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Ladies and gentlemen,

As the curtains draw to a close on this exhilarating night of dance and music, I stand here with a heart
full of gratitude and admiration. The energy, talent, and passion that have graced this stage tonight have
been nothing short of extraordinary.

Our journey through this competition has been a tapestry of emotions. Each performer has brought
their unique style and perspective, reminding us that the language of dance and music is universal and
knows no boundaries.

Honourable Tazeen Ahmed the Head of School, our Principal Yasmeen Habib and Vice Principal
Mahjabeen Ahmed, As we move forward, we carry with us the lessons, values, and inspirations that you
have shared with us. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to our institution. I would like to
extend my heartfelt appreciation to our judges, who have faced the challenging task of evaluating such
diverse and exceptional talent. Your expertise and discernment have added an element of fairness and
credibility to this competition your vision and dedication have been the driving force behind our school’s
growth and success.

I had only dreamed of putting together this event, but my team made sure that I could turn my dream
into reality. I am referring to the backbone of our event - the organizing team and volunteers. I would
take a moment to appreciate all the heads of all the departments; Afnan Zaman, SyedaTanshit Sarmadi,
Fariel Nahar Khan, Nowshin Tasneem Adrita and Anasul Haq Amin. Your leadership qualities, tireless
efforts, sleepless nights, and attention to every detail have made this event the grand success it is.

My speech would be incomplete without mentioning my partner Nafeesa Ashiq, the Vice President, as
without her contributions, this event would not have been achievable.

To our talented participants, you have shown us what it means to pour your heart into your craft. Your
dedication, hard work, and unwavering commitment have left an indelible mark on all of us.

And to our audience, you have been the heartbeat of this event. Your cheers, applause, and
engagement have breathed life into each performance.

To our winners, congratulations on your well-deserved achievements. But let's also remember that
every participant is a winner, for you have all enriched us with your artistry. Cherish this moment, and
let it fuel your passion for years to come.

With that, I thank you all for being part of this unforgettable evening. As we step out into the night, let's
carry the melodies and moves with us, inspired to keep dancing to the rhythm of our hearts. Until we
meet again, keep the spirit of dance and music alive!

This is your president, Anupriya Ashraf, signing off.

Thank you.

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