its equation is y=0 its equation is x=0 Length of conjugate axis is 2b and “Length of conjugate axis is 2a and its equation is x=0 its equation is y-0 10)Equation of the tangents at the vertices x=+a 10)Equation of the tangents at the vertices maTHs-2B(AP) * S-Material a 4) HORIZONTAL HYPERBOLA 2 Hyperbota with centre Chay: =? _ ty =W) 2 2 YARIS Yoanis : » < X-axis es) Onn) mie 1) Eccentricity e=¥2 +" (64) g2e2=a2+b?. 2) Centre C=(h,k) *: (KY)= (0,0) = (rh, y-k)=(0,0) = (x,y)=(hk) 3) Foci (ht ae,k) ° (X,Y) = (4ae,0) => (x—h, y—k) = (tae,0) = (x,y) = (ht ae,k) 4) Vertices (hta,k) - (X,Y)=(4a,0) = (ch, y-k)=(a,0) > (x.y)=(h#a,k) b? ). (KY) = tect Jo tx-ny-b= tae) 5) Ends of L.R=| hae, kt—— w(K re | 5 ao | J 6) Feet of the directrices (rate ocn-(neZolee-ty-w -(bs2 olsen: Y +. +x) a 2 J ey 7) Equation of the directrices xshttvX=tiox-h=tis x=bt? e e 8) Equation of the L.R is x-h#ae “ X=tae = x-h=4ae = xhtae 9) Length of transverse axis is 2a and its equation is yk -- ¥=0 => y-k=0 Length of conjugate axis is 2b and its equation is xh ~ X=0 = x-h=0 10) Equation ofthe tangents at the vertices x=héa “X= a9 xh =a

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