EGMC004 - Strategic MGMNT - Both - Almost All

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12/1/21, 4:43 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Started on Monday, 29 November 2021, 7:30 PM

State Finished
Completed on Monday, 29 November 2021, 8:04 PM
Time taken 34 mins 33 secs
Grade 14.50 out of 15.00 (97%)

Question 1

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Value creation through internal innovation originates with

Select one:
a. An Entrepreneurial Mind-Set.
b. Cross-Product Development Teams.
c. Innovation.
d. Shared Values And Entrepreneurial Leadership. 1/17
12/1/21, 4:43 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 2

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which organizational structure ensures to develop a holistic and unified approach to international operations

Select one:
a. Matrix Structure
b. None Of These
c. International Division
d. Divisional Organizational Structure

Question 3

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The corporate governance and business ethics education aim about__________________________.

Select one:
a. All Of The Above
b. Increasing Workload Of Employees 
c. Changing The Ethical Standards
d. Creating Ethical Standards For Professionals In Business  2/17
12/1/21, 4:43 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 4

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

If a firm buys controlling or 100% stocks of another firm, it is called

Select one:
a. Restructuring
b. Acquisition
c. Reverse Acqusition
d. Spin-Off

Question 5

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Globalization refers to:

Select one:
a. Less Foreign Trade And Investment
b. A More Integrated And Interdependent World 
c. Lower Incomes Worldwide
d. Global Warming And Their Effects  3/17
12/1/21, 4:43 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 6

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of the following is typical characteristic of LBO

Select one:
a. Heavy Liabilities
b. Heavy Debt
c. Heavy Tax Saving
d. Large Assets

Question 7

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The work relevant antidotes relevant to organization structure includes

Select one:
a. Control Over Events
b. None Of These 
c. Understandability Of Events
d. Understandability Of Events And Control Over Events  4/17
12/1/21, 4:43 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 8

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

In which structure, the authority is centralized to only one person like CEO or Managing Director

Select one:
a. None Of These
b. Functional Organizational Structure
c. Divisional Organizational Structure
d. Simple Structure

Question 9

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

If CEO of an acquired firm decides to leave , he will be given

Select one:
a. Tax Rebate
b. Gratuity 
c. Compensation Package Or Golden Parachute
d. Ex- Gratia Payment  5/17
12/1/21, 4:43 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 10

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

An unique combination between two firms, which is not possible in any other combination of firms is called

Select one:
a. Merger
b. Private Synergy
c. Revnue Enhancement
d. Synergy

Question 11

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The CEO/chairman of PharmaPacifica was recently killed in an airplane crash. This tragedy has thrown PharmaPacifica into turmoil as there
is no one in the organization qualified to step into the former CEO’s shoes. This is an example of

Select one:
a. Managerial Hubris
b. The Risk Inherent In Ceo Duality.

c. A Failure Of Succession Management

d. Excessive Reliance On The Internal Managerial Labor Market. 6/17
12/1/21, 4:43 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 12

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Important feature of Network organizational structure includes (a) Less hierarchical in nature (b) Centralized decision-making (c ) Flexibility

Select one:
a. Only (A)
b. Only (A) And (C )
c. Only (A) And (B)
d. Only (B)

Question 13

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Exploiting and developing core competencies is part of the key strategic leadership action “Effectively Managing the Firm’s Resource
Portfolio.” Which of the following is most important for developing and using core competencies?

Select one:
a. High-Quality Human Capital.
b. High-Quality Human Capital.

c. Transformational Leadership.

d. Extensive Financial Assets. 7/17
12/1/21, 4:43 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 14

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The more heterogeneous the top management team, the

Select one:
a. Less Diverse The Team Membership Will Be
b. More Difficult It Will Be For The Team To Implement Strategies.
c. More Likely It Is That The Team Will Be Cohesive.
d. Less Innovative The Team’S Decisions Will Tend To Be.

Question 15

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The key element of _____________ is separation of ownership and control.

