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4/24/2021 MENG550-Midterm-Spring 2020 2021

Question 1
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Marked out of 20.00

Four masses A, B, C and D are attached to a shaft and revolve in the same plane. The masses are 10 kg, 25 kg, 25 kg, and 5 kg,
respectively and their radii of rotations are 5 cm, 5 cm, 6 cm and 3 cm. the angular position of the masses B, C, and D are 60º, 145º and
160º from the mass A. the shaft is rotating with a constant angular speed ω = 100 rpm.
We need to nd :
1. The magnitude and direction of the resultant inertia force before balancing
2. The magnitude and direction of the balancing mass at a radius of 5 cm

The magnitude of the resultant force, in Newton, before balancing is = Choose...

The direction of resultant force before balancing measured in degree CCW from the mass A is = Choose...

The magnitude of the balancing mass in kg is = Choose...

The direction of the balancing mass measured in degree CCW from the mass A is =

the magnitude of resultant force after balancing is =


Choose... 1/9
4/24/2021 MENG550-Midterm-Spring 2020 2021

Question 2
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Marked out of 18.00

The crank and connecting rod of the steam engine are 0.4 m and 2.4 m in length. The crank rotates at 100 rpm CCW.
Note that all calculations must be done using approximated expressions

The acute crank angle, for zero acceleration of the piston, measured in degree CCW is = Choose... 2/9
4/24/2021 MENG550-Midterm-Spring 2020 2021

the maximum velocity of the piston is (in m/s) = Choose...

The acceleration of the piston, when the crank is at 50º, in m/s2 is = Choose...

The position of the piston, when the crank is at 50º, measured from O2 in m, is = Choose...

The crank angle, at which the maximum velocity of the piston occurs, measured in degree CCW = Choose...

The velocity of the piston, when the crank is at 50º, in m/s is = Choose... 3/9
4/24/2021 MENG550-Midterm-Spring 2020 2021

Question 3
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Marked out of 18.00

A mono-cylinder engine has r = 0.6 m, l = 2.4 m, It has: crank mass m2 = 9 kg , crank rG2 = 0.4r, conrod mass m3 = 18 kg ,conrod rG3 = 0.3l
from A, and piston m4 = 10 kg. The crank is rotating at constant speed ω =3000 rpm. The following equation is an approximation of the
gas force over 180° of crank angle with Fgmax = 3000 N and β = 15º.

we need to nd the gas force, gas torque, and inertia force .

Use approximate expressions in your calculation 4/9
4/24/2021 MENG550-Midterm-Spring 2020 2021

For the crank position ωt = 60º, the gas force in N is = Choose...

For the crank position ωt = 60º, the X-component of inertia force in kN is = Choose...

The maximum value of Y-component of inertia force is in kN= Choose...

For the crank position ωt = 60º, the Y-component of inertia force in kN is = Choose...

For the crank position ωt = 60º, the gas torque in N.m is = Choose...

The maximum value of X-component of inertia force is in kN = Choose...  5/9
4/24/2021 MENG550-Midterm-Spring 2020 2021

Question 4
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Marked out of 24.00

Six masses m1, m2, m3, m4, mM and mL, shown in gure below are to be completely balanced. The masses are : m1= 20.11 kg, m2 =
10.34 kg, m3 = 5.11 kg, m4= 6.17 kg, mM = 25.47 kg. The radii are : r1 = 0.2 m, r2 = 0.1 m, r3 = 0.14 m, r4 = 0.32 m, rM = 0.1 m, rL = 0.6 m.
The angles shown in the gure are: θ1 = 20º, θ2 = 111º, θ3 = 120º, Φ = 39º.
The distances between di erent planes , shown in the gure are as follow: l1 =2.2 m, l2 = 2.3 m, l3 = 4.15 m.
we need to nd lm, l4 , mL and the angle α 6/9
4/24/2021 MENG550-Midterm-Spring 2020 2021

The angle α in degree is = Choose...

The mass mL in kg is = Choose...

The distance lm in m is = Choose...

The distance l4 in m is = Choose... 7/9
4/24/2021 MENG550-Midterm-Spring 2020 2021

Question 5
Not yet answered
Marked out of 20.00

A rotor is rotating with a constant angular velocity ω = 50 rad/s, and is dynamically balanced by the two correcting masses. A decision has
been made to use planes 1 and 3 instead of planes 1 and 2. Determine the magnitudes and orientations of the new masses (mC1)new and
(mC3)new at the same radii RC1 = 70 mm and RC3 = 170 mm.
a = d = 60 mm, b = 120 mm, c = 80 mm, RC2 = 170 mm, mC1 = 5 kg, and mC2 = 5kg.

(mC1)new in kg = Choose...

Angular position of (mC1)new measured from x axis CCW in degree = Choose...

(mC3)new in kg = Choose... 
Angular position of (mC3)new measured from x axis CCW in degree = Choose... 8/9
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