Select one:
a. Stewardsship Theory
b. Stakeholder Theory 
c. Resource-Dependence Theory
d. Agency Theory  8/17
12/1/21, 4:43 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 16

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The Amos Ball Printing Company was established in 1866. Currently, Amos Ball V is the CEO and chairman of the board. The company has
traditionally used a functional structure. Five years ago, the company branched into online publishing and small-batch printing in addition to
its regular large-batch operations. Both new businesses are significantly different in technology and marketing from each other and from
Ball’s traditional business. Despite the hiring of experienced professionals in these new endeavors, performance continues to be poor and is
affecting Ball’s overall performance. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Select one:
a. Amos Should Consider Adopting The Multidivisional Structure.
b. Restructuring Must Only Be Done From A Position Of Strength, So It Is Necessary To Wait Until The Company’S Overall Performance
Improves Before Making Radical Changes
c. These Businesses Are Too Disparate To Coordinate Within One Corporate Structure.
d. Mr. Ball Has Insufficient Power To Change The Structure Of The Organization. 9/17
12/1/21, 4:43 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 17

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

he principle advantage of arranging a centralized decision making structure is that:

Select one:
a. The Quality Of The Information Flow Is Much Higher.
b. It Facilitates International Coordination.
c. It Gives More Flexibility To Local Managers.
d. It Keeps Foreign Employees Motivated.

Question 18

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

When Air India merged with Indian Airlines,it was which type of merger

Select one:
a. Back Flip
b. Horizontal 
c. Reverse
d. Vertical  10/17
12/1/21, 4:43 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 19

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Individual company's _____________________ is reflected by its corporate governance structure.

Select one:
a. Social System
b. Cultural System
c. All Of These
d. Legal System

Question 20

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Corporate Governance focuses on ______________ objectives of an organization.

Select one:
a. Mid Term
b. Immediate 
c. Long Term
d. Short Term  11/17
12/1/21, 4:43 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 21

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of the following is not the guiding principle of corporate governance:

Select one:
a. Achievement
b. Accountability
c. Transparency
d. Fairness

Question 22

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Agricultural Chemicals, Inc., was the target of a hostile takeover six months ago. The CEO and the top executives successfully fended off the
takeover and are concentrating on strategies to improve the performance of the firm. Which of the following is most likely to be TRUE?

Select one:
a. Research Shows That Once A Hostile Takeover Has Been Defeated, The Firm Is Safe From Other Hostile Takeover Attempts For Many

b. The Ceo And Top Executives Should Not Consider Their Jobs Secure.
c. The Fact That A Hostile Takeover Has Occurred Is Proof That The Firm Was Under-Performing. 

d. Hostile Takeover Attempts Are So Common That They Do Not Reflect Negatively On The Firm’S Performance. They Are More A
Function Of General Market Conditions. 12/17
12/1/21, 4:43 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 23

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

With the globalization of business sectors, the preferences and inclinations of shoppers overall are:

Select one:
a. Converging Upon A Global Norm
b. Being Encouraged By Multinational Organizations To Become Increasingly Similar
c. Becoming Similar To The Tastes And Preferences Of Asian Consumers
d. So Different That They Can Be Ignored By International Organizations.

Question 24

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Primary stakeholders in the organization are___________________.

Select one:
a. Suppliers
b. Consumers 
c. Shareholders
d. Creditors  13/17
12/1/21, 4:43 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 25

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Each strategic decision has the scope of an ethical consideration and ______________________.

Select one:
a. Consequence
b. Threats
c. None
d. Opportunities

Question 26

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of the following would not be acquired of target firm

Select one:
a. Target Company 'S Equity
b. Target Company 'S Share Price Premium 
c. Target Company 'S Assets
d. Target Company 'S Liability  14/17
12/1/21, 4:43 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 27

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of the following is one of the barriers to effectiveness when using cross-functional teams to integrate organizational functions?

Select one:
a. The Firm’S Strategic Orientation
b. Dissension Within The Top Management Team
c. Organizational Politics
d. Informal Organizational Processes Within The Firm

Question 28

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The structure in which the organization has its own divisions are termed as

Select one:
a. Departmental Oganizational Struture
b. Functional Organizational Structure 
c. Divisional Organizational Structure
d. Simple Structure  15/17
12/1/21, 4:43 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

Question 29

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

One of the accompanying doesn't represent to an overall market chance in the internationalization procedure:

Select one:
a. Language And Cultural Differences
b. Competition From Other Organizations In Foreign Markets
c. Complexity Of Shipping Services To Overseas Buyers
d. Lack Of Tax Incentives For Organizations That Export

Question 30

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Tata Nano's venture into Europe and North America was impeded by which two clear hindrances?One of the accompanying doesn't
represent to an overall market chance in the internationalization procedure:

Select one:
a. Tariff Barriers And Changing Consumer Lifestyles
b. Reactive Competitor Prices And Poor Availability Of Spare Parts

c. Demand Uncertainty And Intensity Of Competition

d. Emission Standards And Safety Regulations 16/17
12/1/21, 4:43 PM Assignment - 2: Attempt review

  17/17

Assignment 1 Strategic Management

Strategic management (Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad)

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6/1/2021 Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Started on Tuesday, 1 June 2021, 4:00 PM

State Finished
Completed on Tuesday, 1 June 2021, 4:42 PM
Time taken 41 mins 30 secs
Grade 14.00 out of 15.00 (93%)

Question 1

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Competitive rivalry: is a never ending process of

Select one:
a. Actions & Responses Which Firms Make To Have An Edge Over Other Firms
b. Moves & Counter Moves Which Firms Make To Have Better Image Than Other Firms
c. Moves & Counter Moves Which Firms Make To Have An Edge Over Other Firms
d. Actions Which Firms Make To Have An Edge Over Other Firms  1/18
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6/1/2021 Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 2
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Arrange the following steps related to Value Chain Anaysis1. Document the activities classify them ino primary and support activities 2.
Identify the cost incurred for each Activity and also the margins delivered.3. Benchmark the rms value chain to the industry value chain.4.
Identify activities which give max value and are unique so they are re competencies5. Map the cost structure to see advantage.Choose the
correct option

Select one:
a. 2, 1, 3, 4, 5
b. 5, 1, 4, 3, 2
c. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
d. 3, 4, 2, 5, 1 2/18
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6/1/2021 Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 3
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

According to Arthur M. Weimer’s <__________ environment encompasses the climate or set of conditions, economic, social, political or
institutional in which business operations are conducted.=

Select one:
a. Micro
b. Internal
c. Macro
d. Business

Question 4
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Who gave the value chain concept?

Select one:
a. Albert Humphrey
b. Porter
c. Glueck
d. Anso 3/18
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6/1/2021 Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 5
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Mutual interdependence: Strategic competitiveness & above average returns result only when rms realise

Select one:
a. That Their Strategies Are Not Implemented In Isolation From Competitors Action &amp; Responses.
b. That Their Strategies Are Implemented In Isolation From Competitors Action &amp; Responses.
c. That Their Actions &amp; Reactions Are Not Implemented In Isolation From Competitors Action &amp; Responses.
d. That Their Tactics Are Not Implemented In Isolation From Competitors Action &amp; Responses.

Question 6

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

What does environmental scanning include: 1.Monitoring internal and external environment 2. Collection of information about environment
3. Analysis information from various sources

Select one:
a. All The Above
b. 1 Only
c. 1&amp; 2 Only
d. 1 &amp; 4 Only 4/18
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6/1/2021 Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 7
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

What does general environment involves 1. Political environment 2. Socio-cultural environment 3. Technological environment 4. Legal
environment 5. Economic environment Choose the correct option

Select one:
a. 1, 2 &amp; 3 Only
b. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Only
c. 2, 3 &amp; 4 Only
d. None Of The Above

Question 8
Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Which one of the following is not one of the forces of porter's model

Select one:
a. Bargaing Power Of Suppliers
b. Barriers To Entry
c. Threat Of Innovations
d. Bargaining Power Of Buyers 5/18
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6/1/2021 Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 9
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

A well known brand o ers unique product, which is liked by customers, the rm is following

Select one:
a. Focus Stategy
b. Combination Strategy
c. Corporate Level Strategy
d. Di erentiation Strategy

Question 10

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Horizontal integration occurs when

Select one:
a. When A Firm Merges With A Unrelated Business
b. When A Firm Acquires A Supplier
c. When A Firm Merges With A Competitor
d. When A Firm Merges With A Distributor 6/18
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6/1/2021 Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 11
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

BCG Matrix is a __________

Select one:
a. Parenting Strategy
b. Portfolio Strategy
c. Directional Strategy
d. Growth Staratgy

Question 12

Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

Bargaining power of buyers will be high if

Select one:
a. Switching Costs Are Low
b. Di erentiation In Products In The Market Is Low
c. The Customer Wants High Quality Product
d. The Customer Has Little Information Of The Market 7/18
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6/1/2021 Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 13
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

< ___________ is the process by which the strategists examine the rm’s marketing and distribution, research and development, production
and operations, corporate resources and personnel, nance and accounting factors to determine where the rm has signi cant strengths
and weaknesses.

Select one:
a. Internal Analysis
b. Competitor Analysi
c. External Analysis
d. Internal And External Analysis 8/18
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6/1/2021 Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 14
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Match the following questions relates to VRIO framework 1. Value. A.Does your have organised management system, processes, structures,
and culture to capitalize on resources and capabilities 2. Organisation B. Is it expensive to duplicate your organization’s resource or
capability 3. Imitability C. Do you control scare resources or capabilities 4. Rarity. D. Do you o er a resource that adds value for customer
Choose the correct option

Select one:
a. 1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-D
b. 1-D, 2-A, 3-B, 4-C
c. 1-D, 2-C, 3-B, 4-A
d. 1- A, 2-D, 3-B, 4-C 9/18
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6/1/2021 Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 15
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Arrange i n the following steps of strategic process in order:1.Identi cation of the corporate vision, mission, and major corporate
goals.2.Identi cation and then analysisofnternal factors operating within the organization this gives the organization’s strengths and
weaknesses.3. Implementation and control of the strategies.4.Identi cation And then analysis of factors from the external environment
which a ects the business, which in turn gives opportunities and threats.5. Formulate trategies based on the strengths and weaknesses of
the organization to exploit the opportunity o ered by the environment or thwart the threats perceived keepingconsistency with the stated
vision and mission of the organization.

Select one:
a. 3, 2, 4, 1, 5
b. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
c. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
d. 1, 4, 2, 5, 3 10/18
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6/1/2021 Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 16
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The ______________ framework is a strategic analysis tool designed to help organizations uncover and protect the resources and capabilities
that give them a long-termcompetitive advantage. The framework should be put into play after the creation of a vision statement, but
before the strategic planning process.

Select one:
a. Ife
b. Vrio
c. Efe
d. Rbv

Question 17
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Bargaining power of suppliers will be high if

Select one:
a. Not Many Suppliers Are Available
b. Many Suppliers Are Available
c. Many Products Are Available
d. Not Many Products Are Available 11/18
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6/1/2021 Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 18
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

the aim of cost leadership strategy is to

Select one:
a. To Sell At The Cheapest Price
b. To Sell At A Lower Price
c. Start Cut Throat Competition
d. Make A Low Cost Product

Question 19

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

which one of the following is used to achieve long term goals of the rm

Select one:
a. Strength
b. Policy
c. Strategy
d. Opportunity 12/18
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6/1/2021 Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 20
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Who gave VRIO frame work

Select one:
a. Barney
b. C. K. Prahalad &amp; Gary Hamel
c. Glueck
d. Humphrey

Question 21

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

the value chain comprises two main activities, one is primary activityaaaaaa7 the other is

Select one:
a. Support Activity
b. Outsourced Activity
c. Peripheral Activity
d. Secondary Activity 13/18
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6/1/2021 Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 22
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of the following is the advantage of mapping competitors against key characteristics 1. Identify strategic competitors 2. Identify
marginal groups 3. Identify strategic spaces 4. Chart directions of strategic movement hoose the correct option

Select one:
a. 1, 2, 3, 4
b. 2, 3 &amp; 4 Only
c. 1, 2 &amp; 3 Only
d. 1 &amp;2 Only

Question 23
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Who gave RBV theory

Select one:
a. Porter
b. Humphrey
c. Barney
d. Glueck 14/18
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6/1/2021 Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 24
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Competitive Behaviour: is a set of o ensive or defensive moves

Select one:
a. A Firm Makes To Maintain Or Improve Its Market Share
b. A Firm Makes To Maintain Or Improve Its Market Position.
c. A Firm Makes To Maintain Or Improve Its Market Reputation.
d. A Firm Makes To Maintain Or Improve Its Image.

Question 25

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Five force model for industrial analysis was given by

Select one:
a. Glueck
b. Anso
c. Michael E Porter
d. Albert Humphrey 15/18
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6/1/2021 Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 26
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Competitive dynamics: pertains to full set of behaviours

Select one:
a. Be It Action Or Reaction By All The Firms, Competing Within A Industry.
b. Be It Action Or Reaction By All The Firms, Competing Within A Country.
c. Be It Action Or Reaction By All The Firms, Competing Within A State.
d. Be It Action Or Reaction By All The Firms, Competing Within A Market.

Question 27

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Following are entry barriers except

Select one:
a. Bargaining Power Of Suppliers
b. Retaliation By Competitors
c. Product Loyalty Of Customers
d. Economies Of Scale 16/18
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6/1/2021 Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 28
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Value is best described as

Select one:
a. Which O ers Bene ts As Perceived By Customer
b. Which O ers Value For Money
c. Which O ers Best Features To Customer
d. Which O ers Competitive Advantage To Firm

Question 29

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Buying of one company by another would involve?

Select one:
a. Join Venture
b. Acquisition
c. Merger
d. Amalgamation 17/18
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6/1/2021 Assignment - 1: Attempt review

Question 30
Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Product di erentiation means

Select one:
a. High Entry Barriers
b. Customer Believes That Product Is Di erent
c. High Bargaining Power Of Buyers
d. Many Di erent Products Of Competitors

ñ ò 18/18
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SM-02 - assignment strategic management

MBA executive (Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad)

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Started on Tuesday, 8 March 2022, 12:01 PM

State Finished
Completed on Tuesday, 8 March 2022, 12:24 PM
Time taken 22 mins 46 secs
Grade 14.50 out of 15.00 (97%)

Question 1

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

______________________ approach is adopted in corporate governance.

Select one:
a. Bottom-Up
b. Hybrid 
c. Scenti c
d. Top-Down

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Question 2

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Individual company's _____________________ is re ected by its corporate governance structure.

Select one:
a. Cultural System
b. Legal System
c. All Of These
d. Social System

Question 3


Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Functional Organization involves _____ and _____ among employees

Select one:
a. Cohesiveness, Familiarity
b. E ciency And E cacy
c. Exercise, Control
d. Cohesiveness And E ciency 

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Question 4

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Due to Covid-19 pandemic M&A activity has decreased and in recession during 2008 -2011, M&A activity had _____

Select one:
a. Decreased
b. Slighly Decreased
c. Stopped
d. Increased

Question 5


Mark 0.00 out of 0.50

The work relevant antidotes relevant to organization structure includes

Select one:
a. None Of These
b. Understandability Of Events And Control Over Events
c. Control Over Events
d. Understandability Of Events 

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Question 6

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Exploiting and developing core competencies is part of the key strategic leadership action <E ectively Managing the Firm’s Resource
Portfolio.= Which of the following is most important for developing and using core competencies?

Select one:
a. Transformational Leadership.
b. An excellent vendor and supplier network
c. High-Quality Human Capital.
d. Extensive Financial Assets.

Question 7

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of the following is one of the barriers to e ectiveness when using cross-functional teams to integrate organizational functions?

Select one:
a. The Firm’S Strategic Orientation
b. Dissension Within The Top Management Team
c. Informal Organizational Processes Within The Firm

d. Organizational Politics

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Question 8

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Primary stakeholders in the organization are___________________.

Select one:
a. Consumers
b. Creditors
c. Shareholders
d. Suppliers

Question 9


Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Strategic controls allow corporate-level managers to

Select one:
a. Evaluate Business-Level Performance On Objective Criteria.
b. Assess Performance Of Employees And Managers In Each Business Unit.
c. Examine The Fit Between What The Firm Might Do And What It Can Do.
d. Concentrate On Day-To-Day Corporate Operations. 

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Question 10

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

he principle advantage of arranging a centralized decision making structure is that:

Select one:
a. The Quality Of The Information Flow Is Much Higher.
b. It Gives More Flexibility To Local Managers.
c. It Facilitates International Coordination.
d. It Keeps Foreign Employees Motivated.

Question 11


Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The more heterogeneous the top management team, the

Select one:
a. More Di cult It Will Be For The Team To Implement Strategies.
b. Less Diverse The Team Membership Will Be
c. Less Innovative The Team’S Decisions Will Tend To Be.
d. More Likely It Is That The Team Will Be Cohesive. 

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Question 12

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The lack of organizational structure can lead to ________ leading to ine iciency among employees.

Select one:
a. Chaos
b. Positive Environment
c. Chaos And Confusion
d. Confusion

Question 13


Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

An unique combination between two rms, which is not possible in any other combination of rms is called

Select one:
a. Private Synergy
b. Merger
c. Synergy
d. Revnue Enhancement 

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Question 14

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

If a rm buys controlling or 100% stocks of another rm, it is called

Select one:
a. Reverse Acqusition
b. Restructuring
c. Acquisition
d. Spin-O

Question 15


Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

In which structure, the authority is centralized to only one person like CEO or Managing Director

Select one:
a. None Of These
b. Functional Organizational Structure
c. Simple Structure
d. Divisional Organizational Structure 

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Question 16

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

A merger typically means

Select one:
a. Two Firms Roughly Of Equal Size Or Strength Formally Submerge Their Corporate Identities Into A Single Unit In A Hostile
b. Only Two Firms Roughly Of Equal Size Or Strength Formally Submerge Their Corporate Identities Into A Single Unit In A Friendly
c. Two Or More Firms Of Unequal Size Or Strength Formally Submerge Their Corporate Identities Into A Single Unit In A Friendly
d. Two Or More Firms Roughly Of Equal Size Or Strength Formally Submerge Their Corporate Identities Into A Single Unit In A Friendly
Atmosphere. 

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Question 17

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

______________________ expresses that managers in the organization have a system of connections to serve – this incorporates the service
providers, employees and all business partners.

Select one:
a. Stewardsship Theory
b. Agency Theory
c. Resource-Dependence Theory
d. Stakeholder Theory

Question 18

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of the following is legitimate reason for acquisition

Select one:
a. Addition Of Critical Component Or Product Or Process
b. Empire Building
c. Reduce Competition

d. Creation Of Monoply

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Question 19

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

A rm globalizing in the international travel industry must know about the way that similar worldwide information is:

Select one:
a. Censored
b. Somewhat Limited
c. Widely Available
d. Non-Existent

Question 20


Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Important feature of Network organizational structure includes (a) Less hierarchical in nature (b) Centralized decision-making (c ) Flexibility

Select one:
a. Only (A) And (C )
b. Only (A) And (B)
c. Only (B)
d. Only (A) 

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Question 21

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Value creation through internal innovation originates with

Select one:
a. Innovation.
b. Shared Values And Entrepreneurial Leadership.
c. An Entrepreneurial Mind-Set.
d. Cross-Product Development Teams.

Question 22


Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of the following would not be acquired of target rm

Select one:
a. Target Company 'S Assets
b. Target Company 'S Liability
c. Target Company 'S Equity
d. Target Company 'S Share Price Premium 

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Question 23

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The corporate governance and business ethics education aim about__________________________.

Select one:
a. All Of The Above
b. Changing The Ethical Standards
c. Creating Ethical Standards For Professionals In Business
d. Increasing Workload Of Employees

Question 24


Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

___________________ a ects the possibility of charging maximum amount by the company for its products.

Select one:
a. The Input Cost Of Substitute Products
b. Customers’ High Switching Costs
c. Expected Retaliation From Competitors
d. Variable Costs Of Production 

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Question 25

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

In a turbulent market conditions, a rm will succeed if it takes a(n) __________ position towards change.

Select one:
a. Proactive
b. Anti-Regulatory Or Anti-Government
c. Reactive
d. Vision And Not Mission

Question 26


Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Which of the following is typical characteristic of LBO

Select one:
a. Heavy Debt
b. Heavy Tax Saving
c. Large Assets
d. Heavy Liabilities 

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Question 27

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

The Amos Ball Printing Company was established in 1866. Currently, Amos Ball V is the CEO and chairman of the board. The company has
traditionally used a functional structure. Five years ago, the company branched into online publishing and small-batch printing in addition to
its regular large-batch operations. Both new businesses are signi cantly di erent in technology and marketing from each other and from
Ball’s traditional business. Despite the hiring of experienced professionals in these new endeavors, performance continues to be poor and is
a ecting Ball’s overall performance. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Select one:
a. These Businesses Are Too Disparate To Coordinate Within One Corporate Structure.
b. Amos Should Consider Adopting The Multidivisional Structure.
c. Mr. Ball Has Insu cient Power To Change The Structure Of The Organization.
d. Restructuring Must Only Be Done From A Position Of Strength, So It Is Necessary To Wait Until The Company’S Overall Performance
Improves Before Making Radical Changes

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Question 28

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

__________________________________ underlines that what is important in moral conduct is the respectability of a person's character.

Select one:
a. Aristotle’S Virtue Theory
b. Kant's Deontological Theory
c. Mill's Utilitarian Theory
d. Agency Theory

Question 29


Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

Power struggles, con ict and confusion of command are weaknesses of which organizational structure

Select one:
a. International
b. Functional
c. Simple
d. Matrix 

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Question 30

Mark 0.50 out of 0.50

An investigation of the economic portion of the external condition would incorporate all of these EXCEPT:

Select one:
a. The Strength Of The U.S. Dollar
b. The Move Toward A Contingent Workforce
c. International Trade
d. Interest Rates

ñ ò

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